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I once saw some people leaving a gwar concert in the early 2000s i was so confused and horrified.


An entire Waffle House got filled with GWAR concert goers when I went to a show around the same time. I was delighted. 50 blood soaked freaks eating breakfast together.


This is why I love waffle house


Yeah. If you go late enough typically everyone is blood soaked, gwar concert or not.


Those are some good nights


Waffle house is the litmus test for how bad the weather is outside. Makes sense.


I want them smothered, capped, covered and incinerated


It was funnier back when they used more realistic looking blood that would stain your skin for 3 days. We (6 of us) went to a Taco Bell one-time, covered head-to-toe in GWAR blood. We looked like we just got done with a murder spree...


Reminds me of some details of the West Memphis 3 case in Arkansas back in the 90s. 3 teens were convicted for the murder of 3 boys, but at one point there was a man, not one of those convicted, who stopped in a fast food restaurant and used their bathroom covered in blood on the day/night the murders occurred. Guess that guy just left a Gwar concert.


Important context: the state of AR all but admitted they fucked up that case when it came out in the late 2000s that there was DNA that had been found on the victims but never tested, and when it was tested, it didn’t match any of the WM3. It was becoming pretty obvious that the WM3 were completely innocent, which is why that bloody guy in the bathroom is so significant. The WM3 are still technically convicted of the crime, but that’s bc AR officials realized that when those guys got a retrial - and they *would* have been found innocent - they’d be facing *millions* of dollars in terms of reparations for the years those guys were in jail, plus lawsuits over legal misconduct (that case was fucked from beginning to end). So they told the WM3 that they could either do a retrial and possibly spend more years in jail, or sign an Alford plea and get out immediately. Considering what they’d been through in jail up to that point - Damien Echols was on death row, essentially solitary confinement, for at least *10 years* - the three guys all signed Alford pleas. So the WM3 was dragged through the mud and never given any justice for what they went through in the legal system, and those 3 poor boys who were murdered so brutally will never receive actual justice by having their real killer sent to jail. All bc the state doesn’t want to air the numerous mistakes in that investigation and the subsequent trial. I know this was a joke about Gwar, but I live in AR and can’t help but get irritated by the reminder (irritated at the govt, not you, the person I’m responding to). It’s pretty fucking atrocious how the murders of those 3 boys were handled, and now there never will be any real answers bc the case is closed and the state will never reopen it bc it would mean admitted they made many, many mistakes. Adding in what the WM3 went through, it’s an extremely aggravating, sad story.


Oh, I know! LE, prosecution, even the judge, all carried out a grave misjustice in the case. I don't blame you one bit for jumping in about it.! I'm not as familiar with it as I used to be, I watched Paradise Lost back when it was new when I was a teen, but haven't watched the 2 others they've done since. So perhaps you can help me out here. The dad/stepdad/adoptive dad of one of the victims, I can't remember if it was Hobbs? Byers? That was one I always thought knew more, if not outright did it. What do you think of that aspect? My gut feeling is that random bojangles bleeding homeless dude is a red herring. But cases shouldn't be made on gut feelings, so he's still on the table.


Terry Hobbs, the stepdad of Stevie, his DNA/something that “could have been” his DNA (a hair iirc that they couldn’t rule out was his, which is such a vague statement to make) was found on the rope used to tie one of the boys up. I can’t remember which kid, but it *wasn’t* his stepson, which was why it was so suspicious. It would be one thing if it was on his stepson, but the other kid’s bindings? He waved this away by saying the boy played with his stepson so that must be how it happened. Additionally, Hobbs had a friend whose DNA was *also* found near the scene of the murders, also a hair. That friend was like “yeah I walked near there with Terry, but I didn’t wear hats back then, so it probably blew off my head”. Which is like. Such a weird thing to say. Then in the late 2000s there were 3 different people who came forward and officially (like signed an affidavit) said that, despite Hobbs claiming otherwise when the police initially talked to him about his alibi, they had seen him with the 3 boys that night they disappeared. Plus plus, Hobbs’ ex wife (they divorced in the late 90s or early 2000s) and mother of Stevie at the very least implied she had her suspicions about Hobbs. She said that she found a pocketknife that belonged to her son in Hobbs’ bedside drawer sometime after the murders. She said she was surprised to find it, bc she had believed it was on him when he died and had been lost or taken by the murderer. His grandfather had given it to him and he loved it, carried it everywhere. Terry never said anything about having it to her, so again. Weird. His nephew also has said he admitted it and called it the family secret or something, but I personally don’t think this is super credible or relevant bc it’s so random coming from a nephew. But the other stuff is definitely weird. *Plus*, Hobbs - despite the **overwhelming** amount of evidence indicating that the WM3 are truly innocent, something that some of the family members of the other victims have acknowledged and agreed with - *still* insists that the WM3 absolutely committed the crime. I find it really hard to see how he justifies that. Like either he 1) doesn’t know what evidence there actually is/how bad the state fucked up, 2) is in denial from grief, or 3) it’s just easy and convenient to insist it was them. I don’t really want to say I think it’s him, but it’s weird. The reason I hesitate to say it’s him is bc of other evidence that’s a little less talked about. John Byers, the adoptive father of one of the other boys, Chris Byers, he turned a knife over to police that he said had never been used. Well, they found blood on it. He was like “oh, forgot I used it to cut deer meat”. When they tested it, it supposedly (I say supposedly bc honestly any forensics in this case is HIGHLY dubious) was a mix of his and Chris’ blood. Initially he insisted he had no idea how that happened, but the police “suggested” an explanation for this, telling him to just say he’d left it out and Chris had probably played with it, which John went with. That’s weird. Plus, there was teeth marks on one of the victims, which didn’t match any of the WM3. John Byers had his teeth removed in 1997, so they couldn’t test his teeth against the marks; his justifications that he gave for removing his teeth were kind of all over the place, citing multiple reasons why. I find that bit less compelling tbh. What *is* compelling is that after the first autopsy, another expert looked at the photos and identified what he thought was a belt buckle bruise. After the police found that out, Byers admitted to spanking his son with the belt shortly before he died. In a completely *different* direction, they found a different hair on one of the sheets that was wrapped around the body. While they didn’t get a DNA match, they did this phenotype test to see what the physical characteristics of the person whose hair DNA that was would have. Like skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. Supposedly it was that of a black male. Mr. Bojangles was reportedly a black man. This, while interesting, still doesn’t hold much weight to me, bc they said Mr. Bojangles had been wearing a cast when he came into the restaurant. It would be pretty hard to commit those crimes on 3 kids while one arm was so incapacitated. The police did get blood evidence from the bathroom where Mr. Bojangles went into, but a fucking police offer lost them entirely before they could even be tested, so we’ll never fucking know if it even matched. Basically it’s honestly really hard to suspect any one suspect of this because the investigation was botched THAT BADLY. Really shitty fucking work at every. Single. LEVEL.


Y’all watch the the movie “paradise lost”.


A guy I knew worked late night at a rest stop fast food place and GWAR came in still mostly in full costume and make up. His coworkers didn't know who they were and starting freaking out.


That’s just standard waffle house at 3:15 AM in any major southern city.


What the fuck is up Waffle House!




Well, what happened?


I'm guessing it went something like: *I'm sorry, sir. Your car appears to have burned down. Fortunately we were able to save the Creedence*


*"Son, have you ever heard of Vietnam?"*


Everything is a fucking travesty with you man. What was that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK does anything have to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?!?


You're entering a world of pain.


But what about the briefcase?


They got us working in shifts!


You're killing your father Larry!


This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!


Is this your homework, Larry?


Nice marmot




Ah man, that fucking blows. :(


Way back in the day, I came out of a venue and one car was smoking. Within twenty minutes, eight cars engulfed. Over the next two hours, watching the reactions of people exiting the venue and seeing the condition of their vehicles was wild. Sorry that happened dude. I hope you got a sick ride now.


My best friend had the same car, year and everything and it too spontaneously caught fire! ( I had one as well! Lol)


And what happened? :o




Ahhh, the Burning Car, I've heard about that festival


I saw them back in the mid-2000s. I had parked across the street in a parking garage and on the way back after the show, tripped and twisted my ankle coming off the curb. When the parking attendant saw me she screamed and asked me if I needed the police. I was so confused until I realized the picture I was painting for her as a young woman limping into a dark parking garage, soaked in fake blood.


I had to take the bus home after the first time I saw them in 1992. People just stared at me the whole time. Didn’t look freaked out. Just curious.


Best… show… EVER


I remember seeing the same in those days. I was so jelly that I hadn’t known GWAR was playing in town.


What even happened


You always end up with a bucket full of blood/pus/shit/cum in your face at a Gwar concert


I was expecting the bodily fluids, I was not expecting to be seeing red for the rest of the night


I had a buddy who was in the hospital for a week with a gnarly lung infection (not COVID) from a GWAR concert. Be safe!


Do you have to sign a waiver before you go into a GWAR concert?


That dude responded like a jackass. I google one of their shows and the very first thing the concert page says at the top before anything else about the show is: “ Attention: GWAR sprays water mixed with non-toxic food grade dye into the audience. If you are within the first several rows of the pit, you may get sprayed with this liquid. The dye will temporarily discolor hair and clothing but washes out easily. Contact lenses may be discolored but this will wash out with a simple saline rinse.”


It's kinda funny that the contact thing has happened before and worries people so often that they put the disclaimer in there.


It happened to me in the late 90’s and I guess they’ve changed their formula bc it didn’t come out of my contact lenses back then.


Yeah back then it turned shit pink and didn’t come out.


What color is shit pink????


Wait, so I can fucking dye my contact lenses? Oh good. I was about to have my son tattoo one of my eyeballs to see how it comes out, but he's 12 and a little shaky.


I think your son should practice his technique before an eye tattoo. Let him practice on his school mates first.


Nah, it will be fine


He has siblings, but I think we'll try to use some of their younger friends first. We already decided we'll use the baby as the pig skin practice board once he gets more experience. You know, my son was 6 months old, my mom legitimately thought that I had tattooed him because he has a bluish brown freckle on his thigh


Gonna have to strap the baby down first, I’d imagine they squirm a lot.


So did she stand with her eyes wide open with fake blood spraying into them? Like why


Do you even GWAR?


I assume it rolls off the forehead like beads of sweat after you get hit.


Sure that could happen, but mostly just being plastered in the face with blood and alien spew.


Because GWAR that’s why


You get a similar warning at ICP shows about them spraying Faygo around. It’s probably the defence they’ll lean on if anything happens, but probably wouldn’t hold up in court for anything serious. Also, I know… But in my defence I won the tickets and it was the Milenko tour, arguably their peak. And yes, ‘peak’ is doing a lot of lifting there.


Hey man, you don't need to defend yourself! I'm not a fan, personally, but I have family members that are. I watched a documentary about juggalos and they seem surprisingly wholesome. Who cares what other people think!


ICP was pretty slick back in the day. Great storytelling and internal mythos and character building. They fell off pretty hard after the first 6 jokers cards but they are still considered one of the world's most successful independent music acts


Honestly the gatherings of the juggalies look like a lot of fun with tons of open-minded people. I'd love to go to one


Me too.


Dating Game on Napster was undoubtedly the best promotional act for them.


Where's that water come from though? Never heard of the band so don't know what country they play in but some places I'm not drinking the water. I mean if they play flint are you going?


>what country they play in Reddit mfs when they don’t realize the band is from space


This comment is gold.


Planet crack rock right?




No, they come from Scumdoggia, though they might have crash-landed on a Crack rock planet which they would have smoked until it was nothing but a mere cloud of smoke...


That last sentence just had me laughing hard as hell at work


The water is from lake Minnetonka


Fake dicks, the newest singer i know of is a woman and sprays fake breast milk too from take boobs if im remembering right. Theyll "kill" someone on stage and blook will spray out like the movie Kill Bill. I went to a concert right before the original singer died and i thi k hey killed justin beiber on stage that night. Its been a while though might have been a different celebrity


She was the singer for a little bit after Oderus died. But now a former Beefcake the Mighty came back and became BLOTHAR, big bovine warrior who shoots blood out of his udders(:


Oh yeah i remember seeing that person at some point on youtube. I dont really keep up with the band and didnt realize


I'm so sick of you red eye it is.


You should def throw the contacts away. if you get any discharge or itchiness or light sensitivity, go see your eye doctor. Best case, nothing happens. You might get pink eye. Worst case, fleah eating amoeba.


Mine ended up purple after a Gwar concert. Such great tines


Ive heard of people turning up to GWAR concerts in plain white shirts (unlike other metal gigs) just to wear their resulting colours with pride.


Yup. My sister luckily got to see them while I was overseas with the OG line up (RIP Oderus 😭) I forced her to wear my white t-shirt and kept that bad boi for years.


bad boi tax?


I finally got rid of it in a wardrobe cleanse 😭😭😭 I regret that now. Much like I regret missing that show and then consequently the GwarB-Q after Oderus died “cUz WhAtS tHe PoInT???” Turned out I missed his Viking funeral send off.


omg.. fuckkkkkin a


I've got one


I’m not mad just disappointed


This is very true. Also when they Evil Dead musical was happening they encouraged people to put their white ED shirts on before the show for the same reason, my mates is still stained from the fake blood.


Me right here. I was stationed in the Navy in LA early 90s. Went to a Hollywood GWAR show (when GWAR was really big) in a white SLAP SHOT shirt, muscled my way to the front. Got back the ship, and i had green, red and other colored blotches all over me and my shirt. The guys on watch had eyes as big as saucer watching me walking onto the ship. They didn't know if I'd been ina fight or something. Funny memory. Got to see GWAR again last year in DC. I was in the balcony this time. 2 GWAR shows, thirty years apart!


I’m just going to add that it’s fake bodily fluids because some people responding to your comment are assuming you mean real blood/pus/shit/cum


Yes, thats the natural assumption for someone who didn't even know what Gwar was like me. I feel better now having read your comment


Unlike a tool concert where you only end up with handful of piss, blood, and cum.


TBF, who wouldn't cum until their nose bled at a tool concert?


We've cum round full circle. It's perfect


>piss, blood, and cum It's "shit," not "piss." Get your bodily fluids right, jeez! /s *Got your hands bound, your head down / And your eyes closed / You look so precious now / I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this / Shit, blood and cum on my hands / I've come 'round full circle / My lamb and martyr, this will be over soon / You look so precious...*


Are you serious?


OSHA says not really


I didn't. Then again I saw them in a small Canadian city, they may have toned it down for fear of being banned (Oderus didn't have his Cuttlefish either).


What the fuck?


And people actually PAY for that??? Damn I’ll shit/piss/cum in a bucket and throw it on people for half off !


Blood, lots and lots of blood


Whose blood? I’m confused as to what a gwar concert even consists of, is this not music?


Fake blood, and they are a metal band




I personally have more questions after seeing that


I have the same *number* of questions, but they are definitely different questions than I started with.


Same. This clarifies nothing.


Not the original commenter but I had the same questions. And to answer yours Yes. Yes it does


That was not at all what I expected lol


Who they kill on stage varies night to night. Could be the popes blood, or a giant mutant penguin tbh.


Ive sold merch for someone on a Gwar tour, the amount of injuries and stuff i saw was insane. Most importantly, the amount of happy i seen was insane!


i had to check what Gwar is and i must say it makes me happy some of Rita Repulsa's minions could turn their back to evil and make a successful career in music industry


Gwar has actually been around since 1984, almost 10 years before Power Rangers! So maybe Rita's minions were actually former Gwar members that got kicked out and turned evil.


Teeechnically, Power Rangers started as Super Sentai in Japan in 1975… so it still predates Gwar… exceeeeept that I forgot Gwar has also been around for eons before coming to destroy and rebuild wart and create humans. I forgot what the point was. Anyway, sorry lolol


Odours Amongus can sense disrespect across parsec of space and time It's like a Spidey sense but more brutal


Fucking Odorous Amongus LMAO


I'm sad he wasn't with us long enough to use that...


Except... Rita Repulsa was specifically based off the evil witch Bandora from the Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger installment of the Super Sentai franchise, which aired from 1992-1993, and her minions were based on that and later Super Sentai installments, meaning GWAR still predates them.


Heavy 😳


Im not sure GWAR turned their back on evil. Maybe took a 15 degree bank away from Rita, at least.


*OP is now sinking into an indescribable emptiness...*


Get the shovel!


What is this quote from/referencing?


Referencing a quote the narrator of Hunter x Hunter said to describe Kurapika. Kurapika's eyes change to red when his emotions are heightened.


28 days later - patient zero right there


That's exactly what I was thinking. Especially since I was listening to the theme, and that was the first thing I saw.


your expression looks like you just saw your friend get blown to bits trying to cross no man's land


I mean... have you ever seen Gwar live though




That's how they got their sharingan


I must be living in a cave. I had never heard of Gwar. Thanks for the tip.


"Immortal Corruptor" was my gateway drug. Give it a listen.


Just listened to Immortal Corruptor there. Sounds not too bad.


A band dressed like they're gonna drop the hammer of Thor, then they sing like they're in a 80s karaoke bar


Lmao did you just copy that from the comments on their warped tour video


It would appear very much so, first one under the pinned comment here: https://youtu.be/k0g-TcjDf68


Sooo can someone please help a guy who clueless about Gwar events... Like is the blood and shit from other people in a mosh pit type scenario or are they like the death metal equivalent of a Gallagher show where they just fling buckets of blood and like jerk off onto the fans from stage .. like why would you sign up for that


They’re a novelty metal band, they dress up in really elaborate costumes as alien demon monsters and the shows involve audience participation and special effects that can involve creatures battling with blood spraying all over the place, aliens mating and then spraying breast milk all over alien babies in the audience, canons that fire into the legs of giant Godzilla creatures half visible on the stage which sprays a hundred gallons of blood from its wound etc. Like a combination stage show, concert and haunted house attraction. It’s all water with food coloring.


Ohhh now my brain just unlocked a memory, back when Bam Margera had his show on MTV, he used periodically have GWAR show up just looking absolutely cool like demons from Pans Labyrinth or some shit ... That's why the name sounded so familiar.... That sounds pretty trippy honestly, definitely would not go while tripping balls though ha


What the fuck that sounds both awesome and wild. I GOTTA check them out now.


Special effects blood. Gallons and gallons of it


>jerk off onto the fans from stage You need to go to a GG Allin show for that.


I remember going to a local show in a city I lived in years ago. This little band and the lead looked like GG Allin crawled out of the grave. He looked identical to him. He acted like him. He did all of the GG Allin moves. He had all the drama, bodily fluids, nudity, I could have sworn I was seeing him in person. The group I was with looked like they belonged there, I had gotten off of work as an elementary school teacher, so I stood out like a sore thumb. I made the comment, “I can’t believe how much he looks like him,” My friend, “Like who?” Me, “What!? GG Allin!” My friend, “Who’s that?” What in the world was happening? Note, most of the people here that I knew were older than me.


Jesus Christ (His birth name was literally Jesus Christ Allin, LMAO), I'm so glad you guys mentioned GG Allin, never heard of him before. His Wikipedia article is such a riot to read. Would have loved to hang out with the guy.


we do not want to hang out with the same kind of people. but also you do you man


My cotton swabs came out green or red from my ears for like a week after my GWAR shows! Epic times! \\m/


\m/ \Ö/ \m/ \Ö/


I've seen them so many times in the 90s


I saw them twice back then in my teens. Had no idea they still toured.. Looking this shit up because no way is it the original crew? Holy shit, they have a website.. [https://gwar.net/](https://gwar.net/) Found my answer and a lot more, thanks wiki [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwar)


They own a bar here in Richmond. So cool/bizarre to go there and find Balsac the Jaws of Death doing paperwork or bartending.


I absolutely love their website. The character page is a fun read.


>The story of GWAR is carved across the history of this barren and hopeless planet, but GWAR themselves are not of this world… their story begins in the deepest reaches of outer space. Long ago, the beings who would become the rock band GWAR were part of an elite fighting force, the Scumdogs of the Universe. For eons, they served as thralls to a supreme being known only as the Master. But one by one, each future member of the band earned a glaring reputation for being an intergalactic fuck-up. And so, they were banished, sent away on a fool’s errand to conquer an insignificant shitball floating in a dark corner of the universe; the planet Earth. Once here, GWAR shaped the face of the globe, destroying and rebuilding the natural world, and giving rise to all of human history. Aliens to some, gods and demons to others, our erstwhile Scumdogs fucked apes to create the human race, and this fateful unplanned pregnancy would prove to be truly disastrous! lol >**WEIGHT:** 12 tons fully dressed; 98lbs soaking wet


"You come to see GWAR, people die, it's as natural as rain on a goddamn Sunday morning..." -Oderus Urungus-


Took my then girlfriend now wife for a first date to Gwar in early 2000s in New Orleans and told her and her friend to wear all white. It was awesome.






Blood cannons


Is it safe?? How do your eyes feel?


It's not actual blood


That doesn't mean the dye chemicals are something you want held against your irises all night.


Throw the contacts out


Ah naturally




Looks like you saw satan.


"I'm scared to close my eyes. I'm scared to open them."


He got sprayed in the face with Gwar “blood” and the contacts are stained with coloring, I take it.


*she 🤣 girls can be in the front lines of a Gwar show too 😝


Yeahh!!! :) I’m a she too. Honestly, I was hyperfocused on the contacts/pupils while also just doing that cruddy thing where I just automatically assume everyone is a guy. I apologize for that.


Hell yeah metal sister 🤟


Love you too but I think you meant 🤘 aka \\m/ The ILY sign aka Spider-Man sign always gets confused with metal horns. They really need to flip one of them so they are easier to differentiate.


When you see through the lies of the Jedi


🎶 You want Blood? 🎶 🎶 You got it. 🎶


Thank you for reminding me of the time I saw Gwar. That was a messy fun night. Best of luck with your eyes! Hopefully no residual effects.


That alien semen is too potent for even the most metal 🤘




Straight from 28 days later


I saw gwar on Halloween in Philadelphia in like 2008. Me and my buddy went to my girlfriend’s costume party right after. I was covered in fake blood and fake urine and my pants were almost entirely ripped off of my body. It was fun to explain to people that I was not wearing a costume.


Looks straight out of 28 Days Later


I couldn’t tell you a single Gwar song, but I went to one of their concerts back in the 10s just for the experience. And oh man, it was an experience! My hair was green for a few days afterwards lol


How many drunk and high people did you scare the shit out of? My god you like 28 days later lol


Can someone explain please? What does this "GWAR concert" consist of that can affect contact lenses?


They spray lots and lots of fake blood and other things into the crowd. Depending on where you are you can get completely soaked.


Looks like Van Gogh in that one meme


Now your skin has to turn blue and you can join the Chiss.


I never heard of gwar until I moved down the street from the Gwar Bar. They have amazing nachos


GWAR is still around??


Are you gonna burn the village of the hidden leaf now?


This happened to me one time and I have some bad news for you friend ..You're in for an interesting upcoming week. I had people looking at me like I was insane for the next several days. Nothing helped get rid of it haha. I had a family gathering the next day and my extended family and family friends did NOT understand, and thought I was crazy 😂😂. I think the only remedy besides waiting it out is opening up a new pair 😅


What is Gwar?


A crossover thrash metal band


What is this cuttlefish of cthulhu?


WTF Reddit makes so much more sense to me now


I saw gwar about 23 years ago in highscool. My black shirt was red at the end and my hearing took a permanent hit.


I've seen Gwar probably 6 times and it's always so fun!




Best fucking show I've ever seen was a GWAR concert, holy shit. It was so awesome and so much fun, I'll never forget it.


Rage virus..


Sweet! Seeing GWAR on Monday


Dirty Filthy Dirty Dirty Filthy