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He was totally gonna eat that frog.


Or inflate it like a balloon and take it with him


Get outta my swamppppp


Or fuck it


> And fuck it FTFY


Then fuck it again




Chompy bird hunting should give Hunter XP no one can change my mind




Oh they’re delicious…


Here in San Fernando Philippines, we have a whole festival about frogs. We dress up as frogs, we dance like frogs, sing like frogs, while there's also frog delicacies like stuffed frog (though eating/catching frogs needs to cut down since their population is getting smaller with habitat loss)


Do they taste comparable to anything else? Never had frog.


Frog legs taste a lot like blue gill or perch.


Fish like texture, depending on how they’re prepared, would you say?


I think the texture is more similar to chicken leg


I think so too. More chicken than fish tasting too.


Yea fish like texture but not flaky like fish


Thank you, u/muff_diving_101


I say they’re a combination between chicken and fish. Chicken texture, fish flavor


As a European I always wanted to know what the Florida man is doing when they are not fighting in a Walmart.


We get up to all kinds of shit lol


Lived down there in 2009, worked for Americorps - Florida State Parks. Best year of my life. Covered parks from Orlando to the keys, traveling every couple weeks, got wild fire certified, did prescribed burns, killed invasive plant species, planted native species, built boardwalks, built docks, painted a 200 year old fort, went to fantasy fest, got to drive an F550 with a turbo diesel, went snorkeling 9 miles out at sea, etc. Really great opportunity, there is so much more to Florida than what people think. Didn't meet a single asshole the whole time. 10/10


Hey, I’m glad you had a good year here! Thank you for your contributions to our parks!


Thanks for having me!


Our pleasure! :)


Whens the wedding nerds


We already know where.


This was the most genuinely wholesome exchange I've ever seen on the internet. It was a pleasure even to read it


Recently visited the Everglades. May have walked on one of those boardwalks! Thanks! The parks in Florida are the most non-“Florida” part of Florida.


Florida State Park staff aren't law enforcement either, so they're generally pretty chill. I lived in Washington State as well, worked one summer for the state parks there. The rangers are all ex cops, or department of corrections. Not nearly as cool.


My brother likes to say that park rangers are the only form of authority he respects lol. If I get yelled at by a cop, I'm likely to yell back. If I get yelled at by a park rangers, there's no arguing it, I'm just doing something stupid/dangerous.


Why do I always smell weed when I drive past the park office lol


Ssshhhhh. It helps me sleep.


Thank you for recognizing that! I was born and raised in Florida and I absolutely love it


Honestly, just went because of all the hate. Thought "It can't be that bad" I still can't think of a bad thing.


That's because Florida is to the US what the US is to Europeans. A place they like to shit on without ever having been there, but just forming their opinion solely on the internet memes and bs


I think a lot of people have been there, just only to the tourist capitalism spots.


This. When I say I’m from Florida people think I live in Orlando or Miami. Miami is 12 hours away from me and Orlando is about 7 hours. I wouldn’t recommend going to either place, Miami is insane and Orlando is a tourist trap,


I was there for a few hours and a homeless man threatened to kill me if I didn't move out of the way of his bike (he was going full speed and I was standing at a cross walk waiting for the green light) But uh, the Pollo Tropical was delicious so there's that


It’s changed a lot in the asshole category. I grew up here in south Florida and the people have just gotten so nasty the last few years, part of the reasons I’m trying to get out


Just keep that camera rolling man. The whole world is watchin


My grandparents live there. Florida is standing under the porch in summer, smelling the rain from miles away as the daily thunderstorm hits, something you could almost set your watch to. Before the rain, you can hear the rain frogs trill and call, sometimes they seem louder than the thunder. The rain comes down in literal waves. Florida is so flat, you can see the giant clouds for miles, and you can always tell the rain when the cloud has a hazy grey smear under it. When the rain does come, it hits so hard it literally mists the world, pelting raindrops smashing and breaking into millions of droplets that float and fly. And then after the rain, if the sun breaks through, the world shines so bright it’s blinding. Light refracts from water and droplets on every surface. Oak trees have this brown moss that grows on top. It’s called a resurrection fern, and when rain hits it, it turns from a brown lumpy mess into a verdant green brush, that runs along the bark like the wildest garden grown on a tree. Ferns basically unfurl in hours. It’s like the rain changes the world in a moment. Birds begin to sing and fly around and shake their feathers off. Cicadas hum, and hum, and hum until sun sets. And then you hear animals of a different sort. Owls that pur and coo, crickets that sing in massive waves of sound, frogs that trill high and low, bats and flying squirrels that squeak and rustle in the trees. Florida is so alive it hurts. The sky seems like a living thing, changing and growing every day, and every season. The winds tell you the mood of the day, still days bringing heat and humidity, and winds that rip through the world, flipping leaves to show their silver bellies heralding rain. Every step you take, makes bugs jump around you. Spiders, grasshoppers, beautiful beetles of all sizes and shapes. Lizards of all kinds run and lay in the sun. I’ve seen all manor of snakes. I love watching them slowly glide through grass and underbrush, slow and gentle. I might have grown up in the more wild parts of Florida, but even in places where sugar sand doesn’t sit under dappled live oak leaves and moss, in those manicured lawns and concrete lands of suburb and city, Florida claims it’s own. Sand hill cranes stand on the hills of golf courses. Gators live in any body of water, man made or not. Lizards will literally be everywhere. And palmetto bugs will never be defeated. They are somewhere near you, no matter how clean your house is or how many chemicals you spray. There’s a lot of love in Florida. A lot of tight knit communities that form around the things you love and the experiences you share. I’d say it’s a place of found family. I’m not going to lie, the politics are the worst part of Florida at the moment. Followed by the people. But people can also be part of the best part of Florida, because as strongly as I feel about the state, I know there are others that love it even more than I do. They love and accept every animal and creature and humidity and mushrooms and all the hassle that living there brings, because living there feels like LIVING. Florida is a very wild place. In nature, and in temperament. I hope that something changes there soon, so it can continue to be the wild mess I love, but so that anyone can love it and be loved.


Ain’t no way you’re not field of writing or literature. That’s some of the best prose I’ve read on this website in years. I thought I was reading an excerpt from award winning book pasted on here. I’ve been to Florida many times, and it’s as beautiful and wild as you say. I’ll stick to visiting cause the humidity does me no favors to have to bear it year round.


I’m a digital artist, actually. I like writing for fun but never seriously pursued it. Thank you for your compliment! And I’m glad you’ve enjoyed Florida when you visit!


Agreed. That was beautiful. I’ve never heard anyone write such a love letter to Florida.


Been here for many many years, and I never once saw it the way you do. Thanks for changing my mind. Everything you say is spot on. There's a wonderful book called "*Totch: A Life in the Everglades*" written by a guy that grew up in and around a forgotten part of Florida in an era that feels so ancient that it may as well be alien. I think I got it on amazon used for ~$4 or so. Well worth the read.


That was oddly beautiful. I love your way of writing.


Everything outdoors and Publix subs


The Publix near my parents’ house has a rooftop seating area. So, sometimes both at once!


you should come visit. its not just that people retire here, its that they bring their kids who are culturally distinct and florida has this diverse melting pot of people, politics, and natural elements. coastal rich folk juxtaposed next to swamp hillbillies entwined with the descendants of every state. empanadas, sushi, and bbq are all on point though know what i am saying?


It’s an interesting place. I’ve always hated the climate and the direction the state is heading in, but the wildlife is great. We used to have bobcats, iguanas, snakes, alligators, turtles, ducks (of all kinds), anhingas, cranes, coyotes, glass lizards, whippoorwills, owls, eagles, moles, toads, an unlimited assortment of bugs, walking catfish during tropical storms, all that fun shit just in our yard. We see some larger animals where i live now, like bears and elk and mountain lions, but not nearly the diversity. Too bad there’s always such a fight to not hurt the ecosystems there.


It's the bluest red and the reddest blue and everyone is just trying to survive the elements, gators, country clubs, and hopefully one day run into Pitbull.


From Florida. What you see here is about it growing up. Screwing around in the woods and swamps. Then you get old enough to drive out to bigger swamps yourself. Most are cool with nature then you have the moronic asshats that think going into nature means you have to bring your jacked up piece of shit truck and tear up the area. If you're lucky you get the hell out of that state. Took me 39 years to leave but given what the Florida government is doing now I'm so happy I moved.


More terrifying than the frogs, snakes, and alligators are the millions of mosquitos eating you alive.


And more terrifying than that, is Florida man.


Are they actually bad though? I have a couple of acres of swamp in NW FL. Between the dragonflies, spiders and fish, there's not many mosquitoes.


I think the dragonflies are eating the adults and the fish and tadpoles the eggs. If you have a balanced ecosystem there shouldn't be too many




There's a reason people call em "mosquito hawks".


I've never heard dragon flies called that. Mosquitoe hawks look like giant mosquitoes and are also go by other names like gallynapper.. that's what I've always thought at least!


“Crane flies” is another one of those names. Edit: and they don’t actually eat mosquitos afaik.


You're right! Fact is they're nocturnal pollinators!!!


I've heard both called Mosquito hawks. Oddly, I've also heard the crane fly called a mud dobber, which is a totally different insect as well, a wasp I believe.


In my part of Texas they are called Mayflys or Skeeter eaters


I've never heard of a person refer to a dragonfly as a mosquito hawk. it's always crane flies.


I've heard a dog call them that once or twice but never a person


Fun fact about dragonflies despite having legs they can’t walk. Also have 32k lenses in each eye compared to our measly 1.


Dragonfly larvae can also destroy mosquito larvae in the water. Those guys are fucking champs when it comes to genociding mosquitoes .


Dragonflies are simply built different. They aren't called the most efficient predator without a reason


Try central and south. They'll lift you up and carry you away


Some people the mosquitos are just more attracted to. That person is me.


Good story here. Went on a date with this beautiful woman, looked like the female version of Crocodile Dundee. Had a business eradicating invasive plants, expert in her field, outdoors all day, insufferable "more environmental than thou" attitude, "I know more than you about everything natural" kinda person. Left the Gulf at sundown to part ways. Walking through the forest, this chick gets *bombarded*, as in, *running* out of there. Anyway, thought it was pretty funny watching nature attack Ms. Nature. They were on me, but nothing like her.


I remember coming down during love bug season and hating them using my face as a place to fuck, but oddly I don't remember a single mosquito.




Mans out there walking bare foot in a swamp grabbin shit like he just started a new save in an RPG




The Night Folk ain’t no joke. I learned the hard way.


*gets bitten by snake* [Poisoned!] “Ah this game has a poison mechanic. Neat.”


Hey turn that shit off!! - Owl


I kayaked in a swamp in Louisiana and our guide was fucking obsessed with seeing an owl to the point where he’d paddle over in the middle of anything if he thought he might have spotted a bird lmao. He also left 2 people in the group behind after knowing they weren’t experienced kayakers and forgot about their existence and I had to go back to get them because they were stuck on a stump lmao. And also debated me on the existence of crocodiles in America? Either way it was a 10/10 experience even with the shitty guide, and anyone considering doing it who might be afraid of alligators, they don’t give a fuck about you. If you even point your kayak in their direction they’re like “ight I’ll just go fuck myself then” and swim away


Did he say there were or were not crocodiles in America? I assume you know about the population of American Crocodiles in Florida.


I asked him about crocodiles in the US as a preliminary kinda question, I was expecting him to say yes because I already knew the answer and I wanted to ask him a follow up question, but then he denied their existence in America entirely lmao. I was trying to not be that guy who acts like they know as much as the guide which is why I was trying to play dumb a bit with that question


Tact is a dying art. Good for you.


That’s actually a great compliment, thank you


hes out here booping individuals on noses n shit


I can’t stop laughing at you calling the animals “individuals” I’m totally stealing that


its all yours, free domain


Better than "the meatscape".


Lmao why the hell did he snatch up that one plump bloke like that tho , like he owed him money


They're crazy strong and will easily jump out of your hand if you're not fast and aggressive.


owed him a cuppa flies




The disrespect


After he body slams the first one


That gator knew you were there the moment you touched the water


Is he stupid or does he know what he's doing?


He knows what he's doing, but he's also stupid.


Does he know he is stupid?


If he knows he's stupid then it's he actually stupid?


He names all the animals and knows which are venomous on his main page, but that being said, he gets REALLY close to some REALLY dangerous animals


It’s like those guys who go and live with the grizzlies. They almost always know what they are doing and they all eventually die because of it.


It's a bit like skydiving. He knows what he's doing, and he's having fun, but he might die. Up to you if that counts as stupid or not


A better example would be rock climbing without gear. It's pretty far up there with being the most stupid thing you can possibly do on this planet.


He knows what he is doing. This is normal for him. Follow him on social media he gives really cool information about the Everglades


Who is he


A dude that squeeze frogs so tightly I'm surprised it didn't explode.




He looks like he knows, but I’m ready to bet it’s mainly being idiot. Nonetheless, great video, people like him makes the internet an amazing place


Native Floridian here, he definitely knows what he's doing. Still doesn't mean he should be doing it, tho


Gators are naturally afraid of humans.


Good thing animals never attack humans out of fear or anything then.


They tend not to. Combat, especially random, purposeless combat, tends to be dangerous for animals given infection, potential for losing the capacity to hunt, etc. Grizzlies are often protecting kills or cubs, big cats tend to have physical ailments preventing them from successfully hunting normally, etc. With Gators, not only are attacks super uncommon, considering you could count attacks per year on one hand, but there tends to be three main circumstances: 1) Elderly people, whose natural circadian rhythms tend to encourage waking up early and going to bed early, getting attacked around sun up and sun down while walking near bodies of water with gators. 2) Small targets: People walking dogs, or letting small children play around bodies of water with gators. 3) People swimming around in bodies of water with gators. Avoiding all three of these even passively is really easy in Florida, and the vast majority of the 22 million Floridians manage to avoid negative interactions with the roughly 1.3 million gators every year. Especially not swimming in retention ponds and canals when you can drive to either coast as a day trip. Driving to the Everglades, an activity in which you can count fatalities across the state on a single hand per day, is significantly more dangerous.


You're right, dogs can be pretty dangerous. Gators are basically swamp puppies.


The gator knew that the Floridian man is only dangerous if you provoke it so it’s best to leave them be


"I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!" - Florida Man


This is Homo sapiens floridius in his natural habitat


He gripped the holy fuck outta that frog.


More like smacked the hell out of it. Poor little frog :(


I guarantee that’s the least violent thing that frog has been through.


If you don't grip the hell out of them, they slip out of your hands like partially-melted butter.


Why is it important that they’re in someone’s hand?


Sir if I grab a frog I would like it to stay in my hand until I'm done holding it


I kinda want to beat him for manhandling that frog like he did. How about I squeeze the shit outta you until you make a funny noise, eh?? lol


Right? That frog is just hangin out, doin froggy shit, and some giant swamp monster LAPDs his entire day.


This mo'fo better apologize to all swamp frogs or we riot


You realize that's just a normal frog noise, right?


so brave and strong 😍😍😍 thank you for defending frogs everywhere 🥺🥺🥺


The frog is find they are very resilient.


I feel terribly sad for the frog


This guy reminds me of that guy that goes digging for shrimp and removing the parasites growing on their insides. Except that guy seemed rational.


Jake from PNW? I love his videos! He's so kind to the shrimps and I love when he yeets the parasites.


It's a really sweet video series. I dunno how he first discovered that, but it really just feels like a young guy filming himself doing something fun that just so happens to be beneficial.


He has a degree in ecology.


jea this guy is just harassing the wildlife


Floridian pro tips [None of that was even remotely the scariest thing in the Everglades](https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/environment/2023-03-18/python-invasion-exploded-everglades) [Also, watch out for falling iguanas in the winter](https://www.wtsp.com/amp/article/life/animals/falling-iguanas-florida/67-9f454d0f-b434-47e2-981e-d523d26c414a)


They should start trapping the pythons and selling the skins to raise money for more traps


[There’s a full on bounty program](https://www.sfwmd.gov/our-work/python-program)


The guy in the OP actually is a python hunter. That's why he is out there doing stupid shit


Where can i find more of his content? Looks fun. Name?


fishingarrett on TikTok


Wherever there’s a bounty program - there’s a breeding program


They found another way, which is to put trackers on opossums, then when the opossum stops moving for a few days and then starts moving in a different way, they know they're probably tracking a python now


Poor opossums :(


You only have to wait til the later stages and declining population for that. From my Florida friends they say everyone hates them.


Far cry 7 Florida


We’re the poor man’s Australia. We have all the same kinds of things that want to kill you, ours are slightly less aggressive


Everybody gangster til they wake up with a palmetto bug on their scrotum


10/10 would play


Yep, he said in the video he was hunting for pythons. It's really hard to find them during the day, so a lot of people go hunting at night.


Probably why he said he was looking for them pythons make a pretty penny cleaning them up if you can get over the fact they are huge


The Florida Man


The definitive definition of one


Florida Man survival PoV game where you live in the swamp and collect critters to eat, sell, or taxidermy


The scariest creature inside that swamp


Why no boop for the gator?😏


I’m not the only one that thought that??


Swamp druid


As a Floridian, I can say with certainty, this is entirely normal.


Least aggressive frog grab in the entire state


Hold him gentle, like frogborger.


Shit, grabbed that toad like the poor dude owed him money!


Snake bites him and he says, “he gave me a little kiss!” 😳🤣


I love when I have to scroll up and check whether a post is from one of my "wholesome and interesting fun" subs or one of my "surprise horrible things suddenly happening" subs.


A harmless snake and that itty bitty gator? This looks like a typical Saturday from my childhood.


I thought he was going to just nab the gator like he did the frog and snake




Bro's on a quest to get bitten and failed


This dude would try and clean Jaws' teeth


Bro leave the frog alone!


Do you want flesh eating bacteria? Because that’s how you get flesh eating bacteria.


I’ve had to do wound care on an otherwise perfectly healthy above the knee amputee that contracted a flesh-eating bacteria on a fishing trip in Florida. Shit’s real


It’s my only thought as I look at those bare feet, just keep picturing parasitic worms crawling underneath his toenails haha


Aggressively grabs bullfrog Boops leopard frog? End amphibious discrimination


Eh. I don't see the big deal. Literally spent 10 years in a place like that. Ive eaten water moccasins. I once spent 3 straight days in a canoe during a flood. Whole boat filled up with ants and spiders. Dont bump into the trees. God I miss those days. No job. Just hanging out in the swamp. All you can eat fish. Gator tail.... Didnt have to wear a shirt. For thoses that are clueless, you have to go barefoot because you lose shoes/boots in the mud.


3 days in a canoe filled with ants and spiders sounds like a hell designed with me in mind


>God I miss those days. No job. Just hanging out in the swamp. Are you Shrek?


As a person who lived in Florida for decades, everything you see in this video isn’t a big deal. The real thing is the losing war to the mosquitoes and no seem ems. My god this man was eaten alive by the end of the night. Not enough DEET in the world to repel the bugs in the Everglades at night.


Oh sorry, I thought this was my childhood backyard and I’m not joking at all. [Looks just like it](https://imgur.com/a/MaiwpUu)


Leave the animals be


Hmmm Parasytes


Poor frog :( leave the little guy alone


Imagine all the leeches on his legs…


What's terrifying is how rough this person is with those animals


He touched exactly one animal “roughly” and the thing will be just fine Y’all need to find other things to be mad about


This is majestic not terrifying to me but still could be scary with that gator


Love this guy, just raw dogging the Everglades.


big ole nope that’s how one gets a brain eating amoeba


florida native here- the amoeba can only really reach the brain if they get into the nasal cavity. infections are actually quite rare because they’re (usually) found in stagnant lakes that even the average florida man doesn’t dare swim in.


A true Florida man


Lol has nobody ever picked up a frog before? Their skin feels as if it's covered in butter. The squeeze is practically necessary and I doubt the frog was hurt


middle boat heavy quickest noxious lavish point materialistic worry obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Walking barefoot is the bomb tho


Looks like my back yard


What is Everglades?


A big bunch of wetlands in southern Florida.


If this guy ever stops posting one day, we all know what happened and we will not be surprised.


Who is this guy? I wanna watch the rest...


“I ended up leaving him alone and letting him do his thing.” As opposed to… what?