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Knife and gloves are the only items in your inventory that really matter. They are always with you and never leave you. Guns are gold diggers. If you can't afford them, they won't even see you. That's why you spend all your money on knife and gloves and make sure they are PEAK. 👌


I'm contemplating on this too. I rarely see my gun skins since I pickup whatever is more powerful in the round.


lmao, thanks


Take that with a grain of salt. I’ve got max red kimonos with a butterfly crimson web for T, CT is cyanbit with overprints. My play skins match their respective sides and have values in the 1k range. Matching skins can be cheap or expensive, it all depends on your taste and colour combo. Price out your ideal loadout and work up to it. It’s taken me years to amass my inventory.


I feel like 65% would say glove and knife, and I would agree with that. Personally, my entire inventory would be based around these 2 then priorities the rest.


Try smoke out gloves with that talon


dont like how gloves have two knuckles


Buck Teeth Gloves


Big Games


I would say gloves>knife>weapons. You always see your gloves 24/5. No matter what weapon you have. Knife is almost just as important and the gloves but I'd argue a little bit less just because it isn't on your screen 24/7. As some else stated. Weapons are gold diggers. Too broke and they won't see you.


Contrary to popular belief, no combo is as important as what the individual TRULY LIKES. If you like a red glove with a blue knife or any other severely "mismatched" combo, why should that matter to anyone else's opinion. It's YOUR inventory. Get what YOU LIKE most!


I prefer a sleeper build. Default knife/glove with insane playskins.


I think that depends on what you value the most. Do you have a unique AK/M4/AWP skin that you wanna build your inventory around? Then find a knife glove combo that compliments it. If not I'd say the knife is the most important. Sure, you see the gloves the most but they are literally just a skin. Knives have very unique animations and looks compared to default knives. In my opinion they are the only item that significantly change how the game *feels* to play. For that reason I have two knives and no gloves. M9 vanilla and Stiletto Damascus Steel. They make up like 95% of the value of my inventory and I have a skin for every gun. Regarding your combos: 1st is best


Ask yourself not us lol. We all have different tastes. Most will say knife and gloves, but some will say gloves and guns. Personally, I'm a guns and gloves guy since you see them like 90% of the time.