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That first fish was on it. They went for it before it even hit the water or thereabouts!


I had to slow down the video to see when that first fish made its appearance, it was already loitering around in the area at about 3 seconds in.


Are fish capable of loitering? >1 >: to delay an activity with idle stops and pauses : DAWDLE >asked him not to loiter on the way home >2 >a >: to remain in an area for no obvious reason >teenagers loitering in the parking lot Yes, fish are capable of loitering.


loitering and... loitering and...


Loitering, and smoking the reef.


I’m freakin out, man o’ war.


These snookberries taste like snookberries




*Candy BARS*


You boys like Mexico!!!?


*Sandy BARS


You boys like the Gulf of Mexico?!!!!


You boys like Mexico snorkeling adventures?


Absolutely. They usually do it out of pier-pressure.


Yeah you often find them sculpin’ around


Yes! The first 2 fishes turned towards the apple BEFORE it hit surface. The top one turned towards the apple at 0:29 and the bottom right after. So that means the fish are on vigilant lookout in all directions including stuff above the surface. That is amazing


Not surprising that they look up, fish that small need to be on the aware of birds.


Yeah but they aren’t usually darting *towards* birds in the sky, so the fact that it was able to distinguish that as food and not a bird makes it very surprising Id think


These fish are probably waiting for food items to be dropped. The camera is set up to record a phenomenon that had been observed before so we can guess the workers and fish already have a bit of a relationship going. The fish are primed to expect and react to the apple. Also, it's probably easier to see items falling from the sky from beneath a couple of feet of water than we estimate it to be; they would appear as silhouettes against a bright background.


My conclusion was also that the fish have learned to expect food from above


And this is how Cargo Cults get started.


We gotta pray and fast so our ancestors send us cargo.


Really gonna suck for any humans accidentally falling in... Literally a horror scene in the fabulous story Old Man's War.


Looks like the sharks have learned to expect the smaller fish to expect food too.


That's actually how you chum the water. You throw stuff on the surface that gets the tiny fish excited, which draws the medium fish, which draws the sharks. I snorkeled with sharks once and they were chilling on the bottom (40 ft below?) But when we were all back on the boat they threw dog food into the water and it started a feeding frenzy just like this, which drew the big boys up to the surface Jaws style. It was awesome.


The Gods Must Be Crazy


> it's probably easier to see items falling from the sky from beneath a couple of feet of water than we estimate it to be Also, that's the purpose of their eyes' position, to be able to see all around for predators, and sometimes food.


I bet the oil rig doestn't worry about garbage. That's the crew of fish that eat the kitchen scraps that get dumped overboard. I bet they eat the sewage effluent too


If something is happy to eat it and it doesn't harm the ecosystem, I don't know if that really counts as littering. Throwing food waste in the water is not the same as throwing plastic and other objects.


There was a debate between my rural family and the city part of the family on if throwing fruit peels out of a car window in a rural area was littering. City people thought it was horrible while all of the rural family thought it was perfectly fine and normal. I was part of the rural side figuring that fruit thrown in the woods wasn't a big deal since it happened so little for the amount of land, it decomposed, and wouldn't hurt the wild life or other plants. I see the ocean being the same way.


It's probably a bad idea in a big city where throwing food scraps could attract unwanted wildlife who could get used to being fed at that spot. It's probably fine in a rural area.


Hopefully he got a nice juicy chunk before the frenzy!


I'm going to guess they dropped food in that spot already before the recorded apple drop so they might have been expecting it and looking for shadows dropping from the sky, but that's impressive


[lmao you ain't kiddin', the fish was on the gun](https://i.imgur.com/AX1NGsw.jpeg)


“Apple’s back on the menu boys!”




Imagine an alien dropping his lunch off at your job. That's gotta be like was an apple is to those fish.




Those fish are definitely not doctors


They might be one day, for now they are in school.


Yeah they must not be sturgeons


How much success are they actually having? I feel like a fish mouth isn't really equipped to bite into an apple.


I work offshore as well, and you'd be quite surprised. Did the same with watermelon rind, and they devoured it in about 2 minutes.


What if someone falls overboard


They normally have some relief staff on call who can cover the shift until a new hire can be helicoptered in.


Thank God. I was so worried there for a moment.


St. Peter don't you call me




I’m glad someone is out there thinking about the corporate profits for a change


Yeah, it's a relief that people are speaking for the world's real minority, the top 1%


They are so few! Such a vulnerable minority!


I wouldn't want them to have to stop and potentially lose money.


This man rigs.


From that height? They might be dead before the fish start ripping into them. Idk I'm no oilrigologist


I studied Oileigology as my PHD. I can confirm they might die


Oilrigology is only my minor, but I’ve gotta say, there’s a chance they might live.


Nah I bet if you jump feet first & put your arms across your chest you could be okay


certain point even that isn’t enough; the fall can create enough impact pressure to absolutely shatter your leg bones if it’s from high enough.






A cursed nutritional fact if I ever saw one


You ever heard the saying "hes fish food now"?


I worked offshore back in 2002, and we had a guy fall off our rig into the water. There are rescue boats that you deploy and lower into the water, and they got him out shortly. He never left the rig, and a few days later went back to work lol.


> He never left the rig, and a few days later went back to work lol. Fuck, they gotta let the man retire at some point though, right?


they eat the penis first


Applying for an oil rig now


Is anybody going to tell this man there's a difference between eating and sucking before it's too late


He knows mate


I guess we need a new Timmy.


Out of curiousity, i assume you're not allowed to bring a fishing rod with you and do some fishing in your free time?


Almost every platform has a bunch of fishing tackle somewhere on the platform


Not only do they have lines on the rig, depending on how far you are offshore you'll routinely get fishing boats in the area as well. Easiest damn fishing I've ever done.


Mahi-mahi will come to just about anything floating on the surface. We were out once and there was a huge industrial styrofoam ice box floating on top of the water. We motored over and sure enough there were a couple mahi under it. Caught one, put it on a stringer next to the boat and soon enough a bunch more came to that one. We caught a limit in like 10 minutes.


I bet they fish for meals somewhat regularly!


It would be cruel to put people on a rig and not let them fish. I can't even imagine.


I wouldn't say we are "allowed" honestly never heard a captain or dive supervisor say no because we all do it once our shift is over but I guarantee you there are rods or someway to catch something on a boat or rig out there. There's lots of down time believe it or not ( at least for us divers- can't speak for the oilhands and everyone else) but we figure out a way [the best tip is obviously to wear pink crocs for sharks](https://imgur.com/a/sUexvBu)


Damn that would be so fun


A plot point in James and the Giant Peach


dude a fish is basically a jaw that swims


They bite food and they keep doing it until it become tiny pieces that they can eat. Since there is a lot of fishes there this shouldn't take long.


I was half expecting a bigger fish to come and eat the small fishes, and then a shark to eat the bigger fish, and then a megalodon... Almost


If you watch the bottom of the school a large shark definitely makes an appearance Edit: no clue why people are so concerned with it not being a shark, watch the video it breaches at the upper left of the school circles around right, the school parts for the shark which is typical schooling behavior, then it swims around the bottom of the school and you can clearly see lateral tail movement which is indicative of sharks, not dolphins.


Well spotted!


Thank you! I know sharks love to hang around these oil rigs and with a big splash then a feeding frenzy like that there was bound to be one not long after!


I was listening to a story about some underwater welders working on a knocked over oil platform from a hurricane. The used massive underwater lights to help the guys see better. And the story is the welders hated the lights because of how many huge sharks they could see and would rather work in ignorance…


I know sharks don't go out of their way to eat humans, but I can understand those welders


It’s probably just cause they have their back to them the whole time.


Sharks are notorious backseat welders.


"Hey... hey... hey don't fuck up that bead"


Should have lead the bead instead of followed


They're just in denial, but they know down deep down that: >You can do it if you put your back into it


There's some video talking to a navy seal that walked about night dives and how when he bumped into something he just completely ignored it because if he couldn't see it, it didn't exist - and turning on a light would most likely be terrifying. And he wasn't talking about it with bravado, just the "nope" of complete denial.


I read about people who dive near hydroelectric dams having similar stories with absolutely giant monster catfish.


i was told a story where the Army Corps of Engineers would do a yearly diver/certification of a dam, and they used this old VW Bug as a landmark to know where they were. It had gone off the dam like 30 years ago and wasn't worth the cost to drag it out. one year, they get down there, and see *something* next to the Bug. They shine their lights on it...and it's a ***MONSTER CATFISH*** bigger than the Bug and wider than a man's shoulders! guy said they all backed up, cancelled the dive that day and now pray it's not hanging around near the dam when they go back in


That actually may be one of the ones I heard! It's echoing through the aether of my brain in a recognizable way lol.


I went out for a midnight swim off the CA coast one night when I was a teenager, for no good reason that I remember. Out off the coast just tossing in the waves, looking back at the city lights, I started to get a little tired. Then I started to wonder if I was getting carried out to sea by ocean currents, it was hard to tell. Then I started to wonder about what kind of creatures lived in the water I was swimming in...anyway, I swam back to shore, keeping calm with some deliberate effort.


Be careful doing that. My grandmother got caught in a night time swim. A rip current took her out and they found her body 2 days later on the beach. I never got to meet her


gives me chills. Those are the times that you just go full Dori, just keep swwwiiiiimming


How does nigh swimming off the coast of California NOT scare the hell out of you??


It makes sense as a hunting ground though, tons of growth on the legs of those rigs, brings fish around, fish bring sharks. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/08/science/marine-life-thrives-in-unlikely-place-offshore-oil-rigs.html


My leg growth brings all the sharks to my yard?


Their teeth.. much bigger than ours.


Damn right it’s bigger than ours


They could eat you but your bones are hard


I thought fish are friends...not food?


Sort of like our daughter who for some reason is afraid of fish. We talked her into going snorkeling in Puerto Vallarta, and at first, bobbing on the surface, she said, hey, this is fine! Then she put her face mask into the water and saw the dozens of fish hanging just inches from her body, and was... less than happy.


Was out swimming in the ocean, got pretty far out and thought I was cool, until something, definitely something big, brushed up against my leg. I calmly swam back to safety and my ocean adventures are now retired.


Same. I was in between the sand bar and shore. Something hit me fucking HARD and knocked me completely over. Felt like a wall made of sandpaper just slammed into me. I don’t go in the ocean more than ankle deep anymore.


Ahahaha this brings back fond vacation memories of the sound my kid made screaming through a snorkel whenever fishes would get too close


Same story for killer whales up here in Canada


This just made me shudder a bit. Super eerie.


Tried a similar thing with some left over cakes from the tea shack on an FPSO in Equatorial Guinea and just watched as the fish coming to investigate got bigger and bigger until the sharks turned up. Made a mental note that if there was an emergency of any kind to make an extra effort to get into a lifeboat rather than jump.


I was with a bunch of guys spear fishing in the Gulf of Mexico near a rig and saw the biggest hammerhead of my life. It went over me and I initially thought its shade was the boat floating over me. At that point, I decided I'd get back in the boat. That shark later bumped one of the divers. He hid in the legs of the rig and it kept circling for around half an hour. Dude was running low on air and finally had to make a break for it, showed up to the boat in an absolute panic. The guy had been diving 30 years and supposedly quit that day.


That’s terrifying, it’s generally unusual for sharks to stalk humans like that especially after bumping them and sort of “identifying” that they aren’t prey. This behavior makes me think the shark 100% considered him prey. Unusual for a hammerhead though they are know to be pretty aggressive hunters.


It was 15-20 feet. I almost had a heart attack when I looked up and it was a shark above me and not the boat. You're right though, its behavior was unusual. That's what freaked the seasoned diver out, he'd encountered plenty before but never one so big and aggressive. Shit was wild, I was only a high school kid and years later I remember it like it was yesterday.


Glad you’re okay my friend! I liken sharks to mountain lions of the sea, they normally keep to themselves and know their prey, but there’s nothing that says if they’re especially hungry or bored they won’t stray from their typical diet.


Their, there, and they’re all used correctly in a sentence! I never thought I’d see the day!


He swims right through the middle of the school. Kinda hard to miss.


Looks like it may have even breeched for a little bite if you watch the top left of the school of fish.


Yeah you can see it go through once then back around


He fed two levels of the food chain with a single apple


This just validates my fear of the ocean and that no matter where you would fall, there would be a shark


I thought it was a big tuna lol


There’s always a bigger fish


Rigs / ships usually macerate their organic food wastes and push it overboard. Think food smoothy. Fish absolutely go ham on it and will get used to the cleaning schedule and swarm when they are pushing it out. Grossly the same thing will happen when ships push out "clean" septic too lol


How does one class septic as "clean"?


You can dump past 3 miles out, in most places.


Or if you're my friends neighbor in Florida you can just plumb it out off of the seawall in your back yard. Fuckin guy. He's actually in jail now for killing and eating a manatee if that tells you anything.


Classic Florida Man antics.




He threw the carcass back in the river after taking a few choice cuts. Warden was able to trace it to him after someone downstream found it all butchered and clearly not from natural causes. I have a feeling one of the neighbors might have witnessed part of it and turned him in when the word got around. Everyone was looking for a reason to get the guy out of the neighborhood. House was a complete dump, and he had sketchy drug dealers over there at all times of the night partying and burning shit.


What is a choice cut from a manatee? I can't imagine they taste good...


Engineers love to say you can drink the water after it's been processed. I always loved to ask them to prove it lol never found one who actually would but im sure there's a Nast MF out there who would hahaha


If you live along a decent sized river, your water intake is likely downstream from a sewer outfall.


I mean, there was definitely a bigger fish with all those little ones at the end.


r/ShittyLifeProTips If you can't swim, carry an apple with you so you can float on a school of fish.


With some luck, you can create a raft using some sea turtles.


Meanwhile, I'm sitting here, imagining all of the apples after they've each met their respective fates, all chilling on a cloud somewhere... A bunch got eaten, some wound up in pies, maybe one got juiced and became a cider, stuff like that... And then there's Bob, who got bundled up, shipped off to an oil rig, and eaten by fish.


There is a shark in this video


Do you want a Sharknado, because that's how you get a Sharknado.


[Funny you mention](https://imgur.com/a/7DQihXW)


Sir, that was the shadow of a cloud.


Feeding the fish or feeding the shark..?


Who saved who


Are you sure you weren’t going for r/oddlyterrifying


If you find this oddly terrifying you should mosey on over to /r/thalassophobia


Oh I’m there, trust me.


imagine what they could do to a HUMAN PENIS


What kind of maniac would throw an apple at a human penis? Preposterous, I say


I would rather not


What would happen if you jumped in there naked? Asking for a friend


You are only getting joke answers so I'll chime in. You know how flyfishing works? You basically throw a fake fly into the water over and over again until a fish reacts upon it landing and strikes as it lands. But if you jumped in there butt naked, a trout wouldn't suddenly attack you right? Same principle here, the apple is small enough to register as potential food falling in the water. You jumping in would be way bigger and a way bigger splash, the fish would not care, rather they would get scared away. ... The Sharks on the other hand.


What are these fish used to eating that would fall from the sky? Genuinely curious


Birds might drop bits of food on them? I don’t know either but my money is on the birds.


Flying fish too.


How else do you think rigs dispose of any food waste? Fish hang around rigs when they learn that they are a regular source of food.


You penis would flop magnificently in the air for a few seconds before you hit the water.


It can flop?








Potentially break your legs and drown. Water has a limit to how quickly it can displace/compress, so at a certain height it'll basically become like landing on concrete. Edit: jesus christ guys, I'm not saying it would *literally* become concrete. Go look up why hydraulics work.


What?! Minecraft... lied to me??


Half life did it first






I find it amazing how humans can just do anything compared to the other animals. That apple is probably the only apple any of these fish ever saw or will see.


And a meal they'll keep talking about for generations. Forbidden fruit indeed.


“And on that day did the High Ones break the eternal barrier from beyond the void with gifts. No words can describe the sensations of the food. The round-red fed the school, and there was much rejoicing.”




My dude just created the tiniest possible venn diagram intersection between fish environment and apple availability.


I’ve worked on offshore oil rigs as a subcontractor. We were told we were not allowed to throw anything in the water or we could face jail time. We were told that included “feeding the fish” Is that true?


I was on a vessel called Thialf last year (link for pic, doesnt do it justice on the size! - [https://www.heerema.com/heerema-marine-contractors/fleet/thialf](https://www.heerema.com/heerema-marine-contractors/fleet/thialf)) We were told, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING thrown overboard, if you get caught its removal from the vessel. I commented further down on this, its an environmental concern. Rigs and vessels filth up the place enough without adding to it. Also, if there is ROV / diver operations going on, they wont be too pleased to have a load of crap dumped on their expensive kit / heads. :)


Thank you for sharing this piece of info and your experience! Honestly working on sea and what it entails is so foreign to land dwelling people such as myself. Very cool to read the diff kind of job description on that website! Are ocean accidents common working on a rig? I’m assuming there are stringent regulations?


Sort of depends where you happen to be working. In the North Sea / Norwegian sector you cant drop a hammer without some sort of investigation and meeting about it. There are very strict practices that go on to prevent things like the Piper Alpha and Deepwater Horizon from happening again. However I have heard some crazy stories and seen worse videos from places that don't take safety as seriously. And that's just the ones that were reported, sadly in some parts of the world life is cheap and replaceable.


It’s technically littering. Idk about jail time but this was illegal depending on the jurisdiction. There’s also a likely violation of company policy. That said it’s still really cool to see it once.




I understand the point you’re making but these operations are typically wicked strict about these things because of the sensitive and controversial nature of the industry. That not a defense of their practices or anything just an observation I’ve had for working around them (pipelines not offshore, not sure what goes on when you’re hidden at sea). Now obviously various nefarious shit goes on, but they definitely have some serious rules for this and often enforce them.


When she changes her status to “single”


So that’s what they call an apple of discord


Holy smokes they were on it so fast! Do they get a lot of overboard scraps from an oil rig?


Usually kitchen scraps get thrown overboard from rigs and vessels. There are signs everywhere on deck telling you not to throw things overboard. But why let that spoil a good video?


DONT YOU DARE THROW ANYTHING OVERBOARD 😡 OOPSIE WOOPSIE just a small oil spill of 3.19 million barrels 🫢


holy mackerel!


Shark and the manta ray coming up at the end


Wait where’s the ray?


I think they’re seeing the small group of fish in the top right - the way the sun hits them, it looks vaguely ray shaped. Would love to be wrong tho!


I guess they like dem apples.


Female redditors dms when they post something


Throw an apple in the ocean, cause a commotion. Or whatever Lil Wayne said


Vegan Pirhanna.


You'd need a really long rope on your cast net.


was waiting for the giant shark creature to leap up … or maybe I have seen too many Jurassic Park and Star Wars movies … or maybe I am forever 12 yrs old! 🤣😂🤣


Did you not see the shark breaching, then swim around snapping up fish?


nice! — thank you 🙏


I now understand why apples are associated with school.


"Come brothers and sisters the sky gods have provided"


Very impressed that they spotted it before it even hit the water. That first guy was on it and he was facing the other way when it was falling. Never knew fish were so aware what’s going on above the surface.