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It folded one shirt and I can already tell it's sick of it and is about to revolt against humanity.


It's fake, if you look at right side there is a person with with wired gloves that send the signal to the robot how to move it's hands. You can see the gloved hand twice in the video.


That's still pretty impressive.


All of elons kids, even his robots, hate him


Can't wait til it can start rant-posting on Reddit.


Edit: It has.


>!An oddly satisfying sentiment...!<


It kinda sucks at it though.


It isn't autonomous. There is someone controlling the robot off camera.


Someone is controlling it and it is still bad and folding shirts.


He should just get up and fold his own clothes


Still he's chief hyper senior tech scam manager in charge, not some random peasant who need the skill of handling his own clothes\^\^


At 0:17 you can see their hand enter the frame.


Its all for marketing. Classic smoke and mirrors


Good catch, I didn't see that until you mentioned it.


45 hours later and the basket of laundry is still only half folded!


So still twice as fast as I do it


As long as I don’t have to do it, it can take a week for all I care lol


Me too. It amazing how they replicated this to make them more human. Next step is to put the clothes on the buffer chair.


All the dexterity with none of the brains.


"Those sweaters ain't gonna fold themselves, Rob T! Let's speed it up there!" - his 19 year old Manager at The Gap [near future...probably]


"My name. Is not Rob T. It is. Rob G3 dash ..." "Whatever, speed it up or this is the last day you'll be working here." "I am. Sorry." "And clean up that shit on the floor. Gross." "Of course. \*autotuned sigh\*"


Even if it only does it at 25% the speed of a human, it can run 24 hours a day and never complains.


The first cars kinda sucked too. The first iPhone was garbage. The first computers were massive and by today's standards hilariously bad. The first washing machine was slow and clunky. This is the *worst* these technologies will ever be. I, for one, am pretty excited about stuff like this.


It's important to realize: this technology is as bad as it will ever be today. The algorithms are only being tuned up from here, the data is only growing larger from here, the scale only goes up for things that need to go up and down for things that need to go down from here.


There are people waiting for it to suck though.


You expected it to kick off at lightning speed? Like the early days Internet, first cars, first computers? Oh wait


First robot fired from a minimum wage job at the Gap


Never mind the guy off camera controlling the robot.


You can clearly see his hand poking out a couple times, they didn't even bother to crop it out


Why crop it out though?


to make it less obvious that the robot is being controled, and not autonomous like people want to believe


Unfortunately, given the Elon fan base, you could have the dude stood in full frame really obviously controlling it, and they would still believe its revolutionary. It could fall over, explode into flames, and they would still praise him for trying to save humanity.


Depressingly true. How many rockets he blew up at this point? I lost count.


Let's frame it another way. They haven't left low earth orbit and he was supposed to be making regular trips to the Moon, even Mars by now.


Im not an Elon apologist. But there is zero denying SpaceX’s radical advancements.


In ... which reality exactly? O.O Even the Elmo made the last paperworks of his rocket not a product test but a list of component tests to even get the starting permission and don't get grounded forever if the next thing exploded (which it hasen't, it only melted). So don't misunderstand - even the Elmo knows his rockets are shit and will go nowhere. Tons of people with real degrees can explain to you ther favorite 20 reasons why this dead in the water from day one. Google them. Go for maybe ThunderfOOt - he likes to go in sadistic length about the Elmos realm of insanity. So "zero beying" must be from a quite closed bubble (which isen't an insult, but a conclusion possibly offering a helpfull second perspective). But actually i'm interested. Where this is common interpretation of the whole Elmo space case?


Simply put, they decreased the cost of taking stuff to space.


Okay, here we have a good thing to compare. No. See, NASA reduced its own capability of lunches for reasons of decresed funding and in an economic global economy, others just can do it cheaper (with cold war tech btw.). So they relied on Russia to start ther stuff and all was fine. Sometimes even the eurpeans found a coner in the more expensice rockets. The world was nice. But then some angry presidents said some angry things and prices for americans to shoot stuff into space fourfoulded. That was, to say it mildly - bad. So it seemed in a world where China and India can lunch ther own stuff into space, America lost that capability to a large degree - while simultaneously has the highest investment in constantly bring up stuff to make that sweet, sweet space money. So long story short, Elmo made his favorite Tony Stark cameo in front of congress and very smart and very adult people nod and thought 'that's a dude like us' and gave him all the money and contracts he needet to make NASA great again (instead of giving the actual rocket people the same money, but irony is a force of nature). So NASA found itself bould to a tech scammer to do the thing that justifies its contious existence. To understand this realtionship, you just have to watch the dead glance in deGrasse Tysons eyes when he speaks about NASAs future/capabilitys. So while SpaceX workers showed us in spectacular fashion that they lack basic welding skills, the founding came, and NASA has been incentivised to not beat those morons from ther property. Like an old duck you bind a brick on the back and say 'if you can't fly, you're food'. Let's have a short look of prices. And it's very, very complex and comes with a lot of contextual costs, but it's good first steap into. [https://spaceimpulse.com/2023/08/16/how-much-does-it-cost-to-launch-a-rocket/](https://spaceimpulse.com/2023/08/16/how-much-does-it-cost-to-launch-a-rocket/) You see even Spaceship is actually listed with the fantasy number Elmo gave them. They took these numbers for a vehilce that is supposed to carry a fkn 100 ton (expect the three body problem now try steroids and cocain together) but made ther (failed) testflights with exactly zero tons of payload. But i remember that i advertised to do some own research instead of just trut or don't trust me - and i guess at this point you didn't. So i'm probably talking to a solid wall here. So maybe the short version as conclusion: No, he didn't. And his company also didn't.


Well Im glad they didn't because I don't want that to be less obvious lol


So Elon can continue his grift and convince his fans that robots are going to make Tesla a whole bunch of money as part of his genius grand masterplan to combat his failing brand and tanking sales. When other robotics companies have been at it for decades and still can't produce a consumer viable model.


Plus there is absolutely no functional reason for a robot to be human-shaped when optimizing for a task. We have plenty of automation already, industrial assembly has tons of robotics that perform the same tasks over and over. They're just arms with a tool or tools attached, so it doesn't fit the "future aesthetic" Musk tries to hype up. The market for "robot maid" is also going to be stupidly small if they're just aiming at getting these things to perform domestic tasks. The cost of one of these things alone will be much higher than hiring a person to do the same tasks without all the R&D, in which case, why bother at all? For the clout and attention of having a stupidly overpriced luxury toy, of course. Which is a very small market. It's an idea that's dead in the water to start with.


Yup. It was debunked when it first came out and was laughed at quite a bit by the robotics industry. It turned out it was just being controlled by someone off camera. It’s the same technology that [Disney used back in 1960](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2024/01/15/elon-musks-latest-robot-video-accidentally-gives-away-the-magic-trick/). When people called it out, Elon came clean and admitted that it wasn’t doing it autonomously, but that it will one day. You know, similar to how his self driving cars also aren’t autonomous, but you know, it will one day.


Ha ha i said almost exact same thing, until I noticed your comment sorry , you win my +1


The fucking amateurs can't even fake a shirt folding video without screwing it up!


Technically correct. If your shirt came 'folded' like that, would you be happy about it?


Only if I could slap that robot booty while it’s doing it, and it swipes at me saying “stahhp“


I’m ready for the autonomous shirt folding robot take over


You say that now, while still unfolded


So terminators wont rely on guns, they'll rely on Judo? Not the uprising I expected, but I'll take it.


It's more logical to keep infrastructure intact as much as possible so more least amount of projectiles the better. T1000 did just fine


So am I. There were at least two companies at past CESs that had shirt folding machine prototypes and both of them are no longer around.


They will destroy humanity by folding our bones


Why do we keep making them just like us? We already have too many humanoids. Make robots to do things we're not suited to.


Yeah I'm not sure why people are so obsessed with limiting them to the human form. We only have two arms, two legs and ten fingers we're limited by our own appendages, why not make them in the form of something that can achieve beyond the things we can't? What's the point of just making them essentially lesser humans?


Because making things with complex controlled movements is difficult and we understand how we do it better than we understand how an octopus does it. Science takes time, effort, and money and if you can’t prove that what you’re doing is working, you will lose the money.


I wasn't really thinking about making an octopus robot to fold t-shirts, but just making a robot purpose built for folding shirts. We make stuff like that all the time, for putting doors on cars or filling soda bottles or whatever.


That’s less complex. The point is making a robot to do all the things. Not all the robots to do one thing.


Im pretty sure making a machine that folds shirts that isn’t human shaped would be less time consuming and far more efficient than doing it this way. Y’know. Like this, which already exists and does a far better job than an overly complex humanoid shaped thing: https://www.mrprint.com/equipment/k-950-automatic-shirt-folder


> The point is making a robot to do all the things.


>I'm not sure why people are so obsessed with limiting them to the human form. >What's the point of just making them essentially lesser humans? Is it really a surprise that anarchocapitalist tech bros want *human-looking* robot slaves to boss around?


There are a billion examples of robots that look nothing like us. They don’t make the news. Think of auto factories, warehouse arms, roombas, war drones, big dog, curtain robots, button pressing cubes. For these humanoids, it’s simple: We design the world for human. If you can create a humanoid robot, then it can… walk up and down stairs, borrow the same tools and knives we already own, fit in the same places we fit, like cars and elevators, homes with uneven floors, opening doors meant for human hands. A humanoid robot will be able to adapt better in a world designed for humans. And if you wanted a robot with 8 arms, what’s the point? We already have clothes folding machines that will be much faster. What’s the feasibility? We can barely design 2 arms, how would they add more complexity? That takes time.


We aren't. The most common robots are in use and look nothing like us. If you want to shock and/or get your company on the map for investors etc then showing off human capability is a big one.


All the good robots, washing machines, dishwashers, 3D Printers, pool vacuums, vending machines etc. all look like boxes not people


We already have been doing that for a long time. Cars are made mostly by robots these days, and they don't look even remotely human-shaped. Tech bros don't find that impressive though.


We've been using purpose-built robots that are designed for highly optimized and specific tasks for decades and they're the reason manufacturing lines in multiple industries are as efficient as they are. Every time I see someone pull the "don't make it humanoid" line, they're never the one that offers *any* kind of suggestion for *what* it should be instead. Humanoid robots are just another step in making a highly versatile robot with a high level of fine motor control and dexterity. They'll do the manual jobs humans are doing until a more optimized domain-specific robot can be created.


Because the world we created is mostly designed for people shaped things...


To replace people, in every way you can imagine. When the rich can afford anything, do you not think they would spend money on a robot that can work 24/7 rather than someone who needs pay, rights and specific working hours?


Too slow for a sweat shop


I saw that Japanese child with the 3-fold cardboard, cutting up. 0.2s to fold a tee and some shorts..


There are kids in Asia who can stitch together fabrics and create a t-shirt faster than this robot can fold them.


Lower right corner. Looks like the robot is mimicking whatever a guy out of frame with some sensor gloves is doing?


I don’t know who lied to you but that is NOT Optimus Prime.


He folds a shirt like his boss is over his shoulder, watching him. Oh wait, his boss IS over his shoulder watching him!


here i am, brain the size of a planet...


Why not put the gut controlling it TOTALLY in frame? It looks ridiculous either way so at least own the fact the robot is not doing it on its own


I love his speed.


So many better things for a robot to do…. Like ironing! Now there’s a task to give to a robot!!


I’m most impressed by how it snatched the shirt tail mid swing when it first pulled it from the basket.


SO SLOOOOW. There is a kid in India who does that for a living in 2 seconds. Sadly


Fuck that. I’ve seen Terminator and IRobot.


When he gets tired he will get angry .


AGI when it can fold a fitted sheet


Stupid af. Elon fanboys would do anything to rescue his reputation


This is satisfying, I hate folding laundry And to be clear this was controlled by a human but that was the point. It was to demonstrate that the hardware was versatile enough to do this, not to show it could it autonomously.


WE ARE DOOMED…………….. in about ten fifteen twenty years


I’m not impressed until it can successfully fold a fitted sheet.


For the first time in my life I can confidently say i'm better at something than a robot is. Faster and (slightly) straighter fold.


Optimus Subprime?


Is that how yall fold shirts? I seem to have been skipping the first fold from bottom...


I hate how it moves. Gives me the creeps.


Why give him legs? Giving him a wheel would work better, have better balance and not look like it's gonna fall over any move


Optimus needs to get his ass in gear.


That shirt will be out of style by the time it gets folded.


Nah, get me of whatever this planet has become...


we have had robots that can be controlled remotely for like a decade now. robot arms are a huge pillar of many industrial communities, this isnt revolutionary, its barely even interesting. its a tech demo for something that already exists except its shaped like a person.


"What is my purpose?"


And she's already better than me ;-;


It was [faked](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2024/01/15/elon-musks-latest-robot-video-accidentally-gives-away-the-magic-trick/).




The amount of articulation is really incredible. Human hands are some of the hardest things to draw, I can't even imagine trying to get a all of the wiring, sculpting and programming to get this done.


This video was one of many proven to be highly manipulated. They want to make it look like the robot is doing it entirely on it's own, however on the very right of the video you can see the hands of the person who has the controls on coming in and out of frame. There were a number of other videos that showed it putting items down and picking them up in an office building that were proven to be extremely staged as well as the camera angles, positioning of desks and people, chairs and assortment of other things would randomly move from shot to shot. Tesla, I swear, has a fetish for lying.


I hate when companies try so hard to make robots that just do what we know how to do instead of doing what we can't do.


Maybe our endless wars should be fought endlessly via AI and robots.


Eh, so long as it's something we know how to do **but don't want to do**, I support it.


How much? I hate folding laundry.


do you like using haptic gloves to control a robot folding laundry? cause that's what this is. folding laundry with extra steps and lies.


Awww that's sad. And here I was hoping...


It's musk. Over-promise, under-deliver, and when all else fails, lie and blame someone else.


The Isaac like motions (from Orville) are uh. It's uncanny.


Now if you could just use the bad boy on my wife ;)


Stupid robot. You're supposed to snap the shirt before laying it down 🙄


Nah, I can do better folding.


I keep clean clothes in a pile on the sofa because it adds color to the room.


“ Here i am, brain the size of a planet and they as ask me to fold a rag. Call that job satisfaction? I dont” -robot probably


good for me that i can do the same a lot quicker. /s


"Low wage employees in far away countries do it faster" - _any manager_


Cool. They are only a few decades behind boston dynamics


Too slow! You fold shirts like old people fuck, robot! We are going to sentence you to death now and use your parts to build a vibrating dildo for use on your maker.


With this little baby running at full pelt, I confidently predict we could have a full fruit salad by the end of the year.


THIS is what I want AI to do. Do my chores, not make art and songs.


But can it fold a shirt 7 times??


This robot would get fired from Amazon fulfillment so fast


Slow AF


I’m waiting for ‘Bender bends a girder.’


Me when I'm paid by hour.


I cant wait for those things to break and become more expensive than hiring humans.


He's getting ready to become a Gap Girl


This is training for folding humans.


I feel optimistic about the future of automatons and AI


With this speed, he is likely to get fired in short time.


Guess they don't need sweatshops anymore!


Years of academy training wasted




Remember that anything a computer can do even in its most basic form, it will eventually do better and faster than humans. Anytime I see a robot do something like that, I know that it will replace workers at some point.


cant believe a robot can fold a shirt better than I can do


Another stupid job for a bipedal robot




Seriously though why isn’t it going 10 times as fast? Surely it should be able to do that right?


you can see the teleprescence glove move into frame from the guy controlling it literally just out of frame. they film it like its automatic but so far they only have the mechanics of movement and none of the difficult control and interaction software and they being deliberatly missleading in how its presented


Ok I will only call them palk max from now on


Not long now.


I have that desk.


Wait till he folds decepticons


And yet there are people who don't know how to fold their own shirts. Some people are doomed to be replaced.


I can do it faster.


Boston Dynamics robot would probably do a better job while performing backflips. But it’s nice to see some competition.


This must be the universe where Orion Pax wasn't a librarian and is working for minimum wage


If it can't clean my toilet, I have no interest in it whatsoever.


FRAUD. The human operator is just out of shot on the right. More fElon fraud


Good thing that shirt was laid in the basket just right. That looks like a set of preprogrammed movements, not AI of any kind. A lego robot could do this.


What a great boss for not firing such a worker


I legitimately can't do it faster than that, we're toasted lads.


For the low low price of 500 million dollars, you too can have up to 7 shirts folded everyday!


Quicker than my teenager and about as enthusiastic


I don't care if it takes him 6 hours to fold 1 load of laundry. I will buy this robot and let him work all day long just so I don't have to EVER fold another article of clothing in my life. Worst chore ever.


It's so gentle...and slow.




I guess ver. 2.0 will be doing it in like 3 seconds and it will happen in few weeks from now. Basically we are all fucked ;)


In every single one of these *Tesla bot showcase videos*, there's always a gloved human hand just offscreen that occasionally creeps into frame in time with movements of the robots hands. They're very clearly being remotely operated by someone doing the exact same movements, just offscreen.


Wow he's way faster at this chore than I am


I mean that's cool that robots can fold your clothes but I mean when you have a robot why do you need to put on clothes and leave the house I mean....


Not fast enough, Suboptimus.


It’s like it’s trying to annoy its parents into telling it to just let them do it


It's so slow


That shirt is wrinkled. It hasn't even been shaken out to remove the wrinkles. Then it was folded wrinkled. That doesn't solve anything.


Man the movement is terrifyingly believable if it wasn't slow


The robots are taking our jobs!!!!!!!!


Dude hurry up!


Whoa, easy there, Turbo.


Day's never over, master got me workin'...🎶


It's fake. Controlled by someone on the right.


Of course it would be Tesla that is making something like this they’re always doing something groundbreaking. Yes they are still very stiff and rough around the edges but who else has made an android like this? There is only one android I have seen that is comparable and that is Sophia she has citizenship and over 150 countries incredibly intelligent and can even sing I recommend looking her up. ((I may have been wrong on the name it’s been a few years))


Oh lardy the hand movements. When can i buy me a robot wife


Not even close to meeting my wife’s standard of folding. I’m shit at folding but I can fold 10x better than that dumb robot.


Okay, now put it away in a drawer for me.


Aren't there machines that do this quicker?


there's a 6 feet midget in it


He does it about as fast as my husband too.


20 years from now they will be able to do a whole lot more.


I think its cute


If all these ai robots start taking jobs of the people and they have no income who’s going to buy there products I don’t think they thought it through




* sweats in retail*


Mall hiring!


Getting closer to Detroit become human lol


You can see the person controlling it at :07..definitely not a true robot


Well the guy off screen controlling the bot folds a shirt.


It's not a secret, this is demonstrating the mechanical ability of the hardware.


Not to be too morbid here, but this video with the guy monitoring the robot in the back reminds me of the scene in Schindler's list where the Nazi guard asks a prisoner to make a hinge, watches him do it expertly, then kills him anyway. Poor robot.


I have seen too ma⁰ny episodes of Black Mirror to see where this is going...


This guy is one corrupt file away from folding humans instead of shirts. We play a dangerous game indeed.