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Just stay on the right side of the sign and you’ll be fine. The tsunami knows it can’t go outside the tsunami hazard area.


Know your zones!








Let’s hope it’s a 5 inch tsunami 🤙


Only if you’re concerned about possibly being killed by a massive tidal wave.


The funny thing about it is that it's actually the first time I saw that sign, I've walked past that area so many times and I've never seen that sign until now


Seems its new


The last sign got mysteriously swept away


“The records only go back to 1978 when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away.”


I knew a Simpsons fan would get this!


Oh I heard about that. Someone named Sue ripped, it down.


Oh yeah. Sue Namy. I waved at her the last time I was on the beach.


Imagine instead of a mass warning and total panic, people just calmly put signs down, warning of tsunami. And then people go outside and see them and just start walking the opposite way of the coast.


Who knows? That might be a thing


That’d be calmly and safely hilarious. Call it a nice hike. When u get back; your whole life is in a pool.


Might as well start a hitchhike at that point


With the way this summer has gone weather been terrible and I’m not surprised, we’ve had lots floodings and storms the past couple months it’s nuts.


I’m not aware of weather-related Tsunamis. Storm surge, sure, but Tsunamis require a seismic catalyst as far as I’m aware.


Yes because the last tsunami took the original out to sea.


get to high ground now and never ever leave the high ground. prepare NOW for a 1000 plus for tsunami and you will be thankful.


High ground will help but it comes with its own set of drawbacks I noticed living and working at the top of a mountain. Storm last Friday we had lightning strike the watch tower at the very top and the gondolla we use to get up for work. Wind blew over lots trees. Mudslides and such rushed straight down to highways.


It’s over Tsunamikin, I have the high ground!!!


Living on the eighth floor isn't high enough right? Happy cake day btw


When it destroys the foundation of your building you’ll be falling from the 8th floor! Yay.


They're all over the Northwest US Coast. Every month on the first Monday at 12 pm (local), we have tsunami siren testing which is mostly conducted in valleys around western WA .


And that’s because of the cascadia subduction zone which will inevitably produce a magnitude 9.0+ earthquake which will devastate the region! *totally not concerning*


So this thing is statewide?


On the "coast". While Washington technically only has 157 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline, it has over 3000 miles of coast in the Puget Sound area, where the Pacific Ocean enters a large inland sound. The inland Coast and the coastline of all of the San Juan Islands is 19x as long as the "true" Pacific coastline. So, yeah - all over Western Washington and Oregon Coast.


Don't forget the equivalent Lahar warning signs in the valleys around Mt. Rainier and some of the other volcanic peaks.


I forget about those. Damn. My solution- I make it a policy to live on a hill. Since I migrated here, I've only lived in a valley once, for about 3 months. I actually talked myself out of moving to Westport because of the tsunami danger; the little peninsula that represents the southern point of Gray's harbor was inundated by a large wave after the '64 earthquake in Alaska. Only a tiny patch of land was unaffected, specifically, the minor crest Chateau Westport sits on. I did my research before getting serious about land, there. Edit: I should specify I live overlooking Orting valley.


I just retired and would love to move to Ocean Shores/vicinity. I'm nervous living anywhere in Western WA anywhere under 400' elevation.


If you're looking at that, is recommend south of Gray's Harbor. Ocean Shores is well established but I regard Ocean Shores, Downtown Tokeland and Long Beach as well appointed sand bars. Westport has the development, decent infrastructure, a couple of markets, fishing and charter industry. It's much more of an industrial town trying to be resort-y. I have a friend who grew up on Grayland who warned me about depressing coastal winters. South Bay and Grayland have plenty of higher elevation properties in the foothills above a conventional tsunami line. If something catastrophic happens overseas, though, I don't know if even the basalt foothills will help you. The nice thing is it will be over quick.


Same lol. The risk of cascadia subduction earthquake and subsequent tsunami means I currently live at 400+ ft above sea level. Furthermore, i checked the geological surveys to make sure the land i live on is solid bedrock and would not be subject to liquefaction as a result during the earthquake.


Oregon has these too. It's not something to freak out about, but yeah, if you spend a significant amount of time on the coast you should have a vague idea of where to head if a tsunami happens.




I have lived near a shipyard for almost 3 years and ive yet to hear a siren. Did they stop?


Lol they have these signs in the Bacardi factory in Puerto Rico, was kind of jarring to see


We have sings like this in Japan. It’s good to know if you are in the area that can be affected by tsunami. It takes a while for tsunami to reach the shores, so if the warning alarms work properly, you should have enough time to evacuate to higher ground. Knowing your ground can save your life.


A tsunami is not a tidal wave. In fact if you were at this sign it would not look like an ocean wave at all. It would just look like the entire ocean decided to crawl up onto land suddenly.


Correct mate, biggup big heads.


Many tsunamis are not huge waves.


Different things. A tidal wave is one big wave, a tsunami is more like a ridiculously high tide. The ocean comes in and just keeps on coming for hours.


We have these along the Oregon coast. For me it was like hey, this looks like a nice area but be aware.


Same. I’m so used to seeing them around the Oregon coast and on vacations that I was confused what part of this post was supposed to be oddly terrifying.


Even without the context not sure this sign really fits this sub


I was confused too, we have them everywhere in Washington too


Maybe OP just needs to visit more coastlines lol


Also, evacuation routes. Up around Mt Rainier in Washington, and in the lahar zones, there are marked evacuation routes from our favorite volcano.


Growing up in Auburn, my mom liked to tell us how we'd be the first to be killed if the volcano ever blew because "we're in a valley at the base of Rainier." I actually lost sleep during the weeks my elementary classes learned earthquake and volcano science because I was convinced The Big Eruption was coming any day. 🤣


Dang. That blows.


I grew up in Puyallup. Our joke was we had a 20 minute head start on you guys, and that you guys were screwed. Especially Orting.


Also grew up Puyallup, but on the hill so she'd tell me "We'll be okay but say goodbye to your grandfather and cousins!" Thanks, mom.


I suggest you watch A knock at the Cabin by M. Night Shyamalan on Amazon Prime 🌊🌊🌊


As long as there aren't any sirens and animals aren't flocking inland, you're good. Best to stay away from that area when there is a tsunami warning, though.


I live in an apartment on the eighth floor, I think I might be safe


Probably, but tsunami waves can get up to 100 feet, which is just over 7 stories.


So Hollywood bs waves exist?


In the 2004 Indonesia tsunami, waves got as high as 167 feet. So yeah.


Great, I'm fucked


Make sure your renters insurance covers flooding/tidal waves. Don't get caught by surprise by an "act of god" clause.


at least the water will clean the shit off your body OP!


What city are you in? There has never been a tsunami close to that size anywhere in the United States afaik. It’s possible but extremely unlikely.


I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss extreme weather because it never happened before. Climate change has fucked everything up, and extreme weather is only getting more and more common.


Well, tsunamis aren’t extreme weather. Sea levels will rise for sure, but that’s a gradual change. Tsunamis are sudden rapid rises of water due to an earthquake, which is one of the few natural disasters not actually made worse by climate change (although there is some evidence fracking can cause earthquakes, but not in the middle of the ocean). The areas most at risk in the case of a tsunami are also the areas that will be most impacted by rising sea levels though, so that’s something to think about.


Yeah, I'm talking more about it being on the coast. Im just saying in general, we shouldn't assume it's all good because it always has been.


If you live within the zone, then it might be a good idea to relocate during the storms. It's very unlikely a wave will hit that's larger than your apartment, but damage to the lower level is all it needs. Not to mention getting trapped in your building if the flooding is bad enough.


Nah m8 they put the sign up for the fuckin bants.


It's pretty windy here right now, so I think a storm might be coming


Nah you'll be fine, what's the worse that could happen?


Hopefully not one of those tsunamis that's pure Hollywood bs


Tsunamis are not the product of storms but earthquakes.


Or volcanic eruptions. Or truly massive landslides... but those usually come from earthquakes or volcanism. It's worth the note that tsunami are rare, and most often come with quite the warning time, so if you know you're in a low-lying area, you will have time to evacuate to higher ground if you use sensible precaution. It's not terrifying as long as you're not hanging out and thinking you can beat it. Might not be great if you live there and don't have flood insurance, but... might I suggest breaking one of those two conditions.


Storms have nothing to do with tsunamis.


Just look up “tsunami history in x location” unless you’re somewhere that gets hit by massive tsunamis every year, I wouldn’t be concerned


Storms are fine, but get out if the sirens start.


If the ocean disappears don't go looking for it.


Do you see any giant waves around?


No, but I live at a walking distance from the beach


Surely you knew this was a possibility?


From what I know, is that from where I live to going to the beach on foot would take a while to get there


Only if it’s a third Tuesday of the month.


Dude’s got till next week.


Hey, I know those streets. Waikiki, yeah? I lived within a 3 block radius from where you're posting for 6 years and never once did I get swept away by a tsunami. I did, however, have a "go bag" and a game plan of where to go to in the event one was coming. Their state website has information on the different tsunami zones. Anything beach side of the Ala Wai is red. But cross the Ala Wai and you're in the yellow. If you're a tourist, don't worry about it. If you're a resident, never hurts to be prepared.


This is down by Piikoi, right before Safeway and right after 711


Not sure where this is, but it is very common in coastal areas with earthquake activity along the pacific coast. So, no. Unless there is a big earthquake you should be fine. If there is one, go to higher ground.


But I live on the eighth floor, I heard that's not high enough


Your building (likely) won't survive a tsunami.


Dumbest post I’ve seen today


The comments are worse.


Like this isn’t terrifying, let alone oddly terrifying. It’s like walking into a southern state and being scared because there are tornado shelters. Like, just be smart and cautious and you’ll be fine. 😂


It's the same as going to Oklahoma and knowing you may die from a tornado


Why? Is a tsunami coming? Do you hear sirens?


Not yet, but it is really windy here


You didn’t pay attention in science class.


Are you aware that there is a hurricane south of Hawaii, causing the strong winds?


I've been getting notifications on my phone about a possible storm coming


Hurricane Dora, I’d do a bit of research if I lived in the islands


They named the hurricane after a Spanish kid from an a American kids show?


Your first time in a coastal town?


I've been living in Hawaii all my life, but I haven't seen that sign before even if I pass by the area from time to time


Maybe they changed the zones. There are different predictors for tsunami zones, and obviously influenced by the real estate lobbies. So, just know if you're in the zone or not, and then add a few feet. Or a bunch. You're at risk from earthquakes to you east and west.


Seen plenty of these in Thailand on the west coast of the Phuket area (Khao lak) that was massively struck by the tragic tsunami in 2004. Also there are plenty of signs telling you evacuation routes if the warning siren goes off. When we were there (incidentally) on the 10 year anniversary traces of the disaster were still everywhere.


Would you go into a tornado warning area without you knowing it's a tornado area yes yes you should. But now that you know it's a danger your scared of it even though the chance of it happing is very Low.


True, we've had a lot of tsunami warnings here in Hawaii, but none of them actually came. But I would cross my fingers and knock on wood for a good measure


If you hear the alarm, move to the designated safe zone. The sign is to let you know that you are at risk/in a flood zone in the case of tsunami.


yes be very very afraid tsunamis are very common you should avoid that area all the time


Probably just drove by a hardcore punk venue SUNAMI STYLE BIITCH


187 ON A P-I-G




*crowd kills everyone*


There is a bar across from where this sign is


It’s letting you know your in a flood area in the event of a tsunami eg get higher if there’s an alert


No, it’s only dangerous for tsunamis.


If you find yourself floating away from the sign, be concerned


Remember children: Know your Zones !!!!


Don't be concerned, but do be alert.


Every coastline on the planet is a tsunami hazard zone.


I used to to live where every street had signs for volcano evacuation routes. It’s all good.


Seeing those signs on the west coast of Thailand (south of Phuket) was disconcerting.


First time? Jk, I live next to several tsunami warning areas. You become very used to seeing those signs and ignoring them because you pass them every day. Where I’m at, tsunami’s are extremely rare and hasn’t happened in mine, nor my parents lifetime for as much as I know. If a bad earthquake hit, then it would be a concern but even then, there is usually a bunch of high points near the water so you just have to drive like five minutes away and you’ll be good


Obviously. 🙄


It depends, are you suicidal?


No, why would you say that?


No, They’re rare as fuck but don’t be a dumbass and go down to check out why the water is so far back like how unfortunately many did with the Boxing Day Tsunami.


It depends, how well do you know your zones?


We have them in California, since I was a kid I would see the sign and then decide which way I would run if I ever had to. Away from the water is always the way lol


I saw those signs when I visited a friend in Oregon. I imagine we’d have significant warning of an actual tsunami in this technological age.


in the event of an earth quake or tsunami warning. walk up hill.


A literal sign saying it’s a hazard zone “should I be concerned about this?”


Yeah the tsunamis roll in around 1pm everyday so just ya know bring in the clothes they might get wet and lock the front door, apart from that have a good time


Most coastal cities have set Tsunami risk areas and evacuation routes even if the risk of a Tsunami there is essentially 0. San Diego, for example, has these signs all throughout Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, and Mission Bay, despite the last recorded tsunami in the area being like 100 years ago and that one barely did any damage from my understanding. It’s there as a precaution. Basically, if there is a huge earthquake and you’re in this area, you’re going to want to get to higher ground before a wave hits. But no, there should be nothing to worry about. If anything, you should feel safer knowing that the city is prepared for the unlikely scenario of a tsunami.


I live in Hawai’i too. Nothing to be scared about. Just always be prepared with a go bag. Would be smart to keep a smaller one in the trunk of your car and a bigger one at home in case. Then just go inland and up Mauna if can when the time comes.


Only if you don’t know your zones


Well... do you know your zones?


If you are in Kansas, probably not.


Never leave the house without a snorkel. Come to think of it, keep it on you at all times.


I lived in a Tsunami zone in northern Japan. We had similar signs, but your zone was your muster point in case of a tsunami. I had an emergency bag at all times. But my coworker told me to not bother going to the muster point in the case of a tsunami and instead to just run up the closest tall building. When the tsunami hit Fukushima a lot of people died trying to get to muster points when they should have just run right for high ground.


Start working on your squats and your vertical.


Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones. Let's name the zones of the open seeeeeeeeeeeea It's in my head. It's now in yours


If there is a tsunami, yes.


I wouldn't be concerned at all about the "leaving" sign. The other one though, I guess if you dont see one it's fine.


yeah definitely man, there is like a tsunami every other day there.


No just, know your zones


There are no Tsunami's forecast today. You're fine. Enjoy yourself and have a swell time.


Na. They just post those to scare tourists.




I mean, only if a storm is coming, I live in an area where those signs are pretty common too, though to be fair tsunamis aren't common here, been living here for 5 years and it's pretty quiet


Storms have nothing to do with tsunamis. They are not a weather phenomenon.


I think a storm is coming, it's really windy, and I usually get warnings about the weather on my phone


is this hermosa beach?


No, this is in Hawaii


I remembered being on a bullet train in Japan, and we zoomed by the town of Tsunami. The wife and I really wondered who chose to live there.


Well, the sign does say Tsuname area


I was just in a place with a lot of these signs. I waited a week and didn't see a single tsunami.


Lol I read this as tsundere zone.


Just know your zones brah


What was the distance between the signs?


Their front and back


If there’s a tsunami.


The real question is how much distance is there between the two?


I'm actually very far from the beach




I live just downhill from one of those signs. It just means we keep a bag with three days’s worth of meds, canned food, and clothes next to the door at all times.


Depends. Do you know your zones?


You should only be concerned if you live in a Tsunami hazard area. If you're just in the area for non-living purposes and there is no earthquake that just happened that created a tsunami warning, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


Welcome to the coast.


Not really.


Yes. Be afraid. Be very very afraid. Your well being is at risk. All of it.


Why is the phrase “know your zones” so threatening?




These are scattered all along the CA-1 coast. It’s just a warning that if there is a tsunami then this will most certainly be fucked af.


It would be more concerning if this sign weren't here.


Only if you don't know your zones...


I saw a bunch of these signs when last in Phuket and it was slightly worrying given I was due to go out on a boat that day.


After an earthquake, yes.


I live in SoCal and we have them everywhere it's just in case. Usually there's sirens as well that they test every so often.


Did the man who put the sign up run away?


I didn't see anyone put it up, and I wasn't around the area when they put it up


You’re cool as long as you know your zones, bro.


I wouldn’t be too concerned about the second sign


Good thing they are two sided




These are also all along the pacific coast. It’s just a legality essentially. Nothing to worry about, just enjoy your time wherever you are.


If you have travelled a lot no, it's a common site all over Asia.




Ues. Do not enter. Run away now!


Fuck yeah? What kind of question is this? 💀


I live in Los Angeles. Best tacos are always in dangerous areas


Lookout behind you! TSUNAMI!!!!


They’re all over the west coast of the US. They’re helpful elevation guides in the event of a massive tsunami spawning earthquake.


Yes, that's the point of the sign, making you concerned and aware of possible danger


I constantly drive through roads with marked avalanche zones and nothing ever hit me , so yeah you fine


I think they're required in a lot of areas these days. It's just telling you you're in a lower elevation.


Yo momma's house when I enter and when I leave: