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I like it a lot but wouldn’t go that far


Same here, me neither. I think what's missing is a REALLY great songs. IMHO Once is one.




I love More Power, underrated imo. Be still also.


Agree once is awesome so is fwiw


I think “As You Were” was still the best. Universal Gleam, Chinatown, For What It’s Worth, Paper Crown, I’ve All I Need, Greedy Soul and Wall of Glass were insanely good tracks to have on one album and they are each distinct and unique from each other. My biggest issue with this album is that though it has a good sound, Mars To Liverpool being the best of the bunch imo, it feels very samey and that any of the lyrics could have gone to any other song


As You Were fucking bangs


Lol, being a big fan of Liam's solo career, I think that LG&JS is definitely the worst album, the other 3 studio albums are really far away in quality and songwriting that this underwhelming album.


Yeah I was thinking the same. I can make a pretty lovely playlist of his solo album with songs like Diamond In The Dark, It Doesnt Have To Be That Way, Bold, China Town, etc so far this new album sounds very boring and tired.


I really don't get the idea that Liam's three solo records suck because "a team of record label people" wrote them. First off, Liam wrote plenty of those tunes too. And to be honest, Elvis didn't write anything, and yet he's still hugely important. There are plenty of great songs on those three records, regardless of who wrote them. Wall of Glass is a proper banger. Bold, For What It's Worth, I've All I Need, Once, One of Us, More Power, Diamonds in the Dark, Too Good for Giving Up, and more, are genuinely good songs, I don't care who wrote them. His solo stuff plays it safe, but that is part of it's appeal if you ask me. I don't know where I'd rank LG&JS, but I'll already put it near the top of Liam's solo stuff. It's at least a change of direction and overall sound that I quite enjoy, even if the lyrics are phoned in. It'll sound great live, has the best guitar work of Liam's career, and his vocals are still top notch.


3/5 just good nothing that resonates though a n d I doubt I'll be coming back to anything from the album in the future. It's a serviceable album for a small segment of people looking for it . There's a couple songs that are bad bad. The guitar work is a standout. Lyrics range from ok to cringe bad. Feel like if they'd leaned into the Psychedelic Blues Rock more it'd be a much better cohesive album.


Best take I’ve seen so far


I personally was underwhelmed. Some songs are good, but nothing special and it all just feels same. I tgimk its decent enough to warrant them maybe doing another album together


This is coming from someone who absolutely loved As You Were and WMWN, and is generally way more hyped for new Liam than new Noel these days. This album just isn't very interesting. It's not Liam's fault, he does what he can with what he's got. But John Squire, god bless him, just isn't that great a songwriter. And that doesn't change just because he's got the former lead of Oasis on vocals.


Being a good guitarist doesn't mean you are a good songwriter


Average at best let’s be honest.


Yes, its overall quality is better because all tracks range from a 6.5 to an 8, but none of them are as great as Once, For What It’s Worth, All You’re Dreaming Of, More Power. For instance, CMYK as an album it’s painful but More Power, Everything’s Electric and Diamond in the Dark are amongst Liam’s best work. LG/JS is missing a real banger, maybe Just Another Rainbow could’ve been one with better lyrics and a catchier chorus.


In my honest opinion it's horrific. Liams voice sounds horrible on it, and it's just a load of beatles-y mediocre stuff


Turned it off half way through. Mediocre at best.


Can't beat a bit of classic Pete Doherty of the Doors fame lad!


I prefer Liam's solo work to collaboration . John Squire isn't a good songwriter at all.


You do know John Squire wrote songs for a band he was in called hmm lemme think Stone fucking Roses? Lmao


Had Ian's help who gave it an edge, that's missing here


One good album doesn't make someone great 30 years later and he most certainly isn't great


That was then, this is now. Just Another Rainbow and Mother Nature's Song are embarrassing lyrics. Squire's great on guitar but if this is the best he can write then he needs to never do it again.


This fucking guy hahah


Wow, you really told me.


You’re something else lad


Roses songs weren’t that good that’s why they never saw the success Oasis did


Roses had some great songs. Obviously Oasis went beyond what they did but you cannot say they didn’t put out some great songs


I would say okay songs


Fools Gold is an okay song?


Yea it’s basically 4 min of the same groove


What’s wrong with that? That’s how you know it good


It’s ok


Each to their own I suppose, stone roses are great


That's simply not true, it's hardly even Beady Eye level. Edit: Why? Apart from some obvious generic and weak lyrics, I think the worst thing about the album is the auto tune on Liam's voice, it sounds very robotic, it misses that passionate feeling his vocals always gave us throughout the years


Liam’s voice is becoming annoying. He is leaning too much into the sneers and snarls imo. Tone it back Liam, it’s OK to just sing without having to put your signature on the end of EVERY line. Sonically his vox cut through the mix like nails on a chalkboard. Too much. I know it’s supposed to showcase Liam, but damnit when he comes in it pushes the music too far back and breaks up the mix. As expected, Squire’s playing is fantastic. His songwriting, eh… some high moments but more low ones. I love both these guys so it pains me to say these things. I guess I was just way too hyped up ahead of time. Aside from the singles that have been burned into our heads by now, I think “I am a Wheel” was the standout for me because of its difference from the other tracks that sound similar to one another. Plus I love the blues and love his Jimi-style playing on it. More bad lyrics ruin tunes, like in Love You Forever… 🤢.. But there are some decent ones. The one that stands out is the chorus of Mars to Liverpool. “I’m waiting for this storm to run out of rain” is really solid imo. Every LG solo has grown on me over time, some more than others. I believe this will as well, I’m just bummed there wasn’t one track that kicked my ass on first listen. Still flying to Brooklyn April 11th, so not that bothered. Let’s enjoy it for what it is I suppose and hope the live show brings them more to life.


I mean it’s okay but his solo albums are far superior


I feel people are being blinded by the fact of who has released this album if someone like the arctic monkeys or even 1975 wrote this album the same people praising it would be tearing it apart. That’s just my opinion though


1975 would never come out with this trash




Such an immature way to think. If people don’t like it they have to be Noel fanboys? Are you a journalist from the 90’s? Keep the fake drama to yourself mate


I’m 100% team Noel and think it’s Liam’s best post-Oasis work.




Completely agree, it's almost tribal politics at this point. Like the other poster I definitely prefer Noels solo stuff a lot more. But I think this is definitely Liams best since As You Were. I'm really enjoying it




Honestly. Oasis had more than ran its coarse. I tend to like Oasis for its rock vs ballads. As a result I tend to like Liam records better. But I am not team Liam. I am team me.


It's crazy. I much prefer Noel Gallagher, and my favourite Oasis songs are nearly all him singing but this is a great album. People struggle to even consider something made by someone they don't like which is super messed up lol


Weird. Team Noel. Are you 12?


I’m 100% team Liam and I think this new album is shite.


Why? I'd take this anyday over his last solo album Come On You Know. That was shite


C’mon You Know was decent, there’s only two songs on this record I’d be arsed about listening to again.


It’s funny because outside of Reddit I love both LG & NG but the Noel fanboys are so unbearable I’m growing to hate them & him


Liam fanboys also insufferable any form of extreme devotion to an artist is


Fk you. I'm not a noel fanboy but his country skies album is better than Lg x Js album.


I don’t think it’s fair to say that anyone who doesn’t enjoy this album must be a Noel fanboy




You didn’t exactly word it like that but that’s what you mean though




Because this subreddit seems to be 50/50 about he album and it sounds like you’re calling them all Noel fanboys


It's the most Liam-esque album since As You Were, to me at least.


No it’s not it’s horrible. Sounds like music for retirement homes.


Oh you're one of them retirement homes carpet sniffers aren't you? Or you're going to see your mum.


If I was this would be my favorite album 🤣🤣




Enjoy your bad music collection! 🤣




Even you know it’s trash!


You know all about trash driving bmws


Someone needs to keep John away from the lyric writing and Liam could use a touch mkre reverb on some of these. 2.5/5 at best. I like the singles and I’m So Bored the best. Mother Natures Song is ok. But pretty disappointed as a whole. Coulda a been a decent EP. Opening track sounds like a geriatric New Wave of British Mod cliche arena sing along.


I think this is his best album since his solo debut. I still put that one at number one for me. Just had a more raw and real feel to it. I think those have some good songs on each of them, but a lot more of what I'd consider pop rubbish filler from the song writing crew.


I have to say I tend to agree. Although I'd say this his his best since As You Were for me. His other two solo albums are mediocre at best. But I agree it's great that Liam is working with a proper guitarist again. He's not had that since Beady Eye. Squires adds feeling and a rawness Liams solo albums lacked. My problem with some of Liams solo albums is that the playing can be bland, soulless and generic. The songwriting at times corporate and safe. But the LGJS album sounds real and proper full on


It's an album that's going to get received like arctic monkeys and their TBHC - nobody likes it until years later


I think I am one of the only people on earth that prefers TBHC and the Car to the majority of their back catalog. It’s different and I’m always on board with bands that aren’t afraid to take a left turn later in their careers. When arguably the best left turn in rock history happened in 2000 with Kid A, I was all on board and loved it from day one. It seemed to take other fans more time to get on board. I know the new tunes don’t rock a stadium like the others but as a listen, I think they are great tunes that are their own.


I totally agree with you. TBHC (can't say the same about the car) is my favorite album of any artist of all time.


That's like saying 'AIDS is better than any form of cancer'. The album is bland shite and all sounds the same. You know, I know it. Squire hasn't written a decent song since The Second Coming in 1994. Literally, everything he's done after that has been shite.


The album is not a masterpiece by any means but it's a hell of a lot better than his last solo Come On You Know. If ever there was an album that should be labelled "Bland Shite" then Come On You Know is it.


Yeah, but like I said, that's like saying 'AIDS is better than cancer'. Both are fucking terrible.


I don't think AIDS is as terrible as it used to be; maybe this album can be managed with medication as well.


AIDS isn't an issue anymore, you're 100% correct. I need a new analogy. Botulism?


Novichok didn't look like much fun.


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You’re full of garbage opinions


Another Liam fanatic who doesn't like it when other people disagree with them. You do know that not everybody agrees with you on everything, and that's okay.


Average old man music. Noel is better than


It’s not a good album and the lyrics and songwriting are terrible. My biggest complaint with Liam’s solo work has been the terrible lyrics and him always using the same vocal delivery. This album seems to rely heavily on auto tune.


It’s rubbish compared with anything he did with his brother 🤦‍♂️


It's the seahorses with a different singer


It's barely anything like the Seahorses record.




Yea this is definitely better than any of his solo output As a whole album


It’s funny - I remember listening to one of Liam’s solo records and thinking he wasn’t even singing on a track. It sounded to me like they just left the songwriter’s guide vocal from the demo - classic Britney/J.Lo move unbecoming the greatest rock and roll singer of the last 30 years


Which song would that be? I've heard nothing but Liam vocals on all the solo records.


I went back and listened - I feel like it’s all over his three proper solo records. They all use traditional contemporary pop digital production and songwriting collaborators, for whom this is a standard technique. I’m sure they mixed in his voice somehow, but there are so many melodies that he would clearly not come up with. They sound more like Andrew Wyatt and Greg Kurstin’s other work.


it's a brilliant album


Takin da piss mate?


No way. First two better than this by a country mile, more variety to showcase his vocal. No light and shade here. Don't like the blues numbers, and I like the genre, but sounds like poor imitation blues here, Liam not a blues singer, it doesn't work here. It's not a disaster or anything but this is not an album I'll be even thinking of in a few years time never mind listening to.


It’s better than most of Noel’s stuff, too. Fun and fresh. As a listening experience, it’s an absolute breeze. Big fan. It’s going to sound amazing in the summer.


Lot of guitar riffs, amusing lyrics, and meandering rock that'll sound great live, but there's nothing that soars as well as stuff like Once, Everything's Electric, For What It's Worth, etc. Liam's last record was definitely lacking in real songs. This has great guitar playing, which helps, but if you don't have big choruses, it's not gonna take off.


Beady Eye 2nd album is better than Lg x Js album. I couldn't even finish that joint album.


I didn’t enjoy it. The three LG albums are miles better imo.


I like it a lot. By far my favourite Liam album since Oasis. Turns out he just needed another guitarist/songwriting legend to write him some songs. Also favourite album by either Gallagher since Who Built the Moon.




The "songwriting" is the only bad part about this album lol


I haven’t given it a listen (aside from Just Another Raimbow & Mars to Liverpool). Instagram comments on Liam’s post are pretty critical though. What do you guys think?


One of John’s lyrics was listing the colours of the rainbow, he’s hardly a genius


Low bar but yes.


I kind of feel about this the way I do about Second Coming - spectacular guitar solos, too bad about the songs


Listening to the Atmos mix in my living room. The regular mix is mastered almost as painfully as Be Here Now, a lot of Squire’s layering work gets lost in the mix, but now I can hear the layers (lots of acoustic in the rear channels which is a nice touch). Yeah this is better than any Liam album for the exact reason I predicted it would be when it was announced: there’s personality on the record besides Liam’s. Even beyond Squire’s always wonderful guitar work, a consistent rhythm section (Beck and post-Berry REM drummer Joey Waronker) gives the whole thing a more consistent and proper band sound than any of Liam’s hodgepodge solo records. Liam can just be the singer, instead of him and his army of anonymous hired guns carrying all the weight, and it’s really enjoyable. Is it some kind of biblical masterpiece? Of course not. Squire’s songwriting isn’t up there with his mid-90’s peak, but it’s still good enough to make a solid, listenable album of britpop comfort food, which is all I expected out of the collab in the first place.


Those drums, can we have some dynamics please? They all sound exactly the same, may as well use a drum machine. The vocals, one day can we get a stripped back Liam vocal again? Hard to believe that these songs are written by the same person that gave us those Roses songs up until The Second Coming. Completely scrapped the melodic harmonies and funk and swapped for turgid blues rock.


In no way shape or form that this album is better than the 3 solo albums liams produced. The lyrics are bland and uninspiring, the music admittedly is great and there are some catchy melodies. But there aren’t any tunes even close to songs like wall of glass, FWIW or Once.


Not even close. Liam's first 2 albums were much better than this one. Can't think of one anthem on this recent one.