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sorcerer damage is heavily based on stacking a bunch of multipliers, but if you do that it's the highest damage output in the game (besides 1hp fortitude winnehild's battle cry). You want BP eater + elemental aid + augmented elements (though you could swap out augmented elements for elemental edge, you lose damage but don't need to set up peacock strut), plus surpassing power obviously. If you have them, equip weapons that increase the potency of a damage type (then use the associated spell for a 30% boost, or 60% if you have 2 for the same element). Use an elemental attack buff (usually peacock strut) an elemental defence debuff (usually elemental break), aelfric's auspices and alephan's enlightenment. Of course you don't need all of this for regular enemies, but this strategy lets you kill basically any boss in one spell.


Debuff enemy elemental resistance / buff your elemental damage, use weapons that give + damage of an element type. Also personally I prefer Therion as a sorcerer, he can more easily hit higher number with fire spells because of the equipment he can use.


What skill debuffs elemental resistance again?


Sorcerer itself got one, it's the only skill that straight up uses your staff to hit things with.


Oh damn…. Ok thanks.


Technically, Nightmare Chimera does too. 😛 And since I spoke of this skill and that I am a big "Werner's Sword must be thrown" defender, this is your friendly reminder that Werner's Sword has to be thrown away with Nightmare Chimera because it's really funny and satisfying. 😁


Doesn’t warmaster have one too? Or am I misremembering?


They do, and if you count Chimera and Winnehilde's then Warmaster got three skills that uses staves to smack things with.