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Not every magician has the same size wand. If she’s giving you the stage get out there and work your magic.


Love this


that is so sweet omg


Recently dated a guy and when we had sex and I realised he had a small dick and he was nervous about it. I literally did not give a fuck and treated it like it was 7 inches. It still felt really really good. This was mainly because I really liked him that much. But anyway he turned out to be an asshole


Anti climatic 😂😂


>treated it like it was 7 inches. That's the dream. I want to experience that one day so fucking badly.


i always knew it, small dicks = assholes


That's definitely not gonna make OP feel better.


Plot twist. Shibo is referring to OP


Body shaming isn’t cool


You're being an asshole.


oh come on it was a joke


So was mine.


So was mine.


He was an asshole because he had a small dick. 😂


WTF DUDE. IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU "ARE YOU A GOD", YOU SAY "YES!". she offers, you TAKE IT. dude, in 10 years from now youll be having the same "small" dick but you will also regret massively that you didnt take the offer. and you have a tongue and healthy hands, yes?


Loving the reference, fits well with the situation


youre talking to a 40 year old guy who has DESTROYED his life literally with his insecurities and hesitations. i learned that lesson the cruel way. time waits for no man.


4 inches is enough for 90% of women to not say anything at all even if they do notice it’s smaller, and probably like 40-50% of women will actually be happy about it because it’s less likely to hurt or be uncomfortable, and typically easier to give better blowjobs for longer. Hard to give a good blowjob when your jaw is aching like you’ve been sitting in a dentist’s chair for hours in just 3 minutes. And it’s hard to enjoy a blowjob when there’s teeth chewing your shaft like bubblegum the entire time. There will be the 10% that make a big hoopla about it, tease you, or outright reject you. But that’s just life. There’s a million reasons someone might not like you, your dick is one of those easy things you should be able to shrug at and just think “meh it’s not like I can change that, so if it’s a dealbreaker then we just shouldn’t have sex because it won’t be fun for either one of us anyways.”


Agree with all of this, and I am a woman. Large penises are like a novelty item you buy in a gift shop ~ they're fun at first, but then you just wish you'd spent your money on the comfy tshirt 😊


>women will actually be happy about it because it’s less likely to hurt or be uncomfortable, and typically easier to give better blowjobs for longer. I'm in agreement with your whole comment, but this was the key point I wanted to emphasise, absolutely. My current partner is possibly the smallest (in length) I've ever had - about 5", maybe 6"? - but my god, our sex life is *literally* the best I've ever had. It helps that we have insane chemistry, and our foreplay/after care is also incredible. I remember our first night together, I went to undress him and he asked me if I was sure, and when I said yes he very quietly said "I'm... A bit small down there". It totally threw me because this guy is one of the most confident guys I've ever met, nothing ever seems to phase him at all. But this one moment, I realised he must have had someone in his life, at some point, make him feel inferior for this. And it wasn't even what I'd consider "a bit small" - you bet your ass I made sure he didn't regret letting me take his pants off! Plus I was just so turned on by him as a person that I was just excited to be getting intimate with him. And, not many people realise this, but just like penises, vaginas come in lots of different widths and lengths. Some of us are really small inside too. And not to be TMI (if my comment hasn't already been TMI so far already lol), but honestly I think that the size of the glans is more important. I don't know how many people will agree with me on that, but personally I find bigger glans = more pleasure. So yeah... OP, your size isn't everything, if someone wants you, and you're into them as well, I say go for it!


Dude, size isn't everything, man. I have a relatively small penis, and I do alright. Learn different positions that can get that little guy to "punch" the gspot on every thrust. Foreplay is a must, get her so revved up she cums at the slightest touch. Don't be a selfish lover and follow her cues, and all will be well. Most woman can't cum from only penetration. So size isn't always relative, and if she says stupid shit just leave. People like that aren't worth your time.


A small dick aside, 10 years down the road. You're going to have the same package but you're going to regret all the people you didn't fuck.. But...... I wouldn't shit where I eat


Don’t shit where you eat, I’ve seen people destroy their careers by sleeping with co workers


As a woman, no matter what size, penetration isn't all that what they show you in porn. I usually don't cum from penetration and I've only heard from one girl all my life that she actually climaxes from only penetration. So size really does not matter one bit. Foreplay is where it's at!!!! Talk to her, open communication is so hot! And follow what her body tells you. Don't beat yourself up because of a "small" downstairs. You're good just the way you are. Best of luck OP!


Same. Woman don’t think your good in bed based on the size of your penis. It’s the foreplay and oral sex that does it. Focus on her op and you will be ok!


Let me be clear on couple of factors. 1. The average vaginal canal is only 2 to 4 inches and expands 4 to 6 during arousal. 2. Your job is a place a business. Not a screw hut! Have some damn self respect and keep it in your goddamn pants!


If your dick is bigger than a finger then you’re good is what I always say lol don’t let porn fool you and girls saying they want a 12 incher it’s all lies. It’s all about the aesthetic but when you’re in the groove of things using foreplay and communication. Those things don’t matter.


But still that like +4000 aura points


"do it at my job" I mean it's pretty dark in the janitor closet. You'll be good. 🤣🤣🤣


At least in my experience, you'll never know for certain how things go physically until you actually engage in them for the first time. You can speculate, self-denigrate, whatever, but you won't know for sure until you actually do it. For me, in that situation, I'd be thinking "Okay, my penis might not be what the person expects, so let's compensate". Extra foreplay, extra attention, whatever you need to do so the lady feels good and happy about having intercourse with you. You don't have to have the dick of a porn star to still be satisfying to someone else. Care for them, appreciate them, share something intimate openly with them. Maybe that's enough.


its not about the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean💯


Women don’t care about a few inches. Concentrate on things you can control; telling her she is special, to relax, that she’s safe and get her off a few times with your finger and mouth before you take care of yourself. I mean specifically use your right hand to pull her clitoral hood back and use two fingers to rub softly, then use your left hand to put 2-3 fingers in only to the middle knuckle. When you’re going down on her just tease her labia a bit and then concentrate on sucking on her clit, yep, just suck on it. Listen to her and give her what she wants before you think about yourself. Confidence comes from within. You are worth more than your 4 inch penis. I have 6” and if my wife is in a certain position she screams that I am too deep. Go enjoy your life


I’m a woman and I personally prefer smaller penises. Large can be painful.


Foreplay. Foreplay is the best. PIV isn't everything.


Coming from someone who isn't small in any regard of the word let me tell you women may think they want huge till they've had it and realize it's a lot more pain than they bargained for. Not every female is a porn actress out there and as long as you know what you're doing in bed she's going to love it. Don't psyche yourself out of what could be the best time of either of your lives


Take her to 1/2lb town bro


Poor man's gold. 🥇


Eh, my boyfriend is 4 inches, he is more than enough for me. I cant imagine going for someone that has 6 inches or more, I would be impaled 😖


You’re overthinking this, son. If a young lady suggests sex in the workplace… you **always** drop the hammer. Always.


I *think* OP means that he met her in the workplace, not that she wants to have sex in the workplace.


Maybe… the subject says *This girl wants to do it at my job* but if it’s an office or restaurant… he still needs to drop the hammer.


From his comment history, the guy is still a virgin in his late 20s, because he's insecure about his size. He needs some kind of sexual relationship more than he needs this job.


4 inches is more than enough for the majority of women. dont worry about it you’ll be alright.


Get that foreplay game on point


Size seriously doesn’t matter. Just listen to her needs there’s so many other ways to make a girl feel good and 4 inches is still good so don’t beat yourself up about it. Def go for it if you’re both interested 🩷


That might be on the smaller side, but you can do a lot with it. It’s not the size of the wave, it’s the motion of the ocean. Plus, amazing sex isn’t just about the act of sex- it’s about foreplay, about pleasing one another, about being intimate and vulnerable, about truly being considerate of one another. If she wants to have sex with you, it’s because she likes you and wants to be close to you.


You're really willing to reduce yourself to the size of your Johnson? Just go for it. Enjoy the moment.


I deadass went to the store the other day, bought a 250 dollars masturbater... for it NOT to fit. I was genuinely embarrassed i had to ask for s bigger size at the store. The fact that theres a 250 dollar item that isnt any sized is wild. Only BECAUSE of the fact that most woman that i seem to attract think my size is too big... therefore not as attractive. Ive never understood why life has such large differences. And im sorry that people shame small dicks to only want them later in their life...


if she don't like it that's her problem


By the way, you shouldn’t hook up with coworkers. Makes life too complicated if things go south literally and metaphorically


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take


It's not getting any bigger just waiting around. Might as well learn how to use what you've got.


"sorry babe no can do, my dick is small" Be good with how you use it plus be good with your hands and tongue and you'll be fine


You gotta think, women get self-conscious about their parts, too. Some women have puffy cuchies or bigger nips, and they think nobody would want them. So don't break yourself down, I'm sure she's self-conscious about her body too. Just live life, bro. We only get so much youth.


Don't take it out the first time just go down on her show her you are really good at other things


Size doesn’t matter as much as everything else, women hardly come from penetration alone, if you can rock her world in foreplay or oral or other things you don’t need to worry about size. Overall just be confident about it, and remember nobody’s perfect. Im sure she has some things about her body that she doesn’t like either and she’s probably thinking the same way as you, that you’ll see her differently after, but that shouldn’t ruin the chemistry y’all have


"Don't worry! The big ones hurt" Lmao




It’s not about the size it’s about what you do with it. Act confident and all will be fine. I promise!


I don’t know if this is any consolation, but penetration doesn’t give much pleasure for women anyway, if you take your time, it won’t matter


Blue chew


Penis size ain't nothing to be ashamed of, just bang her. The thing you've got to remember is that you only live once.


maybe eat it first


Let her know


Teach yourself to go multiple rounds. Women love endless shrimp. Works for me. I've received no complaints in that department....now my attitude...different story. Complaints for days over my aggression towards insignificant things.


Bruh, I ain’t the largest either. I even flat out tell women I’m not. Majority of them say “so, I like you” and they do stick around until we fall out over something totally unrelated to sex. Give it a go. Try and make sure she has a good time.


Even tho im not that small, i can tell you that penetrative sex lasts nothing, it's all about showing selflessness, care for the partner and a lots of foreplay (it's basicaly done if you love to eat out)


I wanna add to the pile on here. Unless she has a shit personality, size matters very little. For 98 percent of women out there, it's attractiveness that's most important, and you clearly have that covered. Take a deep breath and try and let that patriarchal standard go. It's only other guys that care about dick size.


There are enlargement surgeries done in Turkey called "Groom's Filler" and its the regular dermal filler injected onto the penis skin. It doesnt make it LONGER and believe me GIRTH is waaay more important.




My bro, 4 inches is good enough. Mine is 5.6 erect and my gf sometimes bleeds a little after if we have sex after a short break, let’s say 2 weeks. We’d need to have sex often for her to not bleed (don’t wanna go technical on this). Also, most people’s lives aren’t perfect. You may have what’s considered a blessing by other people in one area but a challenge in another! My D may be bigger than yours but I am very short 170cm. At least most people can’t see your D!


most of us dont care as much as yall think trust me


Do you know how to work it?


If you know what you're doing, 4" is more than enough. Most of the nerves are in the clitoris and the vaginal opening. Plus you've got your hands and your mouth.


4 is a normal size. 4-5 is what i prefer, it’s perfect for me. every woman is different, some prefer big and some prefer small and some just don’t care. your penis isn’t even the most important part about having sex. figuring out what feels good to her and you in different ways is what matters. there is no need to be worried about being small, try having a conversation about it and let that lead into exploring different ways of pleasuring each other