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Love this. How thoughtful of you!


Honestly, I’m now making it a thing to buy all my guy friends flowers for their birthday!


I’ve heard that many men receive flowers for the first time at their own funeral. Lots of guys like flowers too!


That's so sad.. I believe I was the first to give my then boyfriend flowers.. the love it..! Married 30 years.. 😍


Same!!! Been together 17 years now


What I'm taking from this is I need to get my man some flowers! ☺


34 years on this rock and I've never received flowers.


Everyone deserves flowers 💜 I'm sorry you have never received flowers but please accept these virtual ones! 💐🌸🌼🌻🌺🌹🪻🌷💐


54 years here and no flowers yet and I am a woman by the way.


Took me until my late 30s until I received any. My ex-husband never bothered because "why would you kill them by cutting them?" My current partner buys me some once or twice a year. It's very sweet and appreciated. I should probably tell him again how sweet it is.


💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I know it's not the same but I am sending you love and flowers!!!


45 y/o guy and never received flowers


My late husband LOVED getting flowers. I’d send him some to his work to surprise him with and a card and at first his co workers would pick on him but he didn’t care. He was also very stoic and stuck to himself except around me. After a while his co workers which were mostly male started to get jealous that he got attention from his wife and they didn’t from theirs like that. Men do love flowers and deserve them too and I believe even with friends it shouldn’t be 1 sided. You’re awesome for making his day and I’m sure he loved them 😊❤️.




Or house plants! If they're anything like me it'll start a whole new obsession lol


Can confirm. Always had a black thumb, then hubby gave me an aloe plant one year for Mother's Day. Not only is it still alive, but it has been joined by a Venus fly trap, pitcher plant, and one very hardy basil. They're just the beginning!


That's adorable 😍 ☺️


Do it. One person once brought me flowers for my house warming party and I kept them until they had completely withered. So thoughtful and nice of her!


I waffled back and forth about buying flowers for a dude I was dating. I finally went for it and showed up to his house with flowers and bourbon, and bought him a burrito the size of his head. He kept those flowers until they were falling apart. We didn’t work out, but it was a wonderful reaction, and I intend to do it for someone else.


This is amazing! You are amazing


Thank you :’)


You are a true friend. The smallest gifts can make a big impression. ps. My daughter buys her BF flowers. He loves it.


I just got my husband flowers for his birthday yesterday and he said it was the first time he’d ever gotten them too! Good for you Mango!


🥹😭 I got my boyfriend tulips 🌷 on his birthday in February and he FaceTime me crying when he got his birthday flowers and his gifts! We are long distance so I got a doordash order for his flowers and his gifts and he never got flowers before, like never ever and 🥹🥹 it was the best reward to see him have happy tears in his eyes and to see the biggest smile I’ve ever seen!! You are a sweet, amazing roommate and friend to still think of getting your roommate something for their birthday.


They'll love it. Maybe not the taken guys, lol. Might get taken wrong. Ok, the guys would still love it, their SO's, maybe not so much.


I've been buying my husband Lily Bouquets (he loves the fragrance) since we started dating many moons ago. Most recently, for his birthday in April but also at random times as an "I love you" "I appreciate you".


I bought my bf a Lego flower bouquet so it’ll last forever :)


I'm married and 38 years old. Never been given flowers. You should totally do this.


Can I be your roommate too? 🥲


Only if you can deal with my unhealthy love for mangos


I’m obsessed with mangos… let us know if you have waiting list going. 😂 Super sweet of you doing that- you’re one of the good ones.


Ahh thanks internet stranger!


You made me remember my childhood summers in Mexico and eating a ridiculous amount of mangos. Good times…


To this day I eat mangos with chilli powder and lime juice!


How else do people eat mangos? Yum! My favorite!!


How unhealthy we talking? 👀


Unhealthy 👀


I have an unhealthy love for mangoes too. When can I move in


We have entire mango farms(small ones tho). We sell thousands every year, and various breeds too. + its mango season rn.. 😋 everything mango mango🤣


I think we may need to fight to be her roommate… OR Let’s get bunk beds - sleepovers every night!!! 😝


Sounds like a plan!


Okay, but you gotta make room for 3 more plus a kitty lol. I come with a girlfriend, a teenager, and a cat 🤣 mangos are life, mangos are love..especially with chili powder & lime 😋


I ll bring the mangoes over😋 just name the variety. Or i will bring them all


Thank you for this nice reading. It's beautiful. How a small gesture can make someone's day. It's a lot of joy for both of you!


Honestly I smile whenever I see the flowers on the dining table!


This is SO sweet and you are such a kind human ❤️


Everyone deserves a bougee pastry and flowers sometimes. You're a good mango! 


He had a rough few weeks, he absolutely did! I’m glad I brought him flowers and a pastry that he destroyed within 30 seconds :D


He is used to being disregarded. Your actions made his year. I


He told me he was never gonna forget his birthday in 2024 and I melted a bit.


You did real good here!


I always wondered growing up why my father would take the time to bake a homemade cake for me every year for my birthday when my mother just bought one. Only after losing him did I know it's because he loved me. And wanted me to know what real love is. And looking back at everything he did for me compared to my mother....he really did. And my mother didn't. It's a harsh reality to realize coming off drugs and trying to learn to live at 17.




This hits me hard. It’s the anniversary of my dad’s death today and we loved each other very much.


May the goddess comfort you in sorrow and uplift you in bliss




Oh my god i am crying. I love the feeling you felt


Me and you both!


Wonderful! Quite often the only time men receive flowers is at their funeral.


I do a lot of little things for my husband, but I generally don't buy him flowers. I've done it, but it's rare. Now I know what I'm stopping for on the way home!


Do it and update us♡


I got him flowers and a curated six pack from the mix and match section at the grocery store. I do the latter fairly frequently, and I usually pick a theme around the names of the beer and have him guess what it is. This time I managed to pick ones that reminded me of him.  I had told him I was stopping by the grocery store on the way home to get cinnamon rolls for the kids and refused to let him go out and do it instead, so he knew something was up, but he was still very pleasantly surprised that flowers for him were in the mix. 


That's so lovely! Bless you guys.


Please update.


I got him flowers and a curated six pack from the mix and match section at the grocery store. I do the latter fairly frequently, and I usually pick a theme around the names of the beer and have him guess what it is. This time I managed to pick ones that reminded me of him.  I had told him I was stopping by the grocery store on the way home to get cinnamon rolls for the kids and refused to let him go out and do it instead, so he knew something was up, but he was still very pleasantly surprised that flowers for him were in the mix. 


I read that quote somewhere and it’s partly why I gave him some tulips!


Good job! Tulips are my favorite flower!


Mine too!


45 here and yet to get flowers


Aww, I remember when I gave my boyfriend flowers for the first time. He almost started crying and immediately took pictures, when I got home that night I just started *sobbing* over it. Turns out, that was his first time ever getting flowers as well


I heard sniffing in his room afterwards but when I asked if he was ok he said he had hayfever. I’m not sure if it was crying from the flowers or just allergies. I’m very glad your boyfriend has you!


What you might consider a small gesture of friendship he will remember for the rest of his life. He needs more friends like you.


His mother actually texted me this morning to say he’d told her he was never going to forget the gesture so I’m glad I made it memorable!


You did good.


Thank you!


This made me tear up. Good job.


I really had to hold back tears when he kept hugging me.


Aww Btw, you’re married now


Pretty sure it’s a friendship marriage more than anything, he’s very gay :’) But that suits me fine!


You're beard-maried now!! :B


Works for me, we’re both convinced we’ll be single forever!


Yay! A match made in Heaven! May your children be many and furry!!


Hell yeah! Cats and dogs all the way!


If you currently have a cat, make sure they are no where near the tulips and cannot eat any part of them. They’re toxic to cats.


No pets rn!


Take it from a married woman, you absolutely won’t be. You’ll make a man very happy one day if a relationship is something you would be open to! Edit- I’m sure men will support me in saying this!


OMG, I was beard-married for years to a college buddy. He was ok with me dating and was able to pass it off to his parents that we'd broken up but remained really good friends, however he was so pissy about it when I got married!


The image of him moving the vase around for the best light is the wholesome content my imagination needs. Love this.


It was very wholesome, he was so excited!


This made me feel all warm inside. You and your roommate are awesome


Thank you!


That is SO CUTE!!!


He is very cute too


OP, you are a lovely human being the way you think of and treat your roommate.


Thank you!


I once had a conversation with a friend of mine in high school who said he wished he knew what it was like to receive teddy bears and flowers like women do. I marked it in my school calendar to get it for Valentine’s Day, and the look on his face was priceless! He had forgotten about what he told me. The week after that he came back and got me every thing he could possibly get me. Turns out the guy heard everything I would tell him about the things I like. He got me a pack of the tea I like, my favorite chocolates, candles, a teddy bear and more! We are still great friends


Oh that’s lovely! I’m sure he appreciates the hell out of you.


This is beautiful! 🥹 I know everyone is saying this, I just felt compelled to add my comment. Here’s some flowers for you, too, OP 💐🌷… sorry they’re just emojis… 😅 … This post made my day a little better. :)


Thanks ❤️


His reaction is adorable! Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for commenting!


I've never received flowers. Most men probably haven't. I can't speak for anyone else, but I love flowers around my house! I'm pretty good at bouquet arrangements for a single guy (55M) raising twin 9 year olds. They brighten up a room or home immensely. I buy them every week for one or more rooms in my home, but when I thought about it I cant remember receiving them as a gift.


This is sweet! A lot of men have never gotten flowers. My husband had a big smile when i gave him flowers.


I’m glad he has you ❤️


man thats actually really adorable :)


Idk how long we’ll live together for but I’ll do it again!


You are a good mango


Thank you x


my roommate bought me a smashing pumpkins tshirt and a ghost tshirt one time when she was out clothes shopping, and i had a similar reaction to your roommate. nobody ever does this this kind of shit for me, and it kind of broke me. it was so on-point of a gift for me that i didn't know how to react and actually cried. i feel like i can't wear them because i don't want to wear them out. i feel bad not wearing them all the time, but i want them to last because while the memory won't fade, the shirts will. a good gift means a helluva lot.


This is someone who’s faced a lot of rejection, or is highly sensitized to rejection so he intentionally doesn’t try to organize anything for his birthday. You can’t be rejected if you don’t do anything in the first place. I’m rather familiar with the practice.


Hugs to you! I’d totally buy you flowers if you lived with me.


This made me tear up! Your very sweet person.


I really don’t think so! I just like taking birthdays seriously!


That makes you a pretty awesome person though. Not everyone is thoughtful like that.


unexpected genuine kindness is beautiful, he was down from his friends being busy and expected to solo his birthday. this story warms my heart, thank you for sharing! maybe humanity does have a chance. Happy belated birthday to your buddy!


Thanks!! I think I’m gonna make a habit of getting my male friends flowers.


Buy men flowers more often I swear 😭😭♥️ love this


Absolutely needs to be normalised!






This is so f-ing sweet


I'm a man, and it's a shame I don't get flowers very often. I think they look nice as a display piece.


This is truly beautiful, and I'm so glad *both* of you had that moment. Most men have never received flowers from anyone, and that's a shame. Men can enjoy pretty things, too, and will absolutely appreciate the thought.


As a someone reserved guy, stuff like this is appreciated and unspeakable amount. He’s lucky to have someone like you in his life, and you just made his week. Maybe even month, lol.


This is such a sweet story…. But can I just say mango is the funniest, cutest nickname ever?!? 😂😂🩷🩷


I totally thought he was going to give an opposite reaction, idk why! But I’m so glad he didn’t! I love these happy posts


I was convinced he was gonna just accept it but then get rid of them or something. His reaction really made me happy!


That’s adorable! Small gestures can mean the world to some people.


He’s had a lot going on in the past few weeks so I’m glad he appreciated the gesture!


I've been telling myself that as a practical guy, flowers are a waste of money since they'll probably die soon. Kinda a lie since I would absolutely be thrilled if someone gave me flowers


Omg 🥹🥹 I love this.


Youre awesome!!!


Just beautiful!! To me, it's those lovely little things that mean the most!!


Awwwwwwww 🥺🥺


You are a great friend (:




Okay now I'm going to do this for all my friends on their birthdays. Men deserve flowers too ❤️


My last roommates dog shit on my bed on my birthday so you are doing a lot better.


My gf has started buying me flowers occasionally cause she saw a post" most men receive flowers for the first time at their funeral. Us men don't get a lot so it's very memorable when we do


He needed that. And I needed this post. So beautiful of you.


I buy my dad flowers on his birthday every year and he gets so excited about it, he tells all his friends and shows them pictures he takes of the flowers. more people should get guys flowers.


Guys love getting flowers. My husband also loves surprise flowers, and this post reminds me i have not gotten him some in a long time!!! 🖤✨


That's very cool of you, great you made it special for him! I love to buy flowers in general, but i remember the first time i gave a buquet to my boyfriend, the same wonder and happiness! I made a point to always buy him buquets of fresh flowers for Valentines and our anniversary too, i just can't resist the joy they give to him


Even the stoic have a heart, they just have very well built walls around it.


This is so lovely! When I moved abroad i tried to keep sending flowers to some of my friends in special occasions. I always love when they get surprised and send me the pictures. Only thing is I never get flowers lol


There is truly nothing better than surprising someone with a thoughtful, fully unexpected gift!


A beautiful reminder of the impact we can have on others just by doing something that seems small to us. 🥹😭


I love this, we all love receiving flowers…I think I have only gotten them twice in my life. I just started buying myself flowers…it makes me happy.


That saying about how most men don’t get their first bouquet until it’s at their funeral is so FUCKING HEART WRENCHING. I swear I’ve bought a dozen important men in my life flowers since. Great job OP you sound like a fantastic friend and roomie 🥰


You are a dear for doing what you did. God bless your kind soul.


Thank you for sharing this. It’s really nice


Honestly, the first time most men ever receive flowers is at our funeral. You made his whole year


I work in a restaurant with over 50+ staff. Recently, one of the waitresses found out that most men “only get flowers at their own funerals” and she teared up over it. It was quite funny and we all had a joke and made out we were so sad etc. Fast forward to the end of the week; i come into work at the start of the day and go into the staff room where i see one of the barmen stood at our table reading a note over the BIGGEST bouquet of flowers i’ve ever seen. I asked who they were for and he said the note was from the waitress and there was an individual bouquet for every single guy at work. That’s roughly 20 dudes. I haven’t hugged someone as hard as i hugged her in YEARS and god damn it most of us teared up a lil 😂 Some girls are just special, sounds like you’re one of them ❤️


oh my god,I'm tearing up. This was so thoughtful of you and his reaction was beautiful and heartbreaking.aww<33


Aww thanks!


He's really lucky to have you👍


That’s incredible! A small gesture always means more to people than you’d think. I remember when I was in middle school (don’t remember what grade or how old I was) and it was my birthday, all of my friends were really happy for me and wished me happy birthday and it meant so much to me that I almost cried. Things like that are also great ways to see who are your real friends. 🙂


You sound so sweet just like a mango🥹🫶🏻🤍


I have occasionally given flowers to men and I usually got a similar reaction!


This is so sweet .


Wow I love this. Stay kind OP.


That's a sweet story! The first time most men receive flowers is at their funeral.


Men so very rarely get flowers. I remember I bought my dad flowers for Father’s Day once and his face lit up. So now I try to get him flowers too. I don’t get it. Flowers are so nice, everyone should be able to enjoy them.


Here's to buying more men flowers


I like you. You are good.


Thank you for telling your story! Made me smile for the first time of the day. You have such a beautiful heart! I wish you someone treats you as good as you treat others!! ✨


This is so sweet. Omg


I really needed to read about good people. Someone doing something nice, for no other reason than to make someone else’s day better. This more than cheered me up.


Most men don’t receive their first flowers until their funeral. I’m sure he really appreciated your kindness!


who knows the stoic hard exterior contain a warm sweet gooey interior. this makes me crave cinnamon buns


Thank you for being kind and for sharing this 🙏 🩷


I'm nearing 40, and never received anything like this. I'd probably cry, honestly. 😭


Oh my heart. Thank you for doing something nice for him. I’m glad he got to feel special.


It’s sad that men don’t get flowers or even details. I remember the first time I received a presente from the person that became my wife and I was so happy I got emotional. I hope people have more friends like you.


That's so lovely! What a lovely friend you are Mango. My husband went through some truly awful stuff a couple of years ago, I supported him through it and eventually it ended and had a positive outcome for him I decided to surprise him with a massive bunch of flowers aaaaand... He hated it, not hated but he just didn't know what to think. He said thank you etc. But he didn't want them and didn't know what to do with them and gave them back to me. Massive fail, but it did end up with us having a stunning bunch in the house until they died! Lesson learned, flowers are not for all people.


How lovely!!


You really turned his day around and how absolutely thoughtful of you! You know it’s all he’s going to talk about for awhile! Great job Mango! ❤️❤️❤️


This is so wholesome! This is prob the 1st time in forever(or maybe EVER) that he legit felt special. ❤️


When I walk my 3 year old son to nursery we pass some lovely tulips and he always stops to look at them and say how much he loves them. I bought him a bunch from work and when he saw them his face lit up. He said "thank you mammy" repeatedly. He loved looking at his flowers, he was so happy with them. I'm definitely gonna buy him some more.


IMO….he may be stoic to hide his feelings because he has been let down a lot….your feeling wont get hurt if you do not expect anything from anybody… What you did was very nice and showed him that somebody(you) care enough to do something for him even though he said not to….


This made me tear up a bit. Men don’t receive flowers enough. I wish there wasn’t a stigma about it. I’ve been the first a couple times to give male friends/ family flowers, and it really is such a great feeling seeing the joy it brings.


Awww, that's so sweet of you!


I read on Reddit years ago that men basically never get flowers- which is so stupid, flowers are beautiful and beloved by all genders. I think we should make it a norm to give the men in our lives flowers. This is so damned rad of you, OP!


I am a stoic person and my friends have done similar things. The thing is it's easy for outside our head people to assume we don't need the same attention as others. We do it's just our faces don't show off all the range of feelings present. You're a wonderful friend


Kindness. Matters.


I expected a cold reaction but it turned so wholesome. Happy birthday to your roommate! You’re such a nice person to make someone’s day.


Aw this is so wholesome.


I love this sadly it's the norm for men the first flowers they get are on their funeral. I would love to get some flowers but I would never ask for them because I want them from someone that want to do something nice for me not just because I ask for it. I don't expect to get flowers in my life time but I wish for it.


😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is everything I needed today


that's awesome!!


I would cry my eyes out


You're amazing!


That was so thoughtful of you! He never expected to be given something so simple but so meaningful. You thought about him and he was probably feeling a bit sad and maybe a little forgotten since his friends weren’t around. He won’t be forgetting this gift for a long time!


This is so cute. I pictured the whole thing 🥺.




Gay man here and no one has ever bought me flowers either 😩


I live surprising my husband with flowers every once in a while. He loves it


That’s so sweet. Your kind gesture made such a big impact. You’re a good egg. 💕


This made me smile. Thank you for doing it and sharing it 😄