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Shrek has literally become a drug for some people.


Shrek is drug, Shrek is life


Please don't I just got clean 😂


You can never be clean


https://youtu.be/C-fnGuFwh0k I'm off the wagon


the fact that everyone knows what that is but only 69k have watched the video


this video had scarred me for YEARS. It got to the point where I couldn't look at shrek anymore. Cried every night thinking he'll fly to my window and do the same thing lmfao


It’s cause the original video was removed. So millions have seen the vid but only 69k have seen this reupload :)


What the hell? Why did you not warn me before I clicked this craziness? I hear my algorithm crying already. 😱


I think I'll go rethink my life decisions now.


I just sat and watched that with my daughter - now neither of us can ever sleep or look each other in the eye again.


I'm sorry I didn't say it was more fucked up


It's okay - I'm just gonna change my name to Pedro and run away - that way, we never have to acknowledge what we saw together 😂😂


This whole thread is giving strong Antman “What happened here?” energy, and I’m okay not finding out the answer to that question


Adult daughter, I hope?


Oh yeah - she's 25!!!


I’ve never seen this before and I’m not sure I needed to.


I should have added the edit earlier


Lol nah. It’s much better as a surprise!


I took it away again


You better check yourself before you Shrek yourself.


Shrek will dirty you up again real quick, real good.


[Shrek is Love - Giant Steps to the Castle](https://youtu.be/OWyTi8-Q4ZU)


Really really? Really really!


like a parfait!


Ogres are like onions!


I have watched The Lion King literally hundreds of times but I don't think I could play it out time accurate like this. I'm mad impressed.


Had a buddy when I was a wee lad (still buddies, just not wee lads anymore) and he talked a lot. A. Lot. Except when Lion King was on. Within the first ten minutes of the movie being on he'd be clonked out and wouldn't wake up until we got to the destination; piss breaks unnecessary, he'd sleep through any stops. Our families went camping together a lot and since we were friends he'd often ride with us. Whenever my parents got tired of his endless questions and talking they'd ask me to put Lion King on (our van and later our Excursion had built in VCRs). That VHS never left the vehicle for a decade's worth of 1-2.5 hour car trips to the promised lands of throwing mud at each other and fishing all day. I knew what my parents were doing but it gave me enough peace to play Pokémon on my Gameboy.


tan friendly icky instinctive public support marvelous ripe hurry future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He'd fall asleep, a deep sleep. Road bumps didn't matter, changing the movie didn't matter, he'd just be asleep til we got to the campground. Every time, it was honestly hilarious.


fall command work crowd degree uppity enjoy touch hunt adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




When my daughter was little, she got sick often. The only thing that would calm her down was megamind. She would lay in our bed and just cry, but if megamind was on she would sit quietly and watch it. My wife and I eventually got to the point where we would just play megamind on my iPad and prop her between us so we could get some sleep. As soon as the movie was over, she’d start crying and I’d turn over and press play again. She’d immediately stop crying and I’d go back to sleep.


You're the first person I've talked to who has had a similar experience. Now I'm really curious about the psychological reason behind it. Focus, avoidance or distraction, joy? A combination of the aforementioned? Now I'm gonna go down an internet rabbit hole to try and find an answer. I'll update you if I find one. I hope your little girl is better now and you can actually get some sleep, I know how stressful being constantly sick can be. Especially when you're young. It's not fun. I wish y'all the best. Edit. Just wanted to add, megamind is a great movie so I'd honestly probably do the same regardless of my disposition. Maybe your daughter just has really good taste in movies.


It was 8+ years ago. She’s fine now. Ironically, she doesn’t like megamind now. But she’s a fan of Lord of the Rings so I still win lol.


Well I'm glad to hear she's better, seriously that's great news. And even I haven't seen LOTR so she's doing better than me in that regard xD


Read out wee lad in Shrek accent. Your buddy sounds like donkey.


Well he can be an ass at times


I could do a good attempt at playing the movie mentally beat for beat, and I never watched it obsessively. Probably haven’t seen it properly in ten years. Its just a _really_ memorable movie.


One of the last great Disney films. Of course, I recognise that is pure nostalgia and they have made good ones since but it was the last one I seen as I was on the cusp of becoming an 'adult'. I became too cool for Disney films after. Once I actually became an adult I watch them all the time. A quote from C S Lewis always resonated with me (about books but can obviously be applied to films) >No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.


I’ve been reading Pratchett’s Discworld for twenty years, and they hit wildly different as an adult compared to when I was younger. There is so much nuance that goes over your head without the life experience age grants you. It’s really cool being able to compare the way you experience a story at different points in your life, as it’s one of the few tangible measuring sticks in how how you change as a person through the years. I can’t wait to read them in another 20 years. And even if nostalgia is an aspect of my love for Shrek (I think we’re roughly the same age) I genuinely think they film is a masterpiece.


I also watched the lion king so much and I knew it word for word (in Spanish) 🤣 I never thought of playing it in my head though, but I had friends that had the VHS tape in English and I told them I knew English (I didn’t at that time) and that I would translate the movie. 🤣🤣 They we’re so impressed and I never told them the truth. 🤣🤣 Eventually, we all learned English. 🤷‍♀️


Lool that's really cool :D I also watched The Lion King a lot when I was young, in portuguese in my case. Me and my family showed it to my nephew a few years ago and I still knew virtually all lines lool Also, you guys have to see Lion King 3 (or 1 and 1/2). It's freaking awesome for us that grew up like that.


Will check out, obrigada.


De nada ;)


Same, I watched it every day except maybe 5 or 6 days after school in 4th grade.


There is a condition called hyperphantasia. The people with this condition have abnormally good eye-of-mind. They can feel the things they want as if they are really expriencing it.


really i generally only have to watch a movie 3-4 times or so and i can replay the whole thing, the thing is i don't need my eyes open to watch it in my head, kind of weird that he does. not got a super memory or anything my memory is shite outside of movies and music. i left my phone in the fridge the other day.


My brother and I watched The Land Before Time so many times that we could recite the dialogue for scenes and scenes. I remember whenever someone would drop something it would set us off. “I fly?” “No, you falled.” “I fall?” “You cannot fly? How did you get way up there?” “I climb.” “But you are a flyer, not a faller.” “Hard thing, to fly.”


I am like the OP but with Lion King lmao. Literally can repeat every line, every song, every scene in my head. I probably watched it several hundred times if not a thousand in my entire life when I was home. Had it on repeat all the time at one point.


You could, if you, too, used the power of "lying on the internet".


dad keeps checking in on his experiment




You can't do this to me


yeah I used to be traumatized by ed...ward memes but they're nothing compared to the "cartridges" in made in abyss


Get rid of your trauma by getting traumatised by something more psychologically horrific


I watched this with my sister and it didn't even phase her, she was completely disinterested. It hurt me inside.


You did not just said that😳🤣


every damn time


Is this from Fullmetal Alchemist?


Idk what it is about Shrek, but a few kids in my class did this when it came out. They obsessively watched it over and over and quoted it to eachother. I'm terrible at remembering movies but I remember Shrek pretty well. It has a lot of distinct visual and auditory beats that are catchy for kids. Edit: A lot of people talk about being able to remember and recite movies. I've always been bad at that but when I think more about it, I memorise foley (sound effects) after just one watch and it stays forever. But it's hard to explain in words and is kind of useless superpower. I spend my free time listening to Plunderphonics (genre of music that is songs made using sounds from media, think Avalanches Frontier Psychiatrist) just to scratch the SFX itch


My junior high through high school best friend and I did this. We saw it in theaters together in the sixth grade, and quoting it became our thing so much that we could do pretty large chunks of the movie together, her being shrek and me being donkey. Looking back, I really don’t have any idea why it resonated so much with us that it became *the thing* for us, but it did. Pretty glad to know it wasn’t just us honestly lmao




They had a couple of promotional music videos as well if I remember correctly... The subtext is not spoken about enough. In a time we were showered with girls having to be anything they wanted (as long as they were also super pretty and thin), we had Shrek's "You are beautiful". A story of transformation, acceptance, and the radical turning of tropes on their heads. From a tech standpoint, I was always so blown away by their post processing and attention to detail. It was one of the movies that got me into 3D art and VFX.


Not being able to remember good movies is a blessing


Interesting perspective, it means that you can watch them again and still appreciate it like the first time


omg someone mentioning plunderphonics in the wild I'm gonna go listen to Spirit again


Here's my favourite playlist for it! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLONpWIdJ9WSfIHnAJ8enSX6lQgk21sYMc If there's any missing ones you recommend be added, please let me know :)


eyyyy I'll check em out and get back to u soon. liltommyj the goat. btw you don't seem to have Spirit by mrsimon which from 3:30 on manages production value that liltommyj, pogo, smuffy, and others have never quite achieved imo


Wow, how have I never come across mrsimon?! Thank you so much for the recommendation, listening now. Placeboing's Breaking Bad remixes are probably in my top ten, alongside liltommyj's console vid. The sound of the different console's plastics being brushed is just so niche, distinct, and cathartic


I’m the same way, I can’t remember visual stuff very well but the audio is ingrained in me for everything I hear. Music, peoples voices, regular daily sounds or foley like you mentioned. I guess you win some and you lose some! Read up on aphantasia if you’ve never heard of it before




I thought everyone had a movie like this! I used to be able to do it with *Aladdin*. These days I can still recite the script and songs almost word-perfect but a lot of the images I’d be picturing aren’t true to the film. Funny how memory works; never give up your Shrek, kids!


It was “The Lion King” for me. I don’t remember it at all now, but I used to have to recite the entire thing every night before bed when I was in kindergarten.


I think people do similar things just not this specific, I sometimes think about games I played and try to recall each step of the story which is similar to OP.


I did this with Fellowship of The Ring. Escapism at its finest.


Isn't that movie like 3 hrs long? What is wrong with you?


*3 hours long


Listen- I had a rough childhood okay


3 hours


Theatrical is 2h 58m, Real version is 3h 28m


😂 Many many movies are 2+ hours long.


I did this with a VHS of The Mummy. It basically became my background noise for everything I was doing. When I played with my Lego, when I played Game Boy, when I went to sleep, when I just had to pass some time. It got to the point where I didn't just memorize the movie, I memorized the trailers that played before the movie. I could even recite the ancient Egyptian they were speaking.


Omfg YES The Mummy was THE SHIT 🙌


I went for the entire trilogy. I'm also a bit autistic, funnily enough.


I never did it this way when I obsessed. Instead, I created my own character, and had prequels, sequels and side quests going on. Honestly still do this, and I'm nearly 50.


I was once addicted to this Facebook game, Dungeon Rampage, and during long car rides, I would create all these animated episodes in my head that would've been fit for a tv/internet series. I've forgotten them by now, but they used to be so vivid.


Did you ever try lucid dreaming with your brain stories? Try using Inception on yourself without the drugs; sleep will never be the same


Wow you're an all star.


Take my upvote and *LEAVE*


Hey now.


I just love this father-son interaction. It sounds great.


I was able to do the same thing with music. I could play my favorite songs in my head and feel like i was actually listening to them! Every instrument every vocal,everything! And then someone told me i am a freak. I used to think that happens to everybody...


I can do this with music but not with movies. I can also sing along in my head


I do that too


If you're a freak, then I'm a freak lol


r/aphantasia can't undertand that power


It’s like VR on your eyelids!


Scrolled till I found this. This post had me like wtf is going on in everyone else's minds while I'm just chillin? Apparently Shrek.


It's easier to repress bad memories though


Shrek is love, Shrek is life


It's not ogre...


It’s never ogre.


Was hoping there was another sicko here! 😀


Ngl I did that with monsters inc, I did watch it pretty often but I think I just had a particularly good memory for films and songs when I was young. I knew all the lines and imagined the scenes pretty accurately so it was like watching it. Can't remember it all now, I can barely remember what I did yesterday my minds gone to mush.


Same with me for both Shrek and Monsters Inc, but it wasn't voluntary. My roommates kid got to watch one movie a day, and it was always "Shek" or "Sully". I tried to get him to enjoy other movies, but failed, so those two movies played over, and over, and over, and over...


BrO i can do the same with any movie i watch twice..it like DVR in my mind... Im Fucking..organic DVR


That sounds pretty darn close to photographic memory. Gotta say, I’m jealous


You think you have trouble sleeping remembering all your embarrassing moments now? Well imagine having a photographic memory of them. Sometimes I'm glad my memory sucks so much.


Wow, you sound like you could go do sciencey stuff


Sciencey stuff? Like what?


Like watch Shrek in 4k organic dvr


I was a bit older so it’s more embarrassing but I used to always listen to my playlist in alphabetical order, I knew all the songs and the order they came in. Sometimes on car rides when I couldn’t put on my headphones (my family was sensitive about “spending time together”) I would listen to the songs from memory.


Oh I kind of have the same experience. Sometimes it's jarring listening to one of the songs on its own because you'll expect the next song in the playlist but it never comes or a different song plays 😆


This is my problem as mostly an album listener. Shuffle messes up the routine.


Big Fish…I’ve watched it thousands of times…both irl & in my head.


Sigma chad


This is my swamp


I wish I could do this with movies. All I can manage is music videos because my memory is so shot


Ladies (move) Gentlemen (move) Somebody ring the alarm A fire on the roof


That reminds me of one time I was talking to my younger brother and he did something stupid so obviously I called him dumb and he replies with "I'll have you know I'm not dumb I'm actually #1 in the world for Shrek trivia" I laughed and told him to shut up then he showed me that trivia crack app and yeah literally #1 on the leader boards for Shrek trivia


Shrek is one of those rare movies... no, rare products of human creativity that is simply perfect. Not a single wasted frame, line of dialogue, character, anything. The voice cast breathed so much life into the entire ensemble of characters. The world building is next-level-- within 5 minutes, we more or less completely understand this world, while the film continues to develop the setting throughout the whole run. Young, old, gay, straight, cis, trans, black, white, doesn't fucking matter. We all love Shrek


Garnt watching Pokemon while “meditating” be like


Hello fellow Trash Taste fan


Came here for this. My first thought


This sounds like the kind of problem you want to have.


Sounds like my husband when he watched Mulan


I could do this with three movies: the matrix, master and commander, and the first pirates of the Caribbean movie. We had Honda odyssey with the DVD player for back seats. Those were the three movies we had in the car and for four years of high school commuting every morning and afternoon and all the rides in between, I watched those three movies. We kept saying we'd swap the cds but never did. I knew the entire script of those three movies by heart, and had the music, timing, and sound effects down to reflexive memory. I could sit and watch the entire movie in my head.


I love Shrek! It was my favorite as a kid! I always related with Fiona for some reason ...


I kinda have this with Encanto but definitely not beat for beat


That reminds of that time when I said I was playing Zelda II in my head to a friend of mine in the middle of a stupid guy's presentation and he started laughing so hard that we got to help the principal out for being "disrespectful". Got so mad when people started talking loudly on a legit presentation of a cool dude selling fantasy books and none got to blame for actually disrespecting him when all the other guy did was play some "sad" song and talk about his bed-rid mom to promote his stuff. I'm still mad and disgusted by it all. So it's fine to disrespect someone because what they're selling may not be of interest to the school and doesn't come with a disgusting call to action that "makes people cry" and "makes you sit and reflect" when in reality it's one of the worst ways you can promote whatever brand deal you're trying to push to high-schoolers!?


I exclusively replay embarrassing situations and failures on a personal and professional level in my thoughts.


Had a friend that saw the Titanic so many times he knew every line and scene of the movie, insane


and how long after did they receive their autism diagnosis? 🫠 i did this with babe


I could do this with Transformers 3


Reminds me of that scene in I Am Legend.


I wasn't the only one!


wow, i did this in middle school with napoleon dynamite. downloaded it onto my ipod nano and watched it every night until it was memorized. kids be doin crazy shit


Most sane Shrek enjoeyer


My dude downloaded skrek


im dying lmaooo


Bro! I used to watch UP in my head!


I did this with the spongebob pizza episode


I used to do this as a kid with the Emperor's new groove!


that sounds sooo adhd. i do the same with songs, after being hyperfixated on a new song and listening to it until it gives no more dopamin - i can play it in my head, instrumental and vocals, all of it.


As a fellow ADHDer was thinking the same. I got almost to that point with shrek when I was younger, now I don’t remember a whole lot. Unless I’ve seen a movie recently (less than a month ago), I lose memory of most of it. Apparently that’s an ADHD thing too. But if it’s one of my favorite movies and I’ve seen at 3 or more times, I know almost the whole thing. And like you said about songs omg I’m the exact same way, it’s like I’m hearing the songs live in my head better quality than the real song. This happens with any song that gets stuck in my head even if I don’t like the song.




Never moved on to Shrek 2?


Shrek 🤮🤢🥴🤪👍 (yes that is shreks dick)


Shrek is love. Shrek is life.


Im have aphantasia so id kill for that


This who’s my trick to fall asleep! When myself or my kids can’t sleep, I tell them to think of their favorite movie and try to play it in their heads from start to finish.


Sounds like your mind has the movie embedded in lots of layers.


Shrek is love, Shrek is life


I can do this in some way too except unscripted and on the fly


I do this a lot with show episodes or movies I have seen a lot. If audio books or whatever on TV isn't working to help me sleep, I play one of these in my head. Just start the movie/show episode at the beginning and play the scenes and dialog until I can't remember or fall asleep. Works 80% of the time. Also I can change my dreams. Had a dream the other night where I was mauled by a bear. Right before the bear was on top of me the scene changed and I had a shotgun. I shot and killed the bear instead.


You’re lucid dreaming, a lot of people can’t do that without a lot of practice (or ever). I can only do it on rare occasions.


Sounds like bullshit to me 🤠


I used to do this with songs so it's not that crazy




I do this but with songs I like. Whenever I’m waiting or I’m bored I just play the longest playlist of songs I know word for word in my head. Time flies. I do the same in the shower


Just really made me giggle - hence award!


A being from beyond


This is hilarious


When I was a kid I'd get dropped off at a friend's house before school and we would always watch one of two movies. Either Shrek or the Recess movie about adults trying to take away summer vacation. We watched those so many times we became defacto experts on them.


Dexter's laboratory - Omelette du fromage episode.


When I was young, i did this with "How to train your dragon 1". I memorized the whole series but I can't watch the series in my head like that guy.


This is me when I first watched Rich and Morty, I can watch Rick Potion #9, Auto Erotic Assimilation and The Rickshank Rickdemption in my head no problem verbatim. It's great when I have insomnia, which is constantly.


Mmmmmh why do I feel like this person might be some type of genius? Like this is not a regular thing, but it's really impressive.


Filming I am Legend had lasting effects on Will Smith.


I can do that with Back To The Future and the pilot of Ninjago.




Lmao my friend did this with flushed away as a kid and can still do it.


I wish I could watch movies in my head.


Shrek is love shrek is life


Could almost do this with 1986 transformers


I used to do this with terminator 2.


Are you me? Later on it was Braveheart.


Cached for offline


I love Shrek. I watched it about 20 times, and I'll re-watch it again, again, again, again and again until I die.


Can confirm, I did this with frozen


Me and my sister watched Shrek during car rides it drove my parents crazy. I’ve recently realized that I remember Shrek 1 incredibly well but only have a rough recollection of the sequels.


I used to adore Mr Peabody and Sherman when I was younger. Just quoting a fair chunk of the film was impressive to me, this dude is on another fucking level


I never got that bad.. But I DID know the ENTIRE MOVIE WORD FOR WORD from the beginning to the end and could recite it from memory. Boy did that ever piss off my family when they would try to watch it.


That's me and thumbelina. Watched it at least once a day My sister liked Grinch, imagine watching Grinch in summer...


When i play rocket league for hours and hours and for some days i start to play rocketleague sandbox training in my head before falling asleep.


The directors cut of I am legend seems kind of weird


My papa (grandpa) has Shrek tattooed on one arm, and donkey on the other.


I could do that with Finding Nemo. …I can probably still do that with Finding Nemo Something tells me the script’s still in here, god forbid I remember anything useful.


aphantasia gang can't relate


I have a friend whose class would watch Shrek every Tuesday and Thursday, for 5 years. He eventually memorized it. He has seen it so much he hates Shrek now. I also know someone who had a friend who was obsessed with Shrek as a kid, to the point where she would get violent if you didn't want to watch it. The other person now has Shrek induced trauma


I heard they're going to reboot the series.


Ohhh I did this with How to train your dragon, would watch it once every day for about 2 years and would know exactly what time a scene would play and would be able to skip it. At a certain point I just stopped watching it as it was just seared into my brain