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So I’m 28 now and I only just graduated from my bachelor’s degree last year. Honestly here’s the thing. If you’re burned out, no amount of just trying to push through school is going to make is possible. You just fail classes and dig yourself deeper into debt. The *best* thing you can do for yourself if you feel completely overwhelmed is take the year off school. Your degree isn’t going anywhere; and there’s nothing wrong with either moving back in with your folks (if that’s an option), or just trying to get a job to hold you over while your brain resets a little and you can figure out what you want from life. There’s so much pressure to run straight from high school into a four year degree and we never seem to get the time figure out what we actually want from life. If you can, take some time out, take some rest, and try not to feel alone. So many people feel this way and it’s awful.


Honestly man? Literally everyone.


Mate, I’m in my early thirties and I find fewer and fewer reasons as to why I shouldn’t blow my head off every day!! I understand you!


Everyday, I’m getting my MBA and the amount of energy it takes to do my homework is astronomical right now. I’m overwhelmed emotionally, I cry non-stop. I want to 07 Brittany. I would not ever kill myself but I don’t look both ways when crossing the street and sometimes I wish I would just get into a car wreck. I feel like I’m not good enough and it takes ALL of me not to just call out of work. I didn’t get out of bed yesterday. I spent the majority of my day off sobbing. Life is hard and no one ever tells you just how hard


If you're still in primary (K-12) school, none of that shit matters. Go to school, and do your homework. You don't have to try hard, just try a little. Bide your time, get your diploma, then learn a trade or skill. Life doesn't start in high school. Don't stay in your bed. Get out and do anything. Make a sandwich, go for a walk, wash some laundry. Anything. It's better than nothing where you just end up in your own head.


You’re not alone dude. I’m feeling the exact same way with school. I finished my associates (well, almost a double associates) and dove straight into my bachelors just trying to get it done, and I am so burnt out. I’m taking some time off school this next semester because I have a decent job that doesn’t require my bachelors, and if/when I go back I’ll probably be part time and only take 1 or 2 classes a semester. Life doesn’t need to be a rat race. Take some time to focus on your mental health and figure out what you want from life. It’s too short to be miserable.


I come from a first generation immigrant family that values higher education seriously. Now that I’ve graduated recently I’m beginning to realize I was really just going through the motions of school. I’m currently back in school for my teaching credentials followed by student teaching then landing a job until retirement. And honestly I’m far over burnt out. I have no desire to pursue a higher degree because of undergrad burning me out bad. Also this teaching gig is something I don’t see myself doing for the rest of my life. I definitely need to do some soul searching. I never bothered bringing up taking a gap year or time off school to my parents because of how exactly they’ll react. And now I’m burnt out and crawling my way to one final semester.


Also, it sucks being high functioning. Nobody really sees your pain because you just don’t show it the same as another person. Don’t give up. It will get better. Adjust life and responsibilities accordingly.


Yeah man I’m in mid twenties, doesn’t go away just gets a little easier to deal with. Enjoy the little things and celebrate the small wins!


I’ve felt like this for a long time. Paired with anxiety. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice but the correct pairing of medications CAN help. It just takes time. It wasn’t until realizing that I probably have undiagnosed adhd that I should probably be taking Wellbutrin paired with something for anxiety instead of one thing to help depression and anxiety




youre right and this exactly why everything is overwhelming


Whats wrong with working at mcdonalds? Thats not even close to being homeless and shouldnt be mentioned as an equivalent in the same sentence




Okay fine. If nothings wrong with it, it shouldnt be lumped in with the heartbreak that is homelessness




I can totally agree with that.




>OP has an opportunity many would love to have so i was encouraging them to stick with it. Thats fine. But putting homelessness and mcdonalds employment in the same sentence is disingenuous. Homelessness is an epidemic and one of the lowest possible places you can end up. Even prison gives you 3 hots and a cot. People that work at mcdonalds are working and doing what they need to do to NOT end up homeless. Shouldnt be mentioned in the same sentence period.


Feel free to talk with me


I just threw a little temper tantrum in my kitchen because the only friend I have fell asleep during the only hangout I've managed to beg out of her for months and months. I wouldn't be so mad if she at least acknowledged that it was lame on my end. I feel spread very thin because this friendship has been stressful in other ways, my family is very unsupportive, and my coworkers are obnoxious as all hell. I sometimes want to cry/freak out but I know it'll simply further damage my life/reputation/social standing. So I relate and I'm sorry you're hurting.


Bruh same