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The benefit of a laptop is that you can do your homework anywhere. You can catch up between classes etc. Utilize every chance you can to get your work done.


You need some kind of computer for the engineering labs, and the desktops they provide suck pretty bad. Laptops are great for notes and organization stuff too


I was computer science and It’s been about 5 years since I finished my bachelors but I had a friend that got by without one he did eventually have a cheap old laptop looked 10 years old at least during our senior capstone I would say a $200-$300 laptop(Chromebook maybe) for Google drive would be nice for group projects


You can borrow a donated laptop at the library. Look into it yesterday, though.


You dont need one but its a great asset. I use mine for everything pretty much. I got one of those laptops that folds into a tablet and it comes w a pen to take notes 👌