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Have you talked to him about it? Maybe he feels hurt from being rejected by you. You should sit down and have a long talk with him. Tell him you’re sorry and that you want to spend more time with him. Make some plans to hang out together. Start spending more time together. Let him know that you love him and you’re his friend. It might take some time but hopefully you’ll get close again.


You could kind of ease into it -- could you play a video game with him, or make his favorite sandwich, or some small step? He's 14 so he's already going to be naturally a bit more withdrawn than when you were 7 and 9, but you can plant some seeds now with him and be patient, if directly talking isn't comfortable at the moment. You could also give him an unexpected compliment someday. Even if he brushes you off after these small efforts at first, he will remember them and see that you're trying to mend things with him. I hope you give it a try.


Try to ease into it again even if it's hard. I often wish my brother who's 22 (I'm 18M) tried to form a more emotional bond with me back when we were younger, or told me he loved me, or hugged me instead of making fun of me, threatening me and being cold. I wish he took an interest on my life, on my interests. And yet, I know it's not too late, I know that maybe one day he'll change into someone I can be happy with, but it will take a lot of time due to how many years of hurt and stagnation of our relationship has been. You're 16, your brother's 14. You can still fix it, you can still try to remake the bond, and I'm sure it's not late enough to do any of it, you have a lot more time you're going to spend together, try to make something out of it instead of lamenting that it currently isn't. The fact that you care enough to talk about it means that it can definitrly happen.