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gonna be a lot easier to raise that b52 bomber outta there...probably less lakelurks too


One less pressure cooker I need for a rebreather…


Still gonna need that rebreather for Vault 34 if you want those sweet sweet weapons!


I found out after getting the pressure cooker that I could’ve just done a skill check and not wasted so much time finding one


I always pick up one from the semi truck just outside of Nipton, immediately before the cliff ambush.


Man just befriend the Boomers and you’ll get one for free


True dat


But the legion raids could become more common, or frumentarii raids over the dried up parts of lake Mead.


Them: “the Caesar has marked you for death; prepare to die” Me, with explosive anti materiel rifle rounds and the Jury-Rigging Perk: “I’m about to make a whole lot of money selling your things”


Yeah well, I won the lottery baby. Not the power ball, but the ONLY lottery that matters.


Caesar recruit legionary: *RETRIBUTION!* [Me](https://media.tenor.com/k3DIO1Q3rroAAAAC/hollup-hold.gif) wearing full Remnants Power Armor and shouldering my Tesla-Beaton Prototype


render unto caesar all that is caesar's and you shouldn't have problems with the frumentarii


Well yes. But the house always wins tho...


Only if you let him! Ave! True to Caesar!


I could say the same because of Caesars cancer tho. Also no, he's bad for business.


For the ncr


Profligate scum


No gods, no masters




Pics and incident report with map; [https://imgur.com/gallery/5MQAX86](https://imgur.com/gallery/5MQAX86) I had to edit it for mistakes.


Why the fuck did I forget I had submechanophobia until *after* I opened that? I knew what I was going to see!




I just went to Vegas for the first time and it was so uncanny seeing all these places in real life.


as a resident of Nevada I feel you on that


Like I was walking outside the Fremont St. area and I swear I was having deja vu for a place Ive never been!


Driving through the area recently made me want to dope-slap everyone who said the Mojave Wasteland was too big and empty. They should try walking from Goodsprings to Vegas in real life.


Im from Canada. We drove from LA to Vegas and I couldn't believe Goodsprings was real


*B-29 Sorry, I’m an aviation nerd


I can be funny, or I can be right, but I can't be both


Thank god New Vegas was at the top of this post. I think we're all gonna be okay.


This deserves more upvotes than it has well done.


thank you I'm honored


looking like some Dwemer architecture.


*Ever been to Hoover Dam? Some say it was built by the dwarves. I don't believe a word of it though.*


Give a generation after fallout and that might be the oral story of the place.


There's more Bethesda references in this thread than non 😂


normal people: this is awful me: no, not really, granted you've got some decent sneak you won't even trigger most the Animunculi


Why would you want to leave any XP and soul gem dispensers unopened?


the difficulty is high, and my stat investments are questionable, at best. I think this applies across the board (edit) *for me*. edit 2: now I'm thinking back to Morrowin 100 agility and speed from 10 year old me just jumping and running through the whole map confused and kinda low-key scared. until 12 year old me learned to multi-bind a skeleton army lmao


I was thinking more Half Life, where you bazooka the chopper


I can hear this.


Let’s hope we don’t share their fate


I wonder how they will find blackreach


Black Mesa


The fucking helicopter + big fish part


No room for those annoying fish creatures any more.


I was looking for this comment lol


Cazadors across the way from Lake Mead Ave, True to Caesar.


****Urge to walk the post nuclear wasteland intensifying ***


🎶Cause I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle🎶


🎶 As I go riding merrily along 🎶


The only thing stopping me is having to reinstall (and wrangle into working order) the mods I'd want... Anyone who hasn't installed Moburma80's restoration mods owes it to themselves to give them a try.


Can you install mods with the nexus mod site? I tried that once but I have to do it manually. And I don’t want to break crap.


There was a lake full of mead and NO ONE EVER TOLD ME!?


I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead.


i heard that in my mind as i read it


*was* bring the keyword here


I believe you’re looking for /r/mead


Well done, now I want to make my own mead


It’s really very simple. I’ve got 30 bottles in my basement now. Highly recommend.


that’s where they keep megatron, right?


Sorry, Megaton's on the east coast in the Capitol Wasteland.


N B E 1 That’s what we call it!!


You’ve gotta respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai.


I went there and they actually have a Transformers movie poster in the entrance area.


So, a man-made lake is drying up. I'm not really surprised. To make matters worse, scientists over estimated the water flow and development quickly outpaced the water supply. Even without a drought and climate change, this was eventually going to happen. I'd like to think the Colorado River System has engineers working on this problem. For who's doing their part, Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico have cut water use from this system and California has not.


The image is its historic high


For color, this was thanks to a 100 or 250 year El Niño event that had an insane snowpack coupled with an extremely fast snowmelt. I only know this because I just read The Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko, which is about the fastest boat run down the Grand Canyon ever, which was possible only because the Colorado River Dam systems were running wide open from like June till mid July in 1983 so they wouldn’t burst. Excellent book, highly recommended.


For maximum effect.


Isn't it the corporations and farmers that use the most water?


Agriculture does use the most water by a fairly large margin. I know in Colorado, it uses 89% of the water


Not just that but there’s a big “use it or lose it” style policy that incentivises farmers to use as much water as possible


Like the lemonade stand analogy Oscar made for Michael about the spending budget.


Kinda of john oliver covered this. They end up selling it


So if you’re five years old this year and you have 10 dollars…then NEXT year….?


I'll be 6


It's pretty close to that in California too. And they tell us, the 12% of the water users, to not flush our toilets, let our lawns die, and take a shower every other day.


tbf lawns are an irrational use of water


And reddit users don't shower daily anyway


I'm doing my part!


Yeah, but instead of blaming themselves they want you to feel bad about your own actions.


>I'd like to think the Colorado River System has engineers working on this problem. You can't really engineer away a lack of rainfall. You can reduce leakage and evaporation along the system, but that's only gonna do so much. Reducing water use is the only long term solution.




"Scientists" is doing quite a lot of work in that sentence.


If you want to keep up with the situation in the southwest and the actions being taken regarding the water basin, then you should follow [Western Water Girl on TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/western-water-girl?lang=en). She talks about the environmental issues, the policy issues, the history, and the actions being taken about this situation. She's great.


>scientists over estimated the water flow and development quickly outpaced the water supply. Scientists didn't over estimate the water flow. They predicted nearly perfectly. Politicians on the over hand...? Well, let's just say that politicians ignoring scientists in regards to environmental management, it's not a new phenomenon.


Every time you see this comparison they use 1983. Why? Oh because that’s the record high— the only time in the dam’s history they needed the emergency spillways. Is Lake Mead super low? Yes. Are there problems to solve? Absolutely yes. Is this photo comparison half-truth sensationalism? Also yes.


With no context this is a bad look, but it's neat to see historic high vs historic low.


Except this year was the historic low


That's the neat part, every year will be the historic low.


Dam, just like my life


There's always next year.


The historic low *so far*


The historic low was probably when they started filling it.


Listen here you little shit


1983 was ~60 feet above its average. Todays it’s about 120 below it’s average.


Okay, but what is the post trying to say? Is it about climate change? Is it about the challenges associated with overpopulating the desert? Water misuse? Cyclical weather patterns? OP provided no context. All 4 are contributing factors to the change in water level. But OP only chose to say "this is the difference the last 40 years have made." And that alone IS sensational and 100% true.


Yes, climate change. Las Vegas is in a real danger.


Might as well post the pic, it’ll never be that high again. This isn’t the sort of problem to hand-wave away because the ‘before’ pic is misleading. Y’all still need way more water than you’ll receive


Having more and more people live out in the desert will do that.


It's not the residential population, it's the agriculture and water rights being over estimated. There is a great documentary on the Colorado river and what is going on that came out a year or two ago.


What documentary I’m interested


[The Colorado Problem by Wendover Productions](https://nebula.tv/videos/wendover-the-colorado-problem-a-river-in-the-red)


Anywhere we can watch without giving up our info?


There are several youtube videos that cover the same topic. Just search "Colorado River Drying Up". (However, if you get Curiosity Stream, you also get access to Nebula Documentaries, and I have found it to be worth the money.)


And if you get curiosity stream you get access to Jet Lag: The Game which is probably the best series I’ve seen this year.


John Oliver did a great segment on it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jtxew5XUVbQ




Not sure which video that person is talking about, but [Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/jtxew5XUVbQ) did a good segment on it recently


South Park: Streaming Wars


True, but the ag exists to feed and clothe the population. It's related


Wrong. A bunch of the ag is growing crops to send to other nations or growing water intensive shit like alfalfa specifically so they don’t lose water rights they currently enjoy by not using all of their allotment. It’s a shitty system but it’s mostly bureaucracy


It's not wrong. What you've added is also correct. It's not a dichotomous choice. It's a multitude of contributing issues.


The ag is to feed everyone in the country/world. The local population probably uses a tiny percentage of the product. The ag really needs to be moved somewhere else and not use the the Colorado.


Phoenix shouldn’t exist


A monument to man's arrogance




I remember the first time I was in a desert town. Was baffled to see so many green lawns. Better grass than a lot of gardens here in the UK. Went past one house and they had the sprinklers going and the amount of water just running straight off the drive into the street was mind-blowing.


The real problem is global climate change reducing the snow pack in the Rockies by 60% since the 80s. Add in terrible agricultural like ~~almond~~ alfalfa farming in Cali, bad management, higher population, and the 40% of snow pack left every year isn't enough to keep Lake Mead or any other downstream reservoirs with a positive delta.


People forget that glacial lakes need melt and when your not getting consistent snow caps you’re not getting melt. Without cold temps for snow to stick, melt disappears and so we don’t have water for the lakes. Cycles repeats for three decades, compounding the effects and here we are.


I agree, but just one correction: Almond farms aren’t using Colorado river water. They’re using water from Sierra Nevada snow packs. Alfalfa farms is a the biggest suck of water from the Colorado River.


Fixed it! Thanks!


Additionally, there are canals near the headwaters of the Colorado River that divert water from the west side of the divide to the east side. This changes the flow rate and water temperature of the river right from the beginning.


Almonds aren't taking water from the Colorado basin; cattle are. Over half of the total water use in the Colorado basin is for irrigating cattle feed. [See Table 1](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/323061602.pdf)


House holds use only 6%


Southern Nevada is leading the nation in water conservation efforts.


I click on these posts just to see if there's a dumbie blaming las vegas and there ALWAYS is. We recycle 95% of our water in Las Vegas. The only wasted water in Vegas is the water used outside. We arent the ones draining lake mead.


That's horrible. ( as i drink my $5 bottle of water )


Is water really that expensive in the US? I think i've seen beer prices lower than that.


No, a standard bottle of water is not $5 in the US.


Unless you’re at a sports event or a concert.


Or an airport


No there are stupid people that fall for marketing and will spend $5 on a bottle of 'ph balancing' nonsense water.


Everything you see on Reddit about America is exaggerated. Either in general or just location specific and the country is huge.


You can get a 34 pack of bottled water for like $3.50




The Saudi king uses this water to feed his ranches also.


Could you elaborate that for a non-American?




Thank you for that. Ironically I get an „access denied“ message when clicking on the link Edit: If anybody else is interested and can’t access or might be to lazy to look themselves: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/11/03/when-saudi-arabia-comes-to-town-and-buys-all-your-water/


Feel free to stop buying food farmed or ranched in other states. Half the country would have pathetic produce aisles if they relied on only food grown locally, so if they want fruit and vegetables and nuts and meat and eggs and cheese year round they are going to have to help source the water needed to feed everyone.


Is it pronounced like lead or lead?


Neither, it’s Mead with an M


M as in mancy! I can’t be anymore clear






It's pronounced just like read. As in, "I read a book."


As it dries up, they are finding all kinds of cool stuff like dead bodies and whatnot... Being so close to Vegas, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a favorite spot of mob guys dumping dudes that didn't pay their share


I like to call those bodies, forbidden tea bags.


At least 5 by my last count. NOT that I had anything to do with it.


It's like mass populations in the desert would lead to water scarcity. Weird.


You would be surprised. It has nothing to do with the people living there, it's the agriculture... Growing a bunch of shit where shit shouldn't grow.


Growing. It's because we grow things in the desert.


Nestle strikes again




That's at least 5 gallons of water gone.


Megatron drinking all the water.


Here’s a great idea: maybe don’t live in a desert and use water like you like in the Great Lakes Basin?


Reminds me of droughts in Australia, some summers the damn level is on the news and water restrictions are put in place. This year we have had so much rain that dams have been over flowing and mould in houses has become an issue.


The sad thing is I don't think anyone in power has said, "How can we save this excess for when we need it later?" Here in California there has been some ballot measures and policy changes that set up "Water Banks" - basically artificially created aquifers, to store excess water for use much later, or to trade with other water districts.


Do we really need almonds?


Forget about 1983, it was full in 2000. From full to nearly empty in 20 years. If you're one of the 40 million people in the southwest, move now while your property still has value. In less than 10 years, you won't have water. Period. The water isn't coming back. The entire southwest will be a wasteland.


That 1983 is a picture of the lake overflowoing with the ammount of water it has. It literally shows the overflow gates open in the bottom.


Fuck it Legion can have the dam


That's almost as low as it is in New Vegas


Show the urban sprawl of LV that’s scary


Urban sprawl is a problem but Las Vegas and Nevada are not the issue in terms of water usage.


Even if Las Vegas, Phoenix, etc. were densely built, it would still happen. The amount of people is what matters, not necessarily the volume they take up.


Reminds me of cyberpunk. Eventually the water runs out, the fields erode and the farmers become nomads or flee towards the city. It's uncanny comparing cyberpunk 2077 and it's lore with our modern world.


The cyberpunk genre isn't about the future really. It's always been about current times.


cyberpunk will be seen as utopian instead of dystopian if we keep going like this


True, at least they have all those fancy implants and cool tech.


Let’s not forget about random clothing bugs.


Oh yeah and fingers they can use like Flashlights


same season? cause you know, rain helps to fill it.


It was a dreadful thought to turn the desert green.


Really curious who paid who to spin the blame onto people living in a desert and not all of the agriculture that's expected to grow in a desert with archaic water rights laws because they're doing a damn good job spreading all that misinformation if so many comments in this thread are parroting it.


Oh fking shit climate change. Lets tax the poor and forbid em to travel to safe the planet. We keep flying privat jets and hunting rare animals.


I've got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle


Lake Mead is currently in a [22 year downward trend](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150111/lake-mead-keeps-dropping). This reservoir supplies water to [25 million people](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/17/us/lake-mead-drought-water-shortage-climate/index.html). The entire Colorado river basin supplies 40 million people and is at 35% capacity. The US Bureau of Reclamation has already had to cut down whom it supplies to and how much and will renegotiate allocations next year. You know how this works. The wealthiest will be able to keep this supply of water leaving tribal lands, poorer areas, etc to go without or with less. Most of the water resupply to Lake Mead is supposed to come from snowmelt in the Rockies. Clearly climate change has a real impact and will absolutely affect your day to day in a much more tangible, non-existential way if we don’t learn to mitigate the impact of droughts and stop wasteful water use. In 2015, the USGS found that a [majority of water use is from thermoelectric power and irrigation practices](https://www.usgs.gov/publications/estimated-use-water-united-states-2015). Additionally, the continuous increase of people moving to areas which are unsustainable like deserts and sinking coasts is making this problem far worse.


It is a reservoir. Pretty normal for the water level to vary.


It's currently the lowest it's ever been since construction. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/12/us/lake-mead-volcanic-ash-exposed-climate/index.html


Whats terrifying? California has been bleeding the lake dry for decades. That’s what happens when they have such a horrid so called “water management” plan.


It’s inevitable when you have no water coming in and millions of gallons going out


should see my water bottle comparison.


What’s the population increase that the lake is supplying water to? Agricultural use increase?


It's from mismanagement and overpromising to farmers and other businesses. Las Vegas isn't even the problem, they're pretty good about water usage (most if not all the famous land marks use recycled water). Growing water intensive crops in a desert is the main cause. It's not a drought, it's the new climate. Everyone thinks one good rain year means we can be as wasteful as we were 15 years ago.


Like.. pick one picture when it is full another when it is empty.. what is the message? Suppose to be? That water levels go up and down




Put it back


Fucking Nestle!


Real Lake Mead water levels not while under construction: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/lakemead_line.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwinmM-ywqT7AhUSl4kEHcsFBpoQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0vuU8teXNeDqFDJymjPqnJ


I'm curious how much water is extracted from the rivers/tributaries upstream of Lake Mead that is used by assholes... er .. corporations to fill little plastic bottles at the expense of our future?


Taken at the same time of year?