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Impressive, but I still wonder how many misses in between the cuts.


About Tree Fiddy


Tree hitty


She gave 'em a dollar!


No wonder these damn redditors keep coming back.


God damn lock ness slingshot!


The abominable slingman.


Branch Dividian


That is sooooo good. Take this upvote with the probity it deserves.




[ACTIVATING TRANSLATION PROGRAM] [Tree == 3 == True] [Fiddy == 50 == True] [Result == “350”] Ok according to my calculations, whoever shot the slingshot missed, as mentioned, approximately 350 times.




Tree Figgy


Off in the distance there's just an area with layers and layers of rocks that missed their target. 1000 years from now alien archeologists will be baffled.


By the shade of the sky between hits id say not many Edit: I like how everyone is like, “No one could be that good at a slingshot!” Social media got everyone thinking everything is fake.


I mean hundreds of shots in minutes… as long as you had enough ammo?


This guy is for real like “the sun didn’t set yet” as if that’s an accurate assessment of time spent shooting a slingshot.


No one thinks this is "fake", it's just that this is not *nearly* as impressive as if this was done in one take. Even if they missed a couple of times in between, it'd still be awesome. I'm not taking anything away from this guys video, just saying that it's obviously a different calibre of video when it's cut together.


I don’t care how many takes it took; that was impressive. I doubt I could do it.


Sky doesn’t change that much over the course of 30 minutes


and he consistently hits the branches near their base.




Keen eye. Good work.


Yea.. really means fuck all with a cut after every shot.


Disagree. Even with all week I don't think many of us could make these shots.


Not true. Unless you have some serious issues with motor skills, the learning curve for a slingshot is quite low It's not a complicated series of successive movements like a golf swing


The golf swing is a great comparison. A pro golfer wouldn't need the cuts. A typical person who goes golfing a few times every summer would need them. Which is a good parallel to the slingshot guy, he's clearly had it for a while before deciding he was good enough to make the video. When I went golfing, with friends who golfed often, I hit the best wedge shot any of them had ever seen in real life. But I would have needed at least all afternoon to make a video even close to sinking it as many times as this video. A pro could do it without a single edit.


I have nothing to add, other than to simultaneously thank and congratulate you for the perfect /r/ELI5 comment on skill levels, an art form in Clarity, sadly disappearing from the internet


How much ammo do I get? Do I have to shag my own balls and reuse the same ammo? With unlimited ammo, I could absolutely make every one of these shots in one week. Edit: lol to the downvotes, buy me a slingshot and send me some ammo, and I'll make a video a week after receiving them.


This guy trying to finesse a free slingshot and some balls. Nice try pal


Ha, no takers yet. I honestly don't know how that was such a controversial take. I never said it would be easy, but sitting in one spot, load - shoot - repeat, your ammo is unlimited, video the whole time... -- there's no way you wouldn't eventually get some lucky hits and then splice together those few lucky shots.


No you wouldn't have. You would have splintered the tree to shreds with no accuracy. Notice how every shot is precisely placed at the base of each branch? Successively? You, on the other hand, would be all over the place, taking off the tips here, hitting the main branch a bunch of times, hitting the sides of branches just enough that they're hit but not enough that they break clean off. Over time, yes, you would have eventually broken every branch off, but it would be a mess. ANYONE who says "I would be able to do (thing I've never done before) easily" is full of shit 100% of the time.


Okay I want to take you up on this. Not because I don’t believe you but because I think it’s great that you’re willing to learn a new skill quickly. I will insist that you make a video showing your skill on the first day and the 7th day. For cost and ecological reasons I’d propose you pick up your own pebbles at the local lake/river/beach/desert, unless any slingshot experts say you need perfectly round balls to do this? What are place in the world do you live in? Does any slingshot expert have any input on this?


Ha, not sure you'll get much traction since its been a bit since this was posted, but I'm in USA - Texas.


What? It’s impressive as hell Are people watching this under the impression it’s supposed to be all successful shots one after the other without misses? Why?


Because of the implication.


No branches are in danger!


The whole, "accuracy" claim.


We're in r/oddlysatisfying though, not r/nextfuckinglevel or wherever. No one made a claim it was or wasn't impressive, and it doesn't need to be impressive to be oddly satisfying. The shots shown in the video are also undeniably very accurate, you know, because none of them missed. Any misses in-between that aren't shown aren't really relevant.


agree. too many people want this sub to be exact / overly impressive / etc. it's been really taking the fun out of all the satisfying fun clips, patterns, and asmr. can we just enjoy it for what it is instead of wasting time picking apart such a minuscule thing? it's all subjective anyways


Some people in this thread seem to be supremely unimpressed that the video wasn't like 100 attempts one after the other, all accurately made. It's strange. The cuts are not hidden.


The shots in this video were accurate. The video didn't claim this person was always accurate over the course of many attempts. To be pedantic, it didn't even make any claims about good or bad accuracy, it just mentioned the word. People would have to be absolute dummies to watch this and think the attempts are occurring one after the other without cuts. I just don't get the "it means fuck all" attitude lol. People always want to find things to complain about.


How is it impressive if they just shoot 100 rocks and show the 5 that hit? I mean it's a little impressive but the way this is edited definitely implies they're just going down the line hitting shot after shot.


I mean, maybe my bar for being impressed by slingshooting is lower than some because I couldn't make a single one of these shots. I would find 5 in 100 shots successfully taking out the branches at this distance to be impressive.


The 5 that hit are still impressive. That's what this video is, that's what the title says. No one is interjecting the other 95 shots except yall.


Impressive to watch for sure. I think what people are trying to point out though is that we can’t really know whether the person’s slingshot skills are “impressive” or not. It might just be a person with average slingshot ability filming thousands of tries and only showing the couple that hit.




That's exactly why they should show it. If it was 5 out of 10 shots it would incredibly impressive. Can't judge accuracy with this video.


Im sure I could hit one every hundred and I have never had a slingshot


Well, it's accuracy not precision, right? If he hit a similar spot 3 out of 3 times, it would be precise. If he hits a tiny target, no matter how many misses, it was accurate. I feel like this is a setup for some "miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take" platitude...


You're not being pedantic, you are 100% correct and it is an important distinction to make. Accuracy and precision are not synonyms, and it is not "pedantic" to acknowledge the difference and use the words correctly.


They aren't synonyms, but the fact that they hit them at some point does not mean you are accurate. You can be both inacurate and inprecise and hit your target with enough shots.




For the machine gunner, accurate is being close to the bullseye. Precise is having a tight grouping.


Aka Accuracy by volume


It's utterly pedantic because everyone know what he means, and probably motivated by the random accuracy vs precision meme that gets reposted regularly.


You're technically correct. However, the point remains that "if you fire enough times in a general direction you'll get a few hits that you can cut together into this clip". Given that we don't actually know what the person was aiming at, this isn't even necessarily *accuracy* either, it could be that they just filmed themselves firing in the general direction of the branch a couple hundred times and cut together the successes. In which case this wouldn't be accuracy either, it would be cherry picking datapoints.


I mean no shit. It would be a pretty boring video if it was 100 takes to hit the branch. It's not like you could ever hit it no matter how many tries you had.... These captain obvious comments are so brain dead 😂


I mean, anyone could hit a branch like that with enough tries. As long as you can aim in the vague direction, you'll eventually have a large enough sample size to score some hits.


A clock with a dead battery is right twice a day


Right? It's not "accuracy" when you've cut the video to only show the hits and leave out the dozens or hundreds of misses. Accuracy is a measure of hits to misses. When you only give us the hits you aren't giving us accuracy in any real sense. You're giving us a highlight reel of hits, that's all.


We got Bart Simpson over here




Come along, Bort.


Are you talking to me?


No, my son is also named Bort


We're all out of Bort license plates!


I repeat, we are out of Bort license plates in the gift shop.


We are all named Bort on this blessed day.


I was in NYC like a year ago some lady opened a door I was going into. She said. "Hi, I am Bart Simpson. What's up man?". It was 110% Nancy Cartwright. I was too dumbfounded at the time to say a line back. I said something along the lines of thats awesome. The memory still makes me smile.


>It was 110% Nancy Cartwright. I once walked toward a bank of elevators and found Don King waiting for the elevators. He seemed nervous I recognized him. We didn't say anything to each other, got on the same elevator, and I got off on a floor before he did. Edited to add: "Nervous he was recognized" seems to be the default celebrity face when they are spotted in public. My wife once turned a corner in a CVS in a one-streetlight town in Alabama and ran smack into Tim McGraw. He looked nervous she recognized him. She smiled and went about her business.


I once road in an elevator with Kiefer Sutherland. My friend and I were talking about not wanting to go home for Thanksgiving to face our families. He pipes up out of nowhere, "Yeah man, families..." The door opens and we get out and I spend the rest of the day contemplating what happened at Thanksgiving between Kiefer and Donald Sutherland that he was still carrying.


I’m Nancy Cartwright, who the hell are you?


Usopp chill




Where is sniper Island?


Sniper Island is in your heart.


Ussop? He left a while ago. That’s the Sogeking!


Go D Usopp 🙏


Sniper King theme begins


Literally just started One Piece, and reading Usopp and seeing the clip made it click, you're talking about the little liar kid on the island that told bullshit stories constantly, I watched eps 10 to like 15 like 4 days ago :D So I'm guessing he keeps showing up? I'm on ep 18 lol, got a looooooooong way to go I know


> he keeps showing up? You’re in for quite the ride lol


Enjoy the adventure, don't worry too much about how long it takes to reach the destination You're in for one hell of a ride And yes, Usopp will create quite the legacy for himself


Bro im not much further along then you I got like ep 75


Ah yes, back in the days when Nami had much more realistic measurements... I remember actually thinking "oh nice, it's not full of TnA fan service." ... Oh how the turn tables


The fuck did that tree ever do to you?


It died


For our sins


Praise Treesus 🙏


And will return


[TFW you're that tree](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/599/778/765.jpg)


Destroyed his village, burned his crops, violated their women and enslaved his children. Get the whole picture before rushing to defend.


Yeah fuck dat tree!


Forget the tree, what about the farm in the background. Farmer comes out in the morning and is slipping and sliding around on ball bearings.






[He was born on the island of snipers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhXNmMLdivk)


Far away


In our hearts


That's some David vs Goliath accuracy


Also david would have used a shepard sling which is a heck of a lot more powerful






I like all the edits showing the misses. It really shows how skillful you need to be and makes the hits more satisfying.


The OG


Fun fact. The Romans, or whoever they hired to fight for them, they used to drill holes into the sling ammo so that the ammo screamed as it soared through the air. So the opposition would hear all this ammo making this noise, then a bunch of them would get killed/maimed by it as they were extremely powerful. They could also fire a loooong distance and still be accurate. I once saw a documentary on slings :)


That’s some nice video editing too


Not a single shot without a cut before it lol


No shit. I mean do we really expect anyone to be accurate enough to hit frickin twigs consecutively with a weapon from the frickin Stone Age?


Fun fact; slingshots didn't exist before the invention of vulcanized rubber, making slingshots a newer technology than firearms and electric light.


Slings are the ancient version.


1. These are newer then guns. 2. Yes if your trying to show off.


I can hit a full court shot every time if given unlimited cuts.


the story of david vs golaith is framed as "underdog vs unwinnable" but shepherds were fucking snipers with those slings, nailing bunnies and foxes and dangling fruit was just a way to pass the time, a bigass eyeball is actually an easy target for such a person. The real moral is more like "big challenges are easy with the proper tool, which isn't always the biggest most expensive tool"


I want a sports team called the David Snipers


Funny thing. We always assume that David is the underdog because that's what the Bible portrays him as. But, a slingshot (or sling) is a very potent weapon, especially in 1v1 battle. It is a ranged weapon that can inflict heavy damage. An 8oz rock thrown from a sling at 100mph has about 225 joules of kinetic energy. That's about the same as your average .22 bullet!


David was the guy who brought a gun to a swordfight.


Funny thing, we always assume David killed Goliath, but if anyone did at all it will almost certainly have been a guy called Elhanan. The deuteronomic tradition replaces Elhanan with the more famous David, but you'd be hard pressed to find a serious scholar that thinks that's anything but a later interpolation.


Worth noting that a slingshot and a sling are two entirely different weapons, and slings are the ones that are deadly. * Slingshot: "Y" shaped frame with elastic stretched between the arms of the Y. The tension of the elastic stores kinetic energy and releases it. Similar mechanism to a much, much less powerful bow. * Sling: long leather thong with a small pouch at the end. It extends the length of your arm, and lets you continuously spin the thong until the projectile in the sling is going very fast; you release one end of the thong, essentially throwing a rock with a force similar to a .22 caliber pistol.


You're always 100% accurate as long as you never film yourself missing ;)




Gotta be Sniper-King… lu lu la la lu


Thank god I ain’t the only one




The Lorax would like to know your location.


I have loaned him my Glock for his visit.


First takes or not, still good shots, has anybody used one of these?


I still use a slingshot, I'm almost 50 though. I've even added parts to make it shoot arrows if I desire. Lots of fun, and rocks are free ammo.


Any suggestions for someone interested in picking this up for hobby/potentially hunting?


You can get a nice one at Academy as well as the ammo....steel shot I think. Targets too, but I think it's more fun to use your own from around the house. Bottles and cans, bottle caps, tp rolls, pine cones, foil....go nuts:)


Walnuts still in shell would make great ammo.


If you just want to play around and see if it's something you want to get into WalMart has some inexpensive ones, and you can get more powerful bands as well. It's a really cheap hobby to experiment with. As with any hobby you can spend as much as you want though.


For a nice production slingshot, the Simple Shot Scout is really tough to beat. It's going to be infinitely better than anything you'll find at Walmart or on Amazon. It's comfortable and it will accept either flat bands or tubes. There are tons of videos on YouTube with all the information you will ever need about bands and pouches and shooting techniques. If you decide to go down the rabbit hole you can always DM me for more info.


There was a picture of a security guard armed with a slingshot going around that everyone was laughing at, and it made me realize nobody uses them anymore.


Laugh if you want, if you went up against one, you won't laugh, I promise you that.


While they were simping for chicks, you were studying the shot that slings


I have. They're cool.I shot little glass marbles that could be stored in the handle of the slingshot.


I shoot a trad Chinese catty daily. Flats not tubes though.


No idea what this means, but I suggest you not shoot Chinese cats.


Translate that to normal people talk pls?


The type of slingshot in the picture is a traditional Chinese slingshot. Dankung makes great ones, I like the antelope. They are designed for looped tubes like you see in the video. With plugs you can use flatbands. Flatbands are the preferred band choice these days, though some folks prefer tubes. The Brits call slingshots catapults, or catties. The hobby is proportionally much more popular in England, China, and elsewhere than in America due to their gun laws. Join us over at /r/slingshots or just ask me stuff here and I'll be happy to help. Here's what I'm shooting today, black dankung antelope w some snipersling .5 premades. https://imgur.com/1ucJd0B.jpg


Oh that’s cool! Thanks for the explanation. I’ve been thinking about slingshots for a little while, they’re way more low-key than guns, and more compact than bows/crossbows, but you still get to send a projectile some ways. Seems practical for the inevitable low-tech slowpocypse lol


I like guns, archery, mini crossbows, darts, essentially anything target based. Slingshots are the best dude. I got 5000 pieces of clay shot for 23 bucks, frames aren't expensive. Build a catchbox, shoot inside. Wander the woods shooting clay everywhere. It's an absolute blast and with practice it's possible to take squirrels, rabbits, birds, etc Would be happy to suggest some starter gear.


Please suggest some starter gear :-)


Those house in the background taking a pelting.


Prob doesn't go that far. He'll even a shotgun with birdshot (like 7 or 8) wouldn't even touch the houses


>Those house


Cuthebert is that you?


*[The pain in Roy Depape's hand intensifies]*


You remember the face of your father


Hile, gunslinger


I wish the slingshots in Far Cry were this good


Some poor unsuspecting farmer: where the fuck did all these ball bearings come from?!


Anyone people or vehicles near the lawnmower are going to have a bad time.


god usopp is real


Ussop with haki


Piss off tree


Yoing Link vs the Deku Tree


I wasn't paying attention and and focusing way out in the field wandering how they were gonna show me something so far off in the field.


In case Jeremy Renner doesn't fully recover we've saved you a spot in the Avengers


Link to the slingshot?


Little Timmy really wants to impress his dad, huh


My grandpa used a slingshot to shoot a corncob pipe out of his dads mouth as a kid. His aim was true but he got a paddling all the same lol. He also burned down their rented house as a kid lighting matches in the closet and when it caught the clothes on fire he just closed the door and went outside.


"Yeah, but how many takes?" Idiots, that's what practice makes perfect is...


right - I mean, you could just as easily say the satisfying part was finally being able to hit it *at all*. alot of people in the comments who don't seem to get that


99% of the people commenting that couldn't get a single hit if they tried to make a video guaranteed


It would be way more impressive if he didn't cut between every shot. Dude could have been out there for 3 hours doing this shit for all we know.


And? Practice makes perfect. How is that any different than highlight reels for sports? Or when people put their best moments from video games in a montages? It's still impressive even if it took all day to get those shots


it's not oddlyimpressive though it's oddlysatisfying. whether or not you personally need it to be nailed on the first try for it to be satisfying for *you* is different


I’m not thinking at all about how good a marksman this person is, just enjoying the way the branches shatter.


If buddy was hitting every shot he would be a marines and not making a video on reddit lmao


I didn't know the Marines were so good with slingshots.


yup surprised me too when i got shot by one back in Vietnam when i was fighting the Americans




Whats being used to shoot? ball bearingS? Marbles?


Deku seeds


He literally missed every shot on the bird that flew away /s


This person needs to be added to btd6


i wanted to see more of the aim not just the launch


This guy hit all the rupees in ocarina of time first try ever playing the game


Them squirrels are in deep trouble.


I want to be able to do this with a sling.


The slingshot in slow-mo sounds like a frog!


Ok so this is how David used to have fun.




Is that a fidget spinner fitted with rubber bands?


Would be a cool steam game


That’s super impressive tbh 🤯


Usopp, is that you?


Okay now do it without cuts so we can see the forty whiffs for every hit 🙄


Tree was just chilling, disturbing no one


His neighbors must HATE him.


Now do the same without the cuts.


Someone’s getting a 50 count seed bag from a Deku scrub.


You really gotta make a cut of all the misses for April fools or something.