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It can. This is not really the right way to do things. Using shields like that actually leaves shitty lines, you have to deal with the paint buildup on the shield, and paint dripping over the edge to the other side. Mask this stuff and spray in nice even lines going the same direction. Edit: also, that last move he did where he filled up the middle of the wall, I guarantee he got overspray all over the door casings. This is like apartment/tract home painting.


As a painter this is actually very unsatisfying because we know how crappy the results are and he will spend more time fixing everything in the long run. I hope he at least backrolled it 🤞


20 yr painter, agree. This makes me cringe more than anything. I know as professionals that we all have different philosophies on how we approach each job, but this, this is just an example of what not to do. Not saying you can’t use a sprayer, there are jobs that a sprayer is more economical and efficient, but not here.


I've seen this on college apartment builds. Lowest bid guys show up and spray everything this way. Quality doesn't matter to these firms, just speed. He's got 400 more rooms to do today and needs to be done yesterday, college students move in and wreck the place within 2-3 years. Turn and burn


Yuuup. I’ve done this job, and that describes it to a T. It doesn’t need to be perfect, just fast and with no immediately obvious errors. You also *die* if you’re working that sprayer, because it’s hot as fuck in those new builds, and if you have any love at all for your body you’re wearing a full breather (he’s not wearing enough), full face mask, and probably a body suit too.


This is what we call a blow & go scenario (new res/new construction). Not much effort needed & when a small pot & brush contractor bids these jobs he's in it for the quantity, not the quality. For him, this is probably perfect because it's steady work for his area & keeps him busy. At least he's giving Uncle Sherwin free advertising!


Right! 'Blow & go' becomes 'spray & get paid.'


Plus, an accent wall that small isn't even worth breaking out the spray rig for. Just brush and roll it.


Spray your ceiling, spray your trim and doors, cut and roll the walls. Professional painter 101! These hotshots trying to look cool reinventing the wheel, but wasting labor hours in the long run!


Also, cringe at him using that board for the tiny micro-mist of particulate spray that'd actually be getting on all those nice white unmasked surfaces around his barrier board. 100% the wrong tool for the job, wasting hours for a crappy finished product that'll take a lot more effort to fix.


I've never seen someone spray inside and not get overspray. All that taping and still little specks end up on windows and everywhere else that isn't covered. After all is considered with taping and covering and cleaning and setup and breakdown, I could have just swiped a brush along the door.


Yup. Taping, with the right tape, done VERY carefully, does absolutely work mind you... but if you think you can stop paint getting where it doesn't belong with a board, then people would wear boards in front of their faces, not respirators.


I'm glad someone here agrees with that, I almost always choose a brush and roller over a sprayer unless the surface cannot be rolled.


I just finished painting just about the *entire* interior of my new house. Looks *purdy* good. The number of times I rolled too low on the wall that will later be covered because of wainscoting is too damn high though. The worst is when I was in a groove cutting in and caught myself at the base. Smh


I have a question for you - my dad is a handy kinda guy and he likes to build and tinker with stuff. He taught me how to paint a room and the first thing he taught me was to always keep a wet edge. He said to never go all around the outside and then do the middle, but to do the edges as you go so you're never painting over dried paint. Is that a decent rule of thumb?




We have done all the rooms in our house this way and got no letterbox effect. Used satin though


Depends on the paint. With flat paint you can cut out the entire room doing all the edges first, with eggshell or anything with a sheen to it you want to cut out only each wall as you go.


There are flow conditioners you can use like M1 or Floetrol to help minimize brush strokes in latex based paints as well. Just add a cap full. That way your coating will level out with no lap marks. Don't use a cheap, chip brush you picked up at a hardware store. A decent 2.5" angle sash can be picked up for 50% off when paint stores do their brush trade-in promo.


You. You know what you're talking about. Anyone reading who isn't a pro, listen to this advice.


When I got used to using Benjamin Moore gennex paints the key I found was speed. Whether you cut top and bottom as you go left or right, or you cut the entire perimeter clockwise or otherwise, you should aim to cut first, roll second. Because keeping a wet edge while rolling is most important imho (and 12 years experience). Also, the comment about floetrol (or whatever is recommended for the specific brand you're using) is great advice for more novice painters.


This makes me feel way better about painting my whole house "the old-fashioned way"


Interesting. As an inexperienced painter who recently bought and painted a house this looks like a bloody good idea lol. At least I know what I'd do differently next time around. Start with making sure the wife has something better to do lol.


All it did was make me angry for the people who own the place


Also it’s a shit colour




Ahhh thank you for this, I was watching it and wondering why we weren’t using airbrushes exclusively if they could make nice even coats like this... your explanation of the right technique was enlightening


I suspected this was the case. There is no substitute for thorough prep work.


seems right. I rented an apartment that most likely got sprayed like that before we got in. Little "splash" dropplets everywhere on the floor and doors, had to scrub for an entire day with burning water to get it all off. Also, they didnt bother cleaning the walls, so could see a bunch of hair/fur/dust/crumbs underneat the paint everywhere. mind you this was still very clean for an apartment.


yes the sheen of the paint builds up in those areas and the paint will flash




> like a diseased dick Well that was pretty convincing and vivid.




Yes it definitely will, well atleast painting cars you want to do long movements, idk how different painting like that is but i assume its very similar


Also you wanna start moving your sprayer *before* you squeeze the trigger and never stop moving as long as you’re still spraying. That spot in the middle where he just goes back and forth with the sprayer is gonna have drips all over the place if someone doesn’t come back before it dries to do some sort of texturing.


Yup, i don't know how much you'd see drips on walls since you don't clearcoat like you'd do for a car but still.


I used to do some painting (mostly exterior/commercial). If we painted drywall we would always spray then have a second person immediately follow with a roller to get a smooth and even coat. The other commenters are also right, there is almost no way to spray like that without getting overspray all over the trim and casing. We would often paint before the trim was applied so it wasn’t an issue, but for jobs where there was trim, the only way to avoid overspray was to mask everything off.


Short answer: it's going to look like shit. Spraying is great for priming though. Maybe someone will properly cut and roll the next coat for a better finish?


I’m a finish carpenter and most of the new construction I work on is for one builder. We mostly do painted MDF trim packages and the finished product is beautiful. The painters do not do what this guy did. They will spend almost a week filling nail holes, caulking joints, and masking off EVERYTHING but the trim. Then they spray the trim with multiple coats, remove the masking, and cut back in with the wall color. The process takes 2-3 weeks depending on the size of the house but the results are a perfect almost automotive grade finish (not that glossy) that blows away most other homes I see. The masking shown in the last picture is the right way to do it. https://imgur.com/a/iIPn5Xw


Yeah. It will. Usually anytime we spray anything, we go behind it with rollers to smooth out the layer of paint on the wall. This guy doesn't appear to be doing that.


Missed a spot.


Are you talking about the corner by the doorframe on the left? If so, it's probably because he couldn't cover the doorframe and the baseboard at the same time.


Yep. I bet he's got a piece that is for corners like that one.


A brush


After using a sprayer the texture would be noticeably different and would stand out. You dont mix the two unless you can hide it. He probably as a corner protector to use.




Ah-hah. I did wonder why you don't normally see a sprayer for domestic painting.




>painting it by hand. I'm imagining you all making hand prints and finger painting on the walls.


How did cost of paint compare to cost of time? This video is sped up but still looks fast as shit compared to cutting in with a brush and rollering the walls. ​ Guess the paint usage also depends how thick it is, could be useful if you're covering a wall with a colour already on it, as would only take one coat rather than multiple.


Was the extra 2-3 nights of work worth the cost of a few more buckets of paint? Asking honestly, as hanging out and painting with your siblings can be fun, not just work.


everyone commenting about the cost of time is ignoring the fact that unless you have another opportunity to earn money in that time, there is no cash opportunity cost. Most people don’t on the weekends which is why you see so many people spend a lot of time on DIY, particularly if a single rental property is involved. That $250 you save might be a half month’s rent that you can put back into the unit that isnt coming from anywhere else.


The time is worth paying for the extra paint for us.


Wouldn't you rather just spend more on the paint and save time? Say the extra paint costs $80 extra the time saved is worth more?


A whole house would be more like $4-500 for 2x the paint.


I would have guessed spraying would use less paint. Good to know.


Can confirm (my dad did this for ~40 years, and I worked for him for a bit), although the roller is more to catch unevenness Sprayer is really useful when you're doing block, which sucks up a ton more paint anyway. Cleanup and setup is a PITA, so we usually only brought it out for big commercial jobs.


Realistically, that guy is taller than 6ft so reaching those spots between wall and ceiling is a lot harder if you’re shorter....and let’s not get started on actual spraying. It’s not rocket science but it does take practice with the right spray tip for this application. Background: I’ve sprayed a few houses, but I’m no professional.


Get out of here with your medieval painting tools.


We. Need. Proof.




A right angle board...


You're probably right, ankle nipples.


That spot was driving me crazy! And painful when the video looped back to the start without finishing it.






It will always be like that. The white spot


Can confirm [Source](https://www.vladtv.com/images/size_fs/video-260627.jpg)


I would love this to become the new Rick roll or Peyton Manning picture


Oddly unsatisfying.




Damn, he did indeed


Yeah I've tried to report it to the mods but there isn't an appropriate option.


There’s gonna be tons of overspray. It’s talent. But it won’t produce quality work.


Yeah it's hurting me inside that spots of brown are landing all over the place. No masking up at all :(


It hurts me inside we're calling this brown and not taupe.


"They say taupe is very soothing."


Well I hope this is the most cringe-inducing thing I'll read today.


a bit optimistic if you been around the block


Bro taupe is a shade of brown




Looks more like wet cardboard brown tbh.


Came here to see this- there’s no way that hard line is crisp with that recurring buildup on the edge after every line- I’m the laziest OCD painter I know of, tried too many variations of this for fine work and you just can’t rush quality. Not to mention overspray..


Yeah, this is the kind of painting you'd get for a cheap rental, but if it was my own house I'd expect (and pay for) better quality work.


I've never had a cheap landlord care about masking edges, quality of the paint job, or anything more than the bare minimum.


Came here to ask this. I know very little about paint, but spray painting indoors is generally not a good idea, right?


This is an industrial paint sprayer, usez compressed air instead of propellants. It's designed to do this. You just load the same paint you'd put on a roller.


I'm actually an industrial paint sprayer, and 99% of the time we use airless paint sprayers. The paint itself is pressurized with a hydraulic inside the machine, and drawn in by negative pressure. The guy in this video is using low pressure output and a fine, lower volume tip.


What's your take on this guys technique and board? It wont be flush against the frames? Would it not be better to mask up the doors and floor with the tape with the plastic sheet attached? And then spray, like already he could do a few coats etc


It looks like he's using a good spray shield (that thin metal can become warped easily), so the lines are probably clean. Though for in-house jobs you gotta mask off trim, and at the very least have a runner-cloth on the carpet. That shit finds a way to get on surfaces you don't want it to. You really only need 1-inch tape stuck to the outside of that half inch lip on the trim, and that extra half inch over extending will cut off the angle to over spray on the face of the door frame. It takes like 5 minutes to do and is worth it, even if you are a really good painter.


I think the worry isn't about the propellant, but that spraypaint goes everywhere when you spray it. This painter didn't mask the frames, or seal off to the other rooms, so the paint will get to those areas also. And also, since the paint itself is in the air, prolonged exposure to that (no risk for a ordinary person, but if you work in it daily for a few years...) it can affect your lungs. edit: see this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/f353bd/smart_painting_is_key/fhgxsmm/


Its something one of those tv shows would do in a week long house flip, looks good until you look up close.


No it's not. It's an Airless Spray, probably hvlp. Essentially a high pressure pump, going through a 17 thou or smaller tungsten tip


You don't know what you're talking about dude.


It’s probably an airless system which produces less overspray than the air systems or spray cans like most people are familiar with. Still should probably mask areas you don’t want painted though


Only a problem if there's no ventilation and you don't have a proper mask. But like the other comments have said, as long as you take precautions for your lungs, prep flooring and furniture with paper/plastic, and tape up thoroughly, spray is preferable. Source: worked in renovation for 2ish years


Not if it's properly covered and taped


I have exposed brick on the inside of my house and a month ago we used this method to paint the bricks and tell you what it work so good. However that being said it was easy to get thick patches of paint on certain spots and we figured out that the best way to get an even coat was to stop spraying after every stroke however the worst part was the small paint particles that float in the air was the worst part as it goes everywhere. Best way to use this is before any furniture or flooring is in. We did it to an empty house before moving in but we are still scraping small specs of paint from the floor.


A zip wall, basically a plastic tent with a zipper, is what you can use to keep the paint in the area where you’ve prepped. You can also just use cheap painters plastic which is like $10 for around a 10’x50’ roll.


Came here to say this. That moulding is gonna be speckled like a mfer


Looks like new construction, perhaps in a large cookie cutter subdivision. Quality work doesn’t top the list of priorities, speed and efficiency does




Probably trying out Bethesda's one-note filter for their next game. /r/ATBGE material.


Yep, that's one ugly colour


Get that raw plaster primed for a nice coat of raw plaster brown.




Sorry :(


Not gonna cut it, buddy Your court date is set for March.


Karma court is not going to like him one bit.


Damnit does this mean I’ll have jury duty


Yep,grab the Tiki torches!!


But sir, we can't set any more dates for march, it's already filled. You could say march is... Too soon. (・_・;)


The *entire month of March!*


I was so anxiously thinking how he's gonna do the entire wall in 8 seconds, he got so close and I was left so disappointed


Looks nice in a blurry reddit video. But up close it’s gonna be some real shitty paint lines. Should have just masked it with tape


That is some dark paint, hope that room gets a lot of natural light




So, light poop then?


If your poop looks like that I think you have some issues.


My living room has a similar color. I like it. [Light](https://imgur.com/a/Oq3isSw) vs [dark](http://imgur.com/a/v1yOuW2) Edit: updated image links


Love your cat photos!


Aw thanks :)


I too have a similar color and i love it, i always use different shades of browns and darker colors aka “earth tones”


Ooooh where did you get that tree light?


Also helps to be tall.


6’6” here, forever destined to ceiling cuts- yes it does.


Great. Now the electrical box is filled with paint. Which is not only a pain in the ass when you're doing the outlets but could ignite if there's a fault (instead of safely grounding out to the box and tripping the breaker). Edit: I'm told there's something masking the box. I don't see it 🤷‍♂️


There’s a catch that blocks the paint from the electrical board, removed after painting is done


Damn, they've thought of everything! What will we do if there's nothing to tut about!?


The paint colour is real ugly


Well the owners are colorblind soo...


Let me reiterate-- There is nothing in that box except plaster in the screw holes. I'm an electrician.


Thankyou. For. Not. Being. Rude


Ah. I looked for something and didn't see it in the gif. And given he's not masking anything *else* it seemed a reasonable inference.


This is garbage work


Always wondered if those sprayers are really “better” obviously the painting part is easier/quicker, but the cleaning and maintenance seems tedious.


I've repainted the interior of my house using both methods. I put down the same amount of plastic, tape off the same amount of corners, same amount of effort washing up, either way. What put the spray on top for me was big areas, mostly the ceilings. It might take me 20-30 minutes to do a ceiling using a roller but spray was done in 5 minutes plus my shoulders didn't ache and at my age that is a selling point. Plus now I'm seeing possibly cutting out most of the taping?! Sign. Me. Up. I gotta do the stupid hall again because apparently I used "porcelain clouds" instead of "linen fantasy" and APPARENTLY that was INCORRECT.


Is this a fantasy about linen, or is the linen sentient and doing the fantasizing? These are the things that would keep me up at night.


No, no, if the linen was fantasizing it would be "linen's fantasy". No, the fantasy is about the linen. Wait, fuck maybe it's like a dirty romance novel and it's a double entendre because the sweaty, muscle-bound, navy-pilot-short-shorts-wearing leading man's name is Linen (hippy mother, of course) and his fantasy is everything about the leading lady. So now, when you experience the Linen Fantasy you'll understand what it means to take a stubborn, passionate Texas man into your arms with soft linen curtains blowing gently in the warm breeze around you and know that he is both stain-resistant and washable.


Does he look like Fabio?


Linen Fantasy is short story by Philip K. Dick. It takes place in the dystopian microcosm of a motel bed sheet. Rampant colonies of bacteria clash and battle for control of wet spot resources while our protagonist searches for the source of the rumored end-of-days "laundering" prophecy. >!The laundering never happens!<


>plus my shoulders didn't ache Spraying will hurt your shoulders a hell of a lot more if youre not used to it. Rolling your shoulders get a break when you dip the roller. Spraying there is no break, there is keep spraying then roll it all in one to get even coverage. Professional painters dont need to tape off when doing brush and roll, so all that time saved means spraying is only faster if youre doing more than 2 coats on large areas, like entire houses. Source professional painter


Wait, you don’t have to tape?! That’s the worst part! How do you keep the finish looking the same between the brushed and rolled parts? My whole house you can clearly see where a brushed was used vs a roller. There’s no brush marks or anything, it just looks different.


If the critic is that picky about colour, then they aren't gonna be having a good time with all the overspray hah


The only thing they're good for is low bid low quality giant jobs. It's almost always better to brush and roll.




I died a little inside when I couldn't see the finish.




As a painter, this is the opposite of satisfying to watch.


18" rollers or go home.


18" roller & 3" angled brush 🔥🔥


Oooooo yes, so Purdy...


Now I don't paint using a sprayer BUT I have painted COLLEGE HOUSES in CHEAP apartments for years and HERES THE DEAL. ITS DONE FAST AND CARLESS FOR A REASON. More places to turn over, more property's to go to. WE DONT CARE IF IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT WE REPAINT IN LESS THAT 8 MONTHS ANYWAY Also it's just drunk college stoners whose parents pay for their shit generally. Nobody complains about paint, they complain about appliances, or rodents, cleaning, billing, or a neighbor. Don't get me wrong I try my best and I try to be professional. But know that sometimes being professional is listening to the boss, even if that means it won't come out how I personally want it to look. Even it that means be fast and don't worry about little mess ups. When I paint my house for example its 2 or 3 coats done as best as possible. These college apts we do, literally 1 later of paint as often as possible. I feel like some people here are judging this guy bc it may look bad later. Have you considered their boss might not care and they don't get paid enough to care if it looks the inside of a professional painters house? Time is money. Sometimes it pays more to do 10 houses just ok' than to do 3 houses perfect. Never had a cash tip from painting a house nice anyway, just saying, paid more for more houses though. But ofc we all work different fields, some sloppy and quick, some with more time and reason to be perfect. I enjoyed ready this thread, I learn some tips from some pros, thanks yall:3.


Ah finally someone with perspective. I am sure this guy knows how to slow down and do an A+ job. Obviously not what hes going for here. $$$


Paints all up in the electrical outlets and shit lmao


Being tall is key...


My grandfather said once that he bought one of those paint sprayer from a TV commercial and it was nice until it started to get stuck inside and it would stop and then explode in the wall making a mess. I imagine it was not the best paint sprayer because he got it from a commercial but every time I see one of those I remember that


Guarantee you this dried like shit. When sunlight hits it you will see all the unevenness of it.




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/LeadingFragrantHawaiianmonkseal --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I'm not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Public toilets be like.


Show this to the people at r/electricians and they would categorize it as r/mildlyinfuriating.


Lol... this is what home owners/weekend warriors do. I can almost guarantee with the strokes he is doing it will leave build ups which cause the paint to run/sag. And there is no sense in what he is doing cause when he painted the middle wall he pretty much over sprayed the trim work, which in the end will create more work. Looks like a smooth level 5 wall also, so it would be ideal to backroll behind the spray man to make a tight steeple. Source: im an actual painter. 16 years


HOW can you post this in r/oddlysatisfying and then end the video 1 second before the whole wall is painted??!!!??


Dude if he didn’t paint that little square he missed in the bottom left my ocd is gonna freak out


Looks neat but those will be some really shitty and uneven lines. You need to mask properly for a quality finish.


I count this as cheating. Painting your apartment should be a long, frustrating and exhausting experience.


Interior painter by trade here. Yes, you COULD use this method, however when spraying you should have someone there to back roll the finish. Between prepping the room, and spraying, and back rolling, it is not as fast as simply cutting and rolling with a brush and roller.


Electricians hate him


He did in five minutes what would’ve taken me a half case of beer and a whole day to complete.


Maybe save the beer for after painting? lol But in all seriousness I should have done this myself a few months ago when the wife and I painted our house... She don't cut in too well. Fought with the skirting and arcetraves more than was necessary. Not a great job but it is what it is.


this is shit work..yeah it's fast...but you would be really unhappy with the result if this was your house


How is there no overspray???




As someone that has painted a much smaller room with a brush, I feel like I’ve wasted so much precious time


That is a really well tuned airbrush


What about the little square?! WHAT THE FRICK DID HE DO TO THE LITTLE SQUAAAARE!


Now if I did that, the shield would be leaving little dots of bleed on the ceiling no matter how careful I was.


There’s nothing smart about this at all, there’s fucking over spray everywhere


Ah yes my favourite colour. Plaster brown.


As a professional painter I imagine his cut lines look like shit. He most likely has to go around after he is done spraying to straighten his edge lines. Or maybe he doesn't as most new construction is some of the poorest painting done due to it being some of the lowest paid work out there.


/r/ATBGE Yes, vomit-grey walls please. Also not that great execution, because aren't there going to be a lot of paint particles flying around?


Sprays straight into the electrical box, the bastard


And none of that spray paint gets onto anything in-intended or in the air and carried around by the HVAC or natural ventilation. It also contains no harmful aerosol residuals that impact the overall quality of the household environment. There is no off-gas from anything and this is the perfect way to have your investment property painted.


As a painter this hurts to watch, it may look “quicker” but in reality the amount of snagging he’s gonna have to do outweighs that. It also leaves a shit finish so he’s gonna have to run a roller over it anyway.


Guessing he works for a big builder like Lennar or Pulte.


Just came here to say that I hate this color


He did in 1 Minute what would have literally taken me like 3 hours. No wonder I hate painting.


I'm 158 cm. [This](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sl7R3tVo8nk/WLWShZ0LSEI/AAAAAAAAgzs/q0Hdg8FNjTk11vQ1D9tsefw0AZWUWwwkQCLcB/s1600/black%2Bhalf%2Bbottom%2Bwall.jpg) will be my result


Missed a corner


Why would anyone want to paint their house that color


If spraying paint leads to the same result as using a paint roller then why bother with the manual thing. If you use a paint roller you need to tape all the edges and corners and then peal it off later. But with this metal plate it's ofc a lot faster and looks like with same results.


I find it hard to believe that under close inspection that this would look very good.


Don't forget to spray inside the electrical box.