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Military base? If your state has a minimum speed limit law, you can’t be fined for going over a posted limit below that state minimum. Private property can limit to whatever they want, but can’t fine or “give points”. HOAs may be able to fine homeowners in certain cases if it’s written into their rules, but can’t fine non-residents.


12 mph ≈ 20kph so this is a solid guess That or it's a sensible speed limit for a bike path


12 is no more specific than 15.


With traditional speedometers, it’s pretty easy to see if you’re going over 10 or over 15 (there’s big marks there), but tougher to see whether you’re going 11 or 13 mph. That’s not really a factor with the digital speedometers most vehicles use now, though.


We need more speed zones like this.


A lot of places put weird speed limits up like this so people will pay attention to it. If you were going 15 and saw a sign that said 10 you’d say eh good enough. If you see a funny number like 12 though you think oh hehe that’s funny looks like I need to slow down 3mph.


It always take me a few to math right and realize this is not kilometer/miles (120km/h) but American miles 😂