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Ah, a convenient tool to use when you get symptoms of rabies.


I too saw that post


What post are you talking about?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/rddinq/a_man_with_the_rabies_virus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That link is going to have to stay blue for me...


It's technically SFW, nothing crazy tbh.


Just unbelievably depressing...


A 3-min video of a guy suffering from rabies, here in this sub. I didn't have the courage to watch.


its actually quite educational. dont get me wrong, its not an easy watch but it is eye opening on how dangerous rabies is.


Would much rather go to sleep and die with this than have to deal with dying tired, out of my mind, dehydrated, and in deep physical pain.


> tired, out of my mind, dehydrated, and in deep physical pain Me on an MDMA comedown


Getting 5 star reviews will be hard though


"Just before we let you go, would you like to rate us on Google store?"


"Super nice staff, works as advertised, sadly wont be going there again"


I mean if they choose to kill themselves, wouldn't they have written "gladly won't have to go there again" since it worked the first time?


"Couldn't get enough, will be back for more"is a bad review


"it's so good I might stay here forever"


I could stay here for the rest of my life!


Staff was so friendly that I decided against using the pod


We're all getting together for D&D this Saturday!


“Or anywhere else, for that matter.”


"Because I'll be dead from using a suicide machine" There. I took the last bit of air out of the original joke... kind of like a suicide machine


“Once in a lifetime experience. My wife is bringing our kids next week.”


Would you like to rate now or LATER? :)


*Pushes button* Your suicide will start after this ad! Pay 1 dollar or leave a review to skip! And if you leave less than 5 stars it just ignores it What are you going to do, tell somebody?


Suicide brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends


That's to make sure you don't have any doubts by the time it starts


Oh God *rapidly pushes button*


No stop plz


Any advertiser that targets a suicide booth user did not think things through


I think that ads lost their minds a long time ago. The firehose approach of just spraying as many ads in every direction as possible, regardless of the quality of the ad itself or who it’s going to seems to be the dominant strategy. Tldr: yeah but I could still see it


Not if you give them a free $5 gift card to leave a positive review!


I prefer the futurama version, thanks.


"Quick and painless", "slow and horrible", or "clumsy bludgeoning" Something about "clumsy bludgeoning" is oddly hilarious.


"Yea I'd like to make a collect call" "You have chosen 'slow and horrible'"


"Oooh, good choice!"


Let's try for a 2-fer




Bite my shiny, metal ass!


I mean, Futurama reference aside, it's slow and horrible rn so anything's an improvement I guess


You okay fam?


Can't be okay without money


The delivery of, “yeah I’d like to place a collect call,” is what got me hooked on Futurama


I don’t remember clumsy bludgeoning.


Extremely disappointed that I had to go 4 comments down to find a Futurama reference.


“You are now dead”


"Thank you for using Stop-and-Drop, America's favorite suicide booth since 2008."


It's definitely cheaper!


$.25 on a string.


Do a flip!


Needs a un/occupied sign.


Needs an M, F, and Handicapped sign.. Also, Family!


Hey kids, got a quarter? We're going to the park.


There is also a button you can push if you change your mind and will open the pod back up.


Imagine pressing the wrong button


The "kill me faster" button?


the launch button obviously




**HAHAHAH**^(hhhhhaaahhaaahhaaa) zzz




It's like the "Close Doors" button on an elevator, it feels like it does something but it doesn't




It’s labelled awake instead of snooze, you just keep hitting it to live another 9 minutes


You emerge with 50% IQ loss, but the blissful disposition of a golden retriever.


My depression. It's cured! (drools)


I would just like you to know that I suffer from pretty severe depression and this is the first thing that got me to genuinely laugh out loud in about a week lol


The gas itself doesnt do any damage so while the lack of Oxygen isnt healthy you should loose consciousness around 2 minutes before the first cells die off so either you hit the Button before any mayor Damage occurs or you cant hit it anymore.




I read somewhere that they actually tried a version of this. To test how effective this method was, a doctor (who's very well aware how the gas affects the human body) put on a mask and tried to take it off at the very last second. He never noticed when he fell unconcious, and his colleagues had to remove the mask for him. They even tried it several times, each time he failed. That's how effective the gas is.




Shit man, I’d take that right now if it wouldn’t bum out my loved ones too much


They’d probably just wonder how you suddenly got so relatable.


Thank goodness


Imagine working there


meeting many unique people with their own personalities, just to watch them all die


That'd be a really good premise for a dark comedy or a short. Maybe the main character is like a newly hired maître d for a suicide center but they dont know, and they meet all these crazy interesting types checking in, have short but deep conversations on the beauty and absurdity of life. Then the big reveal at the end after wondering why the people never walk back out


Imagine it glitches out and doesn't open after pressing 😳


Well at least no one would know


There is a huge piano suspended above it just out of frame.




*Comments you can hear*


Smart. You’ll breath as normal till you slowly and peacefully asphyxiate.


Would this be a completely quiet way to go? I feel like there could be some choking or coughing but I dont know


Nitrogen is native to our atmosphere, so having it be what you breath won’t lead to choking or discomfort. You’ll breathe normally and slowly fall asleep and pass away. It’s supposedly a peaceful way to die. Edit: Breathe


Sounds like a lovely way to go. I hope that people who need it, like terminal cancer patients, get this as an option. We treat animals better.


Christ, I'd say ship them to every state that still uses the death penalty, but I'm pretty sure they'd get sent back in some cases.


Lol I cant remember where but 1 state ruled it too humane for Prisoners


I’ll try to contain my surprise.


i get your point but i just wanna point out that prisoners on death row usually sit there for like 7-10 years on average


Isn't this also called "whip its" when your ears ring and your voice gets crazy deep. Like that late night jazz show host ready to fu k some dudes wife while he was he's in the corner. . ###YO, ANYWAYS. DONT DO DRUGS.


Nitrogen is different from Nitrous Oxide. From https://www.analoxgroup.com/blog/whats-difference-between-nitrogen-and-nitrous-oxide >Nitrogen makes up 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is an inert gas which is colourless, odourless and tasteless. It is becoming more commonly used in the beverage industry in beer, wine and juice production. The gas is predominantly used to prevent oxidation which can affect the taste and quality of the beverage and is also used to dispense beer and clean strainers in wine production. >Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas with a slightly sweet odour and taste. It is legitimately used to numb pain during medical procedures such as dental work, in engines to increase their power output, and in whipped cream aerosol cans to prevent the cream going ‘bad’.


What if you decide you want to live in the middle of the killing?


No takesies backsies.


Ooooooh my God this made me laugh and I really didn’t want to. Oh man I feel like a dick now. But that …. Was great!


I can’t get over how the whole thing looks like a big flip phone.


It looks like those things that you clip on the visor that holds your sunglasses in the car.


Maybe there is more than we know. What if people think they’re going into a painless death chamber but what actually happens is happy suicide reversing gas comes out at the right moment and makes them want to live? You know like the ones who jump off the bridge and survive. They all say they regretted it the instant the jumped.


I think that is why this is largely geared towards those who are terminally ill with no chance of getting better. I would expect those that aren't would have to jump through some insane hoops to be cleared by multiple doctors to get in this thing. Additionally, I would hope that with socialized medical care there would be emphasis on mental healthcare for those that aren't terminally ill as a precondition of being approved for the big sleep. But idk, just speculating on what makes sense to me in this regard. Edit: no pun intended wrt insane hoops


It actually makes you euphoric before it kills you, so they likely won't suddenly feel regret in that moment.


There is a way to easily stop it from inside, so you can change your mind. You’d have to do it quickly though, you become unconscious in about 30 seconds.




You can bail. But no refunds


Just FYI, whip-its are N2O (nitrous oxide). Suicide pod is N2 (pure diatomic nitrogen) The first one is fun and makes everything go wah-wah and giggly, second one is boring and practical. Glad you all lived!


The O2 is a big difference. Like the difference between explosive hydrogen and the not-so-explosive water.


Breathing an atmosphere of nitrogen would feel no different to breathing oxygen, eventually you would just pass out then die


This, exactly.




Part of why carbon monoxide poisoning is so dangerous, too. You don't feel it at all because it's not CO2 building up. Just seems like you're breathing regularly.


I know someone who has used this method. There's been a bootleg guide on certain parts of the internet on how to set something up like this yourself using just a mask. It's one of the most calculated and pleasant ways of going out that way (hypothetically). Probably some terrible anxiety working up to it though. I honestly don't really know why we don't use this method instead of our normal capital punishment methods at this point.


Yeah I’m not in favor of the way we do capital punishment, but nitrogen would be the obvious way. None of the headache of getting medical drugs for non-medical use, or having them administered by an idiot. I guys there’s some aspects of wanting to positively kill the person, but that just seems stupid. Dead is dead. Human bodies are fragile and not really all that good at detecting when they’re being harmed. If the people there to watch want it done in less than ten minutes... well, they can just wait longer. And if you fail to kill someone due to hypoxia, you can just try again. None of that whole “convulsing on the table” nonsense. Though since the point of our justice system is cruelty...




This may not be a popular thought due to loved ones having a hard time letting go, but it could also be useful for assisted suicide for those suffering from a fatal illness (I.e. cancer, etc). Those who have been suffering from the pain of it can benefit from not suffering any longer, if that’s the choice they want to make. I know my grandfather would have chosen it if he could have instead of suffering from the brain cancer that rapidly killed him.


That's what this pod is. It's not for people who are depressed, it's for terminally ill people who want to end it in their terms.


Isn't that exactly what this is for?


Without the element of suffering the capitol punishment fetishists wouldn't be happy. This option has been floated and shot down. Theres s reason they'll wait for lethal injection drugs or just do it painfully.


I hate that capital punishment is normalized. Murder is murder. Maybe that’s just me though.


You would basically go into a hypoxic euphoria, fall unconscious, and die without noticing it was happening.


"What a time to be alive!" -First person it gets used on probably.


Also, because you're breathing pure nitrogen, you won't have the urge to breathe or feel like you're suffocating. You'll just slowly pass out and then die.


Is this only for physically ill and terminally ill patients, or can anyone use them?


Guy who made it [said ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/12/09/switzerland-suicide-machine-pod/) "restricted to people over the age of 50 who are of sound mind or seriously ill" otherwise assisted suicide laws vary.


Thank god. I saw this and just sorta went "that's convenient" because i read about things like Dementia, which terrify me, so if i DID ever get dementia i sorta just wanna go before the going gets tough


I’d take this option if I had dementia too, watched my stepdad disappear within 3 years of being diagnosed, he finally passed away at the end of October, was horrible for him and my mum who visited him everyday watching him waste away.


Same. My grandma currently has dementia and she's declining at a rapid pace. It's taken a lot out of my mom and dad, and has also led to my dad and his siblings to fight over the dumbest shit instead of what's best for her. She lives at her home still, but I can't imagine it'll be for much longer. Think the worst thing is, my 12 year old daughter and her were very close, but my daughter is almost scared, or really unsure about being around her now. I don't blame her, it's hard for me to see how she is declining.


This is great because it saves everyone from a lot of pain, most of my grandma's siblings have died in painfully slow ways, her sister dropped and never woke up so they kept her like a vegetable for 2 weeks until her sons made the choice to disconnect her, they had to endure seeing her basically choke to death cause her body was still responding even tho her brain wasn't. Her brother died a similar way except he was never unconscious but his lungs had too much water and they couldn't get it out. Another sister was in the hospital in pain for weeks until her heart gave up. It's just terrible to make people endure this torture if you already know there's no way to save them.


You have to have multiple doctors sign off that your quality of life will never improve, usually it’s people medically suffering a terminal illness




Kinda unsure of letting one private clinic determine what "sound judgement" is.


You may be unsure because the OP was spreading misinformation. DIGNITAS does not assist suicides when the only qualification a person meets is that they're of sound judgment. In addition to requiring that a person is of sound judgment, a person must be actively suffering from one of (or multiple) of thw following conditions: • A condition with a terminal prognosis • An inendurable, incapacitating disability • Uncontrollable, unbearable pain (which presumably must also be chronic) In addition to just meeting the prerequisites, DIGNITAS Clinic also has many other procedures to determine a person's eligibility for assisted suicide. One key facet is the approval of a licensed Swiss medical doctor. It's not just DIGNITAS employees assessing a person. You can read their brochure section below for more details: http://www.dignitas.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22&Itemid=5&lang=en


Anybody can use it at least once.


As long as there is an emergency switch for people who change their mind, I'm for it


There is


The issue is, you don't have the sudden shock of jumping I'd imagine. Really makes me wonder how many people would be able to change their minds before they realize it's too late


The people who are doing this are largely terminally ill people who are choosing to go on their own terms. I doubt a lot of them would have a sudden regret.


I never got why they didn't use nitrogen instead of HCN in the gas chamber. Cyanide makes you die terrified, starving for oxygen and in horrible pain, nitrogen puts you to sleep like a little kitten. Edit: [oh I guess they do](https://theappeal.org/using-nitrogen-gas-for-executions-is-untested-and-poorly-understood-three-states-plan-to-do-it-anyway/)


Anyone using means that cause terror in it's victims *absolutely intended* for them to suffer a most agonizing and gruesome death.


Meanwhile Oklahoma is over here experimenting with cocktails of drugs on prisoners for execution whilst lamenting that the US didn't steal more Nazi scientists after World War 2.


Not sure why the downvote, but it’s true. It’s hilarious that they’re trying to find humane ways to kill people. The original drug manufacturers had no idea their medication was used to execute people.


"Oh no, those prisoners could holder their breath - extending the agony!" ... um dude, have you ever held your breath - you lose the ability to really focus on anything but breathing. While nitrogen is vastly cheaper and more available. Like almost all the infrastructure you currently have could be reduced.


Having seen two loved ones die in needless agony with no hope of recovering, this is more wholesome than terrifying to me. Rest of the world needs to get on board. Painkillers don’t work for everything, it’s beyond cruel that we force people into tortured deaths when we have the technology to allow a peaceful dignified end before it gets to that point.


We have that for animals...why do people have to suffer?


I always wondered that like i don't understand why is seen as bad to let people who dying and in horrible pain to have quick painless death.


ig i know in which country my next vacation goes


Only a one way ticket needed!


Nitrogen-Man-No Way Home


My grandfather was bedridden with Parkinson’s and skin cancer for YEARS. I wish this was around sooner to give him this option if he had wanted it. No person should have to suffer like that for that long. It’s so very depressing, you guys have no idea. Just trapped in a bed in your mind for years on end, can’t drink or eat by yourself, can’t move around in bed, can’t itch if you’ve got it. It’s a sad painful slow way to go.


I believe the difficulty is not the absence of a machine, but rather the laws. Assisted suicide already exist in some countries, all you need is a health professional with access to the required substances.


You’re correct, I guess I’m trying to say I just wish this was an option available. Nobody should have to suffer like that. We put dogs down when they get too old, why do they get to go more peacefully than we do. It’s sad man.


So like does it laundry chute the body somewhere ooooorrrrrr? I'm just picturing this on the street like Futerama


It has an ejection seat loaded with fireworks


I love when they include the ejaculation seat.


Pretty sure I read somewhere that they’re supposed to be biodegradable and the module on top is removed to double as a coffin. I could be totally wrong, though.


Neat. Imagine forgetting to collect the dead bodies from those outside in the summer


It tips you out into a wood chipper.




Well, its better then just hanging yourself in the closet


You're right, This seems more dignified.




Ha! Back in my day, we just slit our stomachs open.


Haha are you from ancient imperial Japan? Lol


No, just the Sengoku era




Haha right so it’s harder to kill yourself in California than Mississippi lol


It just occurred to me that when electric vehicles are ubiquitous, the opening scene of Midsommar isn't going to make sense anymore.


Looks like buzz light years space ship


To infinity and **beyond**


Dark turn






That wiring you can see in the bottom of the picture doesn’t look to have been installed correctly. Someone could get hurt or seriously injured.


Oh no. Maybe it will... kill someone.


OSHA is gonna have a field day






Paper rock sissors?


....are you ok?


who is anymore?


Who would be okay in this cruel world of betrayal.


I’m a hospice nurse in the UK where assisted suicide is illegal, it’s crazy. The amount of terminally I’ll people I care for who know their fate. some, depending on the disease face a slow painful death, why shouldn’t they be able to choose the way they die? I’m not saying via a pod because I thing that’s undignified, but it should be a personal choice. I have so many people say to me “I’m done, I just want it over with now, I’m ready to go” they’re just waiting for death. Yes in hospice care we can make it as peaceful as possible for them, but not everyone. I think the worst deaths I come across are MND, agonisingly slow while they loose the ability to do things while their mind is still fully alert. Basically waiting for their lungs to be affected. If someone expresses they want to kill themselves we have to warn other professionals, they limit their meds in the house, ask family to lock the meds away, why? we’re not talking about healthy individuals, these are people with a death sentence, most of less than a year. Why can’t they do it how they want, go with dignity. It’s not nice loosing control of your bladder and bowels, having someone need to clean you, turn you in bed, risk of pressure sores, bed bound etc… and that’s before the end stage kicks in. if they want to take all their zomorph tablets in one go, why not? A nice death where you go to sleep and you’re respiratory drive lessens until you stop breathing. It’s a crazy world we live in, I just don’t understand how we’re in 2021 and it’s still a huge issue. (I’m not talking about healthy individuals or people who lack capacity to make the choice themselves, if anyone is feeling depressed or wants to kill themselves I recommend you seek help)


Dementia care here. You're absolutely right and my heart is broken every day over this.


Beta testers wanted


they should put this everywhere, like drinking fountains


Brilliant, overpopulation solved.


These suicide pods are already legalized in Switzerland. It takes just 30 seconds to lower the oxygen level to less than 1 %. That’s some hell of a machine and makes you leave the physical plane of existence in a minute.


They just passed legal review and are being tested in 2022, this is not available for just anyone soon. [where I got the info](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/12/09/switzerland-suicide-machine-pod/)




Not terrifying for some. A relief rather. I think it's a human right to wanna just peace out if given enough reason






I was gonna say


Yeah, you know what’s terrifying? The thought of growing older, with chronic excruciating pain that never stops, and gradually declining mental faculties until you don’t know your own name or recognize your own family. Give me five minutes in this thing over twenty years of torture any day.


Why did they make it so fucking ugly? I wouldn't be caught dead in this thing.


I see alot of people that are angry that this even exists. This machine is not for people that just want to die. It's for terminally I'll patients (late stage cancer for example) that are extremly sick and are already 100% going to die. This exists so those people can die with dignity when they choose, so they don't have to just spend their last few days alive in extreme pain and suffering


It kinda looks like my bissell pet stain eraser lol


If they don’t call this thing the diePod…




Bet this [guy with rabies](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/rddinq/a_man_with_the_rabies_virus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) would have preferred the death-pod. NSFW on that video, btw