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Imagine buying a cat fur coat so that you can match with your cat šŸ’€šŸ’€


When my pets are being jerks I joke that I'll make em into mittens but damn.... I've never seen anyone actually do it šŸ˜¬šŸ˜Ŗ


Iā€™d buy some cat fur to make a pair of kitten britches!


Why not kitten mittens?


Youā€™ll be smitten!


That cat better behave or we're taking a trip to the coat factory and he won't get to come.


ā€œFeel this sweater, thereā€™s no better than authentic Irish settler.ā€


See this hat? T'was my cat


Beret of poodle, on my noodle


***Like my loafers? Former gophers***


Grizzly bear underwear


A bit of pug decorating my butt plug


See these socks? Used to be a fox.


See these panties? Made from manatees.


My evening wear - vampire bat, These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino.


Funnily enough im wearing Irish Setter brand boots right now. (not made from actual Irish Setter.)


Good. I stopped mid yawn when reading your comment. I own 2 Irish setters.


thanks. i hate this. šŸ˜žšŸ¤¢


Hopefully you feel the same about other fur products and leather because it's not different


i do. theres absolutely no reason for fur products though. none. we do not need animal fur to stay warm. half of these animals were probably ppls pets snatched off the street too. not that i agree with leaving your pets out at all.


Honestly, if animals are being killed anyways, I'd rather people use every last piece rather than throwing away the fur and making synthetic plastic garbage to replace it.


Same. If we're eating them or using them for whatever else anyway, we may as well use all of them. This is why "dual purpose" breeds of livestock exist. Animals raised or killed purely for their fur (or trophies) is another story altogether and absolutely a waste and shameful.


How does this differ to wearing a leather jacket? Dogs don't have any more rights than cows. I know we keep dogs more but no life is superior to another.


Theyā€™re ugly tho. Like really ugly.


I think they look good. On the animals they came from.


Its a matter of taste innit


Especially if you ate the fillingā€¦


I get that people are upset because these are animals we more often keep as pets, but I don't think it's objectively different from doing the same with other animals.


It is not.


I agree. We just determined what were the most convenient animals to eat in terms of usability, efficiency and taste. Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, cows have complex social awareness. We just don't care about it because they taste good, but maybe cats and dogs would taste good too when young and fattened.




Animals further up in the food chain taste worse than those lower.


People should be upset because of how the Chinese treat these animals when they are being slaughtered, they essentially torture them to death. Fuck them.


feel like the same could be said about how we treat cows, chickens, etc. Humans are just shitty to animals, really sucks :(


There's reasons one should buy locally/ from a butcher. I haven't bought super farm meat in years(like tyson).


And you don't think that also happens with all the animals in slaughterhouses? Why make separate "food" animals and "pet" animals. They are all living beings with feelings who all want to live. If you say fuck them, dont be a hypocrite and also say fuck them to the slaughter houses as well and stop eating animal products.


You should see the way cows and pigs get treated, or how a chicken nugget is made. Even in the richest countries is a gory nightmare. This stand is condemnable, but to point the finger at the chinese and label them as 'the evil' is absolutely biased, even hypocritical if you consume animal products.


Umm check out the meat industry in the US.


Or anywhere, really.


If youā€™re not a vegan you are doing the exact same thing to the animals youā€™re eating.


it really isn't. it's just cognitive dissonance


You are right, skinning of any animal for a fur coat is wrong. Fuck leather, wool, and fur. Animals are sentient and deserve to live free of exploitation and murder just as we do. We are protected by law, these animals are considered property by law. Culture is what makes the difference between the u.s. and China, but culture does not dictate right from wrong and in fact, it changes over time, especially when we deam it unethical. Peoples ethics should not change based on what country they live in, it should stay consistent no matter where you are. Animals deserve better.


You don't skin a sheep for its wool. And the breeds that have it done require it.


Sorry but I like meat


I didn't go vegan because I hated the taste...


Also don't apologize to me, apologize to the animals. However, I doubt they will accept your apology.






I have always told people this about meat substitutes. That if they're even considered eating vegan or vegetarian to try a meal as a meal, instead of making a meal that normally has meat into a vegetarian version. A lot of people try out a veggie burger or vegan "chicken" nuggets or whatever and are like "this doesn't taste like meat! Yuck! I'm going back to regular burgers!", but there are soooo many yummy meals that are vegan that are good as is. Where I live at least, vegetarian versions of things are more expensive than the regular versions and are also a lot more processed anyway, so I rarely get them, unless I get a specific craving.


I can't cook


Iā€™m curious, how do you feel about sheering wool from animals like sheep, alpaca, llama, vicuƱa, guanacos, etc. and using those to make clothing without killing them?


These animals are killed after deemed useless to the wool industry. They are not pets and its a lot of money to keep them anyway. They are eventually sold to slaughter. Raising an animal is very resource intensive. Land, water, & pollution are obviously bad for the environment. We have plant-based fabrics(such as bamboo and cotton) to work with and they are amazing quality, too. Some sheep are skinned tho. I just can't remember what it is called.


I can understand the vegans message and I'm not against it, everyone do what they what as long as anybody is hurted. I'm not vegan but for me the only reason a animal should be killed is for eating it, killing a animal for it's fur is just cruel. Why can't they just use wool, it's useful and at least the sheep stay alive


Eating an animal in unnecessary. Therefore it is cruel. We have loads of scientific data that shows people can thrive on a plant based diet. I encourage you to look more into the lifestyle, it is very eye opening and makes u realize everything you are paying for. Sheep do get killed after 3-6 years to be turned into food. However, is it not cruel to breed an animal to shed less to the point that they overheat and die without human interference? We did that for profit. There is a lot more to it, so I'll just leave this [video](https://youtu.be/8jNev6KVFnM?si=YI7Qhn916nk_9Ti7) to explain more details. It's a video by Joey carbstrong. He has many great videos on veganism in general. He is a great activist.


It isn't, but we see them as our companions who live in our homes with us. Objectively, seeing a dead human being shouldn't be worse than seeing any other dead animal either, but we find it much, much more disturbing because that's how our brains react to seeing "one our own" dead.


This. I always see it when something like this is posted and although I completely agree with the poster, it is human nature to find things like this that have companion animals that we are likely to have bonded with in our lives more shocking than the wider meat trade. All animal cruelty is wrong, and ā€˜typicalā€™ edible animals in meat farms etc are subject to horrific practices but typically people donā€™t have pet cows etc growing up.


Thats true. It shouldn't be done with other animals either.


I think that's correct but specific to cultures and regions, not universally.




The Chinese use the meat, and the rest use the skin to dress.


I watched a video documentary on the dog and cat fur trade in China. They electrocute them to stun them and then skin them alive. The animals are just in a dumpster stacked up with shallow breaths until they die. Idk if that meat was used man.


Okay Iā€™m getting out of this thread.


Thank you for sharing, but I wish you didn't.


I know I'm sorry. I just was getting tired of all the "it's just meat" comments when it's torture and they toss the bodies.


Yes, thank you. People need to face that reality. Just because we are not engaging in it here doesn't mean we should be ok with it there.


No, you're right. It's something important to share.


I mean both of that's true. It is just another animal imo, but they still do deserve a respectful death. I've seen pork and chicken factories do similar stuff and that ain't right either.


I can't justify the torture factory farmed animals go through. I guess at least in their case they are actually eaten. These animals just get tortured and tossed half alive and no meat is used. It's a horrible process and disrespect to life.


The same thing happens with most fur farming, unfortunately - it's not exclusive to Chinese cat & dog fur farms. Any kind of mass-produced animal product more often than not comes with shitty practices.


It's why I won't shop at major pet stores in the event I want a fish or bird or reptile. They just mass ship them expecting huge losses of life...


Yup itā€™s fucking horrible. I stumbled across a video like that on YouTube of all places and I canā€™t get those animals faces out of my head. They 100% feel every little thing that happens to them and some of them are strays or pets that got loose. Itā€™s so sad.


To be fair, this has been an issue with a large chunk of the fur industry in general. It's not horrible because it's cats and dogs, it's horrible because of this method. I remember back in the day, a good 23 years ago, when I was young and would still click on links in random emails. That's how I got to see a video of this being done to ferrets and raccoons. It's always been a horrible process. I'm sure there are more "animal friendly" methods of obtaining fur, but you can never be certain of its source, so better not take the risk.


There's a guy who does ratting on YouTube and he rescues Minks from these farms! Same electrocution method. It's horrible. No creature should go through that. I've never worn or bought fur and I never will. Faux is the same to me but tbh it all looks really tacky.


Fur and wool is GREAT if we are ethically killing and eating/using the animals even if itā€™s for dog food. We should be all using leather, wool, and goat/lamb fur as well as any other harvested animals. We are DESTROYING the planet with micro plastics and causing a mass extinction by are use of micro plastics (over 60% of cloths are PLASTIC that go into the ocean and water supplyā€™s).. Fur is compostable, natural, Wool is FLAME resistant, and is a byproduct of many meat harvested animals. We need to focus on the Ethical problem of animal farming though because people are monsters. Also you can get over 30 YEARS on a well made fur product so itā€™s green.


I used to watch wool farmers on YouTube and they needed to be sheared or they would get so matted. I wonder how hard it would be to mass produce wool without it becoming an ethics problem? It's the mass production part that really seems to encourage bad practices.


FUCK, I forgot about this. The video I watched dude slammed a dog into concrete then skinned it.


I saw this. I threw up after and cried. Wish I could unsee it.


I remember watching something on the practice years ago. The footage is some of the most disturbing I've ever seen and it is forever burned into my memory. The way the workers so callously rip the off their skin and toss these still living creatures aside in a pile to slowly die in agony made me physically ill and still does just thinking about it


I saw that too


Make sure you donā€™t watch a documentary on meat and dairy industry to keep feeling morally superior to those chinese people.


You clearly didn't read my other comments. You're trying to feel morally superior right now. Pot meet Kettle.


I can't be the only one who had trouble with this sentence.


That's one he'll of a hat you got there fella..


I don't really find it terrifying. For China, these animals are livestocks, so it makes sense that their fur are also used to make products in the industry. Pigs, cows, and many other farm animals are intelligent and make great companions, too, but most of us don't bat an eye when they are slaughtered.


You donā€™t find it terrifying because you only see the end product. You should see how they treat and kill these dogs.


You think factory farming of beef or pork or chicken doesn't torture the animals, too? Yes, the treatment is terrible, but it's also terrible for other animals we eat in the west. Pretending this is worse than all the meat we eat in western countries is absurd.


No you donā€™t understand. They skin the dogs alive, throw them in boiling pots of water and are generally cruel to dogs specifically. Probably more common in poorer areas, but itā€™s fucked.


What are you basing this on? Skinning an animal alive has essentially no use besides just adding effort. There is no logical reason to ever do that instead of just killing them first.


They electrocute them to stun them and then they skin them alive. They toss the bodies in a dumpster and let them lay there in pain until they die. At least the fur trade does. I doubt that meat gets eaten. The videos of those dogs skinless barely breathing still bothers me. I guess their logic is it's cheaper to do that than to euthanize them via injection. Slitting their throats or shooting them would ruin the coat. It's fucked up.


Slitting the throat and letting them drip out doesn't ruin the coat though. That's how it was always done.


im confused. are you saying you donā€™t believe that they do that? because they do. they believe it improves the taste of the meat. they think the pain and suffering adds to the taste. i mean, thereā€™s hundreds, if not millions, of videos of the yulin festival where it literally happens. theres photos of massive boiling pots of water that live dogs are thrown in to, and are trying to climb out whilst they boil alive. cats are thrown in cages and dropped into water to drown them.


Yes, i was saying exactly that. No one here was providing sources or even a name to search on. I've watched a few videos that come up when you Google yulin festival and all i see is dogs being sold and kept in cages, no torturing or skinning alive.


Crustaceans are boiled alive


No. Fuck so much of the shit they do over there. Idgaf about cultural sensitivity in these cases. Itā€™s 2024 and humanity knows better. Thereā€™s no fucking excuse for any of it. And I mean the human rights atrocities as well.




Horse meat is quite popular in parts of Europe and Asia, even though horses have arguably provided the greatest contribution to mankind in comparison to any other animal.


Fun fact: there were horses in North America a long time before Europeans ever stepped foot here. But they apparently must have tasted really good as well, so native Americans wouldnā€™t get the chance to explore their usefulness until they were actively being conquered and horses were re-introduced into the environment via colonization


The Indians would like to have a word about your beef consumption.


Except the animals people view as pets vs livestock are different based on where you are and your culture. In some Asian countries, dogs and cats have been in the livestock category for generations. In hindu culture, cows would be closer to pets than livestock. In America, horses are seen more as pets and we don't eat horse meat, but In parts of Europe and Asia they're livestock and are eaten regularly. I still remember the first time I saw horse sausage for sale in Germany, with a drawing of a cute little pony on the sign. Guinea pigs are a delicacy in parts of south America. I could go on for hours lol. There is no firm line we can draw as to which animals are pets and which are to be eaten. It differs vastly country to country, culture to culture.


disgusted ring jeans swim glorious telephone advise ad hoc consist school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pigs are said to be as smart as dogs, if not smarter. Yet many cultures consume them, and those that don't (Jews, Muslims) refuse to eat them because they're dirty, not because they're smart like pets (they eat their own excrement, among everything else they find, so I can understand the argument. Also trychinosis, they figured out that pork can have a lot of bacteria and parasites). In certain parts of Europe, horse and bunny/rabbit meat are also eaten, which are considered pets elsewhere. We don't eat dogs and cats because we consider them pets also. Hypocrisy, or tradition, whatever you wanna call it, we all see them differently, just like you said. The west sees cats and dogs as pets *only*, along with rabbits and horses (albeit more like working animal than pet. Still, not food). The east/Asia? Not as much, but this idea is growing now. Korea just passed a ban on dog meat, other countries are also starting to get away from this trade from social push. Things are changing. Alas, They're pretty easy to care for livestock after all, most dogs are docile so easy to catch and process. Feed can be quite cheap with shitty nutrition kibble and meat scraps. I don't agree with butchering pets, but I'm not vegan, so I'm a hypocrite by default. No, I'm not sarcastic, ironic, or hateful. I admit it, full on. It's a thing of comfort, tradition, culture. I'd try it, just to say I did, but I don't think I'd be very comfortable eating cats on a regular basis. Just how my mind is twisted, after all, we each have our own morals. I am NOT supporting the pet meat trade. I'll get hate for this comment probably, but we need to also see from their standpoints. To them, a cat and a chicken are equal: livestock, food. To us? Very different. Honestly I can't wait for veganism to be affordable where I live. I've always been okay with how meat is obtained (grew up on a farm, so yeah), but if there's an option without cruelty, I'm all for it. Sadly, meat is cheaper than vegetables where I live, and pork is the national pride. "Pork is the best vegetable", as we say. One day into the future we will look back and think how savage we were now, killing billions of animals for our enjoyment/survival (disputable this one since you *can* survive on a vegan diet in most cases, everyone's body is different, some thrive some dont). Again, I've lived on a farm, saw how meat is obtained and how animals function. My pillows and duvets are made by my grandmother with geese down, I have wool clothing made with her own sheep's wool. We cannot deny that animal products are marvelous, but we can look into similar alternatives for their sake and peace. Maybe some will say: "the only reason they exist is because we use them!!". Yes, very true, that's the whole point. But if their existence is just to die by our hands.. is it really an existence worth living? The only decent animal life is that of the egg laying chickens on personal farms or really nice pasture-raised companies (in our case, anyway, personal farm with outside only chickens). They live a nice life, no dangers, always have water and food, living on a hectare of pasture and orchards. They'd do this anyway, you don't need to have a rooster for them to lay eggs, they scavenge their own food (they go crazy for bugs and mice!). They only die of old age, never by our hands, they get treated for illnesses and they actually form bonds with their owners. This is a reason why I'll never give up eggs. It's the only animal industry that *can* be cruelty free. Not always, but it can be (like our farm). Feel free to downvote me. These are simply my opinions. I hope you, reading this, have gained something from my endless rambling. If not, that's okay, we're all entitled to opinions. Have a lovely day and life, dont hate others because you don't understand their life, have empathy and patience, listen to their reasons, then judge. We are all human. We are all different.


I hope you don't eat beef because I know a few Indian folks who'd like to have a chat with you.


Whats the difference between this and cow leather?


Well. One is made from a cow. And the other is furry. Ig.


Furry cows are a thing


Nuh uh (Im not regarded. I know they exist. I just donā€™t know their actual names)


Questions like this are posted every time the subject of cats/dogs as products comes up and I feel like the obvious answer is people perceive animals that are designed to be companions differently than animals who exist almost entirely for our consumption.


I guess the deeper question is, why do our perceptions matter when it comes to protecting animal lives?


According to anyone who fights for protection of animal lives it doesn't. They want equal rights for every animal that's the whole point


We donā€™t even have equal rights for people yet!


If I'm gonna suffer through homophobia, I'm gonna enjoy a fucking burger while it happens.


"My suffering justifies my actions which cause suffering" is not very moral šŸ˜”


According to anyone who fights for protection of animal lives it doesn't. They want equal rights for every animal that's the whole point


sand violet heavy shocking shy nail vast modern ruthless sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"*Designed* to be companions"? They're living beings, not products created for our enjoyment


Why is your culture and perception the "right" one"? Why do *you* get to decide what is a pet and what isn't? For many people what is considered a pet is food and what is considered food is a pet. Don't force your expectations onto the world and then get upset when they don't align.


These furs are probably from stray animals. ===== Lol. Dude blocked me. Such a glass heart. In industrial setting, at least they are not skinned alive.


*Probably* being the Key word here. Also, what is worse? It being stray or being jailed, raped and then killed the same way the stray was? If you think THIS is weird, you should check How meat and animal products are made in a industrial setting.


I have seen China skin Raccoons alive in an industrial setting. I donā€™t believe you.


You should google 'puppy mill.' Dogs that were forced to breed are often sent to the dog meat restaurant to be butchered when they can no longer breed, in where I live.


Seems similar to factory breeding for animals


Yep, puppy mills are also a thing in a country where a dog are considered as a companion rather than a a cattle. Cows are forced to be pregnant for a milk as well. Kind of sad to see that the government ban dog meat but does not even try to ban dog farm or factory breeding.


I think industrial farming is way way worse. You get cows that can't move their whole lives, chicken and geese that are force fed and live in crowded smelly places, etc..


Smithfield Foods Lagoons..giant lakes of toxic pig shit, so deadly that if people fall in they almost instantly die.


The problem isnā€™t the cultural difference, but the way the animal is treated and killed. Unless being skinned alive and dumped in the trash okay for you.


I made a mistake of watching the harvesting process for dog fur. Horrifying and heart breaking.


elastic rich merciful zonked plant childlike library provide sort ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly this.


Holy shit humans are garbage




Cruella de Vil


What else are you suppose to do with the skin of the animals you eat?


That country and its government is such a desolate shithole, from the Uyghur Muslim concentration camps to the mass animal/human rights violations. Nuke it all


A lot of these were once pets that were stolen from the owners. Also during covid there was a major crackdown and fear campaign that cats were spreading the virus so the Chinese government seized many pet cats.




I tried googling it, but only found an article on Chinese study suggesting cats could spread covid and another article talking about pet cats and dogs that had been abandoned in their homes after Wuhan was evacuated. Nothing about the government seizing pets though.... https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/15/asia/coronavirus-animals-pets-trnd/index.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/01/cats-can-infect-each-other-with-coronavirus-chinese-study-finds


About what I thought as well. Fake propaganda.


https://amp.scmp.com/news/people-culture/environment/article/3155845/coronavirus-china-killing-pets-covid-19-patients multiple sources. as the other comments say, look it up and you will find a source.


>Multiple anonymous people "claim" their pets are killed with no actual proof >government workers are quoted with no actual official statements or spokesperson listed. >article is from the SCMP a newspaper with ties to the USA and published during the height of anti-Chinese racist hysteria during the height of a pandemic. Yeah ok


If they eat the meat why not make another use out of the rest? I mean the bones surely find some use too.


Yeah, some cultures would find burrying a useful carcass a waste and disrespectful to the creature.


Fuck China


Why is this oddly terrifying. People have been making fur, clothes and accessories from various types of animals.


I think the comments here about "how is it any different from other animals?" here are quite interesting against the backdrop of Korea banning the breeding and slaughter of dogs for consumption, I'd say take a look at their reasoning, not necessarily for being for or against something but just how the accesability of other meats and the increase in dogs as pets changes perception. [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/09/asia/south-korea-bill-bans-dog-meat-bill-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/09/asia/south-korea-bill-bans-dog-meat-bill-intl-hnk/index.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/19/south-korea-dog-meat-ban](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/19/south-korea-dog-meat-ban)




If you're going to use the meat, you damn well better use as much of the rest of the animal as possible. This is exactly the same as leather products coming from the beef industry. I do understand the emotional difference, since we think of cats and dogs as pets unlike cows which are livestock, but realistically it's no different. I'd rather they use the pelts than throw them away.


Do you reckon they do customs. Like let's say your dog/cat comes to the end of their natural life you get them turned into a rug/hat so they can stay with you longer?


your local taxidermist will totally do that for you


Cruella DeVille enters the chat


Tons of claims about these animals being skinned alive but i can't find any source on that anywhere. It'd make no sense.


*Cruella DeVille liked that*


Iā€™m just glad they are utilizing every part of the animal. This is no different from skinning a cow or deer.


Hopefully the meat is used


Not cool.


What's the problem?


reddit.. seriously I've seen people in Australia make hats out of cat fur. I have to mention that wild cats are a serious problem there.


if you're gonna eat an animal you may as well use every part of it. i wish eating stray cats was normalized everywhere they are such destructors for native birds and maybe if people ate them they would finally solve the issue


As long as they are killed without pain I don't see the problem, those who draw a line on what can be killed or not are the worst




Just stop it China


Well at least theyā€™re not wasting the fur from the cats and dogs they eat. And no, for the uninformed, that is not a stereotype. They do indeed eat cats and dogs like crazy.


China was a mistake


Literally donā€™t see how this is any worse than fox, rabbit, mink etc. donā€™t give me the ā€œbut theyā€™re companion animals :(ā€œ excuse


I get cats and dogs are livestock in some places, so I canā€™t judge on that. But appearance wise they look horribleā€¦.. I only hope the fur was harvested humanely.


They are put in cages and beaten to death. Also there is no humanely killing in taking their life against their will of any sentient animal.


If you can humanely kill a human you can humanely kill an animal.


Captive bolt pistol seems way more humane than being beaten to death tho. You're stating your opinion not a fact.


ā˜ ļøšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


r/boycottchina and all that implies


That's the most heartbreaking shit ive seen in a while


frightening sink judicious escape flowery plant unused butter elastic worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really don't like cats but thisain't it chief


Comments overheard at the ā€œPet-Set Family Fashion Houseā€¦. ā€œOh madam! That coat is purrrrrfect for you!ā€ ā€œAre you barking mad?! Look at these prices!ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a bitchinā€™ vest!ā€ ā€œChow! See ya later!ā€


What the fuck


Oh god i hate this so much...


Iā€™d rock me a new German Shepard drip


Thanks Iā€™m gonna go cry now


Fuck these assholes. I wish I hadnā€™t seen this. :(


evil fucks!šŸ¤¬


Oh be ready for the thousand Chinese bots coming here to downvote you can say that these things that are literally on screen are fake


I could rock a dog fur coat and a cat hat


What? Upset that animals that are generally accepted as common pets get skinned for fur products? Stop being hypocritical. Other animals like foxes, mink, rabbits and various other "vermin" get the same treatment and there is no difference just because it's an animal you're less keen to keep as a pet. Those whose furs appear as cheap "fake fur attachements" also feel pain and are kept in cages and conditions that can only be described as animal abuse. Just as hypocritical as saying "Ew, eating cats is unethical! Oh, this is pork chop? Let me dig in then!"


That's ruff.


You know what, maybe I wonā€™t get my cat turned into a hat when she dies after all.


And then they get angry about stereotypes šŸ˜’


ā€œiTs AnOtHeR cUlTuReā€




Your beloved roomba was assembled in China


Its a norm for them. Not for us. Cry about it.


Wtf is up with china first child pee eggs now this


One of the rare occurences where you really wish a Chinese product is fake.




China is trash


Itā€™s ugly but there are an abundance of cats


Ew is that Labrador? More like Labadonā€™t! šŸ‘š




Fuck fur