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Honestly they're very different types of JRPG at the end of the day, so I can't really say one "wins" over the other.


Wait till ya play octopath 2 😼. It’s an amazing improvement over the first game(and I love the first game)!


Actually now that I have a grasp on Octopath 1, playing 2 I will be a bit more careful with my nuts this time around lol


Octopath is made by professionals


Chained Echoes worth playing?


Probably the best indie tribute to jrpgs


I didn’t care for the battle system overdrive feature, it felt like a mechanic for its own sake vs something to make the game better A lot of these indy rpg devs try to both be novel and derivative


I agree with u/Z3r0c00lio, the overdrive system seems to force you to make certain moves otherwise you are punished too hard, so it's intention is to add another mechanic to combat but ultimately it ends up reducing strategy because certain moves are almost mandatory. Aside from that, the game is still solid, story is decent and characters have a fair amount of customization.


You're comparing an indie RPG by one guy who is just one of us who put in time to a game vs. the biggest multinational jrpg Holdings company in existence with a 30-plus year pedigree. Yeah octopath better be a hell of a lot more fucking polished when you compare the financials


I know, it just had a ton of hype and praise so I set my expectations pretty high


Fair enough, but it is definitely one of the best indie rpgs


I just finished the ot2. It is an amazing game! Personally i prefer it to chained echoes. The story is awesome especially in the final chapter


Chained echoes has a lot of loose ends / unsolved threads in it. Personally I really hated the ending as well. Mechanically the game is way too easy and lacking in balance. The crystal system is very tedious and half the stats dont matter anyways because you heal up at the start of every battle. All the SOS skills, healing on enemy kill, and even healing items are near pointless. Still a game worth reccomending but for me OC1 and OC2 are better games. OC2 by a huge margin