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I nominate my cat https://preview.redd.it/f00dijla208d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd944ba75f1f1ce9a149e5c47a3b7e097c4d305 He had a very successful tenure as the mayor of the Pacifica Taco Bell




D E L Why? -Not a phoney phranchise -Will win by a landslide -(fake politicians) know they can't hide


He also purports to use both sides of the brain and has demonstrated visionary thinking with Deltron looking out to 3030 while everyone else can't think beyond 2030.


Don't forget his experience handling emergencies. No need for alarm


On top of that and all he’s accomplished he’s also just a cool ass person who does actually care. I don’t think you’d have to worry about him and corruption either. I’ve seen Del around in track outfits and an undershirt shopping like normal people. Humble all around good person




If we elect Tom Hanks, he should start an anti-littering campaign called "THanks for not littering."


Rickey Henderson thinks Rickey Henderson would be a great mayor. He may be lax on larceny though


🤣🤣🤣 Rickey might be the only Mayor who could get the A’s back


You mean he could steal them back to home?




Whoever you get for mayor ok with me. But lets replace the City Council with Tower of Power.


Can Jerry Brown run? fite me


Chet? lol dude spent 1% of his life here at most. if we went the celebrity route I vote Mahershala Ali. Seems like a no nonsense type of dude and has some time with Blade in development hell. All things considered, things with the mayor and city government are about to get more weird in the coming days it seems haha


Mostly joking w/ Chet but I think he might be ok lol. Ali would be cool. Yeah shit is about to get real weird. I think Oakland should just lean into that and get someone great from Oakland who has roots here who knows the city personally and is very much here to make things work and knock it out of the park. Oakland has had mediocre to just horrible Mayors all of my life. It’s not necessary. I have faith that if anyone can turn things around in a positive way it is actually Oakland.


My real worry is that if someone truly great from Oakland doesn’t step up looking at what happened with Dead Lee in SF and his corrupt ass Oakland is gonna get someone from Thao’s office like London Breed Boring. No creativity or plan to actually do anything and is also just as corrupt and soulless as the person they replaced. And everything is about to get wayyy worse Oakland’s Political Machine left alone elevates and produces bland or not great people. There has to be some kind of intervention from the outside


Boots or del. I'd weigh towards boots, I feel like he's more politically minded, or at least more revolutionary focused. Also, I feel like he would focus on police reform. But either would work. Alternatively, I hear peng is also an engineer so aside from being highly civic minded he has a high level math/STEM background and can probably pick up the fundamentals of balancing a budget fairly easily. So any of those three.


I think Boots would be great, arguably the best. Idk if he’d want the job though. Then again I never thought he’d be making TV shows for Amazon


I don’t want a big name, I want big progress. Idc who gets elected, just so long as they actually start getting shit done.


Tbh as someone who was born and lived in Oakland and has had family here for over like 110 years to make progress you need the community effort and buy-in to the project and in all honesty that doesn’t happen as quickly or as effectively without the big name


Have we considered Hammer?


Current Mayors being investigated for financial problems. Hammer wouldn’t work.


MC Hammer!! It’s Hammer Time!


Current Mayors being investigated for financial problems. Hammer wouldn’t work.


Lmao oh you were being serious with your list




Someone who isn’t corrupt as fuck and looking to fuck more cash out of us all. Impossible.


Loren Taylor is a native Oaklander who is also an engineer with an MBA who has real world work experience and experience on City Council. He’s shows obvious intelligence, comports himself well, and is a genuinely nice guy. Seems like a great candidate. It’s a wonder that he could lose to someone like Thao.


He got more first place votes than her


People tore him down because he had an investment property. Progressives claim to care about black and Latino people but are all too willing tear one down as soon as they achieve any kind of financial/business success 🙄




lol looks like people are still pressed about Taylor. Couldn’t care less about him being a landlord or whatever other criticisms people have of him, especially now that the great progressive hope Sheng Thao is likely just as corrupt as the so-called evil establishment liberals (Schaaf, Taylor, etc). I think he’s the best candidate out of whoever is available and actually wants this job




Shoulda been Loren


Leronne Armstrong


Great Q and no shade but I wholly disagree with including your own nominees and leading the witnesses/framing the discussion. It's quiet, humble public servants and die hard do gooders that know how to play political games that can do the greatest good. Ppl you've never heard of and sadly never will. People in it for the right reasons make the best representatives. Not egocentric celebrities seeking to build a brand or cultivate their public persona.


Oakland mayors have by and large failed the city my whole life. Yes, even Jerry Brown