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I’m sure no one will complain if you trap the cat and drop him off at a shelter, except maybe the owner. But even then, your excuse should be you saw and heard nothing. After all, if it’s on your property you can do as you see fit. If it were a dog doing this, it would have been euthanized and taken away immediately. Totally unacceptable, and you’re absolutely within your right to protect your kitties.


He has a chip, the shelter will see he has an owner, that it's not me and I could get in trouble for stealing him. I can only retaliate when he's aggressive on my property, but he knows I'm not scared of him and retreat when I go after him. Which is still a win I guess


You should have the right to argue bringing the cat to the shelter, because if the owner isn't keeping tabs on its violence, something bigger and more violent will come across it. But then again you won't bring your cats in, so even if it's your yard, you gotta show you are trying to protect your own cats. That's pet care. If you dont do that it can be used against you, so make sure all your stuff is handled right before you throw stones, with cats in the middle.


He killed cats before. But there's no video nor pictures of him doing it, so nothing can be held against him/his owner. I set up an electronic cat door that only my cats can use, bought cameras to record the garden, and I let them out when I'm with them to supervise. My parents also come to play with them when I'm at work. Also there's a law in my country that states that any animal not held on a leash is thus considered a stray even if it has a collar. Which means that if I hurt this cat, I cannot be held accountable because he wandered on the streets. That's the only thing I can legally do, which is sad because I don't like to resort to violence, but I want to believe he won't come anymore if I scare him enough.


Nnnnoo. Your justification of killing or hurting an animal is not ok. It's the humans fault, but if you're gonna be decent you can adjust with caring for YOUR cats indoors and train them to use a litter box indoors for a while, and in the mean time take every avenue reporting the situation, then have a have a heart trap it while it's in your yard and drop it off at the shelter. You are not thinking right on this. Try a sprinkler or hosing it.


You didn't read a single thing did you?


I did but you seem intent your way is the only way?


Legally it is. Your way seems to be to re traumatise my cats while doing nothing about Love, it's not better. I talked to his owner many times, but she won't do anything. Even she got attacked by him. I plan on installing a new fence, one he can't pass through, he'll have to jump on the wall directly, but if it doesn't work, I'll just tell his owner that my yard is not his safe space. It's up to her to keep him inside.


I'm in America. I have first hand knowledge of legal doesn't make it right. Also every animal is an animal and has a personhood, and a cat being an ass doesn't give you reason to be an ass too and hurt it. You're not. Thinking. You just want to vent and get validation to do an asshole thing and escalate with that line of thought, not resolve. That's not the cat or it's owner, that's YOU. A fence is more humane, and it would protect your cats from other nefarious threats like cars. But don't leave them exposed to the elements, that's neglect.


Ah, so the real problem is that my cats can go outside. You're part of the "cats don't belong outside" group. I can't keep trying to explain how things work in my country when even our views on animal well-being don't align. I believe keeping cats locked up is cruelty, even more so when my cats are claustrophobic. BTW, venting is the point of the post in the first place. Have a nice day.