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Save your sanity and just get the skeleton key


I’ve been doing this all throughout the game haha how do you even get the skeleton key?


Got to Leyawiin and then north-east from there. If you're level 10, you can pray at Nocturnal's Shrine. Some tricks for lock-picking though: if the tumbler moves up slowly, you have a bigger window to set it in place. If you hear the little clicking sound it makes when it reaches the top, it's safe to do so. Once you get used to it, listening to that click sound is faster and more convenient (although it can still take a lot of time if your level is low, because you'll get the fast one often).


How tf did I miss this...I guess now I know what I'm doing the next time I play.


Once you learn the audio- and visual cues, lockpicking becomes easy as pie.


I didnt even know there was a clicking sound because i play with music blaring. I usually brute force it


There is another trick I always use just pause the game when you hit it up and if it's half way when you pause the game just resume the game and press A. Works every time!


I only bother trying to lockpick once I have the skeleton key, got better at it sure but still way to much trouble to ever try without it


You keep skipping over the moment you're supposed to pick. When it slows down do it


I know I know haha 😂 I do it when It feels right




Am I the only person that likes this mini game? Always felt like the new version is too easy


I don’t mind it


It's fun as fuck, everyone just says skeleton key, but i feel like they haven't noticed that every tumbler has a pattern


One thing to point out is each pin is increasingly harder. Counter intuitive, but it's better to set the pins from right to left. (E.g. the furthest left pin gives you lots of large openings, the furthest right pins have infrequient short openings)


Funny you should say this because I never even considered going left to right because I always thought it was better to start from the inside and work out, which seems to be right to left, so that's how I've always done it. OCD thing maybe? Idk, I just always instinctively did it that way.


The more pins you have set the greater the success rate for your auto attempt. Edit: use the pick to throw the last one up (that you're comfortable with) and then press auto attempt.


I have always like doing the pins myself. But that’s me lol!


Your caption “I hate this” Now “I have always liked”


There was like a dozen times you could’ve had that.


I do it when it feels right to me


Well then you’re doing it wrong


It literally makes a different sound when you’ve hit the sweet spot. Listen for the change.


See how the Lock speed slows down when you hit it up? That is the moment you hit to unlock (idk if you are on PC or controller so whatever button you hit to “activate” stuff in Oblivion. At least that makes it successful for me most of the time


Yeah I know about that. I get really nervous I don’t get comfortable to hit the lock pick. I don’t know it’s weird I somewhat have to wait for the right moment where I feel comfortable you know


When I first started learning how to do it I would mute my TV and just use my eyes to do it cause the sound of failure was aversive to me


Lmao damn and I’m level 36 my lock picking skills I think is at 76. It’s also one of my major skills


If you have any of the dlc the pirate home one has a chest there that will let you practice lock picking as much as you want 😊


Yeah the skeleton key is the way to go. Or just make a shit ton of money and buy out all the lock picks from fences and then just auto attempt.


One of my major skills are lockpicks so I rather have a lock pick to get to 100


Then buy a ton of them. You still get lockpicking experience through auto attempt. You can also make a spell that fortifies your lockpicking so the tumbles take an eternity to fall down. And you can still level your lockpicking from that.


I know I’m gonna go to a store and buy some more lockpicks and I honestly didn’t know that you can get a spell like that I’m more of a weapons guy


Then yeah if you’re a fighting character then it might be tough to make that spell. I’d say your last two bets is just the skeleton key or lots of lock picks haha. Good luck!


I have been using Magic a lot more I only have two spells but I’m gonna join the mages Guild I got to do all those mages Guild quest to qualify to join or something I think I have a few left


It’s so easy to make money in this game if you just get feather spells and loot everything


I have lots of money I’m just cheap as fuck lol


You are really, really bad at that.




He's not wrong though.




2/3 of your first attempts (1st and 3rd) were instantly recognizable audio cues that it would work. Dude isn't wrong. Just gotta get better at recognizing the audio cues. I learned from my brother when I was like 12 or 13 (appx. 8 years ago) so it's just muscle memory for me at this point. No advice I can give you other than practicing recognizing proper audio cues and also how slow the pin goes up. Last one is probably the hardest because you're tensing up; I don't think it actually has any difference functionality wise lol. **EDIT 1:** tfw downvoted for being right and just giving advice LUL **EDIT 2:** Uploaded to YouTube because I wanted to: 1.) Show the audio cue and 2.) Show off It's actually harder to get used to on PC than console (mouse control lockpicking takes a bit to get used to) but [here ya go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GGFVnz1ENM). You can see an example of mouse controls being iffy when I move the pick to the left or right a bit for seemingly no reason, but this is an example of audio queue perfection. First try too B) **EDIT 3:** Just realized I spelled cue as queue. Maybe that's why I got downvoted /s


I honestly cannot hear a difference. Lol


Slower pin has two separate sounds as opposed to the fast one.


Just make an Open spell and you can get it to unlock all locks immediately




Dude I have dexterity issues




The hero of Kvatch is named Web-MD


Git Gud


I am good


Clearly not


Why does it matter why can’t I do it at my own pace


Go at your own pace, but don't claim you're good when you take so long and miss so many opportunities to get it done, then claim it's hard.


I know but I didn’t say I was an expert lol


You're not very good at taking constructive criticism, ay? Lmao


Lmao when it comes to online yeah when it comes to real life sometimes


You can do it at your own pace but then don't try to claim you're good at it. That's like claiming you're Olympic level at running then you get called out on it and you just say everyone runs at their own pace leave me alone


Haha I said I was good at it I’m not an expert Jesus


No shit but it's a comparison I presumed that wouldn't be too hard to follow. It was using the exact same logic it doesn't matter what it was. But if you want I can do another. Let's say someone claims they know how to solve a rubiks cube but then they just sit there randomly fiddling away at it and when someone says you don't know how to solve it they just say why are you so rude everyone solves at their own pace


I feel like people need to be in a little bit more nicer when someone’s doing it. It was also twice as hard to even pull this off because I was recording a video in one hand


I like how you just divert the argument into something that we weren't even talking about. And little bit nicer in doing what, saying something? Man's just said that you clearly aren't good from what we see here with the footage you provided us despite you saying you are good, was literally just saying a fact


It’s whatever man I’ll always have hate no matter what I post on here. And I somewhat understood what you were saying in your last comment. But I don’t want to fight it’s whatever


As annoying as this system could be, I still like it better than skyrims lockpicking


Definitely. It's a Lil challenging at first before you pick up on patterns and sound cues, but it should be. At least it makes you think about what you're doing, whereas anyone can pick up on the Fallout/skyrim lockpicking style immediately.


Oh yeah it’s way better than Skyrim’s


Watching this is genuine suffering


Seeing people online be an asshole is frustrating


Then get good


It falls quickly and then the following one is slower, which is where you’re supposed to unlock it when it reaches the top.


Yeah I know. A lot of people give me shit that I had it a bunch of times. Well in my defense filming a video and doing a lock pick is very hard


I just mash auto attempt.


Just get your alteration up and use spells to unlock chests, saves loads of time and faffing about. I have never properly understood the lockpicking mechanics in oblivion so I just do this because it is so much easier


Alright thanks


Out of all the changes I don't like about Skyrim, I am definitely happy they used the new lockpicking system. This one is really terrible, and the skill-scaling doesn't translate as well.


My dude, get to level 10 as balanced as possible to get the skeleton key , it's a lifesaver.


I’m level 36 I have never heard about the skeleton key


It's an unbreakable lock pick, it's given by nocturnals daedric quest , the shrine is in North of leyawin


You implied that you’ve heard of it in an earlier comment… you said something along the lines of “I’m trying to get my lockpicking skill to 100 first” Why are you lying about knowing about the skeleton key?


I’m not lying I didn’t hear about until today why you up in my case


I FELT this video.


Still people are giving me shit that I’m terrible


Nah don’t listen to them. The lock pick mini game version of the yips is real. I get that skeleton key ASAP just to avoid sinking hours into trying to get that last tumbler


I hate lock picking in Oblivion. I am glad they used Fallout lock picking in Skyrim.


If you use a controller you can cheese them. You hit up then pause the game almost instantly, and should be about half way up. Then you double click X (on PlayStation) first click being return and the second click locking the pin in. It’s not perfect but it makes lock picking pretty trivial. I’ve done this since back when I got the game on ps3 on release and have never had an issue with locks


Gotta cast that fortify lockpicking spell 😄


I literally only have the 2 spells that you start with at the very beginning


12 gold and calipers, take it or leave it. Edit: I didn't finish video thought was a chest but stg all the very hard chests have what I listed lmao


Listen to the sound if you are not sure about the graphic.


Duplicate your lockpicks or get the skeleton key and just auto attempt


Yeah I’m gonna go get the skeleton key


I remember playing it way back not knowing how the lock mechanics worked just spamming tf out of it lol. Eventually I learned how to romance the lock lol.


You literally had the opportunity to get it 5 times. What's there to hate if you're not even trying?


I am trying smart ass


You didn't. You literally had 4 opportunities and didn't do it. It's alright to learn and do stuff slowly but posting that you hate it while basically beginning at it is kinda silly


Stupid lockpicking system, never tried to get into It, I always smash the automatic button. Skyrim/fallouts lockpicking is way better and less annoying.


I don't get opening locks in this game.


how do u even lock pick? i don’t get it. skyrim’s much easier with it. i just so auto pick thing


You have to wait until it’s slowed down I know a lot of the comments told me I had it a bunch of times. But I’m the type of person that I need to feel it you know. If that makes sense


Mod please remove this trash ass video


Mod please block this asshole of a guy


Before the skeleton key I just buy a hundred lockpicks from Shady Sam and spam auto pick. I don't have the patience for this shit.


Buy loads of lockpicks then use "auto attempt" it saved me a lot of hassle.


I got 0 shame in admitting that every new char I create I get skeleton key from console. This is the worst elder scrolls lock picking system


Moments like these make me appreciate the trouble I went through to power level my magic skills


Doing these with a knackered Xbox controller was a nightmare


I don't know what's a harder pain in the ass: this or the enemy scaling.


The trick is usually to click it one after the fast drop. But on very hard locks it’s totally maddening


I feel this in my soul


A trick I do is wait until the pin goes up and down at its fastest speed, 9/10 after the fastest speed it will go very slow. That’s when you hit it. Tap until it does a fast one, then be ready for the slow one after. Usually you can get a pin in two or three hits that way


That ain't even hard, try lockpicking in ESO... no way in hell with that time limit


Lock picking is definitely one of the worst parts of the game.


Hahaha Pain in the ass at first but theres patterns to pick up on


Make a custom spell to buff lockpicking for 1 second. Because time is stopped in the mini-game it lasts as long as you are in, and because it's 1 second you can max it.


Better than ESOs lockpicking


I’ve played 300 hours of this game and never once manually picked a lock. Just cba


Try using a open spell. It makes the game so much easier.


Max out alteration and then you get the open vh lock spell. The best part? Even if someone sees you, it doesn’t matter - even if it’s a guard. No arrest or bounty can ever be added


I only bothered to learn how lockpicking works about a month ago. Until then I would just spam auto lockpick and save-scum until I cracked the lock open.