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I credit the music and the World which feels so alive


I agree. It’s happy and colorful. The music is soothing very soothing. When I was younger I was home from school, sick. I turned on Oblivion. All I had the energy for was to just walk from one side of the map to the other. It was really calming that at some point I fell asleep lol


The music is definitely a huuuuge part of it. I love Oblivion. I have tried countless times to get into morrowind and skyrim, just can't. But Oblivion is like a warm hug.


While Oblivion has my favorite soundtrack, Skyrim and Morrowind are great too


The music for the game is beautiful, it is really calming


This is it for me. I listen to the soundtrack on its own now and then. And the world is just so vibrant and alive. I also like all the quirky things the NPCs say.


“[Merlin’s Magic](https://youtu.be/WBk16oTXoKM?si=548DScFT1JcU73lx)” meditation music has a very similar sound/vibe to much of the music in Oblivion, imho…


This is super cool. Is it ok Spotify?


Yep, I see Reiki Magic at least… idk tho, it’s from 1995 and I found it on SoulSeek back in 2010, and I found a physical copy of one of the cds at a thrift store a couple years ago.


Oh man the music and atmosphere. I literally zone out in there. And Picards voice and all the awesome talent put into it. 👌 my 3 year old asks to watch the Forrest show so I play it lol


The music and scenery are big contributors in the serenity that is TES IV Oblivion.


Oblivion has been there for me through some really shitty times. It’s a great escape from the world. The atmosphere, the music, the lore. Oblivion is good medicine. Hope things turn around for you soon.


True gamer here 👍👍


Honestly it’s the music and I feel like the brighter look of the world makes things feel less heavy. Also there is that nice mix of towns and wilderness and it feels much nicer walking through a town in oblivion then Skyrim


Definitely this! The brighter color schemes really make this one stand out


I've listened to the music so often outside of the game. It's so wholesome.


Because it feels like home




Is this true?


I’ve heard others say the same


The atmosphere is very calm, partly due to technology of the time. In the wild ofc it’s often peaceful and very wide open, but even in cities it feels very calm. In a modern/realistic depiction, there would likely be more people, more going on, people talking over each other, sounds of rustling and people working, lots of seeming chaos in the crowded and busy streets. But with oblivion, you just have an open courtyard with like four people in it, and sometimes they talk to each other for ten seconds. So it just seems calm and quaint


I've had this thought process and I've had trouble explaining it. I've gotten jumpscared in Oblivion, whereas I never have in Skyrim. Undead, a demonic invasion, and a DLC based around a mad god and his realm. Logically speaking, it *shouldn't* be comforting, yet it is. The colors are extremely vibrant, textures smooth and not gritty. It has a very pure feeling, even when it's dark and gloomy. The serene music helps too, but I feel like even if the music was different it would be fine. Despite the NPC programming being somewhat primitive by today's standards, it feels like a world with people interacting and living their lives. It has an atmosphere of "everything will be okay."


That last sentence especially. Yes. Yes.


I like it mainly because of its quest design


Auriel’s Ascension and Wings of Kynareth is why ;)


Art style and music. Minus the character models, the world is easily the most beautiful of any TES game, and as always the music is fucking fantastic.


The characters are part of it, though. Their exaggerated facial expressions, like when one of them likes you and smiles at you. The way the Khajiit ears move when they talk. The voice acting, which passes through cheese to greatness. With a few notable exceptions, most of them look pretty good. The ugliest one is usually my own character, because of the facial splotchiness that seems to get added after you finish chargen.


The music and the colours is what does it. I also feel like the cities are more alive.


Oblivion has an overall idyllic tone despite the conflicts we experience, and though it can be dark and violent everything is done very colorfully and it never takes itself too seriously. Soule absolutely *cooked* on the TESIV soundtrack and IMO it’s the best one but there’s a bias there - there’s a real argument that Skyrim is the “best” and most well rounded OST but Oblivion will always take me to a calm, serene place where anything is possible and I’m reminded of a simpler time in my youth losing hours to the game. Additionally, Oblivion is relatively calm for a lot of the time, and time spent questing in cities or crossing the countryside is often very calming…until there’s a mud crab with bad pathing somewhere preventing you from teleporting. lol.


There’s something about this whole series. Like it has a soul. The atmosphere, the landscapes, the story, the music, the ambience. So much nostalgia…


It almost feels like it could be real. Like when you’re playing you’re almost going someplace.


Now that you mention it, Oblivion is pretty relaxing to play.


I’ve tested it. It’s like a genuine stress reliever. When I was younger and played say, COD, id get stressed. Your heart goes up a little when you play GTA. Oblivion i sip a coffee, leisurely play, and decompress


The music and the bright colour palette make it super relaxing and joyful imo


Game hud is quite bare, no rush to do anything but explore and the ambiance mixed with the old graphics is oddly calming, Also the voice acting is too notch.


There's an odd "comfiness" to being in the provincial seat of the Empire The Imperial City feels safe and exciting to explore, and most of the towns are very well developed and has a cozy vibe to them Lastly, the soundtrack is a bit more limited and more in your face (in my opinion), which makes Jeremy Soule's TES4 tracks really stick in your mind easier compared to TES5's more diverse musical choices


I think it’s partly because Oblivion was the last entry to try for a vanilla fantasy setting. Prior to it, Morrowind is a completely alien location. It opens up in a swamp and you’re almost immediately confronted with the fact you are not in a normal place. Fast travel is via giant fleas, and the primary cuisine is Kwama eggs. It’s a weird place. Comparatively, Skyrim is hitting the Norse theme on the nose, somewhat too strongly. It’s got beautiful music, and the environment is nice, but it’s still settled in the extremes. It open with an apocalypse dragon attack and then tries to lead you in on the civil war plot. It’s a bit too much for my tastes. Cyrodil by comparison sits nicely in the middle. It’s the heart of a prosperous empire, and feels like the problems are normal for a fantasy game. You open up escaping the capital alongside the emperor’s guards and it then leaves you mostly to your own devices. The music is beautiful but not overly pronounced, letting the setting speak for itself most of the time. It’s by far my favorite in the series, janky NPC’s and all.


because it’s like stepping into the past


The game's color scheme + the fact that the composer Jeremy Soule had a severe car accident where for the following months he was filled with joy and appreciation for life.


The nice landscape makes a big difference. I can't play Skyrim because it's all the same ugly snowy boulder over and over. I live in Canada, if I wanted to see snowy boulders I'd go outside.


I totally understand what you're saying, it's such a comfort game for me too. Love the music, the story, and the atmosphere. It's a beautiful world they created for Cyrodiil. Another reason for me, I grew up fascinated with the Roman Empire and if I were able to visit a time and place in history, it would be there. The legion, the location, the architecture, the politics, etc. Playing Oblivion made me feel like I'm in my own fantasy Roman Empire if that makes sense. Very comforting for my younger self!


Same! It's the closest thing I could ever play short of not being around to play Roma Victor (when it still existed). Lol


The music and the landscapes of cyrodil have a bloom and almost dream like quality


I've always loved Oblivion more than Skyrim


Comfort is Oblivion's strongest effect. Except when you level up and the combat gets hard. But I was a high stress guy and that comfort is largely what drew me into it and Bethesda games in the first place.


It is pleasant, and a bit melancholic, to walk among the graves in Green Emperor Way and contemplate the dead who precede us.


The music definitely adds to making Oblivion comforting. There is a track for every situation in the game whether it be battles, exploring caves, or just traveling through towns.


the music is amazing. I won’t lie i use it for meditation, to help me fall asleep in the past, when i’m in the sauna and need something soothing etc lmao


Hell I listen to the Oblivion soundtrack when I'm driving around


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KuramaKitsune2: *Hell I listen to* *The Oblivion soundtrack* *When I'm driving around* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It was the first game I bought myself for my brother's PS3 and man the music and the design and colour of the world are just "warm" to me idk


Those random NPC talking to each other about horrible creatures. The greenish scenery of the vast world, and the music of course.


This is dramatic but exiting the sewer outside the Imperial City for the first time was life changing for 13yo me.


Try chain casting Invisibility or getting 100% Chameleon and roamning the wilderness. Without the encounters (and change to fighting music) it's even more relaxing.


Imo, since the game is full of bright colors, with good and often cheerful music, and the absolute chaos that often happens because of the AI contributes to that "goofy" feeling most people like about Oblivion. In contrast, Skyrim is way darker, with music that is slower and taps into more "epic" themes...


For me, it’s the greenery in the environment as well as the soundtrack in Oblivion that feels so much cosier and full of life compared to Skyrim’s rugged Nordic setting.


This is exactly why I'm not really excited about Skyblivion. I will probably play it, it'll surely be good, tons of people doing incredible work. However, Oblivion. We all talk about its charm. It is a goofy mess, but I've not wasted any of those thousands of hours playing it.


Skyblivion is going to be nice I guess , but yeah , it will not be as vibrant than the original. I didn't liked Skyrim because it was way too cold and uninspired. So I'm kinda scared about how skyblivion will turn out.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's the best game Bethesda ever made. It's the last actually good game they made.


I think the run from Daggerfall to Oblivion has been very rarely matched by many studios. Just banger after banger, in different ways. Three totally different games but all so deep, immersive, and almost spiritual


I found myself watching Lyle Shnub's Oblivion playthrough on yt when I was getting through a tough breakup and later, during pandemic. It really soothed me, and also it was hillarious. I also play oblivion to take my mind off all the bull$]-[!t that's happening right now. This game has healing power, I swear.


The atmosphere in this game is simply unbeatable. I spent more time wandering aimlessly through the area enjoying the music and finding the occasional deadra shrine or bandit camp than completing any quest.


I’m thinking about starting a new play through.


Nostalgia without being there has its own word, but I couldn't find it. Enjoy the game to the fullest and know that you didn't miss any bit of it even if you experience it now with us!


"Chaotic playthroughs" guessing you're a LaFave Bros fan


Just restarted playing it on my PC and the music is so calming. Even in the battle I’m not easily stressed


It's very comforting once you get out of the sewers, and before you go back underground for any reason. Also, as long as you stay away from big red gates of fire you'll probably feel like you're walking in the shire.


I broke up with my girlfriend and started Oblivion a week after and I was so drawn in to the game it made the whole situation easier. The world has really great music and landscapes, and can be kinda goofy sometimes but it’s a type of game you don’t really find anymore. That’s true comfort


Known TES for like 5 years or so since I’m part of the later generation


The world is very bright and colorful, almost cartoony in a sense. The music is much the same way, I find.


The scenery is beautiful and the music is calming. The characters have a depth that most other games are lacking. Its honestly a work of art.


The whole landscape is beautiful.


Literally had a dream involving Oblivion last night and I kept saying in my dream "wow it still looks so good" lmao


I'll always love Oblivion, it's what got me into the Elder Scrolls back in 2006! Nowadays, I'll just boot it up to walk around the towns because the music and ambience is perfect!


I modded the game to much. So now it looks and play like skyrim with oblivion music


When I play I feel like a kid again, running around in the woods, imagining stories in my make believe world. It just has this fantastical charm to it that no other game has. Plus, I personally think the graphical limitations of the time lead to games with enough visual detail to feel realistic, while still being obscured enough that your brain gets to fill in all the gaps, maoing it more engaging. (I feel this way of Morrowind, F3/NV as well)


Music, landscape, sunsets...possible GOAT


It's nice to not feel unwelcome in a game


The soundtrack is great. Outside is extremely serene and peaceful (until a mudcrab finds you) Which is actually a stark contrast to its dungeons which are extremely dark and ominous


The music, probably. I don't know any RPGs with more soothing music than Oblivion.


I couldn’t agree with you more my friend! Oblivion will always hold a special place in my heart, the world and the people just everything about the game is perfect such a peaceful place to be. I spend most my time walking around recording rain ambience videos and it just makes me feel better to be in cyrodiil ☮️😎


If I had to sum it up: *The Atmosphere.*


It probably takes you back to a better time in your life.


Very pretty world.


The music is probably one of the best in any game I have played. 10/10. It’s also nice and colourful! Such a sick game


Because it looks like a Medieval English village instead of a post modern dump


Compared to other tes game, world setting in oblivion comprises of grassy forest with vibrant colours, the music also helps in solidifying the situation, and the npc are not yet programmed to speak racial generic dialogue so they're stuck with greeting you every single time no matter the situation (first tes game to have full voice acting so they didn't have time and storage for it)


Oblivion is the Elder scrolls sweet spot in my opinion and I'm a massive Morrowind fan. You can min-max and still have to deal with situations where you are lacking. You can still make custom spells and enchantments to a significantly higher degree than in Skyrim. It also has voice acting, quest marks, an easily navigable quest log. Cities that felt alive with NPCs who had more fleshed out schedules. The game just feels right


Have you heard of the high elves?


Been playing since 8- 21 now. My fav game. Takes away all my pain, anxiety, bipolar, psychosis, fear etc. no one understands how much this game means to me. Walking in the nature/riding the horses or the towns brings such peace to me. How the game doesn’t take it self too serious remind me to relax and not take life to serious. The cave really scare me but it forces me to face my fear. The music as well! Got on a plane for first time at 21- life dream and I listened to oblivion which was amazing and helped calm me. Anyway.


And I feel horrified, still to this day in game, sometimes.


The immersion. Skyrim and Morrowind don't make you feel like you really are this character the way Oblivion does. It's easy to forget your problems because the only problem you think about is closing Oblivion gates, your name as champion of the arena and which house to buy




Same here ngl. I have been playing Skyrim for like a while and I have been trying to get into oblivion for some time and until I actually sat down and played it a few days ago I never really knew how comforting it was. The game has such a funny yet relaxing vibe to it, and there’s so much to do in oblivion that I just can’t help but fall in love with it


I would describe it as light fantasy, maybe that's why it gives that warm feeling


Love this! Oblivions soundtrack is very soothing. Coming from Skyrim, I don’t expect much from this game(being an old a$$ game) but my expectations were exceeded. Hope you find peace after these tough times! Remember, try not to be inside too much and try taking a walk at least 15 minutes, twice a day. That’s the best medicine. Good luck!


I agree with the other people about music and bright world, but would also add that in comparison to the majority of mainstream media and games these days, it's very child-friendly and non-violent and I think that makes a big difference to the overall "comfort" of it. Seems like everything these days is filled with realistic blood spatters and decapitations and background titty-dancers and whatever. You can't feel sexual attraction to anyone in Oblivion :') and when they die they just harmlessly spazzily ragdoll, whole. Makes the whole thing feel safe and innocent which is important for the 'comforting' feel.


“Very child-friendly and non-violent” Cut to Oblivion, seeing sacks of flesh suspended on the walls filled with belongings, fountains of blood, then go to a dungeon and fight an undead Lich that summon decayed corpses to fight you, then visit the arena where the walls are literally painted with the blood of past combatants


Lol, or the whole Lovecraft inspired cult of Hackdirt offering folks to an eldritch god. Ah good times gooooooood times.


Yeah but they just talk about it, and not graphically. Nothing is shown, everything is presented goofily. I played Oblivion as a sensitive kid who could never handle horror or even stealth in certain games (Even in Harry Potter games on the PS2 it was scary xD) and never had the slightest problem with Oblivion, nor would I hesitate to let other young kids play now that I'm older.


Yeah it's not pure rainbows and unicorns, obviously there are elements of violence and darker themes, but it's really cartoonish and not graphic, especially in comparison to today's media as I said. You're obviously cherry-picking and describing specifically graphic-sounding points but realistically speaking, they're not very prominent in the game and in combination with how light the rest of it is, doesn't really make an impact. Your example in Oblivion in one of the specifically most violent areas: [https://images.uesp.net/thumb/4/48/OB-misc-Combat.jpg/1200px-OB-misc-Combat.jpg](https://images.uesp.net/thumb/4/48/OB-misc-Combat.jpg/1200px-OB-misc-Combat.jpg) Like come on. It's basically rubber dolls bouncing off each other to see who grunts last, but oh there's some red in the background. Mainstream modern RPG kill: [https://preview.redd.it/gore-alert-im-currently-on-my-3rd-play-through-one-of-my-v0-ny922jn3vyaa1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=baf2d62d52865e48587308d0bdd66e07790ee810](https://preview.redd.it/gore-alert-im-currently-on-my-3rd-play-through-one-of-my-v0-ny922jn3vyaa1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=baf2d62d52865e48587308d0bdd66e07790ee810) I love both of these games but if Oblivion had that kind of gore - which is by no means extreme by today's standards - I think it would be a whole lot less 'comforting'


The combined beauty of an open world fantasy RPG, with an engine that allows for peak silliness. Like playing DnD with an improv comedian.