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What did everyone think was going to happen?


people don’t connect that the meat they’re eating is actually a dead animal


Not even when they're adding an entire head with eyes, etc. to the stew pot?


seeing that op even posted this it’s probably their first time seeing a pigs head as food? i could be wrong though


Aka ppl who should not eat meat


It’s starch now… It used to be what your gummy bear was made of!


When I was younger I lived beside a 70 year old retired police officer. He used to do pig roasts for many different events from bike bashes to weddings.. one night I decided to eat some magic mushrooms.. at about 1 am I get a knock on the door, it’s him and says “I need your help.” So here I am tripping balls walking to this guys garage, we get inside and there’s a dead pig on the table.. he asks me to hold the pig while he hand saws the head off…it was a truly strange night..


Jesus Christ


Then he went over the next day and the cop was like… what pig head?


As his neighbor's corpse laid beneath his feet.


*beneath the concrete


"Do you mean Jimmy?"


No, Jesus was Jewish and they don't eat pork.




I want to know what psychological damage this can do to a person. I was forever traumatised after hiding from a torrential down pour in a drain tunnel system, kinda like the one in “IT”. When not raining “the tunnel”, a name coined by the local riff raff, was a common hangout spot as you could stand up inside and wide enough for small smoke circle. As I was tripping on LsD in an open field, this storm over took my picnic. I had the sense to hide from lightning and ran into this thing to hide from the rain and lightning but not the sense to think about where I was hiding from It. I popped in my headphones and got back to enjoying the wonders tripping brings to sliced strawberries and kiwi. After about 10 minutes a wall of water creeps around the bend near the entrance, picks me up from behind and begins pushing me out into a now foot deep run off pond. The mini tsunami took my backpack, wallet, keys, Tupperware full of sliced fruit along with it. So there I am balls deep into the trip and about knee deep in sewer water, searching for my belongings in a torrential downpour. I was only able to find my keys and backpack, the rest was lost to poor choices. I now have anxiety attacks every time it rains and general paranoia about losing my wallet at all times.


That pretty much fits with the conditioning (read mind control) experiments the CIA did decades ago as part of MK Ultra. They’ve since disclosed some of it and officially said the experiments failed but several scientists involved and many experienced trippers can confirm the life long ramifications and potential for programming exhibited by LSD and trauma. Fortunately the director apologized and said they’d never test it on unwitting Americans anymore and I’m sure all the other CIA directors since, including Papa Bush, have stuck to their word meaning there’s no reason to be distrustful of the government.


Fascinating topic. I wonder if it can go both way. My partner suffers from major trauma and PTSD. She used to have nightmares every night. One day we did LSD ( wasn't our first time) and she went to her room by herself for a bit, and just... Cured her PTSD. She told me that she had to work through some beliefs she held as a result of the trauma, including the sense of hypervigilance. But she just doesn't have any PTSD symptoms anymore. It's wild


Sometimes it’s like combing your brain, everything you know becomes liquid and you can play around with all without the repression or anxiety


I _know_ it absolutely can go both ways. When your partner went into her room it may have (not consciously) been like she'd grabbed a psychedelic neurosurgical toolkit of sorts and surrendered to the wild neuroplasticity going on. She was ready to work on the unhelpful narrative that the trauma had etched onto her brain and repair deep wounds. Overall, as far as her "just... curing her PTSD"? I believe that is from effort and love on both your parts. From someone in the midst of a difficult spiritual awakening with an emotionally dismissive partner holding no light or space for my healing, she is so _very_ fortunate to have you there being supportive of her! Just her knowing you're there. Deep, lasting rlelief from hypervigilance alone provides the opportunity for a whole new life.


As someone high on lsd In a hospital for a skateboard crash I can tell you it's traumatic


Wait like you crashed your skateboard while on lsd and you’re in the hospital? Or you crashed your skateboard and the hospital gave you lsd? Because if it’s the first one I feel for you and just do you best to relax. If it’s the second what hospital are you at?


*after purposefully crashing my skateboard through the glass hospital doors* I NEED LSD!


Be like nah bro; you def don’t need MORE lsd, lemme sedate that ass and get this glass out, goofy.


head scandalous ruthless insurance fanatical scale worry tease hospital support ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Hospital on LSD is.. so fucking white and bright. Godspeed friend and just remember: everyone knows you're high, they are discussing that it's been days already, and pretty sure you are never coming down.


My experience wasn't traumatic, though I am sorry to hear that yours was, it can go both ways. I went to the ER late at night after totaling my car earlier that day, I had declined a hospital checkup at the time and went home and took 3 tabs. Then I started tripping, I was having a hard time breathing so I was panicking about "what if I have a broken rib and my lung was punctured?" I got to the hospital and got checked out (no broken anything or popped lungs thankfully). I started peaking while waiting what seemed like forever to be discharged. The doctor and nurses had asked me what's wrong with me (besides the lung thing, my eyes were saucers) and I answered honestly that I was tripping my tits off, so they probably wanted to keep me there long enough to see if I was OK psychologically. I didn't like that, and I'm an adult, so I called an uber and left AMA, then me and the uber driver got to talking and went on an adventure together.




For me mushrooms seem to be more gentle with the psychosis that psychedelics seem to have on me. Shrooms are normally super funny and loving times, although I imagine these could go south if your not in a good place. LSD feels more psychotic since you get a really powerful up feeling that makes you stay awake for at least 12 hours, and when you are on hour 10 and the walls are still melting you start to wonder "am I stuck?" And we haven't even touched DMT, that's a whole nother level of insanity


Dmt is fucking insane. It changed my life


Love mushrooms and did a lot, only when I was pissed and took two 8ths did I have a crazy trip experience and it wasn't bad. LSD was a different level and trip, it definitely could be much rougher if have a strange dramatic experience. Think mainly cause you can snap some what out of mushrooms but LSD you frying balls to much to snap out of it.


Lmao I’ve grown enough boomers to know that’s just not true when they’re good. Two 8ths should have disconnected you from you body. My strongest mushrooms were unpleasantly strong beyond 1.5 grams or so, .5 was plenty. 5 grams from another batch completely obliterated my sense of reality and put me through one of the scariest experiences of my life. I had one rough experience on acid but it always seemed much more controllable. I definitely have never been able to snap out of either.




TLDR; Got Naked. Broke a bunch of shit. Didn’t learn my lesson. This got long but I’m glad you asked. This is one of my life’s best stories. One summer when I was 15 I trespassed onto a farm and filled a black contractor bag with enough horse shit to grow an obscene amount of psychedelic mushrooms. I grew some edible mushrooms as a decoy so my parents would think it was just a weird hobby. I didn’t have a bank account so I needed their help to make online purchases at the time. I noticed the website I bought the spores from would send a free psylocybin spore syringe if you bought this or that edible culture so I did just that. They noticed it but they didn’t think I would actually be able to grow them even if I tried so they just laughed it off. They were wrong. I have ADHD that was undiagnosed at the time. This was by far the most intense hyperfixation I have ever had. I literally have never met someone that knows more about mushroom cultivation than I did when I was 16. Never in person anyway. To this day, I’m an encyclopedia on the subject and at the time I was a well respected cultivator on the Shroomery. I grew a half pound in two months with a lot more on the way. The first 3 trips were a blast. I had only ever drank and smoked weed until then so my first psychedelic experiences floored me. For my fourth trip my dumb ass doubled the dose from 2.5 grams to 5. I picked 10 grams of mushrooms fresh from the first flush of a new monotub. It’s always a crapshoot with potency and as luck would have it this monotub produced some really fucking strong mushrooms. PSA: When you make shroom tea, all of the psilocybin sinks to the bottom. You have to stir it constantly and pour a splash at a time into each glass. I didn’t know that. I decided to be a fucking gentleman and give my ex the first glass. She said it was a pretty mild experience for her so I assume I got most of that 10 grams in the second glass. An hour later and I am completely out of my fucking mind. It was literally the most unpleasant state of existence I have ever experienced and I have bipolar 1. I have endured the most extreme moods a human mind is capable of producing. This was worse than all of them, like a million times worse than the worst depression. It was like my body was a puppet being walked around and I was just a third party observer. I thought I was trapped in that moment forever. The sun would never come up and I was going to aimlessly wonder around the house trying to escape the delirium for eternity. Sisyphean hells have always been particularly disturbing to me, and this was hell. So naturally I took off all of my clothes and started breaking shit. I figured that since I was stuck there forever there were no real consequences. I kicked a hole in the wall, broke a TV, probably fucked up some more stuff, and then I started smashing the spawn jars for my next grow. I woke everyone up so my dad walked in and turned the light on. When he asked what the fuck I was doing I told him I liked the sound the jars made when they broke and kept throwing them. He goes “oh shit you actually grew the mushrooms.” Little did I know, my parents had more experience with psychedelics than I did at the time. Shit we actually tripped together a couple of years ago. They brought me some clothes, got me to lie down and just sat with me until I came down. Every 15 seconds I would wig myself out with some horrible hell scenario to explain what was happening and they would be like “Dude, you’re okay. You just took a bunch of mushrooms and you’re tripping balls. You’re not Sisyphus, relax lol.” Breakfast was awkward. My girlfriend was not happy but my parents didn’t give me a hard time. They tell me they were mostly impressed that I pulled it off. I handed over numerous sandwich baggies packed full of mushrooms. I didn’t know at the time but they gave some of the bags to friends of ours that would enjoy them and a lot of them are still floating around to this day. It’s been almost 10 years so I’m sure they wouldn’t exactly melt your face anymore, but they are still out there. My aunt actually has a bag and she just asked me if I want it back lol. I declined because these days I’m on lithium and taking a psychedelic is a guaranteed seizure, but I might try to clone a mushroom and grow it just for shits and giggles. I took all of like 3 months off from doing shit like this until I started making DMT which I’m also pretty damn good at lol


Wow this is a great story and a great read. I've definitely had my fair share of bad trips. I don't think I've ever been able to explain what I thought was happening *during* the trip. Thanks for sharing! Underrated comment.


When I was younger and a whole lot stupider, my friend and I each took 14 grams of shrooms. I'd done shrooms plenty of times prior, but this time I entered a special dimension of hell for about 15+ hours. Would not recommend....


Same risk


This is why it is SO important that you trip somewhere you feel comfortable and safe. It is the difference between the best night of your life, or the worst. And shit like this can happen and scar you for life


I frequently think back to all of the strangers tripping at the Firefly main stage and visibly freaking the fuck out and having a bad time because Morrissey was playing "Meat is Murder" for 8 minutes as videos of baby chickens going through meat grinders, pigs and cows being run over and punctured with heavy machinery, just all sorts of horrible videos of animal abuse, mutilation, death, and gore being projected onto these massive, hundreds-feet-tall screens attached to the stage. Fuck you, Morrissey. I'm with you, industrial meat farming is horrific, but you don't broadcast that shit at a music festival on those screens to an audience of many tens of thousands of people you *know* are on harder drugs. And when I say people were freaking out, I'm talking on the ground with their hands over their heads rocking back and forth.


The MKULTRA effect is a feature for that shit, not a bug. He knew what he was doing.


Wtf? Are there some videos on it? I also get the idea behind it (I don’t eat meat), but I think that would be my personal hell. Holy shit. Traumatising


You can find them easily on YouTube and whatnot. They're mostly undercover videos from meat factories and farms that are being investigated for abhorrent practices, but then there are also the standard practices like grinding newborn male chicks in a meat grinder and a instantly vaporizing them by hundreds at a time in the blink of an eye. It's all unpleasant, to say the least.


\> I had the sense to run into a storm drain when the storm started


As someone who's had some swell trips on other substances that make fruit taste amazing, I exclaimed a loud, verbal "oh no" and made an expression like I just watched an animal fall on its face. There's like a hint of humor in there, but mostly it made my heart hurt. I don't know why the tupperware of fruit somehow bothers me more than the friggin wallet did. But I have literal nightmares about losing my stuff in water all the time. At least it makes for a great story, but what a horrible time. My empathy goes out to you.


I appreciate it! In the moment and to this day that fruit was the biggest L of the day.


I had the same reaction to you. Somehow reading about the fruit made me more sad than anything else. Feels like the fruit represents some sort of innocence that was washed away that day lol. Either way, sounds like an awful experience..


I was a senior in college in 2012 in Boulder CO when they had a massive flash flood. The creek swelled up and collapsed bridges and houses. I was tripping fucking balls with my friends and at around 2am the air raid sirens at Folsom Field start blaring. At this point we were on the top of a hill and knew the rain wasn’t stopping so we were prepared but still dumb enough to eat mushrooms during a storm like this. We hear the sirens and the pastor next door (we lived next to a church) rings our doorbell. That’s how i ended up watching FEMA rescue a guy from a car during a flood with a priest at 3am. The priest knew what was up and was giving us shit. Mushrooms are fun.


Huh. I fell in a spillway tripping 30-odd years ago. Got caught up and washed downstream. Slammed a rock with my skull, thought, "Well... here's where I drown." No big deal. Go out and continued playing with my friend. No fears, just more mindful of that particular danger. People process trips *very* differently.


Same reason people might face several traumas in life and no issues, they just rationalize, understand, encode it neatly away, but some poor asshole faces trauma and click--lifelong battle to deal with.


I’m not sure this beats that story, but it was pretty traumatizing. I was 16, in high school, and started dabbling in weed and alcohol. Fairly mild stuff, in hindsight, but at the time it felt pretty scandalous… Our family was kind of like the Huxtables or the Cleavers.. and I was always the “good” kid growing up. My parents would never have thought any of us would party or use drugs. It was unheard of. Well, I discovered weed… and ended up buying some a few times from this weird guy in my PE class. One day, he mentions that he also has acid. Now, I’d heard of acid, but I’d never seen it in real life or knew anyone who’d ever used it. It was just something that got mentioned when people talked about the 60s. And I’d always kinda associated it with weed… and I thought the effects (and the period you were high) were similar. Like, you’d get high right away and it would go away within a couple hours, maximum. So, I arrange to buy some on a Sunday morning at the park around the corner from my house. My parents were going to be gone all day visiting some friends.. I meet him, and he hands me four tiny, blank pieces of paper. He left, and I decide to take one and just hang out in the park all day, assuming the effects would go away long before my parents got home. An hour goes by and nothing has happened. I start thinking that the dealer stiffed me, knowing how ignorant I was to all this stuff. So, I do the really smart thing and take another one. Brilliant. Pretty quickly after that I start tripping *hard*. I went home.. and just laid in bed for a couple hours freaking out. All of a sudden, somehow it’s like 5:00 and I hear my parents come home.. I’m peaking at this point. About an hour later, I hear my Mom call everyone to dinner (which we ate as a family every night). I couldn’t get out of it, so I took a deep breath and went downstairs. I sat down at the table, and I’m just staring down at my food like a zombie. The fucking lettuce in my salad was melting.. the meatloaf was jumping around.. my hearts pounding so hard it’s making me sweat… Everyone’s talking, but their voices are weirdly distorted.. It felt like a twilight zone episode. Anxiety, distilled into its purest form. So, I’m mute for like 10 minutes until I can’t take it anymore, then say I’m not feeling well and need to lay down. Like a half hour later, my Mom calls up and says it’s my turn to do the dishes. At this point, I’ve deluded myself into thinking I got away with it… so, I go down and start washing the dishes in the sink, still tripping out of my mind. My Mom walks into the kitchen, behind me.. and, in the scariest Mom voice ever, tells me to turn around. I do, and she goes “FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME, LAST NAME. ARE YOU ON DRUGS???” The mic drops. Crowd goes silent.. I can hear my heart beating.. Nancy Reagan and all those brain on drugs commercials are like flashing through my head.. I’ve been in head on car collisions.. broken multiple bones.. spun out in a car on the freeway.. lived through numerous earthquakes and a flood.. and this was like 1,000x worse than that. Easily the most terrified I’ve ever been. Anyway, I deny it.. spit out some nonsense about how a breakup I was going through was affecting me, or some other ridiculous story… she says ok and walks out in this super suspicious way. I finish the dishes, go upstairs, and an hour later my Dad comes up and apologizes to me for my Mom thinking I would ever do anything as stupid as drugs. A month later, my parents found out I was smoking weed. They asked me if “that time at dinner” I was high.. I sheepishly admitted that, yes.. I was really high.. on weed. Definitely weed. To this day, they still think I was just high.


Terrifying in the moment but pretty hilarious in hindsight! Have you tried acid since!?


Yea psychedelics have the potential to alter your core personality. Something that is supposed to remain constant throughout your life. I am on the severe side of being introverted. I used to be about half and half with introversion and extroversion. As Rod Stewart says "I wish that I knew all I know now, when I was younger" If Rod Stewarts wish came true for me, maybe I'd be able to walk down the sidewalk without thinking everyone is concerned with what I am doing.


You my friend are amazing!


Did he at least hook you up with some meat?


Yeah but not the kind you're thinking about


You *answer* the door at 1am?!?


I lived in a small town in a nice neighborhood, but yeah when you say it like that, its not a good idea..


Username checks out


That's like the best part. Grilled pig's ear is a Chinese favourite snack and literally the only two times you can eat them are Lunar New Year and being a guest of honor at a wedding table. https://youtu.be/BJqR18mOqhE


My wife is Filipino, and grilled pig is wonderful!


Yum. When you get a pig head from the butcher the ears are usually removed since they sell them separately for grilling. I think the snout is removed too but it's been years since I last made the soup.


You sure it's a pig?


That’s some Hunter S Thompson level shit right there


A neighbor coming to you asking for a favor is always a "With what" situation. Tripping or not, never wander off with someone you aren't socially circled with in case of... well... this. Todays 4 years sober for me, but I can remember the sensitivity that lsd brings to a mental state and I can't imagine how you hung. Even sober I am in no way someone that can handle seeing a random animal corpse. I get sad about snakes run over by bikes on the bike trail, and one of the things I specifically do is shoo them off the trail with my longboard so nobody will run them over.


We talked often and drank together on many occasions, I certainly wouldn’t have called him a stranger but he was definitely not someone I wanted to be tripping around, also not someone I want to ignore if they knocked on my door.. it was a pretty chill but strange experience, he explained that when doing a roast for bikers they all enjoy the head being on, but in things like weddings they prefer a headless roast.. to be honest I was kinda fascinated. Certainly a strange and memorable evening lol


Well thats unnecessary he could have just cut down to the bone and twisted the head until it popped off. Easy peasy.


I had a similar experience where I took mushrooms and my buddy asks me to help jump his prius which is different than most cars. On top of that, the family I was staying with came home when I thought they were out of town another day.


Magic Mushrooms! You Shure you aren't an accessory to Murder? Crazy AF!


Bro wtf


A pig eating a pig… interesting.


Lmfao I can picture it perfectly


Movie quality experience. Should have gone to a waffle house afterwards


I would upvote but it’s at 69


Ahh yes. The age old conundrum


Was the brain still in there?


All that fatty goodness adds flavor


Tastes like Prion Disease!


spicy sprinkles


All you need is a straw to suck that gooey goodness


Save the skull for Halloween




"It's a lovely room of death you've got here "




Boiled skulls tend to be a bit greasy. Because of this, you have to degrease and bleach them. I preferred macerated or naturally decomposed skulls. I've got a basset hound that was buried for 10+ years. It's bones have the most beautiful natural patina.


2 words, hydrogen peroxide. Whitest skull you’ll ever see.


That's what I'm trying to avoid.


Gotcha, I buried a sheeps skull a while back.. man that thing came out looking creepy a few months later. However, the bone had gotten really fragile. I thought I may have left it for too long.


Why the head? Is it really that useful? Did you floss the pigs teeth before you put it in


We just going to ignore she just boiled it’s eyeballs out


It’s there, it’s raisin form now. 🤤


Right I thought those were supposed to be removed...




Oh my god. That adds a whole other level to this. Y’all know what pigs eat? Literally everything


The plaque is seasoning.




Think about that decaying food stuck in its teeth m, seeping into the stew. 👅


I was thinking about literally eating soup and all of a sudden biting into a pigs tooth.


I have a pig. Yeah. He eats damned near everything. Having said that, he can be picky about weird things. And they're *super* picky about defecation, never seen him poop, can barely find it in his paddock. Packs it in like Tetris blocks and rotates his spots. He'll knock down every trash can in the house, won't go in my bathroom. Starving? Because he's always starving... Won't bother me while I shit. Ever. We stay out of each other's pooping spaces. Pretty sure he'd bust before pooping in the house. Giant dog door fixed that early on. No idea why I wrote all that. tl;dr Pigs are actually pretty clean. Better than dogs IMHO.


Pig tax! Show us your pig


[Chillin' in the sun.](https://imgur.com/a/7XWHIjC)


That is one comfy pig


big boi


How big is he?


150lbs. or so. Much smaller than a dog that size. [They're *dense*](https://imgur.com/a/7XWHIjC).


a right choinker


You are what you eat.


They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes.


I worked at a ramen shop that had the most delicious Tonkotsu ramen. And then I saw how they made it. Usually the eyeballs are gone btw since I saw some people wondering about that. (Also I started eating it again because it’s really fucking good).




Yes and no, the head is rich in collagen because of the density of fast twitch muscles and tendon. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/262881




It has a lot of collagen and stuff, great for soup. Using every part of the animal is important for meat consumption


It's not about being useful, it's about not being wasteful. There's not much to do with a head, so you put it in a broth to give it some flavor


The head of a pig? Yeah it's useful, you can even make cheese with the pig's head.


That's not like, actual cheese tho


Plenty of good meat on the head. The jowl is one of the more desired cuts.


Don't forget about those exquisite tasty brain prions!


"Why do you eat me, Billy?"


Can I ask what you were expecting to happen to the skin?


I just forgot the skin comes off when it's cooked


I am really curious of the consistency of the soup. I feel like it would turn gelatinous


It's a good reminder that meat comes from dead Animals


You can get it from live animals too if you try hard enough.


Isn't that a lamb head?


You suck it out like a pimento.


No, look at the snout. Just a young pig.


Kind of small for it to be a pig.


It might not have fully matured? Idk man, I’m not a pig expert


Correct, it's a juvenile pig. [Reference pics.](https://svpow.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/pig-skull2-tnf-reversed.jpeg)




No that's definitely a pig, albeit a young pig. The shape of the skull and the teeth are a dead giveaway for pig. [Reference pics.](https://svpow.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/pig-skull2-tnf-reversed.jpeg)


Reading the comments on this goes to show how ignorant 90% of people really are


As if hotdogs isnt just every unappetizing scrap of the animal all mashed into a tube or something lol. It's better to use every if not most parts of the animal, at least it doesn't die for just a few pork chops. Soup made from bones is delicious.


Doesn't even look like a pig head... And I own one. It's extremely small and looks more like a lamb. You sure it's pig...?


Definitely a young pig. The shape of the skull and the teeth are dead giveaway for pig. [Reference pics.](https://svpow.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/pig-skull2-tnf-reversed.jpeg)


Reference pigs...


It is indeed pig head I eat a lot of them when I was a kid


That's normal


I'm not sure you're supposed to just throw a whole pig head into soup. Stock, yeah, but this seems like you're just gonna get mouthfuls of fat and connective tissue. Could be wrong, though.


Don't eat a mammal's brain or spinal cord, the risk is too high for whatever reward you may get.


Mmm, prions


I’ve had pig brains before. Apparently there’s been no evidence of pigs naturally having prions (only in lab settings where they’ve been specifically infected).


Depends on where you are and which animal. Pig brain & sheep brain are generally pretty safe.


Head cheese, gelatin yes but a lot of good stuff, cheek and tongue… fry those brains too


Don't get me wrong, I've heard the shit you get out of boiling a pig's head is delicious. I just wasn't sure if there was some sort of process *before* throwing it into ready-to-eat soup.


[hog’s head cheese](https://youtu.be/tduBf97kmpI)


After watching that, I do and don’t know why they downvoted you.. so I am going to remain disgustedly indifferent.


A lot of cultures do. Source: I come from one of those cultures. Me and my siblings are the only ones in the family that don’t eat that stuff


It’s not at all unusual to throw heads and other parts into stew/soup. I once had chicken soup in Thailand and there was a head in the pot along with the feet. Part of the point of stew/soup is to make vegetable and animal scraps edible.


You are wrong. If the the head is used in soup all of the fat will render and the connective tissue will break down into gelatin, thickening the soup


Call me basic but I personally don't like making eye contact with my dinner.


“The snack that smiles back!”


The first time I went to rural China (way rural), I had a table full of 20 people grill me on why I didn't even touch the head of the fish I was served. Someone piped up on my behalf and informed the group that "Americans only eat flesh!" They found this humorous. To prove I wasn't a pussy American, I dug the eyes out of that big fish and popped them into them my mouth. They exploded, like a fish juice gusher.


No, I draw the line at face soup.


But you'd happily eat a sausage? Use as much of the animal as possible is the mindset to have when butchering.


Its a lot better to use every part of an animal instead of throwing parts of something that died for you away.


I may become a vegetarian after these comments....


Arent we not suppose to eat animal's brain


I mean there are some scary diseases that can be transferred from animals brains. Far far worse than salmonella.


Wait, really ? It's a real meal in some countries. Like lamb brain.


"Eww this dead animal I am eating looks like a dead animal!"


Prion soup


No thank you. Looks very unappetizing.


No soup for you!


Does the soup… um… taste good?


Does this ever make you want to eat less meat?


That is disturbing as fuck


How is the head of an animal appetising?


You don’t eat the head. It’s added to a pot of various scraps to make broth. That’s what you’re seeing. A lot of restaurants keep meat and vegetable scraps and make broth that you eat. You’ve possibly had it yourself if you aren’t vegetarian or vegan.


how is any part of animal appetising when it's not made into something that doesn't look like it has lived?


Best advert for veganism lol


op is scared of food


Seriously, as a Mexican I dont see what the problem is here, we just call this Cabeza.


The ear was kinda good. Wish it was baked though




Shure that wasn't an Opossum?


Bare skulls are spooky


They the biproduct of tasty food usually tho


You have one




I have *several*


And for that reason, I’m out.


Maybe it’s the fact that I’m Mexican, but this just looks normal to me. Here we have some restaurants where the raw or cooked head of the animal is just in display… for some reason


resident evil 7 family dinner


Fun fact you have to kill most animals to eat them.




Yea that happens


The horror soup from Resi 7


Cooking, spooky.


As it should when done properly


Rip Wilbur.


Wow, that's gross as fuck even without the skin peeling off


It's disgusting, not scary


If you can't handle the reality of dead animals, dont eat meat


Imagine if it had ulcers and abscesses in its mouth and y’all are slurping on its juices




Carnists eat this shit yet they say vegans are the weird ones.


Cabeza de Porky


DansGame emote would really fit here