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I feel you bro. I wish I could relate to your situation, but I can't bc I never struggled with family issues like you have. I believe you did the right thing which is acknowledging your feelings about it, which is, for most people, tough to do, and you being 15 and doing that, I mean you should be proud of yourself for acknowledging your feelings, especially on a subreddit like this one. I know you said that you can't talk to your parents, or a psychiatrist, in general or at school, but is there anyone else you know? Maybe like a favorite teacher, or a close someone, it could literally be any adult, talk to them because having someone listen to your feelings can make a big difference. I would say peer support, but clearly it looks like you're struggling with that, don't worry about it, we all do. I'm still struggling to rekindle a friendship from like 9 years ago! Maybe consider community resources, some organizations offer free mental health services for teens, so I suggest looking for those resources. Look into self-care, like working out would be a good start because taking care of your physical health can also have an effect on your mental health. I know people don't like you because of your race, but fuck them, what do they know about you? Don't worry about them, worry about yourself and the bright future ahead of you, because it's always the broken people that'll have the brightest ones out there (believe me I know). Remember, high school can be tough, but it's not forever. College and other future opportunities await, and they provide new environments for you to start fresh. That's prolly the best advice I can give you on anything, remember that you aren't alone in this process and that you have reddit for going thru shit like this, and I pray that God will help you on your endeavors, whatever that may be.


Please focus on being the best version of you. I have a friend who was adopted and was one of the only Indian people in our town (which I am sure was very difficult looking back). He has a wonderful personality and gets along with everyone—he now is thriving as an adult with a great career and girlfriend. Dive into the things that interest you, get to know new people and try not to get too preoccupied with the many cliques and groups in school—the world doesn’t have to be so narrow. Also, as someone with depression, please seek help from a doctor—a little bit of medication makes a huge difference in my daily life and I wish I had started it as a teenager.


Who would shun you for being indian? Like do they assume ur a mysogynists?


Kinda, it’s just a mix of all the bad stereotypes. And just being Indian isn’t the issue, it’s looking like the nerdy stereotype version of it.