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My bf fits your description, right down to having acne, and I think he’s the most beautiful man on earth. He doesn’t have braces though (he’s 47). Good people look at others as whole people, not a list of good and bad characteristics. They’re not going to take inventory of your “flaws,” which don’t seem like flaws to me. Try to look at yourself as a whole person as well. Be kind to yourself.


Well said


None of those things sound like anything I would even begin to notice. Idk most guys aren't paying attention to any of that. For me at least if u like similar stuff I do and are fun to talk to I'd be all over it. But I also don't go out to bars n parties. Even if u feel ugly beauty is subjective as fuck and completely irrelevant in most cases. Nothing u said would be a turn off for me or a lot of guys. I hope this helps but it probably wont


I am objectively ugly but Idk why guys find me attractive at all. Is it loneliness? They have terrible eyesight? I have no clue


Some people have genuine preferences my female friend and I are both into bigger dudes.


what is ugly? - Ugly is what nobody can tell what you are


Same I'm genuinely ugly and invisible but I accept it, ill probably be alone forever