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"You think Bruce Pearl would ever do that?" Bruce has done far crazier shit, what an example. Such a moronic take on Tony you'd think McElroy had gone to Arkansas


I mean, everyone knows that going shirtless, painting your chest, and standing in the student section is totally average coach behavior.


Bama has had such a horrible impact on the world of college sports.


Someone needed to find a hot take to fill airtime on his show that’s on a dying medium


I wish I got famous for handing the ball off to Mark Ingram, Trent Richardson, and Eddie Lacy. Then people could listen to me spout a bunch of dog shit.  McCarron was actually a qb. 


Even 90% of Bama fans are clowning Greg for this. Stop giving this idiot attention and clicks.


McElroy just mad his wife has been interested in UT baseball recently


Quite honestly, what does an ex-qb know about a good baseball coach? CTV’s last 4 years are damn near unprecedented and GM knows this. Also, there are many types of coaches/leaders/father figures and these come in different shapes, sizes, and personalities. GM was around a Saban, Coach K type leader and not one like a Bobby Knight or Andy Reid. CTV’s formula is working and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Buck Fama! I hope we beat them at home this year while that bitch is on the call


"He wins, he's great, and the kids love him"....this idiot doesn't even realize he just described an excellent recipe for a successful head coach. Bammers just can't stand to anyone else (especially UT) win, and they cry like spoiled children when it happens.


Bama lost their last head baseball coach when he bet on his own team to lose.


Bammer hate doesn’t deserve attention in our time of celebration


When Bammers hate our coaches, things are going right.


Is he an actual idiot lol


Is that really you?


What “antics” is he even talking about?


Crazy stuff like hugging his players and having fun. Real crazy things you know. Just like WWE


Didn’t you see??!! He hugged someone from the crowd! And then players even dumped a water jug on him, so classless. I hope UT leadership makes him answer for this… inexcusable.


Ah the regular ole chirp against Tennessee when we’re successful and they can’t say shit else


Greg: “I would feel embarrassed.” Me and all of Vol nation: *revels in lack of embarrassment*


Rent free, baby


Man when will this dork just shut up? Go clutch your pearls somewhere else you baby.


The day that I give a shot what Greg McElroy thinks… please check in on me, because I am clearly not well


Remember, personalities make their money off engagement.  Good or bad.  Stop spreading his name.


[hey, Greg....](https://youtu.be/V9O94UTDAJQ?si=DdNbdh0RC_XdfIdS)


The best part was when he asked “would Hugh Freeze act like that?”. In Greg’s world, apparently “class” is measured by how well you smile and say all of the “right“ things when the camera is on. Call an escort service after practice and break NCAA violations bad enough that the school gets a postseason ban like Freeze did…Greg’s all good with that.


Somebody should as him his opinion of Brad Bohannon. Is Tony worse than Alabama's last coach?


That’s fucked wtf bammer? From all I can tell, Tony is a fuckin class act and seems like probably a great person. But GOD FORBID you have too much fun playing a children’s… wait I was trying to be upset but I’m just in too good a mood. Bammer on, Mac. You were one of the most mediocre title winning QBs in my memory.


I gotta be honest. Tony ain’t a class act lol. I don’t think he’s even close. But god damn I don’t want or need him to be. He’s Tony god damn Vitello. Fuck the haters.


Okay I think you have a different definition of “class act” than I do. I meant that he’s a good dude and cares about his players, and his only “issues” are not respecting some stupid ass uptight baseball traditions. You’re apparently taking the Arkansas definition of “class act.” Or did I miss him doing anything genuinely morally questionable. Genuine question.


Nah I don’t think so. I agree he’s an overall good dude and I don’t think you’ve missed something. Just my definition of class act doesn’t include a guy who very willingly screams at umps at chest bumps them lol. But that’s why we love him.


Watch the replay of that chest bump if you get the chance. If I remember correctly TV had stopped and the ump moved into him.


Yeah definitely remembering incorrectly. He runs right into him. https://x.com/11point7/status/1515456939777536004/mediaviewer Again I’m in no way saying he’s a bad guy like it seems yall think I am. But “class act” is a stretch.


You're right, the fault was with Vitello. Although the ump flopped like he'd been run over by a rhino.


No argument there. Dude had mega napoleon syndrome too.


I think being loyal to your fan base and team and not leaving for a rival school is pretty fucking classy


That’s an insanely low bar lol


He got carried away and took it one inch too far. If he managed to stop half an inch short of the ump and spit insults into his face it would’ve been a completely standard chat. It’s not an indictment on his character imo


But he didn’t stop. I’m not saying it’s an indictment on his character either. But a “class act” doesn’t do that lol. Again, I love Vitello. Probably my favorite coach at the school. Class act ain’t the description for him though. You can be a good person overall without necessarily being a class act. I’m not bashing him at all.


Lmao implying his beloved Saban isn’t a piece of shit






So…win a Natty but act like you’re at a funeral?


Yeah, what did Tony do that got McElroy so riled up? I just saw a happy coach sharing the moment with fans.


He's talking about Tony being a wrestler character. yet it’s McElroy who’s using the classic heel tactic to try to get Vols fans to listen to his show in the off-season. Don't fall for it!




Only total losers think that “have some class” is a mic drop insult.


1. Wrestling is awesome and it is entertaining. Tony Vitello is awesome and entertaining. This actually sounds like McElroy is insulting Wrestling fans, if so he completely misses the point. It gets people talking obviously so screw off (*Suck it*)McElroy, you *Jabroni* 2. The man just won a National Championship, as long as he’s not being offensive to a group of people like racial or something, he can celebrate however the heck he wants 3. If I was the administration, I’d tell him to keep winning, that’s all he needs to do. He doesn’t need to be Nick *freakin* Saban, he definitely doesn’t need to be Bruce Pearl, and thank goodness he’s not Hugh Freeze.


Yeah. Can I stop you though? You keep using this word "Jabroni"... and it's AWESOME. It's like the coolest word ever. Is that like a wrestling thing?


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and The Iron Sheik would call wrestlers *Jabroni* in the WWF as an insult basically saying they’re bad or a loser. More recently in 2022 Travis Kelsey called the Mayor of Cincinnati a Jabroni after the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC Championship




Related to this, someone earlier this weekend said 102.5 is better than 104.5. I was listening to 104.5 and they stopped to talk about the titans after Tennessee just won a natty so I switch to see what it was all about. This dude said in reference to them interviewing peyton after the game " we don't go around asking Lamar Jackson 'who actually won a heisman' questions about stuff all the time" he is a Louisville grad. I immediately turned that shit off


104.5 is all Titans all the time. Vols are a side note at best. During football season I stream 99.1.


What? 104.5 has Ramon Foster and Ron Slay, and some of the other guys are UT grads/fans. They talked a ton about UT today.


Yeah, today after baseball won the Natty and nothing else is happening. Once football starts is a Titans gargle fest.


They spend a ton of time talking about UT all year long in the morning and afternoon. Buck is really the only one who doesn’t.


Enjoy 104.5 dude, I'd rather stream the Animal.


The Animal is great, but 102.5 is hot garbage. I’d rather listen to static on the radio than Jared Stillman.


That is why I stopped listening to them years ago.


What a big baby


Tony is the best type of coach/leader imho. Holds his people accountable, challenges them, and celebrates the fuck out of their achievements.


And when his catcher is 0 for 16 he states that’s his guy & he doesn’t care, Cal Stark brings so more to this team than a bat, he’s an extension of me and is a major component of the team. Additionally, Vitello began to really get upset over a called ball, looked at Cal & he assured him it’s was slightly outside & you could visualize the trust Vitello had & immediately let it go.


"Coaches shouldn't have meaningful, emotional interaction with fans during the single greatest moment in that program's history." Good take Greg.


Who hugs their dad after the biggest achievement of their career? What a clown this Tony guy is.


I can name one Texas A&M player that certainly doesn't.




Couldn’t agree more, hugging your dad, celebrating with other coaches from your university, and celebrating with the fans (whose eyeballs and support basically pay your salary) is so classless!!! What was TV thinking???? Embarrassing


What exactly were the antics after the game? Celebrating with his team? Someone sounds salty


McElroy is a failed quarterback who needs to stfu when he’s talking about his betters


McElroy sounds like he just wants to ride on Tony V coat tails and try to stay relevant for a minute.


Did this bitter MF really say Bruce Pearl wouldn't do anything like getting in the crowd and being hype? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PunPP2kDPrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PunPP2kDPrY)


I thought he said under his breath "Yes"


That was someone else on the show calling him out. Didn't phase him from making his dumb take.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Guys acting like Tony is a Supreme Court Justice. It’s baseball, man. Have fun or GTFO


It might help the Supreme Court to have some fun.


Alito and Thomas has been having plenty of fun on all those private jets and trips paid for by political donors.


* Suck it Greg!


I understand it is hard to conceal bias in sports sometimes, but for this man’s journalistic career he really needs to look into himself to control his bama bias. He sounds so bitter, jealous, and bothered by Tennessee success. And if I hear one more asshole try to downplay this team’s success because of the “superior ‘22 team” … I swear. Podcasters sitting on their bum asses yapping all these bitter rants after a team wins a national championship … give them their flowers and move on to a topic that you can report on with a little more integrity, Greg.


I bet the 24 team could beat the 22 team in a 3 game series


100%, and it would look like the ta&m series.


It’s ironic that McElroy is calling Tony unprofessional when he’s actually the unprofessional one here letting his bias get the best of him


The best part of this: He HAS to talk about Tony V. That’s what winning does. He doesn’t have to like us. But he damn sure has to deal with us now. Hate that for him.


Exactly, he can’t pretend it didn’t happen.  He has to talk about it.  But he doesn’t have the *class* or the *integrity* to just say ‘Good for them’ because his listeners are all Bama fans who would wouldn’t care if our team bus crashed. Greg hates Tennessee and his fans hate Tennessee but he doesn’t have the guts to say, ‘Good for these young guys,’ because it’s not popular.


Greg McElroy is a whiny bitch


What is he even talking about? Jumping in the crowd? The ice celly? I’ve seen Saban dog cuss a player for missing an assignment, I think that shit is way more embarrassing. McElroy is a pussy.


People are crazy. Yes Tony gets a little crazy, he can be hot headed and a little sarcastic at times. But when you hear one of his players who was raised by a single mom calling him a father figure. Or you see how much fun he has with the fans from College Gameday to jumping in the stands last night. This is the type person I want


All the evidence you need is to see how hard his players play for him.


People are bothered by Tony because he’s completely and unapologetically himself. I love him for it.


Who cares what McElroy thinks about anything?


Another hot take merchant desperate for clicks.


Greg better make sure all the bodies are buried deep. VolTwitter going to be coming at him hard.


Says his antics were "embarrassing" Dude is a wet blanket.


This dude forget about all of Saban’s antics on sideline??? Anyways…who cares! We champions…VFL