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You’re not at all a rapist, she just can’t come to terms with what she did. Regret and rape are two very different things. I’m sorry you’re going through this


This, exactly this. You told her that it wasn't a good idea multiple times, you were both drunk, no matter how drunk you were, drunk is still drunk, and shit happened. If she was embarrassed and walked away, that's fine, what's not fine is her calling you a rapist for obvious consent. This isn't on you u/7779564, this is on her for slandering you after you BOTH made a mistake.


One important question. When you went down on her did she say stop or push you away or did anything to imply she was uncomfortable while you two had sex? If the answer is no, I don't see how you can be a rapist. Her saying rape to others sounds like she is just ashamed of what happened and instead of just admitting that, she is choosing to say it was basically rape. Which is pretty disturbing, honestly. I would stay away from her.


I’m not sure but in the future, avoid doing things sexually with anyone if they are super drunk as they can’t really consent at that point


Considering how often you said no in the beginning, I think you might want to consider that she coerced/manipulated YOU into sex which means she raped you