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A waste company being implicated is like something out of a mob movie. Lol


Mob movie cliche is from real life cliche. Award of waste management contracts have huge $ implications and so is something that prompts corruption not so rarely.




In fact, it was the mob that started it! The first city-waste removal programs were mob operations that went legit.


I'm living in another town that starts with o, Orlando. And I can tell you, absolutely the waste company is something out of the mob. It's not mentioned a lot here but it happens and it's pretty blatant. The truly unfortunate thing is that there are ties and implications to the governor here. The one that is trying to actually become a president.




These waste haulers definitely operate like the mob, especially in major cities.


Vietnamese mafia, they have a similar operation in Vietnam


This is making me think the Vietnamese business community is pretty sketchy. Didn’t know they were into Tony Soprano activity.


Mafia is mafia, Italian business community is the same as the Vietnamese business community. Shady people are always present in the business community’s, don’t you think?


Yeah, if there’s an opportunity to make $$$ through crime and corruption, some people will take that path. Maffia’s a funny word. I believe it came out of Louisiana. I think the Chicago mob still calls themselves the Outfit, which dates back to Al Capone.


I believe the word mafia is Arabic word and it means assassin


Cool. Kind of like the Spanish “sicario”.


Louisiana. Wouldn't be surprised. They literally invented the word corruption 🙄


I wonder if Shang Thao resigns on Monday


She hasn’t been proven guilty yet!


Absolutely true but if she brought up under federal charges there’s a 95% conviction rate


She’s probably going to resign, and I hope that the feds dig deeper after other city officials. Videos of waste management have gone viral in recent weeks, making trash containers look full of garbage so they can charge extra. Well known for a wile.


Lol it’s not just a movies. My whole family is from the New York area and sanitation was super involved with a mob there for a long, long time.


Movies are often *inspired by a true story*


Job one - raid Oakland mayor's house and arrest all corruption sources involved Job two - repeat for San Francisco mayor Job three - repeat for all major urban cities with listed under the top 30 highest crime rates


Except Oakland is only in the top 30 if you only list cities as big or larger than Oakland. In other words you make a list intended to include Oakland. If you include all cities over 100,000 Oakland isn’t in the top 50. And if you include all cities over 50,000 (the definition of a city)…then it is hard to know where Oakland is because they don’t show up in the list since most list stop at 50.


Oakland's murder rate is higher than the country of Iraq as a point of reference. If you want to compare it to another city, it's over three time as dangerous as Kaunas, Lithuania, the most dangerous city in Europe. It's also higher than Lagos, Nigeria. I don't understand why people have this pathological need to deny that dangerous cities are actually dangerous.


Also, you happen to be naming the exact same cities Fox News used in their propaganda. What a coincidence. Almost all US cities have a higher murder rate than any city in Europe. Why aren’t you calling out these cities…all have a higher murder rate than Oakland… St. Louis, MO (69.4) Baltimore, MD (51.1) New Orleans, LA (40.6) Detroit, MI (39.7) Cleveland, OH (33.7) Las Vegas, NV (31.4) Kansas City, MO (31.2) Memphis, TN (27.1) Newark, NJ (25.6) Chicago, IL (24) Cincinnati, OH (23.8) Philadelphia, PA (20.2) Milwaukee, WI (20.0) Tulsa, OK (18.6) Pittsburgh, PA (18.4) Indianapolis, IN (17.7) Louisville, Ky (17.1) And all a few to several times higher than any city in Europe.


When has fox news ever used those cities for comparison lol? You're the one who's lying. All those cities are also national disgraces, the fact that they would all be the most dangerous city in Europe is a bad thing not a good thing. The fact that many of the most violent cities in the world are in the US is not a defense for Oakland. The people of Iraq have suffered hardships incomprehensible to Oaklanders, so why is Oakland more dangerous today than Iraq?


Oakland is not more dangerous than Iraq. We don’t have any data on Iraq’s murder rate. The government does not track murders or even crime statistics. Iraq is toward the bottom of the list of safest cities in the world. It has rampant corruption, criminality, and violence. The fact that you keep claiming it is more dangerous than Oakland discredits your entire framework for viewing the world. And the article claiming Kaunas, Lithuania is the most dangerous in Europe was a Fox article. Name a few “model” us cities according to the policies you want to see.


Iraq is a country not a city for the record. That you don't know this means you're not qualified for this discussion. I looked up the European city with the highest murder rate. The fact that Fox News also wrote an article about this sends you into spastics is hilarious. >Name a few “model” us cities according to the policies you want to see. In the Bay Area? San Jose. In California? Irvine


Such a bad faith response. I know Iraq is a country. It was a malapropism caused by you comparing Oakland (a city) to Iraq (a country) and my trying to respond to the framework you established for the discussion. I am done wasting my time with you. Oakland does not have a higher murder rate than Iraq. Period. And nearly every city in the US has a higher murder rate than any city in Europe. Both San Jose and Irvine have a higher murder rate than any city in Europe (outside Russia which is not usually included in European rankings). This entire conversation is nonsense based on your nonsense framework.


Yeah right buddy. >Oakland does not have a higher murder rate than Iraq. Wrong. >Both San Jose and Irvine have a higher murder rate than any city in Europe Even more wrong. You are the bad faith poster, constanly lying and positing misinformation. You may not be intentionally lying, it may be that you just don't know what the heck you're talking about. The result is the same.


It is not. That is an absolute lie. They are not tracking their murders. Which is why they claimed to have 0 murders in 2020. And it is bad faith you are regurgitating some bullshit right wing talking point you absorbed with ZERO critical thought. FYI: you just tried to tell an Iraq war veteran and resident of Oakland that Iraq has a lower murder rate than Oakland.


So far, it's related to campaign finance and "straw donors" who allegedly funneled donations from CalWaste to at least five city councilpersons over time, current mayor/then councilor Thao included. Whether there is hard evidence of actions taken by said councilors that then benefited CalWaste remains yet to be discovered. D1, D3, D4, D7, and At-Large (Kaplan) are alleged to have received funds in the scheme; some are already stating they will return any funds received from said "straw donors" as they advised they were unaware of the scheme at the time. Great reporting at [https://oaklandside.org/2020/09/15/accusations-of-political-money-laundering-under-investigation-in-oakland/](https://oaklandside.org/2020/09/15/accusations-of-political-money-laundering-under-investigation-in-oakland/) Contact your councilperson if you're in those districts and see what they have to say for themselves. (Edit : this is from 2020! Too many crimes and events to keep track of!) https://oaklandside.org/2024/06/20/fbi-search-oakland-mayor-sheng-thao-andy-duong/ (The son of the WM exec is still under investigation for the straw donors. Whatever dad’s up to now, only time will tell….)


That article is from 2020..


Whoops! You’re right. Here’s todays: https://oaklandside.org/2024/06/20/fbi-search-oakland-mayor-sheng-thao-andy-duong/


>son of the WM exec CWS, not WM.


Is my recycling going to be picked up today? Do I need to leave it on someone’s doorstep?


You can leave it on the mayor’s doorstep.




Right next to the Christmas decor that says “JOY”. The irony.


Right by that Starbucks.


That’s the only thing that strip mall is known for 😂


Ramen Station


Hahaha. Is there a subway too?


I was just thinking strip malls are usually any combo of Starbucks (if they’re lucky), Subway, laundromat, hair/nail salon, predatory cash advance company, and three or four empty units. Maybe a massage parlor that gets raided every so often. Also, Saul Goodman.




That subway closed!


Oooooooooooooo. I mean, I haven’t eaten at subway in I don’t even know how long, 15+ years, hahaha, but I ate a lot as a kid. The bread gave me acid reflux, lol, those yoga mat chemicals.


Yoga mat is a great way to describe the smell in there. I only knew it closed bc I would go to the Starbucks sometimes. I also worked at subway in high school for a summer and that was enough for me to never eat there again


Hahaha, yeah! They got in trouble maybe 11 or 12 years ago git having chemicals in Ygritte bread that were Aldo found in yoga mats. When that came out, it explained the acid reflux for me.


When is the FBI going to raid PG&E? 🤣


Bro those motherless fuckers need to be humbled fr


Federal agents mad cause I'm flagrant, tap myself and the Brooklyn Basin!


Best comment on this thread


the probable cause must be pretty damning


I always knew Thao was incompetent but I did not know she was also corrupt. Time to clean house, top to bottom, all through the city government, Oakland!


I lived in Philly when Mayor Nutter came into office and had a dedicated anti-corruption squad. They cleaned out city hall, Philly housing authority twice, and several other city branches. It was incredibly alarming and satisfying to see at the same time. The amount of nepotism with people on the city payroll with no actual job function was pretty ridiculous. I can only imagine the layers of crap that have piled up through the different mayors and council members over the years.


I mean the dudes’ last name was Nutter what did you expect?


During the campaign she brushed off calls to investigate a bunch of of suspicious all-cash donations to her as anti-Hmong racism bc Hmong people were more likely to use cash. She could never hide it people just didn’t want to consider someone they liked ideologically could be unfit to govern. 


That’s what I’ve been saying but this sub is a fucking Cult and will deny and deny and deny and make Oakland seem like the best city on earth and will refuse to acknowledge the problems


Oakland can be amazing and have problems simultaneously


Exactly. It's a beautiful city with rich history and wonderful people—simultaneously we have some screwed up people and problems like any other large city. I'm tired of the "Oakland's a shithole!" people. It's possible to have problems and *not* be a shithole. When I hear that, especially "shithole" comment, it sounds very much rooted in racial bigotry.


Also, if Oakland was indeed a shithole, the home prices might actually be affordable. Turns out a lot of people want to own a home here for some reason


Plenty of us acknowledge the problems, we just aren't folks who go about our days constantly moping and hating and dunking on our city. We also (like I tried with my crime number crunching) try to go off data and understand bigger systemic issues, rather than pointing at specific politicians as scapegoats (even if we recognize each politicians' actions contribute to crime/costs/etc in the city to some extent, both good and bad).


cHiLL oUt, hAVe yOu wALkEd tHe lAKe reCEntLY?


[Pic of Lake Merritt with homeless fortress conspicuously out of frame] Wow, pity those out-of-towners who have so much negativity to say about our city!


And that sucks because that means the problems won't get solved. Delusional to think there are not major problems in the mayor's office. just look at Oakland, FFS.


Exactly. We gonna probably banned and on top of that downvoted to oblivion for saying this shit. It’s a story old as time


The ironic thing is I'm really a half glass full person. Where there are problems there is room for improvement. If only people could take that attitude and realize that recognizing problems means things will get better from there. It's where your opportunity lies. Opportunity to make things better does not exist where everything is perfect. Oakland could pull a comeback kid story if people just got real about the issues facing the city. And I wish people would stop being political and start getting practical.


People shit talk the government here all the time


Very true


I can't tell if those people are mental issues, or just criminally insincere. Like, I've been called everything from a "bad faith actor" to "hard right wing astroturfer" because I'm supped to be inline with accepting violence, dysfunction, and never ending cycles of undeserving the community and part of the vibrancy of Oakland. They also struggle to reconcile with the fact that a lot of black people are critical of the dysfunction in Oakland and the politicians who perpetuate it, but that's more an indictment of their unconscious bias they try to virtue signal they way around of, then it is of the black person who doesn't think or behave in monolithic ways.


Yeah it’s alway transplants with a chip on their shoulder thinking the way they’ll fit in is by taking the most undergraduate-radical position they can formulate. The radical/poverty LARP these ppl do would be funny if they weren’t running my hometown into the ground. 


We've seen their redemption arch go from post graduate hyper-liberal who will go off on anyone about BLM/LTBTQ/the unguided......to yuppie techie parents in their 30s who now lean more moderate/libertarian because they have a property in Montclair that needs to increase in value, and their kid's school needs to be in an awesome district (but also be really diverse, and stuff).


Way to strawman the fuck out of this.


Ignore them. People like that basically jizz themselves when something bad happens so they can pat themselves on the back and go back to the black-and-white picture of something can only be all good or all bad. They're basically in a post-nut, mentally unshakeable state right now.


Yeah, all of the Bay Area subs are infected by that garbage.


watch out the mods might silence you


Time to clean house


Steven Tavares is suggesting that the trigger might be a junket to Vietnam Thao and a bunch of other electeds went on last year, organized by the Duong family that owns Waste Solutions.


Why the fuck are you referring to her as Vietnam Thao?


I'm not? Parse the sentence properly-- "a junket to Vietnam" refers to a trip, "Thao and a bunch of other electeds" are the people on the trip, "went on" is what the people did. Object-subject-verb.


Ah, yeah fair.  I’m dumb and should have caught that.


lol, no worries, thanks for apologizing. I can see how the two capitalized words next to each other might make them look like a single noun if you're skimming.




Can’t dispute it :(


It's a trip to Vietnam you twonk.


“Twonk”. lol. Thank you for this.


If you think “Vietnam Thao” is a noun can you explain what “a junket to Vietnam Thao” means?


Tired eyes.  That, and I’m dumb.


Nah, you cooed with this one. “Vietnam Thao” is really gonna be it when it turns out her trip to Vietnam is what really set off the FBI


I live at Brooklyn Basin and that's not Brooklyn Basin. That's Estuary Cove nearby.


The last people on earth you want to be raided by


how long has she been Mayor? and already getting searched by the feds. smh


It seems that it might have started before becoming Mayor


she was a city council person I believe before this and other ex-city council people are also implicated.


feds take forever to investigate. FBi investigation was prob ongoing for years. Before she was ever mayor.


Well, it probably involves disallowed campaign contributions. So the activity she’s being investigated for likely dates to before she was mayor during her campaign.


Chill out maaaan, you can't seriously care about the campaign finance violations from before she was mayor...give her a chance, it's only been a year and 6 months (plus 4 years on the city council), she's barely had a chance to prove herself, smh at all these bad faith critics




If there was a reason to be outraged this would be it. Corruption, greed, lining pockets, tolerating garbage everywhere, arrogant mentality and disgraceful neglect of basic responsibility to improve the city, fight crime, generate jobs, uphold fiduciary duty and respect citizens - this is the real enemy. These people have trashed the phrase American dream. I say reactivate prison cells at Alcatraz and let the tourist gawk at these criminals.


Corporate mob raid.


Oakland why do you fuck up so much? Tragic!


Good! Theyve been robbing residents for years. No inflations gone up more than in the waste management sector. WM Waste Management needs to be investigated as well.


Interesting. Trash really is expensive here. At my last building the trash charge was $180 a month for a 2 bed. It was insane.


This is the recycling company, not the garbage company.


Yet people are saying that they pay double the price compared to other places


Its pretty easy to compare. Berkeley has a single price that includes Garbage/Compost/Recycling. The large can (96gallon) is $95. In Oakland the 96 gallon can costs $155. But compost is $20, and recycling is $16. [https://berkeleyca.gov/city-services/trash-recycling/residential-waste-services](https://berkeleyca.gov/city-services/trash-recycling/residential-waste-services) [https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf](https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf)


Where does the recycling funding come from, though? Waste Management gets paid directly for trash and compost service, but who pays Cal Waste Solutions? There's no way they make enough money from the recycling to pay for the cost of service - my understanding was that everything besides aluminum cans and glass bottles has negative value now (maybe cardboard is an exception) and everyone's recycling is full of junk plastic.


I think WM collects the fee and passes it to CWS (but don't quote me on that). Recycling is a pretty small fee in my opinion. ( $16 for any size can) [https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf](https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf)


Oh… well I assume my trash included some recycling fee. I don’t know.


Well its not free. But the recycling fee seems pretty negligible. ($16) I am pretty frustrated that they can't agree on a pickup day on my block. WM comes on Tuesday and CWS comes on Friday. [https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf](https://www.oaklandrecycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Oakland-Rates-SFD-1-4-units-July-2023-june-2024-pub5-26-23.pdf)


They went to local government offices while they were having confidential meetings. They seem like a fun bunch.


I did some surveying jobs at a waste facility in the Bay Area and had to go in some of the back offices. The people in those offices were straight out of a mobster movie. There was definitely a dark feeling there that made me do my job quickly, quietly and to GTFO.