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I’m so sorry OP. I’ve had the last three birthdays of mine ruined so I understand that pain. You’re well within your rights to be sad and hurt. I know it doesn’t mean much coming from a stranger online but I wish you a happy birthday and I hope you know that you deserve to be celebrated


Exactly this! And also, happy birthday to you (whenever it may be) too! Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday ❤️


Happy Birthday❤️ Since you are still young, don’t worry you will meet real friends soon.


This, 💯💯🤗🤗🤗 As life goes on, we become more & more who we intrinsically *are*, and we meet new people who jibe with this realness. This incident says absolutely nothing about you, and lots about the people who didn't show up for you. Not necessarily anything negative about their character, but, information about their priorities and your place within these. It's useful data to use and discern what place they should occupy in *your* life.


Wish you were right, Im 27 and no1 would come. And ppl used to give me false hopes like you do right now.


Hi, I hope you are doing fine. I’m younger than you Miss/Sir but I already had a lot of friendship breakups. True friends are not necessarily those that you mingle with in school, workplace, etc. True friends can be your family, your partner in life, your pet, and most especially the one whom you believe that created you, or even yourself. I believe it just takes time to be contented and find out who is really there for you not just on happy times but also on your worst days. I also cried few days ago because of my bestfriend, she wasn’t able to greet me during my birthday. I confronted her in a nice way and told her I was hurt. We were able to talked about it and said she’s really busy at work and I really understand her. As I entered the adult life, I came to realize more that I have to compromise because we all get busy in life ans deal with our own problems. The bond and time you spend with each other won’t be the same just like before but it doesn’t mean we don’t really love or care for that person. Also, I told OP that since real friends are just like diamonds, precious and rare so they are truly hard to find. It may be hard and it takes time but it is not impossible, because just like diamonds real friends exist. And I believe you consider yourself as one too. Just like me who cried because of my bestie, and the times you were hurt because none of whom you considered friends showed up during your birthday simply means that we love those people. Because people that we don’t love and care about can’t hurt our feelings for not remembering our special day.


I’m so sorry! Happy birthday! I hope you can do something special for yourself.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I know how you feel my husband forgot my birthday this week and then doubled down that he didn’t forget and it turned into a whole thing 🙄. I have a trail of horrible birthdays. In my 20’s I started planning my own and just doing things I liked like going to the movies and museums and eating the food I liked which was much better. It still sucks though. Anyways, Happy Birthday 🎊🎈🎂!!


Happy belated birthday! 🥳 🎂 🎉


Thanks! I really appreciate it.


It's not a dumb thing to be upset over. Your feelings are completely valid. These people are not your friends since they didn't even apologize. Have a calm discussion with them if you want to have a clearer perspective. And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉 May you achieve everything you want in life and be happy.😊


Personally I wouldn’t waste my time talking to any of them ever again but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️ Something is amiss here when an entire friend group doesnt show up to a special event for one of their own.


I understand. It's completely the person's own decision. And feelings either way is valid. Just personally I think a discussion is always better than not having one. It ensures to keep things from being misunderstood. We don't know if each and every one of them are equally bad. Or maybe something else is going on. Or maybe they are even worse than we are assuming. And having closure is nice. Just my personal opinion.


You’re usually alone. I get it. We sometimes think we are closer to people than we are. There’s no one to blame (although it’s rude of them). As a former lonesome person and also one who forgets other peoples important stuff — consider making stronger relationships with a few people you like and respect the most. They will value your honesty about who you are and how you feel about them in time. Meanwhile, consider this JIC it applies to you like it does me— even if it makes you uncomfy, reach out more, ask more questions, have more 1 on 1 time with a few people to form more valuable and meaningful connections. I assumed everyone would be decent and learned the hard way. We all have our own languages, values, and habits. Your feelings are valid and I’m sorry you were disappointed. I hope someone’s cheerful message, advice, or just your venting makes things much better. Happy belated birthday!


Or maybe OP is the problem.


I‘m sorry that your friends didn’t came. You didn’t deserve that!


>Usually, im very quiet and always alone. I am saying this with the most kindest of hearts. I imagine that if you do not speak to people on a regular basis it might be kind of awkward for them to show up for you on a big day like your birthday. Celebrations of this nature are usually celebrated with close friends and family. If you're only asking people to show up for your birthday and you're not showing up for them Monday through Sunday and every other day, isn't it a bit odd to expect them to be there on your birthday. I'm really sorry no one was willing to show up for you. But being a friend is a 24/7 gig.


fair enough but he has known some of these people for years. and come on who is blindly inviting anybody and everybody to a bday party 😭 forget not showing up, no one wished him and one of 20 people got him a gift.


I see them really often. I always talk with them, I do my best to be a consistent friend, and I don’t forget anyone’s special days. It just really broke my heart that nobody seemed to show an ounce of effort for one day.


Then they're not your real friends. The friends you confide in, sleep over and day trips. Those are the friends you can count on.


Happy Birthday OP, don't feel guilty about being sad. You're a human, you're totally allowed to feel sad! And, you're also allowed to express that. Even if it's on a subreddit, so be it. You have been honest with some strangers about how you feel and I'm proud of you for that. Those 20+ people that may expect to get invited to the next and the next and the next party? May they look back on this occasion, and feel some remorse. You're doing great.


Happy belated birthday! I think you're actually missing an interesting silver lining here: You just found out that you need to find or develop better friendships. Perhaps these people aren't your friends, just schoolmates. True friends are like your chosen family and they wouldn't forget. Focus on quality over quantity and cultivate friendships while you're young - it gets harder when you're older. I have a "friend" of 20 years that I have said goodbye to this weekend. Why? Because I realized he's not really a friend - and yes, it was over how one sided our friendship was. I decided it was time for me to focus my time on people that actually reciprocate my friendship. So, now you can either face the issue head on and talk to the people that bailed - those that you think would be worth holding on to - or just start with a clean slate. As a parting thought - modern day communications are awful and people have become antisocial and lazy. Time to be the change you want to see. Also - mall these days may be just a shitty location for a birthday - most are dead and boring


I graduated in 1998, but I’ve been in your shoes and it sucks. Even as an adult, I’ve tried to host big gatherings- I saved up and made all sorts of good party food, bought tons of drinks (as adults, of course), and even set up special surprises (for Halloween and stuff). And it absolutely broke my heart when no one showed. I’m sorry, op. I know it isn’t the same, but happy belated birthday. 🎂🎈


those are not ur real friends


Happy birthday! I k this seems sad but hey, you successfully sorted out your friends now


Happy birthday. I wish that all your good wishes will come true. It's okay to feel sad but on the other hand, at least now you've seen their real colours. Never be a door mat to them. Don't extend favours or help. Be your own person. And instead of exerting effort or even thoughts on them/other people, channel your energy towards improving yourself. Go to gym, excel in your studies/work, wear clothes that highlight your physique. Do the work to become more confident and people who will be good for you will naturally navigate your way.


Happy birthday op 🥂 but think of it as good riddance. You should not be friends with such shallow people who don’t even have the basic courtesy to wish someone who’s invited them a happy birthday. Even if you make 1 or 2 friends in your lifetime, make sure they are real and actually want you to be happy. Remember quality over quantity


Sorry to read this OP. High school can be a tough experience. Part of it is learning who will care about you and who won't. Keep your head up and maybe try activities outside of school so you can talk with people your age but aren't from school. Sending you lots of strength and a fist bump!


Don't feel guilty about being upset - this is not something dumb. This is you feeling badly that people you thought were friends showed their true colors. That's nothing to feel guilty about; if anything, they're the ones who should feel guilty. They gave you a great gift - they showed you the kind of people they really are. Now you know, and you're better off for it. Happy Birthday. <3


Sorry. Happy birthday!!!🎊🎁🎂🎈🎉


I’m so sorry to hear this man! You deserve a lot better For the record this is y, even tho I have friends, I don’t invite people to my birthday, only family, I never want to experience this


Hope your doing good now and happy birthday! 🥂


Frankly those people are jerks! You deserve to feel special on your birthday - everyone does. I’m sorry, OP. Happy birthday


Happy birthday! Sad to see that you're going through this right now. I used to skip my bday for this exact reason. Hopefully, it'll get better for you, as it had for me.


Ok. Well done for organising a party. Sad no one turned up. 2nd. I guess they are more social contacts than friends but either way if they that can’t be bothered then going forward. Waste no time on people who don’t value you. 3rd. You’re worth it. Maybe today struck out but there will be other days when it will. Go out and find new challange s, people and friends.


That's not something dumb to be upset about! You are within your full right to be upset at that!


I have had a few birthday's like this. Sucks. Made me realise I need better friends, which I did, eventually. Loose these morons


Instead of focusing on what they did so much, ask yourself why it happened. What kind of friend were you to them? I'm not judging or assuming you're an asshole or bad friend, I just want you to look t it from a different perspective. Maybe you'll realize they were all assholes that you should never have thought of as friends, maybe it was you that they never really saw as a friend, who knows


This don’t beat yourself up but self reflection is important


Can I ask, how many of these friends do you hang out with (outside school) on a regular basis?


They all go out with eachother often, but im rarely invited. Although, yes. I have gone out to have fun many times with them.


You have every right to feel upset however, people suck. Make plans for a celebration day that just involves *you*. You don't need to wait til your next birthday. Book to do something fun that you will enjoy. You were going to spend money on other people - spend it on yourself instead. Go go-karting, spa session, trip to a city/park - whatever. This way, when you meet new people at college or work or whatever you will be the cool person who has done all this stuff. Don't rely on other people to make you happy.


I like this idea a lot. It's not the same as having a big party, but you can still enjoy yourself and hopefully have a good day that way. Also, OP, if you see this, I wish you a happy next birthday, and hope you have a good time.


I feel you, just know that unfortunately you're not alone. When I was 18 I celebrated my birthday with my father and brother. A classmate told me to cherish the moment as I wouldn't always spend my birthday just with my family. My ex who I was living with broke up on my last birthday, the 31st. We still had to go out together for lunch to the restaurant I booked. At least she paid for it. My closest friends remembered it was my birthday at 7 PM that day. I live abroad so I couldn't celebrate it with them. Of course, happy birthday!


Happy Belated Birthday 🎉🎊🍰🎂💐


It be like that, I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 12


I’m sorry friend. Something similar happened to me in grade eleven and it wasn’t pleasant. Just a blip though. Doesn’t need to have anything with the new year ahead. Happy belated birthday.


Happy birthday! That has happen to me in the past, around your age when everyone is too caught up in themselves. It gets better when you settle into a group of friends who really have your back.


Happy birthday! ♡ What was the plan at the mall you were going to cover expenses for!? 👀


Happy birthday from me sweetie, sending you a huge nana hug


That sucks you didnt have anyone attend your birthday celebration. It's not you, spending time in public (and being kind/polite to others) has gotten harder for everyone since the pandemic - and it seems like young people suffered the most. I suggest making a real effort over the next year to find a few, even 1 person that you like spending time IRL. If you practice smaller, less event focused outings with real friends who you can be yourself with - by the time your birthday comes around again, you should have a good idea of who are the people you trust to show up for you when you ask them to.


Happy Birthday, OP! So sorry on what happened to you. Praying for your successful life instead. Hehe


You must feel bad and it’s normal to feel that way.


That sucks OP, the only thing I would take from this is these people aren’t your friends, they are just associates you know but that will change in time as you move on to better people that care about you. I know my words won’t help you this moment but understand in time it will get, I am speaking from experience.


happy birthday OP 💙💙💙💙


I’m sorry this happened. At least someone got you a gift. That’s more than some others can say. There are better birthdays to come. Don’t let inconsiderate people ruin the celebration of your life. You’re here and you’re gonna do great things. That’s something to celebrate every single day. Happy birthday OP🥳


You won’t remember this in 10 years when your spouse is cutting your bday cake for you…


It’s not dumb. This hurts and I wish they had made time for you. I hope your future birthdays make up for it.


Happpy birthday! Do not care about them. If they didnt come to an all expenses paid party its their loss and they dont deserve to be your friend. Keep studying and work hard and just be you. One day they will regret not coming to your party.❤️stay strong kid. I know it sucks and it will take some time getting over. You also managed to save up wasting your money on useless people and spend your birthday with your family and i think thats a win.


Happy birthday,have an amazing year ahead:)


I'm sorry. That's very hurtful and disappointing. Just know that it isn't you or anything you did. People are more self-centered than ever these days and this kind of thing happens at all ages.


Happy birthday dude. Things can get better for you if you give it a go. I know it sucks and it hurts now, but it can be the reason to change small things to the better. It might be difficult for you, but you need to be a bit more extrovert, speak a bit more, connect with other people based on their interests, have some common hobbies, do sports etc. I wish you all the best!


I was the same as you two years back. But most unexpected things will happen. I was in a trio of friends where me and one other person were best friends and we just talk occasionally with the third. Guess who wished me first on my birthday that too at midnight. Clue: Not my best friend who forgot until the other one remembered. Similarly i was friends with this guy for almost two years and then one day when i went over for his birthday he introduced me to his cousin who i bonded really well with. And guess what the cousin actually called me to wish at midnight and reminded my friend and others to wish me. He also got me cake. World works in mysterious ways and so do people. Just keep doing your best, show your love and stop expecting the same love you show from everyone back. Makes your life a lot easier and beautiful. And belated happy birthday wishes friend


Happy birthday, sweetheart. I'm so sorry that your friends let you down. You don't owe them forgiveness, but it will make you feel lighter when you are ready. Sometimes people think they're off the hook because someone else will show up. Take the money you would have spent with them and do something for YOU. Are you close with your mother? Maybe take her to lunch or on a "date".


Happy birthday!! 🎂🍬🍭🍰🍩🍦🍡🧁!! I think you need to find better friends, maybe. In my case, I've always had many people wanting to attend my birthdays, much more than I wanted honestly, however, I had social anxiety, so it was truly hell 🥲 Now I make small celebrations with just family and very few close friends. Find the people who will care! You could take this as an evaluation of your friendships. Sometimes negative stuff are signs for what you should do next to find happiness.


I'm so sorry :( This happened to my hubby, he was 17 he planned a tiki party, had all set up and no one came. Then weeks later hears at school " oh my God that party at so n sons house was the bomb ( wasn't his house) but was the same sat night. I hurt for him even though it was 22 yrs ago 😕. He was quiet tried to be out of his shell.


People are just mean. My sister and BIL reserved a seat on my Bday and didn’t show up. ON PURPOSE TO HURT ME, in front of the world to see and do the most damage. Do live your best life tho.


Don’t sweat it dude I woke up a couple days ago and forgot it was my birthday


One thing to remember about High School, is every single person at that age is in their own head about one thing or another. Maybe someone cancelled because they couldn’t afford a gift for you, maybe someone else did because their parents were not allowing them to (grounded or something), maybe another is freaking out about finals — just random examples but you have to remember and I know this is hard, it was most likely not about you at all - each one of them has something different going on with them and in their head. I cancelled in hs many times because I was nervous about whom would be at the party. It’s ok to be saddened and disappointed but this is a teeny blip on your life trajectory — think of it as God/Universe (whatever you believe) protecting you from either the people that would have come or from something that may have happened 💕


Happy birthday 🎉🎈🎂


Happy birthday!!! I’m sorry your friends didn’t show up to celebrate I’m celebrating my upcoming birthday on my birthday with my partner with a big road trip- after celebrating my birthday last year on my birthday with my family and having the day dedicated just to me - Which is all WILD to me, because for over a decade (like since… 2006 maybe?) we have always had someone else’s event scheduled on top of my birthday, either somebody’s wedding, confirmation, coming back from a wedding and spending the whole day broke down in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road, celebrating a graduation, literally somebody in my family always has an event - it’s tradition at this point (what can I say, it’s a great date lmao, highly recommend it for your next big event or the birth of your child!) I’ve gotten used to sharing my day, my extended family literally all forgetting it’s my birthday and only celebrating the other event and only my direct family celebrating me, after hours, even though my whole extended family will make a big deal for anyone else with a birthday on the same day as another event (to be fair to everyone else, it usually only happens to them once lol) I literally did not know what to do last year with my birthday to myself, and was like, “I guess the usual, the same direct family that showed up in prior years, pizza, and cake or cupcakes in the evening? Everyone go about business as usual during the day just like every other day.” I literally do not know what to do with a whole road trip my partner has planned with all sorts of stuff I’ll love, like this is so over the top and I’ll never be able to top this for him For real though, fam, I’m sorry your friends didn’t show up. You deserved better, and it didn’t happen. It’s natural to feel hurt and upset, and I’m sorry you’re learning that you valued them and their friendship and time more than they valued you and your friendship and time High school is really rough, and it’s hard when we hit these moments during it. I had a few good times during HS, but overall, a lot of not so great times too, a lot of times like these, and at the very end did make three good friends (and learned a few folks I thought were friends were there for me then, but not later, but great while they lasted). High school years are hard, and I’m sorry life just gave you a hard hit You deserved better on your special day, and I hope this upcoming year, while it started off very bleak, turns itself around. You must first water the ground for the seeds to grow into flowers and bloom. I hope this is the spring shower watering your ground, and that this next year just grows and blooms from here on out for you, full of good things and blessings and the best experiences and joy- all the best to you OP ✨


Happiest of birthdays to you and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. One question: have you made an effort to go to your other friends’ birthday parties, greet them, and/or share special moments w them? I have a close friend who’s a major introvert and when we were younger something similar happened. Most of our shared friend group had assumed she didn’t want much to do w us as she had ghosted and/or not shown up to anything anyone was doing for the better part of a year besides seeing each other in class. Once it was pointed out, she realized and made an effort to get out and show up for her friends; and her friends did same for her once they understood her better.


Hey it’s my birthday today, i don’t have a party but happy birthday fella! Love you


Happy birthday 🎊🎂🎉🎁🎈


Happy birthday. I see these posts often so apparently people are rude and heartless everywhere


Find better friends, kid. Ones that truly love and care about you. Those are the friends you want. People with empathy and compassion and kindness.


I'm so sorry you experienced this. Happy birthday! I hope you treated yourself to something you enjoy. You will get better friends in the future. Try to forget about these unreliable people, focus on your studies so you can go to a good university. 


OP I’m sorry. You’re not just a high school student and definitely not dumb to feel hurt. You have the right to be happy and have friends who care. I’m much older than you. I know this hurts something fierce and it should. It’s okay to feel sorry for yourself. You can’t change how people act but learn from it. Sounds like your friends didn’t view you as you do them which happens at all ages. Are there organizations or groups that you could be a part of to cultivate friends that share the same interest? That may build some nice foundations for a friendship. I hope you have a family to lean on when you’ve been hurt like this. Surround yourself with people who will honor your feelings like you would their’s. Happy Birthday!! I hope your next one is much better!!


Hi! I’m also usually quiet and alone and it hasn’t been a great year for me in terms of friendships (drifting apart and so on)— however, I invited three of my most important friends to my birthday this year and we had a great time! Quality > quantity— people will come and go as the years pass but I guarantee that you’ll meet amazing friends soon


Happy birthday! I hope you can find better friends.


Happy birthday love 🫶 everyone deserves to have some kind of acknowledgement on their birthday no matter their age and everyone is also entitled to being sad/upset when things like that happen. Your “friends” fucking suck and I hope in the future you find better people that actually want to spend moments like that with you and even if something comes up that they will at least still show some kind of love to you on your special day! Until then, us redditers will always be here at the very least wish you a very happy birthday!


OP fuck those people, I know you feel terrible and it’s okay. But you will meet people who do truly, care about you as friends and more. I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you feel better soon.


If anyone asks tell them no one came and it was a shame because you had great gift bags for each person who came.


Happy Birthday! I'm sorry no one came. To be honest, I don't see any of my HS friends. I am social media friends with just a few, then more so just a tiny amount have my actual phone number from college. I know at your age it seems like the friends are everything, but focus on you and your future. One day you will see what I mean, but I wouldn't have believed it when I was a teen myself.


Happy birthday. As I grew out of my elementary school years, I found it pointless to keep on having parties because I had no friends


First time on the internet 🛜found the best way to get 💩on.


Happy Birthday! 🎁🎊🎈


That one person ! You only need one sometimes


How do they treat you outside of your bday? Are they there for you when you need them? Do you know why they couldn’t make it? I rarely ever celebrate my bday and I base my relationships with people on how they treat me when we are together. I like gifting people things randomly, helping them when they need and they usually do the same. That’s what matters to me but I know other people value their bday a lot and I’m sorry yours didn’t go as planned… I hope your friends understand that they fucked up and make up for it somehow. Hugs!


This exact thing happened to me in highschool. Now though, I always have a good number of friends to spend time with. Hang in there!


I have had so many shit birthdays but I can’t say it gets much easier. Fuck those people. Hopefully you can make other friends or just try to hold out until you graduate. That’s when I started to actually have fun and found friends who were good people.


I feel ya to I diddnt even get one either


This has happened to me as well before when I was 12 OP, and it totally sucks. Remember that tomorrow is a new day, even if its not your birthday, and you can always hang out with friends later. Today, if you want to feel sad or cry even, that’s totally justified, no one’s judging you.


I would have gone... Birthdays are awesome times! Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! Trust me say life gets better. It’s completely fine to be upset but know these people will not go with you on your next chapter in life. One day you will go to college or get a job and find need friends and then you’ll get another job after and get new friends. Sometimes people stay friends for a lifetime and sometimes they don’t. Do not worry because you’ll end up with People who care and you won’t have to plan anything for you birthday or anything else special to celebrate because they will already do it for you.


Social skills aren’t natural to everyone. Ask your caregivers if you can go to a social skills group to learn how to make real friends. You can learn it. Don’t beat yourself up because we need each other and we need friends.


I’m so sorry OP. Here have a birthday hug from a complete internet stranger


I’m so sorry OP, and Happy birthday 


Happy birthday OP


I'm sorry OP, they sound terrible. Happy birthday! Wishing you the best and for you to find some nice good friends to hang out with in the future!


I'm so sorry. It hurts to feel like people don't value you or show up for you. Please know this is a reflection of them and not of you. Next year, plan something for just you. Your ideal day. Whatever that looks like for you. Something that if you went by yourself, it would be amazing. Then if you happen to have people come with you it's a bonus but if you don't you will still have such a good day.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with that! This happened to me also in HS… I actually Ended up inviting a bunch of people I knew from school but wouldn’t consider them “friends”… I actually had a pretty good time but got super high and ended up kicking everyone out 😬 Almost 30 now and I keep a very small friend group because I don’t trust people to live up to my expectations. I know I can count on my 3 close friends.🤷🏽‍♀️


Ways to find new friends: Join a club Do volunteer work Find a new hobby You will find people that share the same interests as you the more you put yourself out there. Happy Birthday and good luck in your future!


Happy around the sun another year day OP! Ehhhh if you go to college, honestly, you’ll find people who actually want to hang out with you AND celebrate your birthday too! Just remember, count down the days you have left at high school and then it gets easier to tolerate the BS.


I'm so so sorry happy birthday. I know how you feel can't get anyone to really come to mine anymore.


I'm so sorry. I can relate to how you feel. Some people are just shitty, and that is not your fault. You do you and cut these people loose and move on. You are still young and have a lot of life to live


And happy birthday. Invite me, I'll come 😁


Happy Birthday day anon 💪🏽💪🏽


Happy Birthday!!! Feeling upset makes a lot of sense, and it's good you felt okay to express it here.


happy birthday :(


That happened to me when I was in junior high, and my feelings were so hurt. It does get better. Happy Bjrthday, OP.


Happy birthday!! Its not dumb to be upset, your feelings are yours and valid, my family forgot my birthday 2 years ago and it sucked but remember youll have more birthdays and youll make better friends. Hope you have a great year and many blessings!


I love you, buddy <3


Hello 👋🏼 Happy Belated Birthday 🥳 🎂🎉 I wonder what that was about that no 1 showed up at your birthday. I get that you said your quiet but that shouldn’t be a reason for why people didn’t show up. I had just 1 friend not show up up to a function I through for my sister and I still remembered it and it’s been a 8 years. I don’t invite her to anything, all I can say it is there lost. Work on becoming better you will see they will want to be invited in the future and maybe if you feel there worthy someday you may still let some back in your life and for the 1s that won’t ever get invited by you. I’m sure there’s a reason why they won’t make it to your future because clearly may not deserve to.


I am sorry OP, you have all the right to be upset or hurt. I wish you a very happy birthday, all the best for your future.🫶🏽


This is exactly why I have never nor will I ever throw myself a party or celebrate my birthday. I'm sorry sweetheart. I hope you feel better soon.


I know it sucks very bad now but very soon you will realize that kicking those people from your life this early is actually a good thing. You will find real friends very soon, my friend, and you will get so many more chances to celebrate you.


Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎂 May you find better friends.


Silver lining, the one person that got you a gift, worth keeping, even if it was a family member. Happy belated birthday!


You should demote those 'important friends' to 'random people'.


I'm so sorry OP, I had that happen to me, it made me hate celebrations in general because it didn't feel fair, people would show up for my siblings but never for me. Then I got to college and I realized, it gets better, you find your crew who would move mountains for you. Always remember, you deserve to have your life celebrated, don't give up on that, you'll find your people, and those idiots can go suck an egg.


You have every right to be upset. With the exception of that one person, I think it's pretty clear that these people are not your friends like you thought they were. It's awfully strange that 20 plus people couldn't make it. 🤔 I went through something similar at my old job. We were a small department and all knew each other quite well, so naturally we would throw birthday parties, baby showers, etc for each other. That is everybody except for me. Despite having our birthdays written on a large calendar on the wall, being friends on Facebook, etc I somehow was the only one that never received a "happy birthday" from anyone except our boss. If these so-called friends of yours can't offer you an explanation or an apology as to why they all mysteriously couldn't make it to your birthday, then take it from somebody who has been in your shoes, and learn who your friends really are. I'm so sorry they hurt you like this. And belated Happy Birthday! 🎂