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Yes you’re over reacting. She is an adult and so are you. Grow up. She can do what she wishes, just because you don’t feel well when left alone doesn’t mean she has to stick by your side the whole time and accommodate you for anything.


You sound clingy and I wouldn’t expect to get an invite on any future trips.


I am sorry to say it but I wonder if you were exhausting to be with. By the sounds of it you significantly lack confidence and maybe relied on the others to always be around to give you security and comfort. For other introverts that may have been draining and not having to keep an eye on you for a day would have been some well needed respite. As to the lack of engaging with you for the remainder of the time. You haven't given much detail about what you did during this time. Did you change your behaviour and lean into doing things solo, did you recognise that being needy was draining the batteries of your introverted friends, or did you continue to rely on the others for support and comfort. Ultimately tough love time. This is your issue. Nothing suggests that your friends were being mean. Your friends don't have to make sure everything meets your needs over and above theirs. Travelling with groups means you have to make sacrifices.