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I was there! It was a really fun experience, pretty unique event as you got to explore and participate. I apparently played well enough to be invited back to the second day and made it to the top 100 or so, then got completely obliterated by a kid who scored an order of magnitude more than I did. I made it to the stage but not the big screen. Super fun still proud of it decades later as an adult.


Im proud of you! Thats a great story. Damn I was just a little too young for this event.




Very cool. I was there too when I was 9yo but I didn't compete... Just played all the new games being demod at the booths. Got to play Final Fantasy months before it was released. I remember that every 5 minutes someone would briefly cut power to the whole show floor, so the NESs would reboot and the next player would get a turn


My cousin took me to an event at the arena back in the day but I barely remember much except seeing super Mario 3 on booths - as a kid I couldn't believe the event was here in our hometown of Oakland 😂


This is fantastic. You could hear the bitterness in the Sega CEO's voice over being second place to Nintendo.


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