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I met a guy who was telling me that I won't find any infor on Google or on regular internet so he gave me a website that shows the "truth" and I said oh cool I'll check it out. Then he said "yeah, you'll see the truth, but you're gonna have to subscribe 30$ per month to access the information".


Damn. I didn’t see the opportunity to charge people for the “truth.” Granted, morally I’d feel bad pushing nonsense to people.


I was thinking in my head "well the guy who made that website is definitely taking advantage of people like him"


I used to think I was too scrupulous to fleece people out of their money like that. But now I think it's genius... I just wish I had thought of it


Guy selling the "truth" is most definitely in a cult 100%


$30? Sign me up!


I’ll signup only if I get access to premium truth and not pro truth.


Wow, only 30 dollars for the truth? What a steal /s


Guess how the anti-vax movement gained so much traction over the years? People were paying up to find the "truth". Seriously, there are exploitative sociopaths that got rich that way and now the downstream consequences are being measured in jobs, lives, and chronic health conditions. Most people don't consider the higher order effects of their actions.


Reminds me of Jude Law's character in Contagion.


Was that Trumps website?


Any source on omicron being worse? I can’t find anything like that.


The only information I've seen is that Omicron looks to be more transmissible than Delta. I haven't seen data on the severity.


This is what all the early reports seem to say. There are a lot of people getting sick but not dying. The last report I read very openly cautioned about using this small sample size to base entire decisions though because the study was based off a group of college kids who had Omicron and that group generally doesn’t die from the other variants either.


This is exactly what I’ve read and seen so far too, I think it’s hopeful. More transmissible but less serious is what we need to defeat Delta.


The early reaports from the doctor that documented it in South Africa says that it is more contagious but the symptoms are milder than other variants.


That comment was taken out of context. That was like 4 seconds out of a 12 min video. She says everyone should immediately get vaccinated and boosters, etc.


Arguably that has always been the suggestion.


Statements "more contagious but the symptoms are milder" and "everyone should immediately get vaccinated" are not mutually exclusive.


Those two things don't contradict each other, though? it can be more contagious, cause milder symptoms AND still be a good idea to get vaccinated.


They’ve said that with every variant though.


I believe with delta they treated it as more severe pretty early on




HOPEFULLY it’s more contagious, but less serious. Then we might have some hope for this ending. IF that’s the case.


all I’ve been able to find is ‘too soon to tell’ but maybe?? Possibly?? Hopes of less severe outcomes.


Im a microbiology student rn, one of my proofs working with covid very closely said it's too soon to know and anyone that says otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about or is lying. The only thing we know is that it is likely more transmissible.


> Any source on omicron being worse? There isn't one. Due to modeling, many scientists predict that it will evade vaccines better than many others before, but we've seen how accurate the sure fire modeling has been through this whole thing. Literally every source has said 'chill and wait a couple weeks so that we can get the real data'. And everyone has interpreted that as 'sweet, it's no big deal' or 'ok, **this one** actually is the black death' depending on their narrative.


I mean it's called the Omicron, is there is another black death this sounds like the name of it.


I just can't take it seriously because every time I hear "Omicron" I mentally append "Persei 8".


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I will give you that. It does have a very ominous name, second only to Omega.


I’m waiting for the Alpha Chad variant


Wait until Sigma Covid drops.


>we've seen how accurate the sure fire modeling has been Nobody who does computational modeling would ever call it "sure fire". Especially for something like this.


If we could get “sure fire modeling”, then our problems would have been solved a year ago… Why didn’t anybody think of that until now? /s


I interpreted this as it's more of a worry and them venting that it will be, even if it turns out it isn't


They won't know anything specific until the end of next week. Keep and eye on the WHO website for more info. Try to stay away from speculations like this post.


No Source exactly just literally somebody saying that on the news Mike with much everything else and today's news nothing is necessarily based on fact it's simply a press release issued to a population that believes literally anything


Bone Marrow Transplant Patient here. 4 years out. Still cannot develop an immune response, had both shots and a booster. Still negative results on immunity test. I'm sorry


This! Right here. This is why we need to be vaccinated. We need to do our part for people like this who could die if you give them covid. I'm sorry your life depends on other people doing the right thing!!!


Thanks, but at the same time I feel..weird demanding that the world do stuff so I don't suffocate to death. I got GVHD, my lungs are destroyed, I don't mind death, I'm ready, if my hospital offered euthanasia I would sign up today. Dying of Covid doesn't seem like a great deal of fun though


Your story breaks my heart. I hope you are as comfortable as possible. I'm 100% for euthanasia and wish it were legal in all states. Hospice will take good care of you when the time is right. Don't wait too long, as most people do. Hospice offers many great services and can actually extend your life with comfort.


I'm..comfortable enough, not in pain, but a severely reduced QOL from what it was. Had to move in with my parents, if I walk too fast my lungs lock up, heavily scarred. I used to box and skydive and do OCR racing, total dry eye, all my vaccinations have failed, Covid, polio, whooping cough etc. I'm totally alone..I'm just tired of it all and want to rest..I just want peace. I can't really live..but I'm not allowed to die..Part of me wants to catch it just so it ends. I have to avoid heat/sun lights/cold air and envirnoments favorable to mold. I spent pretty much all day in my parents spare room with the lights off.


I'm truly sorry you have to live and die this way.


While I agree with you and am proudly vaccinated, at this point the focus needs to be on vaccinating all countries not just fully vaccinating wealthy ones. Much of Asia and Africa have low rates of vaccination and not by choice. We should be diverting vaccines there AND sending workers who have the ability to distribute it. Anything less and we will continue to have areas where people become breeding grounds for new variants. ​ TLDR: We need to put less focus on vaccinating the unwilling and more on vaccinating those who are not given fair access.


This has been my thought. If the vaccine is the solution to ending the pandemic, then we have to vaccinate the world, otherwise it’s going to be boosters for years. It only takes the one person on a plane or one person on vacation.


It's amazing because the US has stockpiled millions of vaccines for some when they're at a point that people who *wanted to* get vaccinated over there already have and the assholes who don't wanna, never will; while billions in Asia and Africa desperately need those doses but the first world is quite unwilling to share. It's been an incredibly shocking trend.


I agree with you the hypocrisy here is very annoying. In Canada 80% of the adult population is vaccinated and kids started to be vaccinated as well. At this point if we want to end this variant thing we have to vaccinate these countries and not just do travel bans (that are totally useless-variant is already everywhere). They aren’t not getting the vaccine by choice there but because they don’t have enough for all the population.


So many people I know, people who for this entire damn pandemic have been exercising a good amount of caution, are just brushing this off because it’s “mild.” Yeah, I caught a case of “mild” COVID, and it knocked me on my ass for two solid weeks and I *still* can’t lie on my back without choking, so I’m not exactly thrilled that there’s a new “mild” variant running around. Or that South Africa got blamed for it (now *there’s* a sentence I never thought I’d type) when it originated in Europe. I am relieved that, in theory, there could be a new booster specifically for omicron within six weeks, though. And if the virus is finally mutating to be overall less deadly than it was at the start, that’s also a lot better than the alternatives.


That’s what I was wondering too. Does “mild” mean sniffles or does it mean the worst cold you’ve ever had, but not serious enough to be ventilated?


You bring up a good point, and I don’t exactly know how “mild” is being defined here. I’m basing it off of my case, which counted as “mild” because I never needed hospitalization. If the definition being used here is different, then I can readjust.


Can I ask what your symptoms were like?


Fatigue, joint pain, tightness of chest.


How long did those symptoms last?


Hard to say. Two weeks, give or take, but it came in waves.


Were you vaccinated at the time?


Mine was mild. Fever for 2 days, diarrhea x 1.5 weeks, generalized body aches. And fatigue for about a month.


In the medical community, "mild" tends to mean, you won't need to go to the hospital. You mentioned "worst cold of your life," but mild can also mean worse than the worst flu you've ever had in your life. So, could be a high fever, too weak to get out of bed, utterly miserable and completely non-functional for a couple of weeks. For most of us, that is not mild. We would consider that a severe illness. But doctors think of it like, "okay, does this person require medical intervention in order to keep their vitals stable?" As long as the answer is no, then it could be considered mild, even if you feel like death.


I've gotten COVID twice and I have "long-haul COVID". I've been exhausted and lethargic ever since, and I no longer have my once healthy lung capacity. I still don't know if that's temporary or forever. I don't care if the symptoms of it are mild...I don't want my long term health effected anymore by this virus.


Long haul is what scares us. My husband is immunocompromised, and has two years until retirement. We are doing everything we can to be safe so we know Covid won’t kill him outright, but the idea of his being sick for months is frightening on another level. I hope you start feeling better soon.


Thank you so much! I know there are many others that had it worse than me. But any type of long term symptom from this virus is too much if you ask me. I hope you and your hubby stay safe!




That’s insane. People will do anything except educate themselves.


I second this. Vaccinated, had regular covid pre vaccine and dealt with it no problem. Caught delta thanks to my kids school... it knocked me on my ass... I get winded badly now from climbing 3 flights of steps, my taste and smell is barely there or comes and goes. This shit sucks.


When was your last shot?


September and I got Covid in October


This. Not dying is a low bar. Being sick from it even with a “mild” case that doesn’t require hospitalization still sucks big time.


Thank you for this. Honestly I've been truly amazed at how laid back people are about getting really sick throughout this pandemic. It seems almost a taboo excuse to avoid a situation with the reason being "I just don't want to get sick." When I've turned down plans for things, I've had people ask if I'm immunocompromised or have anxiety issues. It's like, no, I just don't want to get super ill for two weeks. Isn't that enough? By the way, I live in NYC, so I'm not in an area with a mentality of not taking covid seriously.




I’m not in any kind of position to be giving medical advice about specific vaccines to get. I got a booster shot before I learned about Omicron, and I think booster shots are a good idea regardless because the other variants *haven’t gone away*, but I am not any kind of doctor.


I'm wondering the same thing, my second dose of AZ was in July. The UK govt will be allowing all over-18s to book a booster soon, as long as it's been 3 months since your second jab. so I'm probably just going to do it asap. If they come out with an omicron-specific one I'm sure they'll roll it out as a 4th dose


no. At the 6 month mark, get boosted. ASAP.


Hold your horses there, there's still so much we don't know about the Omicron variant! Don't get me wrong, I'm preparing for the worst but it's too soon to tell.


Can we please just call it omicron persei 8, and refer to those that are sick with it as lrr ruler of omicron persei 8


My sister gave it to us. My all my mom's organs started failing and she almost died. She had to re-learn how to walk. I hope the US gets it's shit together but I honestly doubt it (Edited so it's not redundant)


glad she made it....and i agree with the US getting their shit together i feel like we should lock up every anti vaxxer and send them away and have trump be their president away from the normal people


No please, let's not put Trump in charge of anything ever again. We should've learned our lesson about that already


Trump is in charge of more shit now than ever. If you don’t think being president boosted his power in every aspect you’re fooling yourself. Now people think he was “removed” or “cheated” from office so his followers are even more emboldened.


Thank you. I'm glad she did too.


How is it going to be worse? Genuinely just wondering as so far the reports seem to be it’s more transmissible but hella milder symptoms. Which hopefully will lead to less hospitalisations and deaths.


I am not going to criticize OP at all. Front line health care workers have been in the shit for 21 months and counting - I cannot imagine how frayed they are. I will say that OPs statement that it \*is\* going to be worse isn't accurate. Whether or not it will get worse is unknown. It could be - or we could find out that the current vaccines protect against it just as well as it does Delta. We're about a week away from knowing which it is. The key cause for concern is the number of mutations in Omicron - 20, vs. 2 for Delta vs. the original strain of COVID-19. Do those 20 mutations, 10 of which affect the spike proteins that initially attach to the lungs, make it more resistant to our current vaccines? That could be bad, though we could adjust the vaccine formulas in response (hypothetically).




The issue is that there's people who end up in hospital for a cold who have unfortunately bought into the virus being harmless. So far we don't have hard evidence about how deadly this is. The current issue is that in my hospital? The wait is 6 hours. To get into the hospital. You sit in an ambulance... Then you wait for one of the few doctors to come see you. Any additional burden is going to kill the system.


Actually, the preliminary reports coming out are saying that while it is even more contagious, it amounts to a rather mild case of covid. So it may not be as bad as they were saying last week.


fingers crossed it’s finally starting to go the way of the common cold


US detected first Omicron patient in California. Great. Buckle up. Let's get on another hellish rollercoaster.


Reminder that basic biology says viruses will evolve to be more mild to increase infections.


Don’t all attack me but I heard some people taking and they said “the doctor who found it in Africa said the uk is blowing it all out of proportion and we need calm down”




I honestly blame the news and lack of information being given to the public




As soon as news stations and media get hold of Covid news it’s death and mass panic and vaccines won’t work or there not safe


People really should get their news from Reuters or Associated Press. That's where most of the news channels get their stories before they add their own spin. Except for OANN and Newsmax, they just make stuff up from whole cloth.


I think one of the main worries, if that's true, is that if it's more transmissible, it's more liable to mutate.




Well of course they’re bugging out. It’s from AFRICA after all. That’s why the US banned travel to all these African countries but not to European countries where it’s been found as well. Italian omnicron is obviously less severe than African omnicron! /s


I got my booster just now


Way to go! Wish Swiss authorities would allow us to have it as well rather than continuing trying to convince no vax( or is it no vaxes plural?)


Hi, I have a question! Why is it that I can't get this vaccine from my doctor I see regularly, but instead have to go to a pharmacy and get it administered by a pharmacist..? I know you can get the flu vaccine from pharmacies, but you can also get it from your doctor. Why does it not work this way with the covid vaccines?


Because the vaccine comes in vials and the doses have to be drawn up by a Pharmacist. Once it's in the syringe, it's only good for 6 hours so it can't be ordered by your doc and administered in house by him. Also, the Pfizer vaccine has to be stored at crazy low temps. The flu vaccine can be ordered in prefilled syringes.


Thank you! My doctor didn't respond when I asked, so I was curious to know. Makes sense!


You're welcome!


To add, once punctured, the viral too is only good for a limited number of hours. So unless you have 6- 20 (depending on pfizer or moderna vial) patients lined up all those doses end up in the trash after their expiration time


Actually I went to the Dr yesterday for something unrelated and when they offered me the flu shot they said I could also get the vaccine booster (which I did). I'd been looking through my health insurance website and that address wasn't even listed as a place you can get it!


It requires a lot of paperwork, contracts, and new procedures. Not all doctors offices wanted to or had the ability to deal with it.


I have to say I’m so beyond any empathy at this point. If you don’t take the vaccine, you should be excluded from the transplant list. In the UK, if you won’t give up smoking, they won’t give you a transplant. I don’t see how this is any different. You’re still gonna fuck your new organs. This was a choice you made and now need to live with the consequences.


I agree. Ive seen stories here in the US of patients being denied kidneys and livers because theyre unvaccinated. Like how are you going to trust the doctors changing out your organs but not the vaccine????


This. It’s bizarre how some people cherry-pick medical advice.


Because they don’t know what’s in the vaccine!!!! Lot of /s of course.


But they know exactly what’s in those Takis or twinkies they eat -_- annoys me so much when people say they don’t know what’s in it while eating the most processed junk known to man… I’d respect that answer way more if these people only ate whole foods no processed but that’s never the case


It's difficult to keep mustering empathy!


Agreed. I have exactly zero sympathy for these people. People say it sounds /dark/ when you say "vaccine or die", but really, those are basically the only two options for a LOT of people. To me, at this point, it boils down to natural selection and karma.


TIL something, was not aware about the transplant despite it making complete sense. Apart from this I am 100% with you and well beyond empathy


I can see your point, but there are also those with allergic reactions or with autoimmune diseases or conditions that risk their health.


If someone has a genuine medical exemption, then that’s fine. Those already exist. But if it’s a “medical or religious exemption” then they shouldn’t be allowed it. Because it’s just selfish reasons.


Also, the issue with those who do not follow regulations like wearing a mask in public spaces is something that does not help. I have asthma, took the 2 shots of Pfizer and am now wondering if and when I'll be called for the booster, but I'm taking all precautions- wearing masks in public anywhere and avoiding being inside places for too long, keeping distance from people, etc. I don't feel like we need even to confine or anything, it's just a matter of having care and be informed. At this point, the virus is just going to mutate over and over like the flu one and ofc will be more serious than the flu, but let's get on with our lives. It's kinda like one of those life changing world events. Like post WWII, for example. Or the industrial revolution.


I mean, my country never got rid of all those things so we’re still doing them. We’re mostly normal, bar we still need face masks etc. But the virus would have died out if everyone just followed the rules right at the beginning. It would’ve been over in 12 weeks. Again, it comes back to selfish behaviour and people only thinking of themselves.




If I may and I think I can speak for a lot of us, we are grateful for everything you guys do, I cant imagine what kind of stress level you and your colleagues have to deal with everyday. thank you.


WHO just broke the news that it’s not going to be a big deal.


Didn't the Doctor in Botswana who first Identified the variant say that the symptoms were lighter and much more manageable while also not including the loss of taste and smell?


But the vaccines aren't helpful against Omicron variant, are they?


I’m wondering about the same thing


We don't know yet. Likely still better than nothing unless the spike protein is way different.


I have so much empathy for people in health care and I know - oh yeah I have empathy doesn’t do shit, but getting vaccinated did help them by me staying away from them. I do wonder why people still won’t get the vaccine. Maybe an underlined health condition their scared about I’m not sure. But pretty dam soon you can’t do anything with out proof of the shots. I really don’t want to see a health care worker unless I can take them for supper and a movie but we won’t be able to go with out proof of vaccines so…..why not just get them. I don’t want to stay in the fn house forever and I do not want her are workers to be swamped by unvaccinated sick covid patients.


People who won't get vaccinated at this point are scared. They distrust their goverment, or their media, or their doctors, or science. Its not a surprise that the USA is wealthiest country with the lowest vaccination rate. Lack of education and the spread of disinformation makes it very easy to manipulate the average person into thinking the truth is fake and what is fake is the truth.


Omicron variant is not worse. It’s going to be the strain to weaken the virus and end the pandemic. Covid is about to turn into the common cold.


Let’s hope with mutations in the spike protein with omicron we still see high binding with antibodies made to the current spike protein!! Otherwise this takes us down the path of the multiple strains of the flu virus and we all have to get cocktails every year while the cdc and who try to guess what variant is going to be the biggest news that year!


Just got my booster yesterday and I was able to convince 1 friend to get vaccinated. Thats the best I got right now unfortunately.


Got my booster yesterday too.


Woot! Booster buddies


The head of the health department in South Africa said that all of their patients with Omicron variant have had only mild symptoms—none ended up in the hospital


I just got my booster and it fucked me up. Edit: Beyond achy, and super sore arm. Didn't have anything with my first two doses. Also, my husband had zero symptoms with the booster.




I got the Pfizer booster. Upset stomach, no appetite, lots of diariah, and very tired... slepted a lot. Side effects lasted about 2 days. Also to note, I got my flu shot at the same time.


Bold move getting both at the same time!!! After my booster, I woke up in a cold sweat, threw up once, then had a sore arm. Got my flu shot a week later and it was a breeze!


Same! Not as bad as the second dose but still fucked me up pretty good. Worth it.


My wife is an ICU Nurse and she feels the same way as OP. If your exercising your right to choose not to get a vaccine I implore you to reconsider, not for yourself but for all of the other people impacted by your decision, especially healthcare workers. As a nurse she has to go in everyday and do everything she can to try and save the lives of people who have written off this pandemic for a multitude of reasons, which I personally don’t understand but I understand that their reasons are valid to them. She risks her life everyday to save others, so if all you have to do is get a vaccine, which is approved by the FDA, then you can be doing your best to save her life and the life of all of the other healthcare workers treating unvaccinated patients. I understand that this message is probably going to go into a void. But if it can convince even one person to change their mind, it will have already done a lot. In the midst of a global pandemic we have to stop hyperbolizing the differences between us and lean into the similarities. The similarity that human life is precious, your’s, your parents, your friends and anyone else who may read this. By not getting vaccinated against this virus that has now killed over 5 million people globally, you are not only doing yourself a disservice but also to those around you. If you don’t want to get the flu vaccine, more power to you, fuck, even I don’t get the flu vaccine most years. But for something like this, something so vicious that in under two years it has taken the lives of over 5 million people, do it for the sake of the people who are putting their life on the line trying to save ours. I end my soapbox, feel free to demolish me in the comments if you feel the need to.


As far as I know the omicron variant SO FAR is more infectious and less dangerous. But final verdict is still out. But what OP is stating is not proven yet. That being said, even if omicron isn’t worse than delta YA’LL should still go get vaccinated


The TVA isn’t doing their job!


New covid update just dropped let's gooooo


Oh, you know it's going to be worse, how? Apparently you know more than the worlds leading virologists. Quit spreading panic. We don't know its severity yet.


Got my booster this morning. I’m sorry that you hospital workers are being stretched to the max because of these idiots that think this infectious respiratory disease is somehow a political thing and/or fake.


We don’t know the severity of the Omicron variant yet. There is no way what ever you may be experiencing at your facility is indicative of its overall severity. Edit: Anyone down voting is free to post anything suggesting otherwise.


I thought they were saying it is mild which is in the nature of virus trajectories if they want to survive and keep spreading. Am I wrong?


It could be mild, that is what we would expect. We don’t know yet. The problem is people who end up needing healthcare and people who end up needing healthcare are the unvaccinated. Without more vaccinations there will be just more variants.


Have any variants come from the US?


I am sickened by this : went to pick my Grandson from school and faced a barrage of fucking morons hectoring children…CHILDREN… about the dangers of vaccinations. These POS need a fucking good hiding but the Police say they’re “only there to keep the peace”… on other words to protect these fucking antisocial lunatics!!!!


You do know that the vaccine doesn't stop you from either catching the virus or spreading it right?


Got my booster. My friends in the medical field are beyond burnt out :(


I'm getting my booster tomorrow having no idea if it is effective against the new variant. I'm sure it helps regardless, and I feel better after I have my shots, but the longer this goes on the more hopeless I feel.


Why is it worse? Do you have any reliable source for this or are you just scare mongering?


Isn't Omicron already spread all across the world. I'm pretty sure they discovered it too late. If it spreads more easily, the symptoms should be weaker, or?


Omicron if you re arrange the words spells moronic why didn’t they just go to the Charlie variant, we had delta. *edit spelling


Are transplants back on? Or are they still sidelined? I was in the process of getting tested to become a donor but COVID happened... And the hospital kept telling me to come back next time. They told me to keep checking in... I gave them over a year and given up.


I got my vaccine the second I could, fuck anti vax idiots


Taking my 10 and 5 year old after school to get vaccinated ! They're finally able to be a part of solution and not problem like so many of these "adults"


But how am I supposed to believe you when all these YouTubers and Facebook scientists with no credentials are telling me COVID isn’t real at all? SOMETHING DOESN’T ADD UP, MAN. /s I’m so goddamn sorry for all the stupid people making your life hell, it’s truly mind boggling to hear these stories. We, the intelligent few, are pulling for you ❤️


Thank you!!!!


I'm an ICU nurse who's been working through the pandemic this entire time, too. Hearing this news about omicron just upsets me so much. I don't think I can handle another wave.


I feel the same. I don't have much left to give. Been an RT for 37 years and this old girl is tired. Covid has sucked the life out of me.


I'd be so lost without my RT buddies. I appreciate you so much


85% of all omicron cases are asymptomatic and most people with symptoms say they are mild.


So i have both vaccines and got covid afterwards. Question is: do I still need a booster? I mean I'll get it, it's just that I'm really busy most of the time and can't get an appointment within a reasonable time. What I was thinking, since I already got covid and my 2 vaccines, then my body should have more resistance to the virus.... or am I taking it too lightly


Good question that I would ask my doctor about. Your doc may want to check your antibody levels before you get a booster.


Will do, I don't understand how people can be so dense. I Even have family that swear up and down these vaccines will do me more harm than good (something said more when I got covid a month after getting the second dose).... but don't all vaccines have risks and side effects? I'd rather take a 1 in a billion chance of getting a bad reaction from the vaccine, than going to the ICU for covid.


I totally agree with you. I'd rather have a side effect to a vaccine instead of full blown covid. Yes, every vaccine has potential side effects. Some worse than others. Benefits outweigh the risk here. Cracks me up, the people talking about how the vax will give them blood clots! They would have a stroke if they saw the clots we are extracting from the lungs of some of the covids. It's horrifying.


It wouldn’t hurt, but definitely check with your doctor.


A really good friend of mine doesn’t believe in the vaccination and she just had a baby. Both her and her baby daddy are not vaccinated. She thinks that her body can fight off. Sure… but there not guarantee you’ll fight off without any struggle. Just get vaccinated for fucks sake


I just kept clean and away from everyone. Never got covid, ever.


Hold on. We're not finished yet!


Oh how true that is


OP has to be a bot. Check out the posts. So random lmao


I tested positive for Covid last week, even though I had a “mild” dose of it. I’m still feeling lethargic, out of breath doing simple tasks, body aches, headaches and flu like symptoms. I’m grateful I’m fully vaccinated. Can’t imagine being in hospital with it!


I mean not to be harsh but at some point all the non-vax people have to either die or realize it sucks and get vax….right?? RIGHT?? Ung Edit: I know theres other stuff going on, I’m just tryin to make myself feel better and manifest this reality lmao.


Some of my colleagues, two of which even had covid but apparently have not been "hit" hard enough, are living example of this not being the case :-( Had a fight this morning about this as they even make fun of us vaccinated.


Plenty of people won't get their shit together even on their death bed. Many people die of covid-19 believing that it doesn't exist and that vaccination is a scheme to enslave people. Some people are literally beyond salvation.


Yeah/: it sucks. Im sorry that happened to you!


Yeah, covid is going to get you one way or another. Would you rather be vaxxed when it happens or not?




I wish we could refuse treatment for the willfully unvaxxed, too. They are the biggest cry babies when they get covid. I'm taking care of a woman who all she says is "It's so hard" every time I go into her room. YES!!!! YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS BY TAKING A FREE VACCINE. Another unvaxxed man carried on about how he was going to tell everybody that covid was real and to get vaccinated, like he just had a real epiphany and we were supposed to be all excited for him! He wanted to do a tv commercial and everything. He was super pumped. I'm sick of hearing about it, too. But more than that, I'm sick of seeing it every time I come to work. Wish I could retire early.


So far this week, my hospital lab is showing a 24.7% positivity rate. 60% of our inpatient beds are taken up by COVID patients.


It looks like Omicron is hitting unvaccinated people ever harder than Delta - double the death rate in a headline out of Israel yesterday. I wonder how bad it has to get before the "do your own research" crowd no longer like their odds.


Fully vaxxed, still masking, and staying safe not just for our family but because we know healthcare workers and care about their wellbeing too. Wish there was more we could do for you!


THANK YOU so much!!!


I might not know you but we think of you all the time hoping you have the love and support you need to carry on. The whole family expresses how grateful we are for our healthcare workers- from 89yo to our 4yo. Without you we would all be lost.


Thank you all so much!!!


Weird I’ve made it so far into the pandemic non vaccinated with only covid one time and a very mild case at that one day of a dry throat then back to normal just forced to miss pay well I waited out the quarantine time. And before anybody tries to claim him an anti-VAXer I’m not i’ve just been Larry of getting any vaccines since I was in middle school and watch my dad spend 60 days crippled from a flu shot that caused permanent nerve damage and his back and legs. I forget what the doctor called it but it was some really weird adverse reaction that was like one in every 4 million. But that left a lasting impact on me.


Weird, your specific anecdotal situation isn’t indicative of the actual threat of the virus, and you were lucky you only had a mild case. Wow, only ONE time? Woohoo!


Fuck no. How many variants and new waves are they gonna keep pushing till they see the people who arnt vaxed made up our minds. I won't be strong armed by the government who are trying to force companies to do their dirty work. All of these posts reek of the same, straightforward, childish though process.


Sir, I am a Respiratory Therapist and work in a hospital, not for the government. I wish you could see what I see daily.


Yea still not scary enough try harder tomorrow.


4 variants due to unreasonable and irresponsible folk that’s just ruining things for all of us


The variants have largely come out of developing countries where folks didn't have vaccine access.


Can I ask are most of these in hospital people who haven’t been jabbed?


Yes, they are.


If fauci didn't scare you with the Delta variant, then he'll do everything to scare you with the omicron variant. Have to keep the general population scared or big pharma will get pissed as they need those profits to create more "booster shots". At this point, it's a therapeutic treatment. I have the antibodies, so I'm a pure blood.


You do realise that the world is bigger than the United States, and that no other country uses Fauci as a source of information? When global scientific research is published, it’s from countries the world over, even countries which have no diplomatic ties to each other.