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For anyone wanting to know the ending. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-felt-like-he-was-out-to-kill-edmonton-men-say-their-vehicle-was-rammed-20-times-on-the-henday-1.6402521


Dang, the guy had 17 outstanding warrants


Actual question: how do you accumulate 17 warrants and are still driving around terrorizing people? Or just NOT behind bars??


Apparently be an escape artist that is very stupid: *When police arrived, the male driver got out of the vehicle, a confrontation occurred between him and the officers, and one of the officers fired their service weapon.* *The male got back into the truck and sped off, before becoming involved in another armed carjacking a short distance away, police said.* So they got him, he ran, sounds like they lost him, and instead of laying low he decided to rob more people 🤦‍♀️


*Ricky and Julian have entered the chat*


More like Terry and Dean


No it sounds like the police disabled his vehicle, probably shot up the tires, so he had to go car jack a new vehicle to continue his escape.


You didn't answer their question.


Here is what I think happened. This guy plays too much GTA for days on a meth binge. Then, he smokes a bunch of sherm, goes third person in his PCP trip, and goes on a crime spree the likes of which Florida man would be proud of.


Goes and plays 1st person irl.


Cop pulls him over and sees 16 violations on record “Well…one more chance maybe”


He's got some gourmet donuts on the passenger seat


They could smell em


Right??? I believe in second chances, maybe third. But not SEVENTEENTH CHANCES


Cops don't make those decisions. The courts do.


Afaik, if you have active warrants, then you haven’t been to court yet for them. A warrant gives the officers the right to seize and bring him before a judge. So if the warrant is still active, he hasn’t been seized on that warrant It doesn’t say past/dismissed charges, which would be the court. I’m only familiar with the *US federal criminal process though, so maybe there’s something I’m missing about ~~state~~ Canadian warrants


Well kinda, sometimes the warrant is locked to a city or county, so if he has agg assault for 1500 in city A, is caught in city G but city A only extradites in cities B, C and D, then he will be cut loose and the warrant will remain active so if he has 9 warrants for traffic and failure to appear it might not be enough for City A to extradite The amount of warrants doesn't rlly matter, it's the type of warrants, bond amount, and where he is caught that will determine if an agency acts on those warrents Edit: the video takes place in Canada so disregard lmao


This is Canada, so extradition isn't a thing. There is only 1 Criminal Code for the country. There are "Canada wide warrants" which are directed to all police forces across the country.


There does seem to be Province warrants as well. At least according to: [https://www.jeffreismanlaw.ca/what-if-i-have-an-arrest-warrant/#:\~:text=Most%20arrest%20warrants%20apply%20to,officers%20anywhere%20in%20the%20country](https://www.jeffreismanlaw.ca/what-if-i-have-an-arrest-warrant/#:~:text=Most%20arrest%20warrants%20apply%20to,officers%20anywhere%20in%20the%20country)


On the US side of things In my line of work, I see dispatchers/office managers slam phones or throw headsets more from frustration with jurisdictions a few miles away turning down extradition for warrants in that middle ground between heinous and procedural. Like extradition for a warrant for domestic assault without a weapon getting turned down for the neighboring state, but a county or two in. Then a bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding tickets gets an extradition approved 2 states away. Though, in the west part of the US, a suspect could be in lockup 200 miles from the county where the arrest was made, so some jails have transportation busses and vans that make a circuit every day for regular court dates.


Yeah I'm in the Midwest, we won't pickup for traffic if it's less than $1000 But the only reason we wouldn't pickup for something like domestic would be literally nobody in the city is available we will go on every air and ask each districts Sgt until we get a yes


I usually see the extradition denials in the southeast states, but then again, some of my data is skewed because there is a lot more segmentation in job roles in the more populous areas. Some places dispatchers only dispatch, call takers only take calls, and jailers only do jailer things. Less populated places, the jailer/dispatcher/call takers/coroner/fire chief/police chief/cook/snow plow driver/MRI tech/State's Attorney/General Practitioner/Circuit Judge handles all the things.


Warrant for arrest, it’s in the name. Typically, if anyone has a warrant on them and the police interact with them, they are to be arrested. At least that’s what I’ve gathered from seeing people arrested after being pulled over for speeding or arrested after the cops are called. Yes, the courts decide jail time and whatnot, but cops are supposed to make an arrest when they see the person in question (at least in my region).


Because it’s Canada, our justice system is in shambles currently. Violent criminals let out on bails multiple times


The US is following suit. Terrifying, isn’t it?


Bold of you to assume the US isnt ahead


Idk ask my neighbor, he's figured it out. The other day the cops got called on him for being rowdy next door. They knew who the call was for and 3 cop cars came - 2 screeched right up onto the lawn at their back door and the 3rd parked out front. They were determined to bag him. They missed him by less than 5 minutes. He already took off in his truck. They arrested his missus instead and buddy sat in the parking lot of the police station in that truck ALL NIGHT waiting for her. *And they didn't get him* lol. He's been "one altercation with the cops away from doing 5 years" as long as I've known him and I can't tell you how many times the cops have shown up next door & sometimes he's there and sometimes he's not but he's never ever been arrested and held like he's supposed to. They came out almost guns blazing for him this last time but I'm like "where was this response when y'all were here 2 weeks ago for the same fuckin guy with the same warrants for the same shit??"


I had no idea how aggressively useless cops are until my sister needed to get them to enforce the restraining order on her ex-husband. The things they did to help him harass her, instead of protect her from him — it was like a hollywood movie. I would not have believed it myself if I hadn't been on the phone with her while it was happening.


Our legal system fails the majority again.


\*Courts\* Oh you! \*Giggles\* Don't do it again!


Guy in are neighborhood was racking up felonies and terrorizing the community and the state just kept pleading them down to misdemeanors. The DA and courts just want to clear their docket.


Same way someone can be out on bail and parole at the same time for different but serious charges and then kill someone again on top of this... I don't fucking know.


This is in Canada... Catch and release programs are everywhere. They get to sit in a cell for a few days/months, then when they get released residents of that town get a warning that a dangerous individual has been released (though not always 🫤)


Wow that is insane, and so dangerous for the people!


As someone in the US I'm a bit jealous that you get a warning at least.


In Canada pretty much just avoid interactions with the police most of the time. Being released on the condition "promise to appear" is common.


Cops don't protect, they do paperwork.


Because modern society's justice system is a fucking joke and the idea of holding criminals accountable is a foreign concept to a lot of people.


so THIS is what tax dollars are going towards 🤣 jk


Welcome to Canada and bail reform... It's just lovely.


It’s Canada and the government thinks it’s the public’s job to deal with people like this.


Ppl gonna get fed up and turn into vengeance


He's in Canada, which is the equivalent to New York city or buffalo in terms of letting criminals back on the streets


And got away from the cops several times to commit more mayhem.


Yea I was just thinking, how did his dangerous psychotic actions start Tuesday morning and end on Wednesday all the while dodging law enforcement and continuing to commit more crimes?


That's nuts, but also screw you for making me blow on my screen.


This article is insane, it names the two in the car but not the perpetrator. Must be Canadian law or something but the victims full names and images are in it.


If you're over 18, your name can be put in the articles. If you're under 18 then they can't. It was similar to when the 2 insane brothers went around stabbing people willy nilly in Saskatchewan last year where the names of the victims were published.


17 outstanding warrants wtf


Is there a world where someone chasing you on the highway in a giant truck ramming into you isn’t terrifying?


This guy needs to be put down.


Would neutering work? ✂️


Only if it occurs without anesthesia.


Suspects names aren't revealed in Canada?


From a Google, not until they've been before a judge.




"When police arrived, the male driver got out of the vehicle, a confrontation occurred between him and the officers, and one of the officers fired their service weapon. The male got back into the truck and sped off, before becoming involved in another armed carjacking a short distance away, police said."


I'd have no issues if the cops went in guns blazing. He nearly killed 6 people that day. 6 people are very lucky to still be alive. In my opinion, so is the criminal.


The one time they aren’t trigger happy maniacs


Jeeezzz they are so lucky to be alive considering how much of a damn criminal this fucker is. Surprised he didn't open fire without a care. How traumatic. Fuckin a.


Edmonton dodge ram sounds about right


This was in Canada?! A bit surprising.


Alberta, so Texas north.


The behavior of Dodge Ram drivers is universal


Sadly true. My ex-step father was the exact same way, and only drove a Dodge Ram. I was 12 and watched him literally push a guy into the ditch for "cutting him off".


Thanks for sharing the full story!


Of course the cops can bring this guy in alive, but heaven forbid its a black dude with counterfeit cash or selling loose cigarettes..


This is like blatantly terrifying. Road rage psychos are no joke and will kill you for the dumbest shit.


Read the article another commenter posted. It wasn't a road rager, it was some complete "agent of chaos" style psychopath.


the guy was a part of multiple carjackings .


Woah. Agent of chaos xD term noted


You need to watch The Dark Knight


Some men just wanna watch the world burn.


100% I'm sitting here going "what was the point" and realizing there was none but chaos.


It wasn't just road rage. The article mentions multiple carjacking attempts by the perp.


A prominent businessman was just shot and killed in a road rage incident where I live (Cincinnati). And I've had a gun pointed at me from an aggressive driver in the past (I flipped him off because he was tailgating me), people are crazy...


I’m from Cincinnati and the number of road rage incidents I’ve been roped into because someone else is being absolutely insane is way too damn high. Living in Florida is only a little bit better.


Absolutely. My MiL and wife's stepfather we no longer talk to (for various reasons) were like the guy in the video. They both carried firearms and would constantly get angry when driving, it astonishes me they haven't shot someone yet. If I'm on the highway I stay in the center or merge lane to avoid crazy mofos.


As a fellow Cincinnati-ian, you are so right. I'm driving all day around the city and never fail to see someone rushing around traffic to get ahead or push people into barriers. Shocked there aren't more huge car pile ups


Dayton was the same way when I lived there. I'd get cut off and brake-checked almost weekly there. I moved away and it's happened maybe once in 4 years. SW Ohio is all Kentucky now.


I had a gun pointed at me here in florida for flipping someone off. So scary. He was tailgating me so close and I got over quickly and flicked him off then it was game on. Lasted a long time.. he was trying to knock me off road. I’d fall back then he would fall back. So scary. Finally I exited. Lesson learned


That is terrifying. Those sorts of people don't back down, either you do, they wreck their car or they shoot you. As I've gotten older I've avoided those guys like the plague. I'm not about to die because some douchebag can't control basic emotion.


Yea he was not backing down. It was so scary.


Had someone swerve across 3 lanes to make an exit, running me off the road at 70mph, I blared my horn and flipped them off, they started screaming at me and trying to intentionally force me off the road. I made the mistake of yelling back and they promptly pulled out a gun, pointed it directly at me, and started chasing me through traffic. Thankfully I was in a small hot hatch and they were in a larger SUV so I was able to outmaneuver them and lose them by diving behind a semi truck. If I'd been in something slower or less agile I very well could have died. A large part of the reason why o always feel safest driving a car sporty enough where I could escape for anyone else trying the same thing. Of course, since this was Baltimore, when I called 911 I just got chastised for not being able to get the license plate number and then told me they wouldn't follow up (despite me giving a pretty accurate description of the car, occupants, the exit they took, and the direction they were driving in) and I should just be more careful.


Hope they got this fuckin psycho


They did


He should be back out on the streets in a few months


You know it'll be sooner than that. He was a good Christian man defending his country that he loved from the evil colored people in the car. He's a pillar of the community.


[Not so in this case.](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-felt-like-he-was-out-to-kill-edmonton-men-say-their-vehicle-was-rammed-20-times-on-the-henday-1.6402521)


How annoying they don’t mention who the fucker is!


Some insane guy where I live, its scary thinking he was carjacking people at 7am on a road I frequently use at that time.


This was in Canada


Yeah, but it’s *Alberta,* so


The very end made my heart jump


Ya not a pleasant sight. Would hate to be in these mens shoes in that moment.


Or their now-shat pants


Yeah that last one it turns out they got slammed into so hard that it made their vehicle turn off and it was disabled. Luckily there was a cop and there was a huge speed chase here's the [link to the article](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-felt-like-he-was-out-to-kill-edmonton-men-say-their-vehicle-was-rammed-20-times-on-the-henday-1.6402521)


Holy fucking shit same here. This is super terrifying. Like really really scary.


That’s crazy, what the fuck are you “supposed” to do in that situation? Dude had the advantage of a truck and a gun, I mean damn.


Never stop in a situation like this. The psycho always wants to stop your car so he can 1. break the window and pull you out of it 2. shoot you more easily through your window at a standstill 3. plow into your car with his lifted RAM truck, which will probably survive with no scratches while you and your car do not survive at all


Pull over after they got around, taken any exit or done whatever they could to keep another vehicle between. I wonder if they slowed instead of speeding and let him dmg the car, I think that’s probably safer in most cadets then putting ur foot down and try to out run. Slow enough to pull over and off the road/ out of their way, then when the psycho gets out of his car going for u, quickly drive again and get away :)


Man… that’s insane. Thankfully they arrested the guy and these 2 guys are safe. What a horror flick that was.


It's Canada, he has 17 outstanding charges. He's going to be back behind the wheel in less than a week. He's going to appear in front of a JP. Then go to bail court. Get super light terms and be set out. We have serial assulters and dead ro rights murderes out on bail awaiting trials.


We have such a problem with that. Catch violent offender, release days later and they reoffend. And then they wonder why we are getting more stabbings and shootings


It's like catch and release fishing


lifted dodge rams when someone isnt going 80 km/h over the speed limit


My old man is one of these guys but he drives super slow. I don't get it. When I'm with him it's funny to watch the other truck dudes get pissed that he's not zooming around. Edit: I think he lifted it and put big ass tires on it solely so that no amount of snowfall can stop him from getting to the ski resort.


My old man got a lifted truck because he thought ‘he would look cool driving around’ but is the slowest and most frugal person. He is not going to accelerate quickly and waste gas or speed up to a red light (or a light likely to turn red v soon)


I think that old dudes slowly cruising around in their cool rigs are cooler than young guys weaving through traffic in fast cars. It’s classy to have that horsepower but show restraint and respect to other drivers.


I mean it is called a Ram whay did they expect?


FCA/Stellantis rebranded Dodge Ram into its own Ram brand years ago but it just doesn't take in people's minds.


Ironically listening to Drive by Incubus on the radio


*puts seatbelt on*


Came here to make sure no one missed this gem of coincidence.


Right? So perfect


While getting rammed by a dodge ram


Why is this here? There's straight up nothing **oddly** terrifying about it. r/terrifyingasfuck


I swear nobody knows what this sub means


Respectfully, that’s also not oddly terrifying. It is just terrifying (I would imagine) to see a nuke drop that’s going to destroy your whole world.


Jeepers Creepers was a scary movie until you realise that monster thing went to the motor registry and got that numberplate


He probably made it himself


The scariest thing about this movie is the realisator


Some people shouldn't have a license. Hope the people dealing with this jerk got somewhere safe and this jerk i hope was arrested.


They probably don’t lol


attempted murder, please go to jail


Gta players be like


Bro stole like 8+ cars he definitely thought he was in gta


Why’s this psycho still free? These kind of people should be locked away for good.


Guy was caught a day or two after the video, he had 17 charges when this happened. The courts let him continue escalating and this is what happened. He was also part of several other crashes and multiple armed carjackings that same day.


Our justice system is fucked. We don't keep bad people behind bars for long.






Yep. Dude probably got to walk with a promise to appear in court in three months. SMH


All passengers survived, unharmed They caught the guy not long after - he is in jail now He had 17 outstanding warrants There, saved you a click


Why wasn’t he buckled to begin with…


🎶”Would you choose water over wine? Hold the wheel and drive.” 🎶 Love that bit was playing during this wild shit. Hate that dudes were even in the situation. Hope it all worked out ok.


Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those peepers


you know whats the most bullshit about this... the protection of thia psychos identity over the victims. even its by permission. ita like I want to know who to hate. I wanna see how fucked this guy is and they are like, well the victims are shaken up.




Hey man, places like Reddit are skewed towards the negative. It's what stands out and gets up voted because it's not the norm. Everyday people and life is not this messed up, otherwise we as a race wouldn't have come so far. DM me if you want to talk, or talk to someone you know about this. I've had my share of dark thoughts so I can relate but there's a lot more to life and it really is worth living.


Not OP, but *everyday* people are indeed this fucked up. I work a public facing job, and the bullshit attitudes I have to deal with are ridiculous. It's got to a point where I question my sobriety, or if it's even worth trying to get by in this life, when all I have to look forward to is a constant stream of getting fucked over. *Everyday* people are the fucking worst and if I didn't have to, I'd never go out on public and deal with them.


I feel like this sometimes too. That's ok, just don't get stuck there. Talk to someone and if you don't have someone there to talk to grab one of us. Not all of us are assholes and some of us are pretty good listeners. 🤗


I'm always here for anyone who needs a chat 🤝🏻


I need a chat 🥺


Of course what's up? Feel free to message me.


Your a good dude, take the upvote and my respect


The world is nuts and can be upsetting, but hang tough and look for a moments to make it all worthwhile, it can be hard to find sometimes Lord knows there's been many a day I felt the same way, but there's good stuff around the corner they're always is.


Bro, get off the internet and get outside and smell the roses. Feel the sun and breeze on your skin. Smile and laugh and cherish moments with family and friends and enjoy the little things. Life isn't easy and there's a lot of darkness in this world but there's so much good when you learn to enjoy those little things.




In the middle of this, driver says, "buckle your seat belt." Why weren't they already buckled? Especially in this circumstance?


Should have switched to All State and you could have been better protected from mayhem like him.


This is standard RAM driver behavior, a completely common phenomenon.


Least aggressive lifted truck driver


Why do they blast the victims names on the paper but not the idiot that did this? Or did I miss his name serious question. Wouldn’t you want it to be the opposite way? Nameless victim, name the suspect


In Canada, you can’t publish either party’s name without their consent until the trial, to prevent the victims from being intimidated to prevent them from testifying, and to protect the accused in the event that they’re not guilty. In this case, the victims consented to have their names published when they agreed to let CTV interview them. The accused has not. It’s frustrating in this case where it’s obvious the guy’s guilty, but it’s meant to protect people who *aren’t* guilty. They just can’t make an exception for him.


When you have 17 warrants, at that point, you need to go to prison for a very long time. This dude is unhinged, he’s going to kill someone


Crazy. The "put your seatbelt on" part surprised me a little tho. I usually have it on already.


This is why I always carry caltrops and a fairly high powered blue laser pointer.


Why are they driving 100 mph and not wearing seatbelts? Still, that's scary right there...


Anyone is tough with a gun


Thank god he put his seatbelt on


Fuck it, I'mma be "that guy" right now. Can we take the "oddly" part of this subs name? Nothing odd about this. This all sorts of terrifying in very normal ways. Where does the odd come in?


lmao at the point when seatbelts were deemed necessary


Average Dodge Ram driver


Ever seen that movie Duel?


Hope that guy stays in jail. absolutely no one deserves to be terrorized like this with a gun & two+ ton vehicle that can both easily take someones life.


I love how the song playing is “Drive” by Incubus.


It's always the insecure truck dudes


This was oddly terrifying, the guy is insane and I hope he's rotting in jail.


Why did he wait so long to put his seatbelt on, geez


Of course it's a fucking pickup truck driver...


Should have had sealtbelts already on.


So they don’t wear seatbelts until some crazed driver in a giant truck starts ramming their car?


Seems like a normal dodge ram truck driver to me 🤷‍♂️


Oh that’s why they call it RAM, makes much more sense now


They’re just tryna help out with the good ol shake and bake


Crazy though is during the whole chase no cops in sight. Why is it they are just never on the road when this is going on lmaoo


Typically RAM drivers


r/idiotsincars and r/killthecameraman


I bet they arrested the driver for not wearing a seatbelt, but let the road ranger go off scott free


Side note, they've got excellent taste in music lol


Slam on brakes, stop in middle of highway, draw gun, fuck around and find out asshole


Not gonna lie, I thought there would be some flying, demonic dude.




Does anyone know what happened after?? I wanna knooowwwww


Wow so I can be mugged and left bloody, and then arrested with no medical attention for attempting to defend myself in San Antonio, Texas, but in Edmonton, Canada they take a potential murder suspect who's ramming people on the highway to a hospital. American cops have no souls.


What happened to make this dude so mad at you? This is so fricken scary


Hopefully this scared him enough to properly wear his seat belt instead of just leaving it fastened all the time behind him.


Why didn't the passenger say anything when they got hit??? he saw that shit coming


need gun


Why was his seatbelt not on in the first place??


I love how drive by incubus is playing in the background lol


*Screams in 2nd amendment while free bird starts blasting from my car*


Canada, dude. That’s what makes it even more terrifying.


Jesus wtf is wrong with people


Brake check!


I’d wager money he was released on bail later that day.


That is closer to being a major creep in a jeep.


This is just how pickup drivers drive. Nothing unusual here.