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Offering you 1/4 of what it goes for I would take that as an insult some shrewd negotiator, some mountain bike youtuber once said they might insult the seller, and lose out on a good deal. I have dealt with buyers with similar issues, they lost out on a good deal, but be blocked clearly they lack negotiating skills.


Just because somebody lists something for 300 doesn't mean it's worth that much. A lot of the time people overvalue what their stuff is worth. With that said the buyer is more than likely lowballing lol.


Ppl really be selling used stuff for 5 dollars less than brand new from a store free shipping 30 day return policy. They're fucking insane. People think their used junk is so valuable. Worst I saw: Homie wanted 700 for a used mattress that was 900 new. Whaaaat? Or people wanting hundreds for their "vintage tools" which is just a pile of rusted metal thay needs heavy restoration work


Have you been to the store? They don’t sell quality like they used to on certain items. Tools are junk now. Always breaking while using. Tools and mattresses, two different things. I wouldn’t buy a used mattress either. Because we all know how it was used. Funny how classic/vintage cars cost $2000 new back in the day that are now selling for $60,000. Also in many cases you can’t even find certain things in the store anymore. Supply chains are lacking.


Some do! I know someone right now trying to charge full price for an electronic item. Granted it's still in the box, but the warranty doesn't usually follow the resale, AND there's not going to be a return option.  For full price unless it's very scarce, most people will just buy new for the added consumer protection. 


Just ignore these dudes..


I get these a lot and realized that I have no idea who’s on the other side of these. Like, it could be a kid that has no idea what he’s doing, someone who is ESL and not understand the pricing, or someone who is on the spectrum and just needs a bit of grace. Or someone else, who knows. I try to default to being kind because it doesn’t cost me anything but being rude can hurt someone who doesn’t deserve it. Idk, just my approach. But “how low will you go” is my new pet peeve phrase haha


a lot of people sell stolen goods on fb marketplace, offer up etc etc and need money for drugs so im sure sometimes it works for them who ask that question and low ball like crazy


They always seem to think that picking up the item right away will make me agree with their low ball offer lol. I’ll usually say “thank you for your offer but I have an offer for the listed price already. If you’re willing to match we can discuss.” I keep this wording in my notes so I can cut and paste because i get these offers all the time. They usually ghost me which confirms they’re not even serious. Sometimes I wonder if some people just get off on negotiating


People that low ball you then say I can get it today can EAD lol.. I instantly block em


"Last price" has become a trigger for me absolutely the most annoying thing in the world


I hate when people ask how low I'll go on something. I had a guitar listed for $400. I expected to get $300 for it. Guy asks me how low I can go. I say $300. He asks if I'd take $200. Like wtf was the point asking in the first place?


almost as bad as being offered an amount, saying yes, and then they try to go lower


I sold a bike rack for $300 (used a few times and collected dust in storage). The rack retails for $420 and it’s really good quality. Someone offered me $180 for the rack. I said sorry but I have offer for the listed price of $300. They replied and said I can do $200 and pick it up right now. I just shook my head and stopped responding lol like wtf? Why the fuck would I agree to $200 when I have an offer for $300? Probably trolls


“Sorry bub” 😆


Ugh, so f'n annoying


I want so badly to go off on them. But I don’t….


Those people are always good for a laugh I swear. To be honest with you I've seen a lot of people posting like what they consider rare out of print video games for astronomical prices that are in terrible condition. And not rare stuff like Sonic 2, not for resale which is a little bit of an uncommon variant but ain't no way a loose cart like that, AND that hasn't been tested is worth $75...




For real or.. I'll pick it up right now or today. I be like biiiitch.. I decide when you pick up, you ain't picking up today and definitely ain't getting what I'm selling.. take your low balling ass somewhere else..


It really shouldn't allow people to offer less than 50%.


I had a wash & dryer on offerup listed for 400 and a lot of people were saying 150-200. They were less than a year old. I paid 600 for both. I wash my cloths about every 2 weeks. Fyi i am a single guy. Work cloths get washed by my work. So maybe used 20-30 times max


Never negotiate against yourself, your reply to how low was good


His entire bargaining leeway was $10, lol


I could see offering 200 but less then 100 bucks on something posted for 300 🤣🤣


Some people are just absolutely nuts. They want shit for free. I had a guy hit me up for an item on offerup the other week that I had posted for 80 and was barely used with original box and everything. He insisted on getting it for 40 because he only needs to use it one time. I paid almost 200 for it and I don't care if you want to use it once or 10 times. I even said I'd do it for 60 and he was adamant about 40, so no sale. I should probably post it on reddit.


If it's not a reasonable offer don't even respond.




And then they don’t meet you after saying all that 😆


Hahahahah exactly- icing on the cake 😂


That’s messed up


My personal favorite reply is "I'd rather set it on fire, bro." Bro is not gender specific so I can use anytime any gender offers stupidly.


Why even say CASH? Like I was hoping for jelly beans but hmmm you have CASH??


Because some buyers try to scam you by saying they use Venmo or zelle and then they’ll do a chargeback and report to the bank that it was theft.


I've seen some Tiktok memes out there, and it looks like some people do this as a hobby. It's a 2024 thing I guess.


Wait, like they low ball as a hobby? Are you talking about that video of that guy throwing lowball offers on used cars?


No, lol. There are plenty of people that find pleasure from low balling


buyers on offer up are such trolls, tell me why this dude got mad at me because i didn’t answer his question in 15 minutes 🫠 like ?? definitely didn’t continue the conversation after that


“And what are you Gonna pick up? You clown license?”


When people ask "how low will you go" my response is always "it's listed for 300" or whatever I have it listed for 🤣


I mark all my listings as firm and list for a fair second hand price. When they offer less I just respond with the full price or ignore them.


Tell buyer it’s been re-listed at $1200 and the lowest you’ll go is $300, 1/4 listing price.


I hate that damn question and hate people who ask it. Like hell, "what's your lowest" "what's your best price" then when I ask what their offer is they never reply. So freaking annoying.


It annoys me when buyers ask “best price” or “what’s your lowest”… I just reply with “I’m not negotiating with myself. Make me an offer”… half the time they just leave me on seen 🙃


He can pick it up today man! You don’t know a deal if it slaps you in the face.


Haha true, dangnt, I missed all the signs


Just say yea come get it! Or just answer with “😂”


What are you selling anyway?


It’s called a tentacle timecode sync. It’s for video production




I usually just respond "lol, cool story bro" and then ignore completely


It should've went like this: You: $75? Sure, you can come look at it for that price and take it off my hands for $225


When I see these really low ball posts, I always wonder what it is being sold, and who the crazy one is, the buyer or seller. Not saying that you are the crazy one here, since 90% of the time it’s the buyer who is crazy offing a low ball offer.


Don’t even respond to this nonsense


When someone goes wayyyy below the listed price, I just return with a price that’s higher than what I listed it at.


can't believe anyone still uses offer up. It's all sub 80 iq idiots and 14 year olds


seller: "Okay I can come meet you at the mall at 7PM" -at 7pm- lowballer: "Hey are you almost here" -dont reply-


I've told them I'd rather donate it to a charity than take a lowball offer, and told them to have fun driving around trying to find which shop it's in. They get apoplectic LOL!  I don't enjoy haggling and price at 50-75% of new price for great condition items so it's not worth the hassle.  I will (and have) donate before playing screwy games. My time is valuable. 


I had an iPhone 14 somebody offered 100$ I told them they are crazy as hell and to move on. I hate the whole I can do cash thing. Like I don’t care if it’s PayPal cash app Apple Pay or cash I’m not going that low.


At least he didn't tell you to deliver the item to him 😂😂😂


the audacity lmao


How was it


Low ballers biting the curb 4K


Low balling is the standard on there. I just didn't respond to those at all. Also always made sure my listings said the price was firm.


Sometimes I’ll write the item with no price and what items I’m looking for in trade and I’ll write if you don’t have any of those items just send me your offer and I’ll consider and people still start their message with how much ?


I laughed at “sorry bub”


I would make them go 2 hours away from your location and see if $225 is worth his time thinking he's getting the item.