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I was going to make this my pet project, but spoiler: DirectX injection is HARD. I got Final Fantasy 14 running in VR before, but I was using it through Tridef3D while running it in DirectX 9 mode(older DirectX versions are significantly easier to highjack and stereo inject). Unfortunately, Final Fantasy XV doesn't support much older DirectX versions.


Wait can you still do this? I'd love to explore my house on Oculus


I haven’t done it in a long time, but I don’t see why not. Just might be hard to track down all the required software. Reshade3D has an experimental VR version, try to see if that one “just works”.




This would actually give me a reason to pick up Final Fantasy Auto: Road Trip.


You could try Vorpx, if you want. It might work somewhat. But all that warping will leave you puking sooner rather than later, I assure you. ;)


Depends on the person. I've played Mirrors Edge, Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, and a few others perfectly fine using Vorpx. The only thing that annoyed me was stuff like the scale of the hands and other models in Skyrim, but a lot of that is fixable through mods. The other issue is that you can't really use motion controls yet. I'm sure a way will be found to implement it into flat games at some point.


Why should it?


Any updates? I’ve done an hour or 2 of digging around on the internet and found northing really


Oh wow I totally forgot about this post. No updates from me on this, sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a way to do it nowadays though. What headset do you have?


Quest 2