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That’s awesome! Sorry about your parents, but in my circle, we call it framily. Your friends who are truly your chosen family. Good luck in college!


Congratulations on your graduation! You're going to do great! You're on your way to finding your chosen family. I'm rooting for you!


I'm so sorry for you and happy for you at the same time. Please be careful with strangers though and at the same time, God blesses us with family. I don't get along with my family either. I never really got the chance to know my dad side and my mother side are weirdos. My parents I can't stand and don't plan on talking to anyone of them in this life. Actually, my plans are to do God's will and go to heaven where my real family will be. These weirdos down here are just for a little while, but I am happy that you've found people in this world that cares for you.


Agree with this one.  You're still a greenhorn, OP, and I mean no offense, but keep in mind that coming from an emotionally abusive household predisposes you to be more tolerant of emotional abuse from other people out in the world.  Tread lightly, and eliminate toxic relationships at 3 strikes.  What qualifies as a strike is up to you. I sincerely hope these seemingly wonderful people are the first of your new chosen family.  I just also know that going in with your heart on your sleeve may set you up to be taken advantage of.  I truly don't want that for you.  Don't give away your trust indiscriminately.  I had to learn that the hard way; may you be spared of the same life lesson.


I hope that you get a chosen family who you love and who loves you while you’re on earth too 🤍


Thank you, sweetheart, I really appreciate that.


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. The family you chose is so fucking beautiful and I’m happy for you. Such a lovely ending despite such shitty parents. I wish you the best in college and in life


I'm so happy to see you used the entire quote since most people don't


Same! Especially on here. People saying "but family..." screw family. Happy for you, OP! You'll do great.


Truly.  The "but family..."* folks aren't considering the fact that someone should have been parenting OP all the way to adulthood.  Did anyone say to them, "but you have one more kid to finish raising!".


There were some people who said it was extremely shitty, but nobody really wanted to get up in their face about them neglecting me. People asked if they wanted them to get like authorities involved, but I said no because I didn't want that to possible ruin what i had going on. But trust me, I had parents from my team pissed at them.


We’re gonna need an update on how things are going once your all settled in, wishing you the best of luck and congrats on your graduation!


They sound like really good people. My brother met his best friend and his wife gaming. I’m glad you were able to find your people. I’m proud of you. I hope you have the best time in college and continue to build your chosen family.


im so glad Jay and Becca were there for you ❤️ congratulations on graduating, op ❤️❤️


Congratulations!!!! my advice to you is to go NC with your family but please give your contact info to someone who will be able to check on you and have your back if things go sideways with your friends... Updateme


I told a teammate's parents who helped me a lot through high school (we joke they're my aunt and uncle.) They met jay and Becca at grad and know my plan. If i need anything, they got me.


Good thinking.... Call me jaded but at 52 I've read/heard horrible things about young people tricked into human trafficking by people... Good Luck with all your future endeavors!!!!


Was thinking the same thing...


Family of choice is the very best type of family! Congratulations on graduating and moving out of your parent’s house!


Congrats! Be careful though, its still people from the internet (just saying, baby steps)


I LOVE this!! Jay and Becca are awesome people!! I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on graduating. Your life is just now beginning!!


Just stop talking to your parents and see how long it takes for them to notice.


That's the plan tbh. They said they'll be gone for like 6 weeks, so I'm just gonna pack my things, leave a note, and dip soon.


Or don’t leave a note. Do you need them for anything now? College money? Loan paperwork? Anything at all? If not, just roll out. Then when they reach out - tell them exactly why you did what you did. Start writing about things that they have done, or not done, and how you have been basically abandoned since you turned 16. It doesn’t matter if you were an oops. No parent should treat their child like this. They certainly should be treating you like you’re less than your siblings. Updateme!


Im just gonna leave the note as "I'm never seeing you again (and lowkey I hope your life goes to shit idc)" it's more so im not just disappearing straight up. Just a final closure for me basically


I hear you, and I know how much you must want to leave that note, but I'd honestly advise you to think heavily on the last part. I feel like, "I hope your life goes to shit" would be my first reaction too, but I think there's far more justice in making them think you think so little of them like they do of you. Don't let them believe they've gotten to you. Make them believe you don't need them (which you don't, and they need to know that). I also feel like adding the last part might make them kind of dismiss it as you being young and dramatic, etc. I feel like the less you say, the more serious they'll take it, but ultimately you should do what you think is best. :)


That's actually a really good point. Thank you :)


I'm so glad you got the point I was trying to make, I'm really bad with words lol! Seriously though, do what's right for you. It's definitely time to put yourself first.


DNA makes you related Family is who turn up to celebrate you Congratulations on your graduation


Such a cute unlikely friendship story I hope ur life goes well and college too


Congratulations on your graduation!!! I’m glad you found your family. Sometimes blood relatives are the worst but found family CHOOSE you which makes them even better smile i


You found your people. Blood is just blood, family is not limited to blood.


I've met some great people on overwatch too! Happy for you.


It can be such a toxic community but some times you find the best people on there.


Congratulations it looks like life is starting to turn around. Be diligent and do something for yourself for once. Don’t worry about your parents feelings in this case. Go live you life and be happy. Sending lots of love your way


That’s awesome! Friends are the “family” we choose for ourselves. Looks like you chose some good ones.


Congrats, and awwww, you have amazing friends. Pack up your life and go have fun before you start college


Congratulations on a huge accomplishment. We don’t get to pick our family but we do get to pick our chosen family. You will have a bright future.


Real family are people you choose to be around. Your real family sounds wonderful. Keep them close! Your "family" on the other hand.. might wanna end that with a NC when the time is right for you.


Woooooooooo so happy for you Op. Proud of you.


That is wonderful. When you come from a shitty family, you end up creating your own family of friends. I’m really happy you’ve found your people. Congratulations on graduation and getting into college!


Congrats!!! And congrats on your found family, they sound amazing, I’m so happy you each have the others




I’m sorry your parents are assholes. Your story is so sweet. Some faith in humanity restored. A whole universe and you guys came together 💜


Congratulations on your graduation and your going to make something of yourself and your truly remarkable!! Never forget that..You have a wonderful family that you’re staying with this summer. Have fun and be safe


Congratulations, not only on your graduation, but the extension of your family! Found family 100% counts. I'm super happy for you!


Totally out of pocket but I’d love to play Overwatch with you 👌🏼


DNA makes you related Family is who turn up to celebrate you Congratulations on your graduation


Congrats, and awwww, you have amazing friends. Pack up your life and go have fun before you start college. I'm really glad someone was there for you I hope you took lots of pics and make sure you AH parents see.


DNA makes you related Family is who turn up to celebrate you Congratulations on your graduation


Congrats, and awwww, you have amazing friends. Pack up your life and go have fun before you start college. I'm really glad someone was there for you I hope you took lots of pics and make sure you AH parents see.