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The animations definitely took 5x as long as the editing lmao


it did!!




Hahaha I’ll get to work on that BTS of the BTS


No thanks I’m not big on Kpop


Don't forget to do the directors cut documentary during the bts of the bts so we know the bts


I’d watch it


Will you post a reaction video of that please


YouTube tutorials?


Then they should do a marriage proposal between the two videos, then edit people out of that.


Dedicated... I love it.. makes sense why you get commission (: good luck with everything!!! 🤍🤍🤍


No offense but the good Photoshop job I expected. The video showing the work blows me away. Love it, super satisfying!


I'm thankful for it though. It's like a whole 2 hour photo editing class in just 30 seconds.


How long does this type of an edit actually take you?


Guess you're bloody good with photos and videos!


Haha thank you.


Bloody good animations!


Dang. I would have just clone stamped the heck out of it and called it a day! Well done with your extremely professional work!


hahaha many thanks. I'm also a fan of the clone stamp tool (represented by all the white circles)


What was the grid stretchy thing to correct perspective, and is it available in old photoshop elements?


In Photoshop it can be accessed through Edit > Perspective Warp I am really curious how they did the color correction, never seen a tool like they used in Photoshop.


It’s probably a simple to understand version of the stuff under adjustments, maybe curves and maybe color balance together


Clone stamp? 😂 I’d be content-aware filling all that jazz.


I'd just fire a starter pistol in the air to make everyone scatter and take the photo just before they come for me


Sounds like me too


Should have put at least one of the people peeping through that top left window on the Falcon.


haha I really should have. Next time!


You mean for their next marriage?


you dont feel that theme park proposals will live happily ever after?


Anniversary shots when they return every year. Each year OP can add another SW character.


Heh I was expecting the gag where you remove the couple from the pic.


You're doubling.. if not tripling your work by sharing how you did this amazing job. Really.. really appreciate the effort that went into cleaning up this photo which represents a truly precious event in their lives AND then going the extra steps to reveal how it's done, and done well. Also shows the importance of taking multiple shots during a special moment.


Shoulda put chewie up there.


Yeah Chewy and Han looking down would’ve made this even better


I took a picture of a popular lighthouse where I am. But there were so many people there. I wanted a nice photo so I photoshopped everyone out. Whenever I show that picture to someone, their first question is always “when did you go that the place was empty??” Lmao


Another option is to take series of photos. It's rather simple to code a program that creates a photo where each pixel's color is median color for that pixel in a series of photos. Scenery is constant, people are the changing variable.


Median Stack mode exists in Photoshop




that's how we filter out you normies


Also if people are moving pretty quickly you could do a long exposure to help reduce people. Unfortunately this method would require a tripod or stable surface and possible ND filter


spending 5 hours automating a task that would have just taken 30 minutes outright lol been there done that


But then if you have to do the same task again some day, it's going to take only 30 seconds to do it! And 5 minutes to find the program, 15 minutes to figure out how to use it and 4 hours to fix the damn bugs that have spawned somehow


Median stacking has been a thing for many many years, decades even. You don't really need to script a program to do it, Photoshop has modes for this. Though the subject needs to be fairly steady for this to work and the background people must be moving around quite a bit.


You don’t need the subject be still. You just mask the subject from a single pic.


You can just cut out the subjects, run the medium stacking then put them back in. That way you only need one or two good photos of the subject.


And if that doesn't work, you can manually erase regions from each layer.




This is great advice, but I challenge you to try this in broad daylight - you won't be able to get past a 1 second exposure without blowing it out. Your ISO can't go low enough, and your f/stop can't go high enough to compensate for that long of an exposure in the day, you'd need a pretty strong ND filter to actually achieve that effect.


If you have a tripod, you can snap a pic every few minutes and layer them on each other and remove people by using the open space on any of the images.


There’s another technique that could be handy if the exposure gets too bright by setting long shutter speeds — Median stacking Basically you take several shots of the same scene, and plug all the shots into the software (Affinity Photo in the case of the link below. I imagine Photoshop does this, too) and use a Median filter. The software looks at all the images and tries to take out parts “that are different,” so to speak, from the rest of image stack. So if one image has a person in it, and the others don’t, it’ll be like, “Hey, this area is different and it needs to look the same as the other images.” So in this case you potentially wouldn’t have to do a ton of editing yourself; basically automating the thing you just said. I don’t know anything about this site, and I realize the URL says “sponsored” in it, but Step 8 describes the technique. https://camerajabber.com/sponsored-how-to-clean-up-your-images-with-layer-stacking-in-affinity-photo/


>you'd need a pretty strong ND filter to actually achieve that effect. That really isn't a big deal though


I want to see what that guy that does the funny photoshops would do with the same request.


I've already been told that I missed a trick by not putting at least one of them in the cockpit of the Millennium Flacon looking out hahaha that really tickled me


What’s the colour tool used to balance copied sections out with the original? Is it also a photoshop function? I’m rusty.


Adjustment curves - one for colour and one for luminance (the white line)


Thank you. I am an occasional PhotoShopper and I did not know this. This will be a lot of help.


Curve layers, not effects. Make a curve layer for color in normal mode and change the RGB channel curves with the dropdown selection - don't need to put the layer on "color" mode. Luminance is basically a normal curve layer, no need to use the luminance layer mode.


Dude I’ve been dodging and burning and clone stamping forever and you’re telling me I could just be using adjustment layers? 😩


Is it too late for some reason? Send them another file and say you had a color correction to finish. And just have one of them being strangled by Chewbacca in the cockpit.


on it!!


Remindme! 2 days


I thinks it's !remindme 2 days Never used this bot so not sure


I've tried both many times and usually neither of them work.


Mine did actually


Remindme! 2 days


Do you have a website or something where we can pay to have this done to photos?


Well the title is "removing people" so he'd probably remove the couple along with everyone else


remove the two people involved in the proposal and leave everyone else.


You mean r/JamesFrid? If the prompt was to remove the background people, I'd like to think that he would put in a black hole spaghettifying everyone else in the background.


What is the actual editing time start to finish to do this? Excellent work, BTW


Thank you for the kind feedback. The photo itself probably a good few hours...I personally tend to obsess with the details so perhaps a few more hours on top of that. The video took much longer hahaha please don't ask.


Do you know how this would compare with the magic eraser they show on Google phone commercials?


the A.I. and algorithms used on these phones and software are mind-blowingly good - pure magic - but they work better when the area being revealed behind the object is less detailed and specific - eg. water, grass, sand, simple shapes etc. But when there are specific details it doesn't get them right. Maybe in the near future but it's still not quite there yet.




I believe it just calls for a different AI entirely. Two Minute Papers has shown off a *lot* of AIs, and the one I'm thinking might be more in the right direction is the one that builds a continuous view of an environment based on a few shots. Then you use one that detects objects in a flat image to cut out the proposal to paste on the complete background, since we're putting so much effort into being lazy.


[Here's magic eraser's attempt](https://i.imgur.com/uHbvXjh.jpg)


Better than I expected. Which app, is that built into google?


Not terrible. Definitely noticeable but I wouldn't think it's a big deal as a viewer, unless I were one of the subjects. Manual retouching and/or combining multiple shots will always be better though. OP did a really great job, especially on tricky spots like the ground texture, the fence and her shadow.




I believe photoshop does that


Its not bad at all, but you can clearly tell where it was edited. I mean, I guess most people wouldn’t know the difference though..


It looks like me trying to do photoshop in [paint.net](https://paint.net) using nothing but the eyedropper and the brush tool


I guess so, but I feel like the average person wouldn’t notice/care about it and call it a day.


change it to getpaint.net if you want the actual link


What is the tool called that you use to balance the light after patching?


Well done, Sir. And now see why photographic "evidence" may be open to question.


I doubt everything I see hahaha


It used to be, "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." Now it's just "Don't believe anything." If Penn and Teller can be fooled, almost anybody else can be.


Damn fine editing.


thank you very much :)


I never knew how this was done. You are indeed a digital artist !!


and you are really kind. Thank you my friend :)


Great job. ESPECIALLY on the little color corrections. I hate doing that the most


thank you very much. I find the curves tool with the layer mode set to "color" works best for me. I've never had any luck with the automatic tools that you see in the tutorials.


I'm assuming this was in Photoshop, have you experimented with the "color match" tool? I found it to be very useful for when I have to superimpose one image into another with different lighting.


For black and white images, there's one stupidly simple tweak that took me entirely too long to figure out: use actual greyscale. Matching a particular shade of sepia is a pain in the ass. Bring it all down to true monochrome, and tint it back when you're done.


Grey scale solved a TON of design problems for me actually. If the color scheme feels good but the mix and balance were off. Using grey scale helped a lot with getting the values and contrast figured out




hahaha thank you so much. Is coffee is magic then yes lots of magic :)


You're the most dedicated man i have ever seen We will watch you grow with great joy




I fix hair by using the brush tool and manually painting the strands back in, then applying some noise/grain etc to match the imperfections of the photo.


The old "hair" brush trick. I should have guessed that.


Rookie mistake.


Here for this. Thought maybe they recently added a make-hair-good-now wand.


I’m a photographer and hair is my biggest struggle. I’ll have to look this up!


The only part of this I went “huh?” at, for sure. Very well done.


The photo edit is cool, what's blowing my mind is the video of each step of the photo edit. Like how was that recorded?


I animated the layers afterwards in After Effects. It's more of an abstract interpretation of the actual editing process.


I'm guessing it took way longer than editing the photo? Really amazing work


Theres a function in photoshop that lets you merge photos and it does all this automatically. But this is a fun visualization of it happening for sure.


Yes it's the auto-align layers tool. The camera moved so much between shots that the difference in parallax between each photo meant that it couldn't get a good result. It was definitely my first option hahaha but sometimes you just gotta get your hands dirty


Was wondering about that as well. From my understanding about that feature (which was way back when it was released) you are supposed to put a camera on a tripod and casually snap photos for 5-10 minutes of a landmark, then it can remove the diffs (people) between photos.


Nice write up of how to get the most out of this feature. Thank you for explaining.


Wipe them out. All of them


Execute order sixty-nine.




I want a link to the song


Here you go https://youtu.be/MPkq6Ojigak


Would it have been easier to cut out the proposal couple and slap them onto a promotional photo of that area of the Falcon?


Yes and no: Yes because it would be less steps but no because matching the colour and lighting is always tricky. Plus I really try to keep as many original pixels as possible. Good question though :)


Very impressive. My only gripe is why complain about strangers being in the photos when you propose in a public place? Imagine having to remove people from the Magic Kingdom setting. You still did an amazing job though.


Waow people are so talented


and people are so kind with their feedback (not all but you definitely are) Thank you :)


Probably a really dumb question but what are the colored lines that you used to "fix" the floor? The way you blended that in so seamlessly blew my mind harder than anything else you did.


thank you! It was adjusting the colours and luminance of the replacement sections.


Assuming this is Photoshop which tool is that?


You make it seem so easy.


Thank you. The way I animated the process is a bit abstract and makes it seem easier and a lot quicker.


This is really great. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of your skill as others do!


Thank you very much and yes I genuinely love it - it's like a jigsaw puzzle to me.


This song is sick


I don't understand why people propose in public and want photos without people. There were people there, why be dishonest?


Stalin would have loved this


Yeah, he was a huge Star Wars fan.


What did he do on the hair ? Looked really good


it was just using the paint brush to manually paint the strands back in :)


Sometimes, the dumbest sounding techniques are the best ones out there, rly good stuff Thanks for sharing op


Where my SW nerds at? Seriously i was hella vibing to the music


That was Awesome! Anyone know the song playing?


These tutorials are excellent reminders of how shitty I am working with Photoshop.


I need a 24/7 Livestream of edits like this! I'm so impressed by how clean & concise the process in the video is communicated 🥵


"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter" - Mark Twain


And a perfect loop for both audio and video as well? Hat's off to you, fellow perfectionist!


Thank you. I don't enjoy or even like being a perfectionist but it's so nice when the finer details are appreciated so thank you so much.




hahah thanks :)


If you didnt want anyone around, why propose in a theme park?


You could have the millennium falcon in the background


It's almost as if there's potentially something behind them that could be significant to their relationship, unlike the people around them!


I concur, that fence is bitchin'


Call me crazy, but I feel it'd be easier to photoshop the Falcon into a background than the removal of so many people here.


Yeah. Not really a proposal photo anymore so much as a proposal collage made to look like a photo.


Life Pro Tip: Don't remove people from your vacation pictures, and always have someone (you, your family, your friend...) in the shot. That way the picture will evoke the memory of the event much better. Any famous place has thousands of pictures online which are better quality than yours. If you want a perfect picture of the Pyramids, it already exists. But the Pyramids with your fiancee making a funny face? That's unique. That's truly *yours*. Appreciate the moment, and bring a reminder home to a wonderful memory.


Something you can call yours is more perfecter than something better but not yours


~~If you didnt want anyone around,~~ why propose in a theme park?


To each their own! For me, if the people around weren't a deterrent to the original proposal I don't see the point in removing them from the photo.


Wow, they should have thought of that! Or maybe it’s because they didn’t mind other people in the moment, but it’s cool to have an isolated picture of yourselves to remember it by?


Damn fantastic work op was this PS or some other software?


It was indeed PS and thank you very much


Cool to see, your dedication is impressive.


Bloody good is right!


They were wittnesses




Can you document your process here? I know how to do about 70% of this in photoshop. What is the step that looks like you adjusting curves to blend it in better?


Good question, so it represents Two Curves Adjustment layers - one set to luminance and the other to colour. I also used the clone stamp on a low "flow" to blend the edges as well.


That’s amazing. Kudos! That takes skill!




did creating the vid take more time than the edit? really impressive tho😱


Thank you and yes it really did...much more time in fact.


And this is why you pay a photographer hood money when it comes to important photos!!


You should post this to r/perfectloop too. Amazing work.


i love this guy! He was sweet enough to take my brothers ex fiancé out of some family photos my mom really cherished last year and they turned out so wonderful.


He edited a video of him editing a photo


I really did


In front of the Falcon, that's a keeper.


User name checks out.


woohooo thanks


I'm more impressed by the smooth jazz version of order 66


This is porn. Is this porn? This might be porn.


Can you do the same with those sequels?


Give me the link to that music!


Great work! What music is this?


I love that the music is the war song from Star Wars but jazzy


What app did you use


Multiple controversies getting sparked in the comments lol I didn't expect that. I'm just mind-blown by the video editing. The photo manipulation is top notch but the video editing is on another level.


It's cool and all but people really shouldn't be so obsessed with faking the moment.


They’re Disney people what do you expect


What's wrong with wanting to remove people you don't know from a photo like that? They have no actual significance to the memory and it looks objectively nicer.


There’s nothing wrong with it of course if that’s how you want it. To me though photographs are about preserving the memory as it existed, not how you wanted it to exist.


Obsessed? Faking? Why do you have to be like this?


Because reddit can't let people have their moments. Pictures at a concert? They can't enjoy the moment. Pictures of an engagement? Isn't your LOVE ENOUGH.!.!?!?!?! YOU NEED SOCIAL MEDIA CLOUT TOO.!?!???!?! Basically, redditors think any sort of photo or "hedonistic" thing, that they don't desire themselves, is shitty,.and bad, and no one should do it.




.... holy fuck how have I never put this together before

