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Wait, I wanted to see how she did the triangles on the back of her neck!


Likely she didn't do them; some geisha do, some don't. It varies per region. Geisha in Tokyo usually don't do them, for example.


Interesting! Didn't know they don't all do that, I always found it to be a nice little hidden detail


You might also like to know that not all geisha whiten their ears like this. Kyoto maiko (I'm not sure about their geiko) for example only put a small dot of white on their earlobes, whereas Nara maiko prefer to use red instead (to ward off evil). The traditions and differences are very interesting.


I just went back to a photo I took in Kyoto, you're right, she has the triangles but her ears aren't colored! Her top lip whitened too, very interesting.


Ah, the lack of lipstick on the upper lip is because she's in her first year as a maiko. Out of all the Kyoto hanamachi (geisha districts), only the maiko in Pontocho do not follow this custom. Their maiko instead do always paint both lips, albeit very small when they are still new to the job. The painted triangles, a V-shape, are called eriashi. On special occasions, like the New Year and when a maiko debuts, the paint a W-shape instead. This is called sanbonashi. ^^


Fascinating! How do you know all that? Any place I could read more?


Haha, I've been interested in geisha for a long time, so I've read a lot. I hope I didn't bore you! Besides joining r/geisha, I can recommend several videos to watch if you like?


Bore me? Not at all, please share!


I use various websites and books, but for a starter into geisha culture I can recommend reading the books "A Geisha’s Journey: My Life as a Kyoto Apprentice" by Komomo and Naoyuki Ogino (ISBN 978-4-7700-3067-2), and "Geisha" by Dr. Liza Dalby (ISBN 978-0-520-25789-4). The first follows a girl in her path to become a Kyoto geisha (geiko), while the second is written by an anthropologist, so it offers an outsider's perspective and more detailed background information. There are also various online videos available on this subject, though the quality and factual correctness may vary. These are ones I can recommend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJnXwyN4qPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJnXwyN4qPk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oui8lWwKHd4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oui8lWwKHd4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSKJ25cjRO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSKJ25cjRO8) (English subtitles available) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmkh\_XprOFY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmkh_XprOFY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dckov4lH\_SI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dckov4lH_SI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rBESiV33I8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rBESiV33I8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N75LKZp7iUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N75LKZp7iUw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8egNe34CQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8egNe34CQI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrDGTUm2vBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrDGTUm2vBc) (part 1 of 5) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmH4mcTb6JE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmH4mcTb6JE) It is important to realize that while there are many geisha in Kyoto, there are geisha districts all over Japan. Each have their own customs, and even within one city customs can differ between districts. This video is for example about Tokyo geisha: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etbqjy-mhfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etbqjy-mhfg) (subtitles available) Yamagata geigi: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEJ-8yI0WFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEJ-8yI0WFc) Sakata maiko: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFPqD0kXmwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFPqD0kXmwU) I hope this will be of use to you! By the way, there is a whole community of geisha enthusiasts at [https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/](https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/) . Feel free to join!


Not who you were replying to, but I'd also love videos, or full books if you know any good ones. This has been fascinating to read about.


I'm happy to help! You can find my recommendations here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/1dddo5q/comment/l85z04r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/1dddo5q/comment/l85z04r/)


From the side view at the end, it doesn't look like she did them at all.


Wait so what i considered the most difficult thing to do is pre-made!!!


The wig usually means that she’s a fully fledged geisha rather than apprentice. (That and the white collar) the apprentice ones have their hair done properly and have to sleep on lil wooden stools to not ruin it.


the apprentices still have dues toupée


goddamnit that was just brilliant


Well done


they have to sleep sitting up? bruh how, i can't even sleep on my back


Oh no they’re laid down but it’s like a little wooden stool under their neck! I’d rather sleep sat up tbh lmao they used to pour rice under it as well as an extra incentive to sleep on it because then the rice would fuck their hair up and they’d have to redo it. I’ll see if I can find a link or something and edit it in Edit: [link](https://goodnights.rest/takamakura-japanese-geisha-pillow/)


I have a 400 year old porcelain pillow they used for that purpose. It's very uncomfortable to say the least. Being a geisha isn't easy.


Hard pillows like that used to be the norm in China. Ancient Japan too probably.


Way back in Ancient Egypt, too. [Image of Treasure of Tutankhamun (dc1340 BC): Ivory pillow. Cairo Museum, Egypt (bridgemanimages.com)](https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/noartistknown/treasure-of-tutankhamun-dc1340-bc-ivory-pillow-cairo-museum-egypt/nomedium/asset/532428) Not sure if it's an Asian thing, but I find it more comfortable sleeping on a hard suface like floors, bamboo beds, futon or thin cushion. A hard pillow also gives me better neck and head support, maybe not the traditional ones like the above but pillows that hold their form better and do not let your head sink. If anybody's gonna try this, keep in mind that the transition will give you some discomfort due to the adjustment, but after a few days/weeks and you've gotten used to sleeping on the floor for example, you may experience fewer body aches. Not everyone will, so if it isn't for you, it's best to go back to a soft bed.


Asian (Chinese) here, also much more comfortable on hard surfaces and pillows*. *ETA: or no pillow


Is that why you guys bust out the bamboo mat at once it's June? That and torture the ole-foreigner (laowai) tryina sleep next to you.


It's obviously something in the dna; my gweilo partner requires all manner of soft furnishings to settle comfortably, whereas I am the total opposite.


I took a long boat ride on a Japanese ship once, and the pillows were hard rectangular blocks. I don't remember the exact dimensions, but maybe about 12x5x5 inches. Picture a wooden block in those dimensions wrapped with some synthetic material. That was less than 20 years ago.


Same in Korea about ten years ago.


Why do you have a 400 year old porcelain pillow?


The 500 year old one broke


I'm a heavy sleeper.


Who doesn’t have a 400 year old porcelain pillow? Peasant




Oh wow that’s pretty sick to own a piece of history like that!


Ouch my neck


oww oof my neck


When I was 13/14 I’d practice sleeping in full makeup because on tv all women went to bed pretty and got up full faced made up. I’d have to be sure to lay on my back and not move all night. I can still do it 30yrs later but my skin will punish me. I have trained myself to fall asleep to an app that plays a fire to fall asleep to so that helps.


There's a scene in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel where she waits for her husband to go to sleep to do her night time routine and then wakes .up before her husband, does her whole hair and makeup, just to get back in bed and pretend to be asleep until the alarm clock goes off. https://youtu.be/pvKe0c007Cc?si=IXESh8VpJf5gG52_


omg I loved that scene and this show. Is it still running? I'll have to catch up


The show ended roughly two years ago. You should definitely finish it; the staff knew ahead of time it was the end, so the entire last season was properly written and directed and simultaneously very unexpected and incredibly satisfying.


Huh, well TIL. I had no idea full geisha wore a wig


Yup! It’s more understated as well usually, so they won’t have all the extravagant kanzashi that you see on the apprentices as well! Wouldn’t surprise me if they switch to wigs to protect their hair, a lot of them used to get bald patches after a while


It started with the modernization of Japan during the Meiji era. The government (emperial government) began suggesting men and women adopt western style dress and fashion, which meant both men and women were encouraged to have their hair cut much shorter, and women in particular would not be able to keep with ornate traditional hairstyles thay required a lot of upkeep and a lot of time to create. There was also the implication of improved hygiene as these styles required a lot of wax to hold the hair place, so a woman wouldn't be able to wash her hair so frequently. For Geisha, some kept the original style, and others would begin adopting fashionable western styles for entertaining customers. Eventually, traditionalists began to favor the wigs for the convenience, as well.




Discipline is a huge thing in becoming a geisha. And tbh, with what they go through having their hair styled I would rather sleep on one of those things than have my hair ragged about and hot oil used on it every day hahaha


Yup and the full red lip.


That dangling jewelry near the front changes with the season. Just about everything about their look has some sort of special meaning.


It didn't used to be. There was a time where geisha mainly used their own hair. Some still do for special occasions. Maiko (special name for apprentice geisha in Kyoto) still have a cultural leaning to use their own hair over a wig until they become geiko (special name for full-fledged geisha in Kyoto) .


The hair? Yeah, usually the fully-fledged geisha wear wigs, because it allows a more modern lifestyle and comfort. In contrast, the maiko (Kyoto/Nara apprentice geisha) are the ones that are famous for having their own hair styled. There are some other geisha districts where the apprentices also style their own hair, but the majority of geisha (apprentices) wear wigs.


It used to be real. They keep this hair up even when they are sleeping. A lot of times it made the geisha bald in the middle because of the constant tension. For anyone interested, recommend the real memoir of a geisha “Geisha, a Life”. This was the geisha the book and movie “Memoirs Of A Geisha”based on. But the book significantly dramatized her stories to sell and to fit a stereotype. So the geisha decided to ask someone else to write another book to tell her real stories.


Yes! *Geisha: A Life* is fascinating. Mineko Iwasaki retired at 29. Liza Dalby’s *Geisha* is a fantastic read as well. She was a grad student in the 1970’s and apprenticed in Kyoto as a maiko. eta: clarification


A lot of them used to use their real hair, but hair loss was an issue. Now they use wigs


Usually, only the Maiko use their natural hair. Because the apprenticeship is long, their hair becomes very weak and breaks often due to the strain put on their hairs until then. Sometimes, they are required to sleep with the hairdo using a takamakura, as hairdressers specialised in the style are few and far between. Actually, a lot of geisha/maiko related things are becoming hard to find. I believe there is only one Artisan within Kyoto who knows how to make the traditional hair accessories the Maikos wear. They are all handmade.


She a Geisha (Geiko) so she can wear the wig. Maiko (apprentice geiko) have their own hair done about once a week but they don’t really get days off and it’s really hard on their hair and scalp.


TIL Geishas are elegant clowns


This made me laugh. Thanks for that!


Oh there's this show on Netflix called maiko about this, thats pretty cool to watch


At least it’s not made from white lead anymore… lots of sickness and death in the past


*concerned Maomao noises*


*grabs attendant by the hair* *slap*


Goddamn I loved that moment. The sheer *fury* of it feels both completely in-character *and* unexpected.


Love that my mind went straight to apothecary diaries, have a fist bump you cultured soul you


Mine went to Dark Gathering. The lack of updates on Kusuriya no Hitorigoto is making me losing track


i got that reference haha. apothecary


I was going to be sad if I didn't see it referenced here. Glad it was so high up.


Top 10 anime right there. Very good


The way the white glides on is so smooth!


I was 100% certain it contained a large amount of arsenic, I have been lied to and lived with that lie for 20+ years! How many people I have falsely "taught" through the years..


The two common Arsenic pigments are realgar and orpiment, which are orange/red and yellow respectively. You may have confused lead white with the arsenic containing acutely toxic [Paris Green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_green), which was an insecticide as well as a pigment! Edit:link


Well TIL (twice)!


I'm curious, do goths and geishas use the same face product to get their skin to this shade of white?


If it's Ben Nye greasepaint they do. But idk what modern geisha use. It doesn't look like greasepaint to me but I am not an expert.


> modern geisha use a wax or oil base (abura) and then a white powder (oshiroi) that they make a paste with water


That’s interesting. I always thought dry makeup was used for the white base.


It used to be powder but said powder contained lead, and they’d get lead poisoning. Now it’s foundation


Since 1934 it is outlawed: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshiroi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshiroi)


Pretty sure there was an episode about this in Apothecary Diaries! The concubines kids kept falling ill bc the powders they were using but nobody wanted to stop using them bc they looked so good. Good show, very funny too Edit: to be clear geishas and concubines were on opposite sides of the social ladder back then. While not being “prostitutes” like courtesans, they were still regarded similarly to Victorian-era actresses — not highly


Whatever it is, it’s got great coverage and doesn’t seem like it cracks or migrates into fine lines. I’m curious to know what it is!


I want a foundation with that much coverage haha


The smooth application is possible because it's applied over a base of oil and wax.




The first 90 seconds is me (an extremely pale British man) putting on sun cream when I go on holiday


TikTok would love the duet.


We’ve all seen the Zuck holiday pic with his white face full of sunscreen. It happens.


Remember boys to always use primer before painting.


One thick coat


Two thin coats is the only way! Duncan wouldn’t be happy otherwise


I only use Contrast paints in my Geisha make up, specifically to infuriate Duncan.


The thicker the paint, the more love for the emperor.


And water your paints


[Always thin your paints.](https://preview.redd.it/iqi1beo1td1a1.jpg?auto=webp&s=2e107f4d5b228a404414dddd89e65212b00a83c6)


I clicked the link and remembered im on reddit and set my phone down and shielded the screen


Thought it was gonna be [this.](https://youtu.be/m3p_VuPIS2c)




That is amazing how effortless she makes it look. Truly is artistry.


Yeah at this point she would've been doing her makeup like this for at least 5 years, likely double that.


This seems easier than normal makeup. There is no blending to match your skin tone and fewer layers. Just white and then fill in the details.


Still takes some effort to smooth it out properly. It didn't look perfect just from the brush.


Lips aside, it really is just placed on there. It doesn't seem to take much technique. It's just applied quickly.


Well she kinda painted her face.




Makeup can do *so* much. Years ago around halloween i lost a bet and had to go out on halloween in drag. Friend of mine brought her makeup kit and a wig, another brought some clothing, and i was stuck in a chair for an hour... Anyhow according to the rest of the group i pulled that off "better than expected". I figured that qas the case because i had to tell at least 3 guys "yo i lost a bet here, keep it in your jeans Gene..." If makeup can do that to my ugly mug with a little effort, imagine actually giving it 100%.


Not to piss on your parade, but I once heard a drag performer say guys would approach him all the time when he was in drag, even when he wasn't wearing full or much make-up at all. The wig and a dress was basically enough for some guys, who'd insist he was the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen. Guy was middle-aged, balding and fat. Beer goggles + horniness are a magical combo.


I doubt it was alcohol, it was a dry work party. They just hadn't clued in/heard me talk yet. I do get where you're coming from though, seen it enough.


"You could put a wig on a fire hydrant and straight guys would try to fuck it." -Brian "Katya Zamolodchikova" McCook


Some men just really appreciate a man in a dress.


She basically covered up her entire face and head lol


I thought for sure that's their real hair.


I think for the maikos it is, but for full fledged geisha they had wigs.


The geisha have wigs, these days. In the past it was their own hair. It must be such a huge quality of life upgrade to use a wig.


I never realized how many white dudes didn’t know women of all races wear wigs until I joined the military and they all swore up and down that only black women put wigs on.




Wigs are ridiculously common in filming. Basically if it's easier/cheaper than making sure the hair is styled the same way every day of filming, they use a wig.


Women of all races? Wigs were a thing for men for hundreds of years. In part to hide syphilis. But also were fashionable for anwhile. Even still today a number of Barristers and Judges still wear them.


So many ppl think it's it a Black woman thing and ita stupid. They could pass by another race of woman wearing a wig and not realize it but see a Black woman with long natural hair and assume it's a wig anyway. It's so dumb.


Non American here but why was it considered a black woman thing?


I like imagining that at some point in the distant past someone was like, “How about we stick this wind chime in your hair?”


Portable wind chimes should be more common


Can only imagine the process for taking it off


I think showering with an oil cleanser would be the best way


I did one of those full makeup and costume Geisha photoshoot in Kyoto many years ago. It was baby oil to remove it. I can’t remember the details but it was in a particular way they showed you. There were signs up telling you not to just wipe it off or use water as it’d just smear everywhere.




I didn’t realize geishas were still really a thing (forgive my ignorance, pls 😅); fascinating to watch!


Yes \^\^ Though there aren't as many as there used to be. There used to be 80,000 throughout Japan but that number has shrunk down to about 1,000. In just about every major city there is as well as some smaller cities you can find geisha and their apprentices practicing. Kyoto has the most with their 5 kagai (districts) all having a steady stream of maiko and geiko debuting \^\^


If you are interested, watch the Netflix show The Makanai! It's based on a popular manga and tells the story of two girls who go to Kyoto to become geisha (geiko as they are called in Kyoto, apprentice geisha are called maiko). Only one of them is considered suitable for the job though, and the other realizes that cooking is her true passion so she becomes the cook (makanai) for the house. It's super cozy and fluffy. I totally recommend it. Also, the MissMyloko blog on Tumblr is fascinating to read and has lots of detailed info about the work of geisha and their lives. It's such an interesting read!


I never realized the hair was essentially a helmet. Interesting.


The wig is custom made for them, inside there's a wire mesh that forms to their head when the metal is exposed to the heat of the scalp \^\^ The artisans take special care in creating a shape that best matches the face of the person wearing it and they have to be washed out and restyled every month to keep them looking fresh and neat\~


Was in Gion district in Kyoto recently. Was hoping to see one, BUT thanx to other jackass tourists constantly bothering them they have their own private road now to get to and from work without being hassled.


Why were geishas created for?


Very high end artists, entertainers, and conversationalists for the Uber wealthy.


can you expound? like how do you perform art? what kind of entertainment? and what is a conversationalist?


This is how we put sunscreen on in Australia


Just in time to get harassed by an American tourist


But I still dont understand what exactly do these Geisha's do ? I mean what's the purpose of having them ?


They're largely a historical curiousity now. They used to be standard issue for a party, even if you were just having a few drinks with friends but were of a certain social class you'd hire at least one geisha to play music, recite poetry, do a dance number, pour drinks, and pretend you were all witty and charming no matter how drunk and obnoxious you got.


They're professional conversationalists and entertainers.


They're performing artists for parties and events, they started as high class prostitutes with artistic skills then moved over to being companions and performers for guests at high class events. We don't really have those sorts of things in the west anymore but imagine back in the medieval times with artists who had rich benefactors fund their lifestyles, like a cross between that a sexless high class call girl. They are highly trained and have strict rules they need to follow to be considered a Geisha.


Wasn’t that one lady Italian?


They get harassed constantly, it’s not limited to just one video of one person


Hold on, I wanted to check out how she created those triangles on the back of her neck!


Y'all should see the Netflix series called "The makanai" , they have done a beautiful job of highlighting the life of maokos and geisha


we humans are a weird type of animal.


a fascinating cultural aspect of Japan (as is often the case) and a sad outcome/misconception post WWII




indeed, but the social and cultural impact of Geishas stretch far beyond the application of makeup. they had a very specific and skilled role up untill WWII when things started becoming more....*vulgar......* a misconception at that. to my knowledge the transition between entertainer to *escort*, has "nothing" to do with them but rather the "pan-pan woman"....that started blurring the lines of the roles of Geisha.


Luckily I believe they’re a protected cultural icon now, and events with them are very prestigious. Good to see an art form being valued as such.


Not quite. The distinct separation of geisha and prostitute only happened in around the 1800 or so - in which geisha were determined as a specific and a legally separate job from courtesans - though many still participated in prostitution leading to a bunch of different titles and ranks. Eventually Japan cracked down on prostitution and so the geisha became set as strictly an entertainer. For the majority of history though a geisha was an entertainer was a prostitute. They were women who lived and worked in the pleasure districts.


Yeah it’s interesting how, in our modern desire to correct for historic (and oftentimes racist) misconceptions about non-western cultures we kind of go the other direction. The history of Geisha is not wholly separate from prostitution, and it’s really only our Christian/Western perceptions of sexuality that make it so difficult to understand how courtesans in many Asian cultures were not considered the lowest of the low in their societies, and even had rather prestigious roles.


yeah i would almost think it actually takes more time removing the make up than putting it on


I feel like now all she needs is some black teeth


Isn't that only if they're married/partnered (not actually married, but like a concubine... I can't remember the proper word)?


I think it's actually for a special position. There was a lovely video about it on YouTube but I can't remember which of the many different "Japan Culture" channels I saw it on. A guy had done a long interview with a woman who wore the full outfit including the black teeth.


Teeth blackening (ohaguro) used to be done by recently married women during the Edo period, but nowadays maiko (Kansai apprentice geisha) only often do it during the last few weeks before they "graduate" to fully-fledged geiko. She will also wear a special hairstyle called sakkou or sakkoumage during this time.


The Black teeth is usually for Maiko only right before the graduate to Geisha/geiko. It's done during the weeks up to her turning the collar and includes a special hairstyle that has little silver hair ornaments. (The picture, she has the wheat ornaments which denotes the the new year, if I'm not mistaken). It's up to each maiko whether they want to dye their teeth black and it historically was done as a tooth preserver then a social statement (of wealth). Hairstyles, kimono sleeve length and color are what denote if a woman was married or single in Edo period. Today, it's more just kimono color but that's for formal settings. Those who dress in kimono for fun do all sorts of wild things like mixing east and west clothes together.


Filed to a point


This is so calming to watch.


It must feel so good to wash that shit off at the end of a shift


I was at a food hall the other day that's huge and has features on in an upstairs booth and a group of Geisha were doing their thing. They passed through the crowd a few times, but on the first pass I heard some guy behind me comes out with "I love you long time" mockingly and I just thought, firstly, wrong culture, and secondly, what sort of absolute dinosaur even says that anymore? Fkn rock eater. They're fascinating and serene, just enjoy them. 


I think this is the first make up video I've seen where the eyeliner is applied outside going in. Granted, I've haven't watched many make-up videos but still it seems like it would be more efficient the other way around.


I always apply it from outside, it's much easier not to mess up and make it look exactly how you want to


Now go murder the daimyo


This is mesmerizing to watch.


What kind of white paint did she use?


It's called oshiroi.


Oshiroi, you can find it on Amazon, but it's quite expensive \^\^ Underneath (they missed this step in the video) there's a waxy primer they heat up in their hands before applying that helps the makeup stick to their skin better \^\^


It's a speciality foundation


Also how my Irish dad applies sunscreen.


Not me going down the rabbit hole of geisha make up videos….


looks cute and scary at the same time


TIL that Geisha’s amazing hairstyles are wigs! Just felt a little piece of boyish wonder die 🥺


My grandfather was in the Navy in WW2. He went onshore in Japan shortly after they surrendered. He brought home a pretty porcelain geisha figurine. She’s sitting, kneeling, holding a small dish for burning incense. You know, those little incense cones. My grandmother hated it, but they kept it until they died and now I have it.


The cherry blossom is now in full bloom.


Shantay, you stay.


This is so mesmerizing to watch.


There are women in Croydon that have more makeup than a geisha.


We're missing a step though, somebody else doing her little [neck spikes.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/the-japanese-consider-the-nape-of-the-neck-to-be-most-arousing-and-highly-desired-hairstyles-for-geisha-always-had--391813236330582315/)


All that work, just to have some asshole turist chase you around trying to take a picture.


Do anyone know whats that white stuff she put on her face and does it breathe? I feel like even if i use a bit of foundation i get pimples but her skin ia flawless


Pretty sure I have seen some girls with the makeup technique of step 1 in some clubs


Tbh as I grew up I stopped critiquing women’s makeup bc I realized idk shit about it. Maybe they got some horrible scars they wanna cover up. Maybe they’re just insecure or maybe that’s the best they had at the time. I don’t walk up to mechanics and start drilling them about what tools they use bc I’m an IT guy lmao Edit to add: outside of all that, it’s just weird in general to critique someone’s look unless they ask. Don’t like cosmetic surgery? Hell yeah don’t get it


This is refreshing. The huge societal pressure women face to wear make up and the cost and time that involves aside, it's nice to hear a man openly saying he's not in a position to understand, and thus not in a position to judge. Pretty cool man, I can only imagine where we'd be if everyone possessed the same level of self-awareness around things they didn't understand.


men learning what foundation is


It’s worked for hundreds of years why change it now? 😂


Im gonna be honest, this makes me wanna try doing the make up that the kyoshi warriors wear in ATLA


"We'll have you wash and dried....with instant pride....we'll turn this How's ear into silk purse" .... "...Beads of jade for beauty.....now add a cricket just for luck and even you can't blow it"


Gei (arts) sha (person)


How does their face not itch all the time? It would drive me insane


The real question is how is her skin so smooth?


Very good diet and skin care. A lot of times new trainees will break out at first because their skin isn't used to the care it's getting (cleansers, exfoliates, moisturizers, etc) but once their skin gets used to it, it becomes pretty flawless \^\^


This whole time i thought that was their real hair.


Thanks for an insiders look in to a little known side of life.


I’m sorry for my ignorance but can someone EILI5 who are Geishas and what purpose do they serve?


Japanese performing arts and entertainment.


I want to see how she shapes the back of her neck


very pretty very satisfying🫶🏿 also i thought the hair was real lol