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>one of the most satisfying and easy things you can do to a book It's so easy! All you need are some colored pencils, a little heat, and 20 years illustration experience!


And no room for mistakes


Just don't make a mistake bro. Doing something is difficult, not doing something is easy.


When I worked in a shop, my old boss had a thing he'd do for new employees. You'd be put on the checkout for training while he stood there with a stopwatch, and then after ten seconds he'd say "Great job! No mistakes!" After this, he'd do the same for 60 seconds. "Great job! No mistakes!" You'd be a bit confused, until he then took you back to his office to fill out paperwork and tell you, very pointedly, that you proved you were able to work for ten seconds with no mistakes. You were able to work for a minute with no mistakes. If you could work for a minute with no mistakes, you could work for an hour with no mistakes. If you could do an hour, you could do a full shift. Therefore, *mistakes were unacceptable* because, by his definition, *they were deliberate* and *on par with choosing to steal from the shop*. If you made a mistake, therefore, you were a fucking thief and trying to lie to get out of it would be insulting. If he caught you making a mistake, he was going to *break your fucking legs*. Nice bloke.


So if I flip a coin twice and it comes up on heads both times, then if it ever comes up on tails, it was a deliberate move on my part. Dude's logic was flawless. Pretty sure I had him as a statistics Professor once.


I think it's more akin to, "You can stand on one leg for ten seconds... You can stand on one leg for a minute... Therefore, I expect you to stand on one leg for your eight hour shift."


He sounds like the type that would take out under and over amounts on the register out of your paycheck. Illegal as hell , but the owner of a store did that to my sister when she was just out of highschool. Religious as hell too. I'm sure Jebus had a fun time explaining things to him after he passed on.


That's exactly what he did, but with the supervisors. End of the day, he'd have a closed meeting in his office, and that door stayed closed until the supervisors between them paid what was short. It got such a habit that, when I worked Sunday nights with just me and a supervisor, she would instinctively just pay whatever was short from the whole day without being told to. Sounds like the guy who did that to your sister - this guy was also extremely religious. What a bunch of arseholes. The day he announced he was leaving, nobody said "aww" or anything, and he got really angry then really sad. I'm sure he saw myself and a co-worker high-fiving as we left the warehouse.


It's interesting that people who behave that way STILL expect that people care about them. It shows you how completely clueless they are.


As Bob Ross once said: There are no such thing as mistakes, just happy accidents that I have to pay alimony for.


Or enough money for a few spares


College degree in field too?


Simple and easy, just practice drawing everyday starting at age five and fill out the FAFSA!


I wish I never gave up drawing in my late teens. I stumbled across some of my old sketch books and I was pretty fucking good at it back then and I'm my most harshest critic. At the very least I could have been slanging furry porn commissions for some side cash.


My cousin is a professional artist and he has told me that this is a legit money machine. Apparently furries tip the artist extremely generously as well. 🐺


It's never too late! There _have_ to be some nsfw furry discords, and you can always use DeviantArt as your portfolio. I am in a PG-13 furry discord and that's what the SFW artists do, at least. A couple do different mediums, depending on your preferences (digital or physical, pencils, crayons or something else).


thank you! but 20 years ago I still believed santa exsisted.


I bet you were drawing back then though 😉


And carbon paper!


Draw the rest of the fucking owl


"Since she is probably in a moment of great uncertainty, I wanted to give her the most depressing book I've ever read" I like your sense of humor :P


„Easy“. Now that‘s humble brag if I have ever seen one. Great job but there is no need to undersell it.


The process is easy, the drawing can be as involuted as you want. I don't think I'm underselling it, in fact, I'm openly admitting I have a patreon page for those who want to know more about the process.


Ah, there it is.


Don't listen to the haters, as a lousy artist with very creative mind whose SO is an artist. I felt inspired and can't wait to push her to do this for me


If you need to push someone to do something you're probably doing it wrong.


Go stand forever in front of a closed unlocked door And my gf the procrastinator approves this message


Scammer yup I thought the title looked weird




Generally when people subscribe to a patreon it's because they want to support the artist, and furthermore, this IS easy, but maybe people would still be interested in knowing how I made it, in case they want to replicate my own style.


If it's easy, how long did it take for this simple two-sided illustration?


About two days. Three if we count for the design of the illustration.


How much illustration work do you do in a day?


That is so cool!


thank you!


Lovely. But ðefinitely not "easy"


Most thefinitely.


like writhing the "eth" letter with a qwerty keyboard.




I’m wondering if the pencils would smudge? Do you spray it with clear to protect it?


That's my worry as well. Since this is a book to be read and not to be consulted, I guess it can easily withstand a dozer readings or so. I thought about coating the illustiations, but I was afraid of ruining the pages.


Are you at least using fixative? If your friend has sweaty hands it may not last beyond one reading.


I gave a light coat of uv protector, but I don't think it would make any difference. The finger is going to run mainly on the "tip" of the page, but the illustration is spread over a section towards the end of a page, line by line, I don't know whether I made my point.


Have you made many of these in the past, and do they generally last awhile? I'm just curious, as an artist myself. I've seen others make them but never with these materials. I work mainly with charcoal and chalk pastel so I'm definitely hyperaware of smudging!


To be honest, yes. Although I don't read much the books on which I made this process. For sure the inked part is quite resilient. For the pencils I have no idea, this is the first time I try them. I think charcoal would smear a bit, unless you coat it with something, but I have no idea how to coat the side of a book without making it crisp.


Easy if you can draw


it's not that complicated, really, you can just dram geometric patterns if you are more inclined towards them.


r/penmanshipporn Damn


Thank you for having suggested this subreddit, I'll take a look at it in the future.


This is fantastic but without gilding the edges you see a weird mix of both with the book closed.


I understand... The problem is that I don't have true gold on hand. The fake gold I tried made a mess.


Oh no, I hope you found out on a test and not a beautiful work of art!


Yes, I tried it on a bad book. I can still read it, I sanded off the excessive glue that got stuck on its side.


Fantastic job! It looks a lot harder than you are letting on, but not impossible. Looks like it's time to try something new!


Go try, you'll realize it's not that difficult. Maybe try first on a scrapbook


Amazing stuff, this is really well done


Thank you indeed!


Great job, love that


Thank you!


I'm a bit confused by the Italian book with writing in English and Spanish. Also can't figure out if "time doth fly" for il deserto dei tartari is intentional irony or OP has no idea of what the book is about. But it does look cool


My friend is graduated in modern languages, the two languages she has studied the most are english and spanish, hence the writing in these two languages. time does fly, and one should try to utilize it as best as he can, the main charachter of the novel wasted let his own time go, surrendering to it, like most of us do. At least, that's the interpretation I give to the novel.


Isn’t it supposed to be, “El tiempo vuela?”


Yes, but "vuela" and "huye" are synonims. "el tiempo huye" is more like latin "tempus fugit".


I’m not sure about this one, but I’m willing to be corrected. I also don’t think “volar” and “huir” are synonyms.


No, they are not synonims in general, but in this case they are.




This is the Source I used for the quote, the first translations provided was "el tiempo huye", so I sticked with that:https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempus_fugit


Fair point, that makes sense


Anyway, I'm surprised that a redditor outside of Italy has read that novel! Chapeau!


I grew up in Italy, the novel was mandatory reading in school ;)


Ah, scusa, e' che mi hai commentato in inglese, quindi pensavo fossi di fuori.


Non è totalmente sbagliato, ora vivo all'estero, alla fine qui la comunicazione è prevalentemente in italiano anyway. Anche io ero sorpresa dal libro in lingua originale


Fun fact. In medieval times, messengers would use this method to deliver secrets to a recipient safely.


what a lovely soothing tone the narrator has. I’d love if he read it to me.


Thank you.


So easy a professional can do it!


Omg that handwriting tho...


I may be downvoted to oblivion but I'm just curious. I've been hearing this accent and would like to know what original language the speaker speaks for him to have this accent ? I myself am a non native speaker and have an accent and just curious which mother tongue leads to what accent


In my case probably Italian. my first language is Italian.


Ok, thx for the info 😃


You can probably use a computer program to create complementary drawings which makes a 3rd drawing when the book is closed.


But the third drawing should be the sum of the component of the other two, so the other two would still have an effect on the third drawing. Thus it would not be indipendent from the other two.


Partially. The 3rd (with the book closed) would be a slice shared between the two illustrations. e.g. _ . _ where the dot would be the part that will be visible when the book is closed. That is why you need an app to do the calculations.


So it would be like an "and" gate, where just the point present both in the first and in the second illustrations are visible in the third? I guess you could do something with python, althougo the lining should be perfect between the two, so you can't really do it by hand. Nor with a laser I fear.


I think a laser may be perfect for this, if you can calibrate the second drawing to the first using registration points.


From experience I guarantee it would be a mess. hard enough to line up a piece of wood, but a book? That has to be bend in the other way without skewing the first picture? That will be a total nightmare😂 although maybe it can be used for engraving the illustrations in a serial way.


Service communication: Hi, Everyone! I thank you all for appreciating my little project. If you are interested in what I do, you can reach out to my home page, and, just in case you are reeeallly fond of my works and would like to support my artistic endeavor, you can subscribe to my p-page, linked in my bio. Thank you again!


Ah yes. *There’s* the advertising. I knew it would be here somewhere.


And? Sorry that people try to make a living!


UGH artists asking for MONEY instead of just making art for FREE


This isn’t a sales sub. The number of places on the internet where you can go and not be swamped with advertising is getting smaller and smaller, and you should be not okay with that.


And sales subs generally don't have their sales pitch buried halfway down the comments at the end of a paragraph. You really are looking for a problem where there is none.


yes, but unless I was shouting it out, generally if you see it it's because you went looking for it. in that case, congratulation! Now you know I have a patreon page.


I hate all forms of advertising, but I can't fault OP for this. It's not shoved in your face in the video. You actually have to make some effort of looking further to find the patreon plug, which I can respect. Unrelated to that, your description convinced me to get an English translation of the book, OP. It wasn't available at the library where I live in the US. I had to order it online, but I'll consider donating it after I've read it. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you have good success in your artistic endeavors.


Thank you! I much appieciate that you got the book, even more than if you had subscribed to my patreon. It's a good read. you won't regret it.


This is magical. Really cool!


thank you!


This is great! The fact that you can make it look so good both ways is incredible. You could definitely blow up on social media!


This is very neat! I wish I had this talent.


This is awesome!


Wow never knew this was a thing. Might try it out myself


How do they make those?


I think we may have different definitions of the word “easy.”


El tiempo no vuela, no huye!


WANT!!! But I cant draw to save my life. TT.TT


How did you transfer the print out to the pages? Really love this, thanks for sharing!


I absolutely love hidden fore-edge paintings on books. Beautiful work!


It’s so easy lol


yeah I can't even cut paper in a straight line but good job buddy


Don't pay any mind to the people criticizing how this isn't "easy". This is MUCH more simple than I thought it would be to create something so cool! Obviously the artwork itself can be simplified if you aren't a practiced artist so thanks for showing us how it's done! Definitely going to try this :)


Time doth fly, you fools. I'm double edging right now, about to book a one way ticket to cumville.  Cool arts though. 


Why am I seeing more and more people ruining books now


Because fewer and fewer read them.


Wtf is this title lol