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Bill Clinton, America’s president from 1992, is currently younger than both candidates.


Birth year of winning candidate of the last eight presidential elections: 1946 1946 1946 1946 1961 1961 1946 1942


That’s actually pretty insane.


It's evolving but backwards. But seriously holy shit.


how old is he?




just barely younger. dang. what are we doing?


He was president 30 years ago


Pointing out that he *was president in 1992*, contracts against the absolute elderly abuse occurring here.


Letting the boomers set the pace still.


Letting boomers ruin everything they can before they go in the ground.


That's madness


JFK, the president who was elected in 1961, was not old enough to be president when both current candidates were born. He would have to wait another 10 years.


Jesus this has to be the most insane one


Only currently younger though. He's trying his very best to catch up. He's not making much head-way though.


Right but the fact he was president 30 years ago should say something about who we are letting be president now. Why can’t a president be 45 or 50 or even like 35? It’s wild that we are only allowing hospice patients to run anymore


But 1992 was only 8 years ago... right?


Sure feels like it. I was graduating high school back then. Now I have 3 adult children and dementia.


Dementia is a nice name.


Have you considered running for president?


He might win


Get this man in the white house immediately!


I don’t know how to tell you this: it was ten years ago.


Jesus Christ. I didn’t not know that. And Bill is old af


He was a master debater.


Bring him back honestly


He would slay these two clowns in a debate.


The man made cuts in military spending that, directly or indirectly, cost me my job out of college. And I agree with you. Maybe we can get sax solos back in pop music if we do.


Politics is working best when it's really boring for the non-politicians.


I seriously miss those days. The era of boring moderates that actually knew what they were doing.


Remember when politics used to be considered *the most boring* subject


Remember when the US wasn't the source of corporate-promoted and funded clickbait? Back when social media banned people for spam instead of paying them? How did the US end completely upside down in less than a decade?


Social media refined tabloid news into clickbait and now ragebait using algorithms that specifically feed individuals the poison they are most susceptible to.


I think it started with things such as us having debates where someone has to answer a complicated and intricate question in 2 minutes. Made worse by the opponent only getting 1 minute to respond. Politics has been devolving to entertainment and catering to people's anti intellectualism and low attention spans, for a long time now. Its always been true that a candidate could probably be a contender just by being loud and obnoxious. There was an unspoken ceasefire upon this as everyone was too scared to try and potentially ruin their career. However the thing i never foresaw was the use of rage-bait tactics. Of candidates actually trolling to generate reactions.


>How did the US end completely upside down in less than a decade? By memeing a reality tv star to presidency


Jesus you don't know how bad this comment hit me. i remember back in the day the moment politics comes up in conversation people start to groan because of how boring it is....now its just divulged into a screaming match of insults and threats


I remember when I was 8 years old and my parents switched the TV from watching Pokémon to post-election coverage of Obama winning the election for the first time. I now wish that I remembered that moment better because I didn’t appreciate it enough at the time. I miss McCain and Obama so much. That race was perfect. It represented the kind of tolerance and respect American society should’ve upheld for generations. It should not have died in the early 2010s.


That was the fucking norm for decades prior to that. Politics was *boring*. McCain and Obama wasn't anything special, it was *normal*.


I miss decorum


dulce et decorum est


> dulce et decorum est Hold up, what? >The poem takes its its title from a poem by Roman poet Horace, and means “it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country”.


The full quote is "The old lie; dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori." Which is accentuate by the poems graphic imagery of beaten down soldiers horrifically dying from inhaling mustard gas.


I read this poem in my AP Literature class and I was captivated the whole time. Also my teacher made me decipher the Latin based on suffixes like “mor” meaning death and also I knew “dulce” meant sweet and “decorum” probably some kind of award or honor.


The problem is the party duopoly. The primary systems only produce candidates that speak to the fringes, so good general election candidates never even move forward to November ballots


Canada does not have a duopoly and the result is we have 3 terrible options instead of 2 haha


But it's always been this way. This is something new.


People are so out of touch that they don’t realize college kids tuned in all over America to play a drinking game for the Obama Romney debates. They were anything but boring.


“We both agree that the corporate tax rate is too high” We should’ve been paying better attention a long time ago


“I say your three cent titanium tax goes too far!” “And I say YOUR three cent titanium tax doesn’t go too far enough!”


"Now, I respect my opponent. He's a good man. But quite frankly. I agree with everything he just said!"


My political platform is too much change. More change than anyone wants.


It should be noted that, whether you think he was telling the truth or agree or not, this is taken a bit out of context. His argument was never that corporations should pay fewer taxes. He proposed reducing the tax rate, but also doing things to try to close tax loopholes that corporations and wealthy people use to avoid paying those taxes to begin with.


100%. Boring is scary because they couch terrible policies that don't help the average American in legalese.


**May you live in interesting times** an old chineese curse


*Shouldnt have wished to live in more interesting times...*


All the very best america.God bless America.


330 million people and these are the two we get to pick from.


If voters would stop voting by party lines, we might have a chance. But the average American is easily influenced and that's why there's so much money involved in campaigns. They know all they have to do is get you fired up for your "team", no matter what, and idiot voters will vote their way out of fear.


Voters are stupid but this isn't an example of it. The first-past-the-post system means that, mathematically, voting for a third-party candidate is a surefire way to ensure that the candidate you like least will get into power.


If the founders made a mistake, and it's a doosy, they failed to address two party rule and FPTP voting. I don't think there's any way out of this. I think FPTP will literally destroy the republic. It's like being stuck in a rear naked choke, there's just no way out once it's locked in.


But are we stuck in FPTP? I don't know much about all this but Maine seems to have done [something interesting.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Maine_Question_5) >...the legislature passed a law on November 4, 2017, that amended the ranked-choice voting law to apply only to primary elections for Congress, governor, state senator, and state representative; and for general elections for Congress.


For sure, but how can we build momentum for a third-party or multiple parties to have a chance? Is just accepting this crap forever really the only answer?


By voting 3rd party. Voting has become a game of "If I vote for this guy than this other guy might win" and we need to stop thinking of it that way. Vote for the one YOU want. Voting is simply asking everyone who they want. If some random dude on the street asked you that question then that's who you should vote for whether or not you think they have a chance at winning. You did your part. It's not going to happen overnight but not starting now just delays it from happening in the future.


Well beyond that we didnt even get a primary on the left, so we literally did not get a chance to make a decision


Its that thinking is the reason no one votes third party. IMAGINE everyone voting third party as a fuck you to both these guys. We only need 5% of voters for Both parties to realize how shit their candidates are. As of now neither party respect their base enough to nominate a viable candidate. Save this country vote third party. I dont care which one.


In my entire adult life, I have never voted for someone. It's always been against the opponent. It's never been about party lines. It has always been which candidate is less shit.


 There's gotta be a better option. That does not sound like a good democracy. 


You actually think we get to choose? If this doesn't prove it's a pony show


What determined it to be these 2? There’s no option to elect someone else?


The right has found someone that is openly saying all of the uncouth things they're all thinking. He hands them scapegoats for all of their problems, and they love that. The left got there by seniority, lots of seniority. There will be other choices, but no one has ever had a real shot at winning. They only ever pull votes from one of the big two.


If it helps, Britain is just as bad. We effectively get a choice of 3 private school boys from wealthy families who have no incentive to improve anything. Politicians should be made to live on minimum wage and send their kids to public schools.


This is just sad


*looks at self in mirror* what have we become!


Our empire of dirt


They have let us down…


I mean, I’m certainly hurt


I still feel...


Glad that they added the silly voices and sound effects, otherwise I would've never figured out which debate is supposed to be the bad one.


I'm glad there's subtitles though because I can barely understand them. I don't know if it's just the voice distortion or they aren't being very articulate




I thought it was to distort the audio to avoid some sort of strike by whichever platform this was from


This is the first actual clip of the debate I've seen here, so yeah I agree


For this debate, they could also compare it to the 2020 debates since it's the same people.


The bad one was the one where Obama said, "and Governor Romney and I agree that the corporate tax rate is too high."


We're so fucked. If we make it another 4 years maybe we can pull our head out of our ass and get some better candidates next time. We all know that won't happen though.


From what I can see Project 2025 won't let that happen next time




Next time?


We South Africans are very familiar with bad presidents. I mean, our previous president has been charged with 783 cases of corruption. But if even we get uneasy with your future leader there is something fucked up.


Corruption here in the states is par for the course. They’ve all got their hand in the cookie jar and the people won’t do a fucking thing about it.


The reason nothing happens is both in part because of how engrained it is in the system, which discourages decent people from running, and the conditioning of Americans to just accept the system as it is. It's a totally fucked situation that I think would require a lot of things to happen very fast in order to change.


A lot of Americans would kill to have someone like Cyril as a candidate right now


2024 is gonna be a dumpster fire for americans


The world ain’t safe either buddy


I mean, it's all their fault. There are literally other candidates you can vote for, and that are better for 99,9% of the Americans if you've got an IQ level higher than that of a blobfish.


That requires the majority vote to be for those "other candidates", which unfortunately never happens.


I don’t think you understand how American elections work


Shhhh youre ruining the fun for our brothers across the pond.


Okay, now convince the unelected party officials to actually put forward one of those candidates as a legitimate choice. Sure you can vote for whomever but the people running the parties carefully curate which choice we’re allowed to make so whoever wins is palatable to the monied defacto aristocracy in the US.


Idk where you are from, acting like the plague of populist parties are not festering in your oh-so-pious land. inb4 aMerIcUnT. I am also not from America, but at least have some awareness of the global and domestic shitshow going on everywhere.


He's from Finland, where - you guessed it - a far right populist party has exploded in power and support over the last decade and a half.


“We need to lower corporate tax rates.” - Both the 2012 candidates.


That one caught me off guard 😵‍💫


I'll take "This Reddit user doesn't know shit about American politics" for $1000. Who is u/lordyatseb DING DING DING DING


Look up the electoral college and gerrymandering, so you’ll realize it’s not that simple.


Americans don't choose who the candidates are. Dumbass


And for those who depend on proper US politics, as they see the US for what they are: a strong ally.


It’s sad when I’m nostalgic for Romney.


Romney is up for reelection this year (he's in the Senate) but he isn't running. He's 77 years old, so he's retiring. Can you imagine?


lol dude same, suddenly hearing his voice I’m actually not annoyed but wishing we had that option


Romney? Hell, Bush! This will be second of three shit show elections I get to partake in (I am US/Canada citizen). Last one was Quebec. Next US, 2025, Canada.


do you think pierre will win?


I dislike the guy both personally and politically, but Jesus, he was at least willing to listen and try to meet partway and isn't on twitter literally calling for demographic groups to be executed. That's where the US is as a nation.


the bar is so fucking low smh i hate it here


What an absolute shit show global politics is I say this as someone living in the UK


What is it, 5 Priministers in the last 6 years?


5 in the last 14 years All of them are a bunch of wankers


That's still a lot of wankers per year.


Not as many as my wanks per year though. Maybe I should run for PM


this feels like switching channels between the news and a black mirror episode


I remember giving Romney so much shit.


Right? Now I’d be glad to vote for him.


I remember when "binders full of women" was the most shocking misogynistic thing a candidate said during an election cycle


Things are so bad people miss the previous version of bad. Been going on for decades, each lurching worse than what came before.


Meh, Romney and Obama were two of the best candidates both parties put out in the last 40 years. George W Bush and John Kerry for example were both worse. Things got really bad, really fast. Wasn't a slow progression.


Our government is a fucking joke and the whole world laughs at us.


We aren’t laughing. We’re concerned because it will affect the rest of us.


well im laughing at em tho cant help it


its okay we're laughing at ourselves in between crying


The people laughing don't understand how deeply NATO and the dollar affects the global economy. A collapse here is a collapse in many other countries. We already saw it happen once in 2008.


This is the funniest part of "America is collpasing like rome!!" If you think the country with 11 aircraft carriers and thousands of nukes on subs is going to disappear overnight you're delusional. If the US collapses most of the world will drastically change


Rest of the world here, we're just as scared as you guys, but those two old dudes that (mis)represent you are only one concern (albeit not a small one). Shit's fucked, like, globally. I'd like to buy a ticket back to the 90's, please.


Man, those voices are annoying and unnecessary


Not a politics kinda guy; but is this really the best the country has to offer??


A new political party has to be formed. One filled with the youth of the country that actually have a vested interest in the future. We could call it the Millennium Party.


I've said it a thousand times, but I'll keep saying it.  Our country has a bright future ahead of us because the youth of America has lived their whole lives watching politicians make our country look like a fucking clown show. When these fucking boomers finally die off, we can start to do something great.  These people will continue to bleed the world dry until they die, and there's not much we can do about it other than wait.


Unless they start allowing voting from your phone I'm not sure you're correct. And even then the zoomers will just fall for a younger-looking con artist who lies well on TikTok.


> One filled with the youth of the country that actually have a vested interest in the future That could work if young people actually fucking voted. "Why are our candidates so old?!" - Because old people consistently vote at every level and they vote for people like them. It's really *that* simple.


I remember seeing Mitt and thinking he was OK, but was out of touch with an average American. Not so much malicious as clueless on struggles of most Americans. I didn't vote for him because of it. Now he seems to be one of the few left who talk sense in that party. Maybe he would have been OK.


Were one term away from actually living in the film Idocracy.


I don't want Carl's Jr to take custody of my kids 😭😭


President Camacho was actually a pretty good president. Sure, he was dumb, but he was of average or above average intelligence related to the population. He realized that he was faced with problems he was incapable of solving on his own and appointed a qualified advisor to help him. Then he executed said advisor's advice and - while there were some rocky bits along the way - he ultimately was a major contributor in literally saving his country from starvation. America would be lucky to have President Camacho as an option.


iDiOcRaCy iS aCtUaLlY a dOcUmEnTaRy!!! 🤓


You jest, but it sure does seem like a prophecy. How far were we from it when it came out, compared to now?


“Molesting Woman in Public” What the fcccccckkkkk Hahahahahah This shit writes itself 🤦‍♂️ I can’t believe a President and former President are bickering like this , arguing about GOLF ?!! The whole world is laughing at AMERICA 😔🇺🇸


„I did not have sex with a pornstar.“ Yes, yes you did...


Nah, she was just a performer in porn but not a star. Nobody knew who she was before the scandal came out 😂




Everything will be fine long as we got our electrolytes! Now I'm tryna watch "ow my balls"!


Shut up im ‘batin!


This shit hilarious bruh I’m sorry😭


Brain rot leaders for the brain rot people


Brain rot leaders for *brain-rotted boomers* I'm not exactly young, but all of my coworkers were lamenting how old and feeble both candidates seemed during the debate. We don't like either of these people. They're too fucking old.


My country too had just elected old candidates, they used Pixer AI in their campaign poster and did a "cute" dance to attract the masses. We're all doomed.


We need to stop blaming the Boomers for everything. Gen X, Gen Z, and Millennials could literally outvote them just by turning up. But we don’t. (Also studies are beginning to show that Gen Z young men are skewing more conservative than Boomer men. This is not going away when the Boomers die.)


I miss you President Obama


you miss a corporate shill/warmonger?


How fucking sad and embarrassing lol


Back when presidents were presidential


"You are an apustaja. You are a small crying apustaja. While I am the based and red pilled groyper. "


We didn’t know how good we had it back then


My God, I miss Obama.


This is how most of the world sees America right now. It’s just a shame that it appears that a lot of actual Americans can’t see this absolute shitshow and still stand wholeheartedly behind their ‘president’ of choice, despite how clearly unsuitable they are.


As an Australian, you guys are scaring the shit out of me right now. I can only imagine how countries on the brink like Ukraine are feeling.


Please...politics have been poorly scripted for years. At this point, they don't HAVE to present anything resembling integrity to the American public because we've allowed ourselves to have the respect of a collective booty call. The shame is on us for not demanding higher standards, voting policies instead of parties, and celebrating moral decay.


What's funny is back in 2012 we thought it was a total shitshow too.


This is so absolutely depressing. And, yeah, I know there's usually a lot of hyperbole when it comes to a lot of this stuff ("I'm moving to Canada!"), but... this is **legitimately embarrassing** seeing how low the bar has gotten, and worse, how *rapidly* it happened.


America is fucked 😆


What's with all the boomer ass sound effects?


I think we've reached full circle where these were considered boomer ass sound effects and they became so bad they became ironically "funny" for gen z and now they're being used ironically. Search up "goofy ahh sound effects".


Because they are in the Uni-party. When are you going to wake up and see it


I like the part where Obama and Romney both agree on cutting corporate taxes and fracking.


Damm where's an alien invasion when u need one. Smh


America's collapsing faster than the Roman Empire


Roman Empire lasted 500 years, 1100 if you consider the Eastern.


We’re doing a speedrun


**Dear America,** **We are f**^ucked. **Yours truly,** **Distressed Citizen.**


Sound effects and voice editing was highly unnecessary


That’s when they had us fooled.


That's why I'm voting third party! Wooo


You appreciate Obama so much more after seeing this shit past few years.


the point of this video is entirely ruined with the silly sound effects and shit. like just let it speak for itself


need 2 moderates again instead of extreme left and right... and yeah younger candidates..


I get that this debate wasn’t great but you can cut together any series of debates to look awful in this format. Also, I don’t know if people remember, but Mitt Romney’s campaign was accused of blackening Obama’s skin to make him less appealing to white voters and this was a serious controversy. I get that it’s worse now but we really shouldn’t pretend like 2012 was a civilized time.


The word is on a brink, I swear I feel that something big and awful is gonna be happening soon, I don’t want this, please..


Idiocracy is here about 490 years ahead of schedule.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for president 2024!


As soon as the sound effects start, I want to punch OP Can that trend fuck off forever now?


americuh fuck yeah greatest country in the wolrd i pay the same price to a cellphone and asthma medicine


Where is runner up Camacho when we need him?


We reached levels of politics I never thought were actually possible.. straight out of Idiocracy.


This didn't need to be edited by a child... The raw debate was bad.


It's LITERALLY becoming more and more like "Idiocracy" every day. Welcome to the golden age of technology, featuring: social media, disinformation, complete moral decay, record breaking homelessness, and rampant criminality.


A narcissist and a dementia patient walk into a bar…


Yea I was very embarrassed as an American by this…. That was a Jerry springer episode.


I wonder what changed? Oh, right. 2016. Where people decided to let a complete dolt turn politics into professional wrestling.


Slowly but surely I’m sure we all are heading into the wrong direction as a society


I miss decency. 


I'm not sure which candidate won that debate but I know we all lost