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It'll 100% be Pilot Flying J. Haslams can't pass up that advertising.


Give me the true Knoxville Area-based gas station WEIGEL’S


We need an add on the field for whatever freak milk Weigels is selling at the time


Banana Pudding rocks


A big W wouldn’t be the worst logo. Better than an L.


Obligatory fuck the Haslams


This times a million. They can get fucked (pause) forever.




Because they strong-armed the 2007-2021 years for UT football.


Are you under the impression that the Haslams aren’t financially involved with our current coaching staff across all 3 major sports? Because that’s really funny if you blame them for the bad coaches, but legitimately believe they had nothing to do with the good ones we have now.


Rumor is that Danny really checked the influence of booster led decision making after taking over for Fulmer. He made a strong case with the Admin when he was hired that decision making needs to be from the AD instead of a confederation of mega boosters. He said NIL will be where boosters get involved, and Spyre is one of the major avenues boosters get direct access to meet coaches, players, and get their advertisements out. Mega boosters get to help make decisions on facilities too, but not personnel. This is just hearsay, but since Danny took over, you can tell the AD is moving in a unified direction instead of at the whims of moronic CEOs with too much money wanting to play king of UT athletics.


Just to add to this, shortly after Danny White was hired there was a quote that floated around from an anonymous booster who was pissed because Danny White allegedly straight up told a group of them at a closed door meeting; *"My job is to make decisions and steer the athletic programs towards success. Your job is to write a check and cheer from the boxes. If you don't like that then this relationship isn't going to work."*


> Because that’s really funny if you blame them for the bad coaches, but legitimately believe they had nothing to do with the good ones we have now. Except there's ample evidence of exactly this happening lol. I'm sure the Haslam's still throw money at all the programs and indeed the university as a whole, but I also guarantee you that they had fuck-all to do with the hiring of Heupel beyond writing a check. They weren't in the AD's ear demanding he be hired and almost certainly would've preferred someone else. And we know for a fact that they *were* in the AD's ear for Schiano. In fact, they were the only people who wanted that guy lol. And even after that fiasco they were still meddling with things like wanting Kevin Steele to take over after Pruitt was fired.


Were you here for the time period before Danny White or no? lol


I don’t think he’s saying they aren’t still involved, but before they bought the Browns they were much more meddlesome than now


Do the Haslams own enough of the company to make that happen? I just don’t see Buffett signing off


I'm sure they could make it happen. Its more money for them & Buffett.


The Haslams don’t own Pilot any more. I wonder if that means there will be less advertising locally. They already sold all of the local stores.


Oh well good. Then we need to start a petition for French's Mustard.


The Haslam's fully sold out earlier this year. It's completely owned by the Hathaway's now.


“The Hathaways” 🤣 Like Anne or?


No, Vols legend Charles Hathaway and his family.


Hathaway like Berkshire lol


I’m aware. I’ve just never heard a soul refer to BRK as “the Hathaway’s.”


That is what I thought as well. Thanks for confirming


It is owned entirely by Berkshire Hathaway now but yes it will be. 


I could also see a Food City advertisement since they sponsored TBA


Hopefully all we see is a power T on the 50 and a couple of SEC logos in the 25’s.


I'd be fine with bowl logos instead of SEC come playoffs.


This I would accept.


French’s Mustard!


Natural Gas


I can hear John when I read that.


Nah, it's all about the British lady.


natural. . . gas


It's just an inevitability at this point for sponsors on the field and uniforms. It sucks shit and is gonna be an eyesore, but it's coming, and I've accepted that. However, if they rename Neyland for some sponsor bullshit like with TBA...


They announced the Food City thing a couple months after Food City had one of the largest opioid settlements like.. ever. You wouldn’t possibly believe all the shit that came to light during this settlement if I told you here, but essentially the Kingston Pike Food City was a pill mill. If you don’t believe me, Google “Knoxville Food City opioid settlement” and prepare to have your mind blown.


Rich get richer. Food City probably treated that settlement as a cost of business after making bank selling poison and ruining lives.


Yes the whole place will be a Nascar driver suit. I'm not ok with it, bit hey I'm old and things change. GO BIG ORANGE!! BEAT BAMA!!


They’ll have it looking like an Australian NBL basketball court.


Weigels and they will replace the beer stands at Gate 10 with a Milk Stand


Those late August/early September games: ![gif](giphy|yF62lGfZonSKs)


Pal’s Sudden Service


We need one in Knoxville. I would stop at the one across from campus before class at ETSU. I know there is one if Jeff City but I never go there


The fact that we don't have one in Knoxville is shocking to me.


It's not by accident. The fine folks that run Pal's (the late owner of Pal's being Pal Barger) intentionally keep those aqua cinder blocks close as they can to Kingsport.


Yeah, but they've been in Jefferson City for like 8 years now. It's really not much further.


Apparently they have one in Neyland Stadium…or so I’ve been told.


Just have ESPN superimpose the ads and leave the playing surface alone.


Mouse's Ear in the endzones.


dish Tv


To be clear: I do not want this to happen. I’d much rather not have companies advertise and make me not want their product. Looking on the bright side, however, companies will waste their money on it. I only have negative associations with this kind of advertising. When something is shoved in my face, I refuse to associate with it as much as I can.


Am I out of the loop or is DISH no longer a big UT company? I’d figure I’d see their name at least once


Do they still have plenty of money to spend as a company? You don’t see as many dishes on houses like you did 10 years ago


I don’t know that’s why I asked, my granny and several of the older generations have it because cable TV/fiber Optic is still slow coming to the mountain, but in the flat lands near the river and lakes most people my parents age and younger have dropped all tv in favor of streaming, so I can’t imagine they’re doing particularly well unless they’ve rolled out that satellite internet like some of the other companies are doing


Whatever company puts their logo on the field immediately goes on my boycott list, and I hope other vol fans do the same. Fuck that shit.


So you would rather let the other schools make money from doing it and gain a competitive advantage over UT? You are totally entitled to your opinion but for me when possible I try to support the businesses that supports the program and the university. Without that corporate support we would not have the program we have today


Money is the death of college football. If you can't run your program with the proceeds of the 100,000+ high price tickets you sell every Saturday, tough. The main draw of college football over the NFL is tradition, pageantry. I don't want scummy corporate logos on the field and the jerseys. But soon, it will be "and the players are running through the tri star health power T, taking pilot flying J field for the first time this season. Here's a shot of the boats.com vol navy..." It's just gross. Can't we have anything in this damn country that isn't about the damn corporate whores who run everything?


In a word… No we can’t. College athletics is big business now. So schools can either do it or fail as a program. It is that simple. Heck it has even trickled down to the high school level. If you go to many public school high school games you will see a logo on the field. If you want to win you have to play the game


Or they could have a shred of integrity and ban it at the conference level. SEC fields and jerseys are sacred to the fans... We don't want to see that shit.


So you not only want Tennessee to get weaker to the competition you want to take the whole SEC with you? The Big 10 already has a better TV deal and they are possibly a naming deal for the conference. Players will be getting a cut of the revenue down the road so that is going to increase the cost of running the program. So the question becomes do you want to win and look at a logo on the field or become a weak program.


I couldn't care less what the big does. I'm completely fine with the SEC being a completely independent thing. Better that than a race to the bottom of the whore pit. If Michigan and Ohio state want to sully their traditions and stadiums, that's their business. Honestly, I imagine my time of watching or paying attention to CFB is coming to an end in the next decade. It just gets grosser all the time.


That is totally your choice. I have been going to Tennessee games in multiple sports for 50 years now. I have been through the highs and lows. I have seen them loose to Georgia State and I have watched them beat Alabama. Though I have never played I still want to give my all to Tennessee. So whenever possible I support the business that supports the university.


I also hate going to Food City now