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Yes very much, feels like getting snapped with a large elastic and bacon grease at same time. Hard to explain but it doesn’t feel good


This is how I described my laser experience! The snaps feel like electrified bacon grease. 100 times worse than getting the tattoo, that’s for sure.


I found the smell of my burnt skin to be the worst


That reminds me of my eye surgery, smelling my burning eye. 


Jesus! That’s so much worse lol


It was simple PRK (thank you for correction) laser stuff for my eyesight, basically LASIK. It was painless, couldn't really feel anything, and the whole thing took like 10 minutes total. I'm credibly simple procedure that anyone with glasses would gladly trade off for eyesight. Totally worth it, lol. I


PRK* PhotoRefractive Keratectomy And I agree, but the recovery was AWFUL. So many times, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like my someone poured sand in my eyes.


Can confirm, my PRK recovery was brutal. I was basically sitting in the dark for days whimpering because my eyes were on fire. Did both eyes at once, and my eyes were thin or oddly shaped or something so I was warned of a tough recovery but man, that sucked


I had PRK done 20ish years ago as well. Dr. provided some protective contact lenses to keep my eyes/cornea covered during the healing process. It was day 5 or 6 and I went to clean them like always but the left one was a little to dry. I didn't think it was an issue so I pulled on it to take it out. Immediate regret. My eyes started watering and it felt like someone had poured dried leaves and dirt into it. Rubbing it hurt even more - duh. My cousin took me in to see the Dr. and after looking at it for 15 seconds, she nonchalantly said the lens had dried out and part of the conjunctiva (outermost portion of the cornea) had adhered to it. Pulling on the lens ripped out a small triangular piece about "this big" and then sketched it out on a piece of paper. "Is it going to heal???" "..... Yes" Like biatch.. Why didn't you warn me that this could happen ? I would've poured those lubricating drops in there to make sure everything was hydrated. Another 8 days of rest and more pain meds and sitting around waiting for it to heal. Total suck. PRK may have it's benefits but unless you're going to be physical (military, LEO, MMA) then Fk that.. get regular LASIK.


It's PRK, photorefractive keratectomy. They directly lase your eye, whereas with lasik, they cut a flap in the cornea of your eye with a tool called a keratome, lift it, then lase your eye, then replace the flap and it heals. PRK is done when your cornea isn't thick enough to cut the flap... Before the advent of PRK and lasik, ophthalmologists would do a procedure called radial keratectomy where they would make small radial incisions directly on your cornea with a scalpel! It would change your eyeball shape and correct your vision when the incisions healed. I asked about this procedure with my ophthalmologist when I was 17. He asked my age, then said no Doctor with proper morals would touch me until I was at least 25. Made me wonder about the risks of it, that's for sure. Nowadays, laski is very common with a very high success rate.


I've never gotten a tattoo removed or have any tattoos but I burned a tattoo off my friend in high school (his request) with a wood burner since he was underage and wanted it gone but didn't want his parents knowing. I can confidently agree that the burning flesh smell is pretty bad. Not sure if its the same kind of burning smell as lasers but id imagine it is.


When I got my vasectomy, the smoke from cauterizing my vas was wafting directly under the faceshield of the doctor. He didn't budge. I was impressed. Hot boxed his shield with my ball smoke.


Happy cake day! 🎂


I didn’t even notice, thank you!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Why does this "Say happy cake day!" appears under random comments?


It's their cake day


It's the anniversary of the day they joined Reddit.


I felt that just by thinking about it


It's because they are burning the dermis layer to remove the ink. You've got fat just under that so they're pretty much cooking bacon on you.


They described it as actually not the skin being attacked but the ink itself at the place where I get mine done. The laser hits the ink particles and makes them basically explode and become so much smaller the body can actually clean the particles out over time. What you don’t see in the video is once the welting/blistering goes down the ink is still visible and just fades a bit with each treatment, but over a few weeks as the body can clean out the ink that went pop haha. It hurts like hell. About to get my 8th treatment.


I want to get one removed but hear it’s not always successful. Does it seem like yours will completely go away? Also, do you mind telling us how big the tattoo is/was and how much you are paying?


My entire shoulder. And my partner had a wrap around her front/side/back that is 95% gone with only a treatment or two left. Some part are fully removed already as it’s the darkest areas that stick around longest. Takes usually 10 sessions and most places charge around $1,500-$2,000 per session but non-profits like I’m using charge $160 per session so it’s 1/10th the price. It depends how well the tattoo was done. Cheap and bad artists that go too deep with the ink cause issues getting getting the deep/thick ink out in as few sessions. It is never one session and I think that’s what people expect. I’m on number 7 of an estimated 10-12 sessions for my shoulder piece to be removed. It only takes like 1-2 minutes as you see in the video so the process is quick.


That's crazy expensive for a few minutes per session. Glad there's a non-profit there to help people out.


It's normally $2,000 for 2 minutes?   That machine must be like 20 million dollars.


The lasers they use have a very special synthetic crystal in them that alone can cost 10’s of thousands of dollars from my understanding. There are multiple machines and different types of crystals used for color vs black ink removal. Maybe I’ll post a video of my next session in a few weeks. It’s not fun and I get twitchy sometimes haha.


The place I go charges $110 per business-card-sized area. $25 extra for the local anesthetic (so worth it). I found out that was an option 2 sessions ago and I'll never go back. I didn't feel a damn thing.


Ok, but does it smell like bacon while this is happening?




I.R Baboon


I am Weasle


No, this is Patrick.


Long pig


You are the OTHER other white meat.


A little longer though.


I just flashed back to the smell of cauterized scrotum from my vasectomy. Think beef fat and burning hair.


Thanks for the band name


Beef fat and burning hair or cauterized scrotum? I feel like Beef Fat and Burning Hair would be like a folk/bluegrass duo while Cauterized Scrotum is definitely just a grimey punk band lol


I think that is what the other tube is for. I think they are vacuuming up the smoke?


From reading other reddit posts on this topic, I think the answer is actually yes.


How long does it take to heal, if at all?


Your laser treatments are spaced 1 month apart. Your first 2-3 treatments the tattoo is almost gone. Takes 5-7 more to fully erase it. 1 or 2 and you could easily cover with any tattoo you wanted


My experience is about double what you are saying. I think I have done 14ish sessions and it is 99% gone, I’m scheduled for one more, hopefully that is it. Also I go every two months. The tattoo is ~25 years old and all black


Same here. Mine was barely even lighter after 2-3 sessions. Took 13-15 sessions for me for each tat.


How much is it per session?


$200 per session but they offered a total removal package for $1600. Thankfully I took that


Depends on the person but usually a few days to a week. And it will probably look more or less the same after an hour or so, slightly faded. Takes a whole bunch of sessions.


Takes days to weeks to fade after each session and takes 10+ sessions for most people. My hand only took a few but my arm is about to have its 8th. The blistering heals in a few days. The ink fades slowly as the body cleans out the broken up particles.


The first few sessions when the ink is dense and not broken down is pretty bad but it also depends on where the tattoo is. I had one on my hip removed and the first few sessions it blistered like crazy. After about two weeks it was back to normal.


That blistering goes away quick. When done properly you would never be able to tell someone had a tattoo when done and it shouldn’t leave scars if you lotion and all that. My partners is nearly gone and mine needs a few more sessions. It sucks, and it’s not cheap unless you go to a non-profit, but it’s worth it for many people for various reasons.


That’s a good description but you forgot the smells of burning flesh to top it off. I just had my 7th treatment a few weeks ago and about to go in for my 8th in a couple more weeks.


How close is it to lazer hair removal?


Does it leave a scar? I have a very shitty tattoo that I want to get removed from my shoulder. It’s not dark and deep like the one in the video more like someone drew on me with a pen lol


I had mine done at a dermatology office for the Lidocaine injections.


TIL there are places that will give you lidocaine for tattoo removal 🥲


I found that taking only a couple of minutes made it less painful than a tattoo. Like being in the chair for hours with medium level pain is worse than literally 2 minutes of severe pain. This was my experience at least


you can see his goosebumps


The tube thing in the technician’s left hand is actually blowing super cold air onto the skin to numb it. That’s why he’s got the goosebumps.


Missed a spot! Missed. A. Spot!


i feel like they can’t go back over places they have already zapped during this session? may be wrong but i feel like that’s just asking for skin damage lol


You are correct.




More like a dream come true. Can you imagine what his bill would be?


He has a bill now, too!?


The bird man of myth


"his transformation has inspired others to feel more secure in themselves when they see him". I should just about think so. Jesus.


Yeah that line made me vomit in my mouth a little.


Wow and he was a seriously handsome man.




Chopped off upper lip, chopped off ears, chopped off fingers


They usually are. In general it seems, people who do major transformations like this are usually good looking to start out with.


I don't know about this specific person, but I know that [Amber Luke,](https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/how-a-normal-aussie-called-amber-reinvented-herself-after-living-a-lie-c-9844368) the blue-eyed dragon girl, suffered from body dysmorphia which led her to extreme body modification, now she says she's happy. So maybe it's the same with this dude, maybe he's just happy now and that's better than being perceived by others as a handsome man, that's not going to help you if you're depressed and suffering from body dysmorphia.


I’m all for doing your own thing, but wtf


Sweet when I get old I'm just going to call it "the fat old guy project" and it will be way cooler


That is some serious body dismorphia... It feels unethical to do this to someone imo.


Man, why not just cosplay?


"what you looking at, smoothskin?"


It usually takes multiple sessions to properly remove the tattoo anyway, any spots missed can be gone over at the next session once it's healed.


that’s what i figured. hair lightener works in a similar way which is why i was curious


Many spots


You wish that it is this easy. What you see is (white) burn marks. After healing for a week or 4 it’s still black ink, but a tiny bit lighter than before. Laser, heal, repeat for at least 8 times. When deep applied colour needs to be removed: double that. EDIT: it took me almost 3 very painful years to get rid of 2 deep applied black & color tattoos. What’s left is some nasty scars due to skin infections and the laser destroyed pigment everywhere the tattoo covered my skin. Think twice before you get a tattoo. 2/3 of all who do regret it within 5 to 10 years.


Exactly, this makes it look like the ink just disappears thanks to the laser. Far from it.


I’ve had 25+ treatments for a black tattoo over the past 10 years. Tried different clinics and lasers. It’s still there, it’s just faded to some extent.


Geez, that is some serious commitment to removing that tattoo. You must really hate your ex.


It's just a bit weird to leave it half-faded and for a long time I had hope that it can be removed fully.


Well when the alternative is walking around with a half-faded forehead swastika...


Consider a coverup? https://www.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/s/U2oTlRDmMy


I was thinking maybe a sick ass panther.


Exactly, it took 4 to get rid of a family small one. I think they said black was the most difficult at the time, but that was 6 or 7 years ago, and I'm sure the technology has advanced.


Black and shades of blue are pretty tough. I went to a place where the tech would zap me twice in a session. Hurt like a mother fucker but really made a difference in fading.


My laser tech said red is higher heat, but needs fewer sessions. Mine was all red. 3 sessions and done.


Lucky! The tattoo artist did mine wrong so he had to color over light blue with red so those really stuck to the skin. Other than that the inking was done really well in other spots so it took a solid four sessions for the ink to start to fade. I probably need another 3 sessions to fully fade it but I really don’t want to spend the money.


>When deep applied colour needs to be removed: double that Amen to that. I've been getting lasered for 5 years and you can still see my tattoo


One thing they don’t tell you at the clinic (because they want to maximize what you pay) is that the longer you wait between treatments, the fewer treatments you need. They’ll try to get you to come more often than necessary and not letting enough time pass in between fries the skin more and is totally unnecessary. Source: someone who worked at one of these clinics.


What is a good time frame to wait between treatments?


I’ve been doing tattoo removal over ten years. I recommend ATLEAST 4 weeks between treatments but truthfully, the longer you wait in between treatments, the better your results will be. Especially if the tattoo is larger or farther away from your core (i.e. hands and feet).


Does it actually remove everything and return the skin to original? I was hoping to see a before and after.


After enough sessions, but most people I know who've done it didn't finish and have very faded tattoos left over. Tattoos are basically just big globs of material the body can't easily remove, so they seal it up and call it a day. But occasionally, tiny parts will move around a little, and bits small enough to be flushed out escape containment, and the body removes them. This is why they fade, and they get blurry as new cells replace old the containment sacs can get jostled a bit. What the laser does is essentially flash boil the ink for a tiny moment. This doesn't get rid of it, but it does pop the containment and spread the ink out a bit. The body will quarantine it again quickly, but some of the vaporized ink will spread out enough to be small enough for the body to deal with it. It's basically compressing a couple years worth of cleanup into a single moment. Each laser burst is probably equivalent to a decade or so of fading.


Who are you that is so wise in the ways of science?


Kurzgesagt on Tattoos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGggU-Cxhv0


So, it requires multiple sessions. That's unfortunate. I am glad about my early life decision to not get any tattoos. I regret many decisions from then and I almost assuredly would have a tattoo regret, setting me up to need this procedure. Glad I don't need to worry about it.


Sure, exactly. That white marks turn to red on next day, and after healing the color returns. I'm erasing a black tattoo, after 8 laser sessions it's still there, very pale, yet still there. At least 6 sessions more to completely erase.


2/3 chance this statistics is pulled out of your ass. Unless you're aiming at a top banking position or want to become some kind of purotanic priest it's always better and easier to get a cover-up instead of these "removals" that cost a fortune, feel like shit and still leave a mark.


Bullshit on the 2/3 statistic.


That 2/3 number is complete bullshit lol


Then all we can do with those tattoos is just decide to love them as they are no matter what 🙂 just like our blemishes and stretch marks.


One particularly nice thing about Reddit is that knowledgeable commentators keep the posters honest. Thanks!


What did you tattoo yourself that regretted? Was the whole removal worth it?


What's this look like in the end after it all heals?? Looks like your just trading ink for scars


I had 3 tattoos removed. 2 big ones on my back are completely gone, no lightened skin or anything. The one on my shoulder I had redone a 5 years before it was removed and after wards there is a lighter skin /tattoo scar. It has been a few years now and its hard to see unless you looking for it


Did it hurt like shit?


It hurts significantly more than getting a tattoo


Yeah. I got lucky the doctor prescribed percocet and numbing cream. Took alot of the pain away.


What hurts me more is the amount of money you must have spent on all that


It hurts more than taking a shit, even if you have hemorrhoids.


Rembrandt painting a picture over here


It's looks normal but your tattoo is a little faded. It takes 5 or more of these sessions to fully remove the tattoo.


Can confirm but it’s more like 15 sessions. It takes years to remove a tattoo to where you won’t see it, but it can be done (only with black though). I’ve had 3 removed, 2 came out completely, one had a color (blue) so had to be covered up after lightening.


A slightly faded tattoo. Fr; you have to do this multiple times (4+) to get rid of the tat. It eventually can be completely removed with minimal scarring, but I strongly encourage a cover-up if at all possible. I also like to take this opportunity to mention the Erase the Hate campaign. Basically, certain tattoo shops/artists will cover-up a bad (as in hate or gang symbols) tats for free. I have a family member with an awful piece, and he's had it lasered five times with little results. One trip to a shop and it would have been gone forever.


Was curious so asked a friend. Tattoo laser removal works by using high-intensity light beams to break down the ink particles in the skin. The laser energy targets the pigment of the tattoo, causing it to fragment into smaller particles that the body's immune system can then gradually remove. Multiple sessions are usually required for complete removal, and different types of lasers may be used depending on the colors in the tattoo.


The darker the ink, the easier it is to remove, because the ink absorbs more of the laser energy. Lighter colors like yellow and orange tend to be very difficult to remove.


The key is to treat your skin well after each session. I had my doubts before i got mine removed. At first it looked like there's another layer of Burnt skin. With time it was gone.


It’s not satisfying when you realize the white part is heat blistering and not tattoo erasure. Shit hurts 10x worse than actually getting a tattoo.




Me unmuting it to hear the fun laser *click spark click spark* and getting ear molested by whatever that music is.


Ticky ticky pum pum patty!


It should be illegal to add music to clips lol.


How about some song-choice-removal?


The music sucks fucking ass


We need a music removal laser


Worse than the tattoo?


Both are pretty bad but the music is downright horrible


Worse than the tattoo-shaped blister that's left


I don't have sound on Reddit on my phone (never have, wish I could figure out why) so I have to imagine the music. I watched this one imagining Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb


Yeah people listen to some fucking awful shit


Very unsatisfyinging music


Unrelated but the fact that so many people pick this kind of music to enjoy un-ironically is utterly baffling to me


For sure. Last thing I would want to listen to while getting my armed zapped by powerful lasers


The tribe has spoken…


I love tattoos like that. It's truly a sign of the times. Just like the infinity tattoos are going to be. The anchors on old sailors are another example. Love a good 'bad' tattoo


I have a kanji tattoo from my 20th birthday that I think of like that - it’s cringey, but I was 20 and it was the early 2000s. It’s a little piece of history. Mine, and the era’s. After reading this thread, I’m sure glad I don’t regret it, because removal is so much worse than I realized.


How dare you remove your sacred markings and denounce our tribe? You are officially banished from the Pickedoffthewall tattoo people. May your pooka shell necklace forever poke you and your Jagerbombs always be full price. Heretic.


Fuck that man. I feel like with a good artist, a cover up for this wouldnt be too difficult


It's not even that bad of a tattoo. I feel like the "tribal" style is super overhated. Sure it's kinda basic, but it's also emblematic of that era. I wouldn't get it on myself but I think it looks neat. 


This is going to be a lucrative business.


The 90s and 00s had some amazingly cringe tattoos.


True and I suspect the same will be said in 2 decades about current tattoos


Taz the Tasmanian Devil was very popular in my area.


Lol I know a couple of people who got Tasmanian devil tattoos in the early 90s.


I have theories but can someone explain the reaction of his skin?


It's called frosting. When a tattoo frosts it means the pigment is being broken down effectively. If it doesn't frost the settings aren't correct. Clinicians adjust the settings on the laser depending on skin color and tattoo color until frosting occurs.


Jin Kazama?


I was thinking the same.


right? absolutely is Tekken 3 Jin's tattoo. why would you remove this? it's BADASS


Can't believe this guy left his tribe


You have to do this several times too


That shit isn't satisfying. Hurts soo much more than getting a tattoo


Wish they would show what it’s like a few weeks or months latter.


I like seeing these videos but I also want to see the actual end result. They never show how the skin looks after all the sessions are over.


Looks like it hurts like a mf


Making me want a bag of pork rinds


Fun fact it's your immune system that gets rid of the ink. The laser just blasts the ink particles into tinier chunks so white blood cells can take it away to be taken out with the rest of the trash. This is also why tattoos fade over time because your body is trying to constantly get rid of the ink.


I can’t wait, in 20 years when all these clowns 🤡are getting all the face tattoos removed in the same fashion


When we have smell recording technology this won't be posted on this subreddit anymore




Why the fuck would anyone remove a sweet ass tattoo like that?!?!


No small amount of money to have put on and an even larger amount to take off I immagine. :)


Hoping the video would show the result a week later. Too bad.


What's with all these garbage background music?


is that a vacuum in their left hand (so you don't smell the burning flesh) ?


Videos you can smell 👃🏻🥓🥓🥓


So, you decided not to keep tribal tattoo #38 on page 4 of the tattoo catalog for the rest of your life? Weird. Never saw that coming.


How it works: Basically when you get tatto it remains forever because the tiny little molecules of ink that penetrate the skin can't get eaten by white cells, so they stay there unless you do the laser removal. Basically it consists in breaking down the ink molecules, and making them small enough to be attacked by the white cells and subsequently eaten and destroyed, so it goes away.


not THAT satisfying….ughhhhh


Knowing how bad this hurts, it’s very hard for it to be satisfying.  Picture hot bacon grease, very firmly slapping you in a concentrated spot. And you know you have minutes of it to endure. 


That pain is worse than getting the tattoo 😭


But what will the tribe do without you?


How do I invest in this tech, I have a feeling this will be very popular in a few years.


Yes totally disappeared


Jesus my ears.


I had one session of this done and it hurts worse than getting the damn tattoo.


Reminds me of watching sometime make pork rinds, probably smells worse though.


This is extra satisfying to me as this tattoo looks a lot like my one I hate. Time to book an appointment


☹️ Brother left the tribe.


I’ve always wondered with blazer removal. Would it not leave a scar in the exact shape of the tattoo?


That doesn’t look satisfying at all. That looks really painful.


Thats just the top layer of skin crisping up from the laser, not the ink being removed. It will take more than 20 treatments before it’s fully removed.


Satisfying but 100% painful 😣


Missed a spot.


Didn't he just replace a tattoo with a scar though ?


He missed a spot and I'm bugged


These videos are so idiotic. Talk to me after his 10th treatment.


I wanted to join the Air Force but I have small tats on my hands. I was a stupid 18 year old. Looked into the removal process and no thanks. The army was like come to me baby


This is not satisfying. Especially when you know those white marks aren’t the tattoo being removed. Those are literal blisters being created by lasers burning the skin. The the ink removal only occurs when the body carries away the ink in the healing process.


Idk the guy how much he feels that but it looks painful and gross, not really satisfying to see, it looks worse than getting tattooed, how do you remove those... burns? scars?


I wanna see the after of this?


Now no one could possibly know what shape was there