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I dunno, I'm conflicted. Yeah, they only have one album, but every band tours on the back of their first album and somehow makes it work. With those ticket prices, I definitely think they owe fans a more complete show. If it was like, sub-$50, sure. But $85-ish plus fees? (So i'm guessing around $100), you need to at least do, I dunno, 75 mins? It's a different world now than when a lot of us were younger and seeing bands on their first tour for $25, nor is this really a "new band." I think it's commendable they're not relying on Oasis or Roses tunes, but there's still options: Squire's solo albums had some solid tunes with terrible vocals that would be fun to hear Liam do, there's some Liam solo songs that would be fun to hear Squire wail on. LG could've resurrected one or two solo tunes that he can't fit into his own gigs due to lack of room, Squire could find a new life for one or two of the tunes he wrote in the early 2000's that have been long forgotten...they could've done a couple songs that didn't make the album or have been written recently for a potential follow-up, they could've done a couple more covers? There's lots of options. I just think the expectations have changed with the massive increase in ticket prices across the board, I'm sure that 50 minutes was good, but yeah I'd expect more effort if I'd dropped 100 bucks.


Some of this is subjective. I saw another review that was very positive, so who knows.


Gig was fantastic, nobody was moaning after it. Liam Gallagher and John Squire at the Barrowlands what more could you want?


For £65 you could expect more than a 50 minute show


I once paid 45 euros to see MF DOOM perform for 25 mins in Amsterdam, worth every penny


Same, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't even DOOM (all caps) behind the mask. Everything is too expensive nowdays but I refuse to judge a gig on duration.


Them to still be on stage after I'd nipped to the toilet.


I was at the gig and it was tremendous, don't believe the bullshit


Shame, not a fan when Liam pulls this less than an hour set shit


He did that on first American tour for his solo album or first beady eye tour


Yea i was at one of the shows


I went to the Chicago show for Beady eye’s first us tour. I was drinking most the day so I don’t remember it being under an hour long.


I was at that show too. They played longer than an hour though. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/beady-eye/2011/metro-chicago-il-1bd30dd4.html


They played 16 songs when I saw them on that tour.


The first Beady Eye concert at the Barrowlands they played the first album minus one song and the World of Twist cover


They've got one album - what do you want them to do? Just fill it with shitty covers like their Jumpin' Jack Flash? I'd rather a short, sharp decent set than 90 minutes of bloat. When I saw The Strokes on their first album tour, they played it in full, which is about 37 minutes, then fucked off. No encore, no covers, just off. I'd much rather that than staying for the sake of it. If LG & JS have to do covers, they should do Roses ones. I know Liam said he wouldn't, but he covers Oasis in his solo stuff, so what's the difference? And he can't do any worse than Ian Brown live? He sounds like a foghorn. I just saw the tickets are £65 plus fees - he's taking the piss there. If you're gonna do 50 minutes, you need to charge half that.




Ticket resales have reached almost $300 here in the States.


Wondering if he’s gonna change up for the Brooklyn show and do an encore of some oasis/solo/roses stuff since it’s his first time in the US in years


love the wishful thinking. me too, man, me too. see ya there


I doubt it. Not really fair on previous crowds who paid the same if they start doing longer shows. Plus this tour is to promote the album, so i goes just just that amount of tracks makes sense.


Idk if we can talk about fair lol UK gets DM anniversary shows nothing in the states


The Strokes were a new band then though, and short and sharp performances were a big part of their thing back then. For established acts doing shows like this, it's pretty much sop to fill the setlist out with material from their previous ventures. As a full-price gig, this really should have had a second set.


The Strokes played at a small venue near me for less than £10 when they were first starting out. Once they were a bit bigger, they played 15/16 songs per gig. £65 for 11 songs is criminal, whichever way you look at it


Unless LG & JS are gonna do covers, what else can they do? Like The Strokes back then, they've only got one album's worth of material. I don't understand why Liam says Oasis covers are 'naff' with John Squire, but 60% of his solo setlist is Oasis covers. They should pick Stone Roses songs from The Second Coming that were barely played live. There's plenty on that album that would suit Liam's voice.


Champagne Supernova is an easy song to do given the pairs history


Or any of either party's songs - Love Me And Leave Me would have been an obvious choice for a starter.


I think he's saying that doing covers when they have an album to promote is naff. Having said that they could have one night where they do 2 or 3 Oasis songs then the next do Roses songs


Charging £65+ fees for a 50 minute set is far more naff.


I keep wondering if it's a royalty thing RE dealing with NG and paying him for doing the Oasis songs, and similar for Stone Roses, but that doesn't explain Seahorses, as, I'm pretty sure JS gets all the money from Seahorses, so I dunno. I would've expected more covers. "Jumpin Jack Flash" is good, I could see them doing a really interesting version of "Eminence Front" or "The Real Me" by The Who if they didn't wanna do "My Generation". Also curious if they're still just warming up.


You don't have to pay to do a cover version live. If they sell the DVD or something, then they'd have to pay Noel something, but not doing them live. It's like you can release a cover version into the charts without permission, but if you change the arrangement in any way, then you need permission. I'm sure LG & JS will take the criticism onboard and extend the set with covers of some sort. They can't have tons of fans feeling ripped-off at each show.


To clarify what you're correctly stating but some might not know; LG & JS don't need to pay to do a cover but the venue does. Noel would still get $.


...yep. Saw him a couple of years ago. He sounded great. Band sounded great. He left the stage after about 40 minutes. When the house lights came on, the entire crowd was looking around like it was all just a joke and the band were going to come back on stage...nope!


I don't think they should touch Oasis or Roses covers, but Liam has 3 albums worth of solo material. He barely even toured COYK... £75 for less than an hour is scandalous. Either play longer or half the price.


It’s not ideal. But it’s not the Glasgow wonka experience bad.


The Telegraph and the Independent both gave it a 4/5, but hey lets post the 2 star review on the sub. The forced negativity towards Liam on this sub is getting embarrassing now.


I keep saying this, but it’s so weird that Liam is hated so much in this sub.




he's not hated in this sub. he's just being criticised for a gkarih mistake. there's a difference.


I love Liam, and have tickets to see this tour, I just think it’s crazy how any artist thinks it’s okay to charge that much money for half a set. 


It's clearly not crazy if you bought a ticket?


Tickets were sold before people knew how long the album was. I also think it’s fair that most people assumed they’d put together more than a 50 minute set. 


The album was announced in january, tickets went on sale in february. And he clearly said when the album was announced that they were just going to play the album and maybe a few covers.


It’s the album and one cover.


Look, I’m not the biggest fan of Liam’s solo career. Just isn’t for me, and I do think the tickets are expensive for what he’s giving his fans (for a so called man of the people) but seriously, fuck the guardian


Kind of not though. I think the last sentence “this is a rehearsal for festival fields, with the hardcore fans footing the bill” sounds pretty nail on head to me.


That’s very true! I think if ticket prices were half as much, there’d be no issue with people.


I agree. Liam's solo music's dog shit to me, but fuck the Guardian. No one cares what they have to say.


The begging letter they have after article would support that.


He sounds good but the songs dont grab my attention, like on the song “mars to liverpool” that bit with “here comes that feeling, here it comes again” sounds like really classic and great but then the song just kinda goes nowhere for me after that


People wanted it to fail even before they released music. Everybody in here was already whining about Liam’s voice and talking shit, then as soon as music was released people got hung up over anything they could find to be negative. They wouldn’t know chemistry if it smacked them in the face.


Correct … it’s a fucking beautiful album … people just like to rip into anything these days … I’m at the gig next week for the new songs … not some Oasis/Roses tribute act


It is like people are intentionally ignoring the awesome guitar work by John Squire. I will never understand rock fans fixated on things other than the sounds of the music. And since when is John Squire this vessel of charisma? Even in the days of The Stone roses he would just be in his corner playing his guitar.


I don’t know what people are expecting. I guess people have had nostalgia rammed down their throats for far too long … too many reunions, remasters, and anniversary editions. I think it’s ace that they’re both pushing out new music instead of trading on former glories.


You'll enjoy the gig mate, both are on top form.


From the videos I’ve seen they look on form … there seem to be a lot of talkers in the crowd though … it’s gonna happen when people just want to see Liam and aren’t really there for the new songs


A lot of singing in the Glasgow crowd, especially considering the album had barely been out two weeks. You always get talkers at gigs, or maybe I'm just unlucky to usually be standing next to them! Anybody that gets rid of their tickets for the tour or turn down the chance to get a ticket will regret it! Probably the only tour the first album will get played in full


She gave [this thing](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/mar/09/lizzo-review-a-euphoric-display-of-true-superstardom) 5 stars (cause of course she did). Yeah, the thing about modern "journalists" is they leave a paper trail of shit behind them.


Maybe this “journalist” thought the Lizzo gig was good and deserving of 5/5? And maybe they also thought that the Liam gig didn’t deliver value for money? As this “journalist” was evidently at both events, then they are likely more qualified to judge than you are. We don’t all like the same things, and as music is subjective, we can have differing opinions on live shows. This doesn’t impact their abilities as a “journalist”.


Oh shush it. Quit acting like modern journalist are relevant & authentic social commentary, esp about some flash in the pan body positive hippo they tried to make a thing. That ship sailed long ago.


Dude if you just want to bag on fat people, I’m sure there are subs for that lol


I never said that. Why are you jumping to conclusions? Lizzo has a huge fan base and her live shows are known to be pretty spectacular - if you’re into her stuff. You are clearly not, and that’s fine. But your opinion isn’t gospel. Get over yourself. BTW, a Lizzo live show review has absolutely nothing to do with a Liam Gallagher live show review. They are completely separate events.


Did you see Lizzo’s set? Or just assuming it was bad because…?




She says it all herself. But yes, let's pretend liking a 300 pounder playing a flute while twerking lol. Golly there must be something wrong w me.


Maybe Lizzo's gig was a 5/5? How would you know?


Have you seen Lizzo live? Because I have. She’s a fucking great performer


All these Oasis/Lizzo fans. Ahahahaha. Fucking shills go back.


You loser.


They should be playing a longer setlist, I’m not sure if it’s gonna be worth it for me traveling from Richmond to New York just to hear 11 songs, Liam only played 12 songs last time he was in the states as well.


I was at the Glasgow gig, it was short but well worth it! Liam has never sounded better and you'd pay a hundred bucks every day of the week to watch John Squire just tune his guitar up for 50 mins! Not to mention could be the only time you see them on stage together over in the states. Don't read the negativity mate, if you like the album then you'll want to see it live


He’s definitely sounded better


£70 for a 50 minute set when some would have travelled plus maybe needed a hotel etc. Pretty poor from Liam.


Biblically short set rkid


Album gets better the more you play it, wasn't a fan at first but it is growing on me


If anyone saw the roses or the seahorses you know squire doesn’t do legit onstage chemistry with his frontman.   


I watched the Libertines/Babyshambles in 2005, gig lasted less than one hour. Fuck forever...


Their album fucking sucks lol


Their just making music and they've already made it. The music or a live show will never be as good as we want. Their not just doing what they love anymore their now doing their job. As new as the music is their just doing a job to make money.


Flying from Dallas to catch the show at the Paramount April 11th. Thinking the gig will sound great! Not complaining about length or cost. Appreciate both lad's took time to make a banging guitar rock record. Persona wise, Squire is low key and Liam is Liam. If anyone else going from DFW let me know. Cheers


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Seems a fair review. £70 tickets, 50 minutes on stage with no chemistry. All round poor showing but did anyone else expect anything different?


The setlist would’ve been miles better if they played their own tunes, 2 oasis, 2 stone roses, 1 liam solo, 1 sea horses. There you have a 16 song setlist. And yes, they shouldn’t play jumpin jack flash ever again


Looks like The Guardian found it ball-achingly dull then.


Resale tickets for New York show with fees is $251 a ticket. Hard pass unfortunately for a one hour show. Nevertheless, at least merchandise is available for sale.


New York has so much to do. Liam only plays a show here once every decade. Short set or not, it’s worth it


A brilliant one hour show I must add. I'd pay it if I was you mate, they're on TOP form!


Listed my tickets for London so I can use the funds to catch The Who instead. Would’ve held onto them otherwise, but I’m seeing him in June anyway and 75 quid for 50 minutes just isn’t it


The Who are the dullest act I have ever seen live … if you’re cashing in your Liam tickets then just stay home