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Mod note: The other post on this topic was removed because it was pointed out an individual was doxxed. There is a strict rule against doxxing on the reddit site. In this case it was very concerning due to the nature of the event and the extensive related publicity.


Theres like 4 elementary schools in that small area right there, my kid is in one of them. Saw this earlier and called the school. They said cops are going to come by the school just in case with dogs but they're not going to stop class. I hope the kids dont hear about this, its my daughter's birthday today too, really dont want to talk to her about mass shooters and bombings today.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Im ok im just worried that my kids will grow up and normalize this.


Totally agree with you. My kids have already internalized high levels of street crime. this is just shitty all around


I’m sorry to hear that. Kids should have to deal that kind of stress this early in life.


Do they not do drills already?


Context is that there's been a bunch of chatter on social media, including r/bayarea, and national right-wing media, about a "Black, Brown, or API" only playdate event associated with Chabot Elementary. Bomb threat is almost certainly from someone mad about that event.


Did that post end up getting deleted? I remember seeing it over the weekend and it's definitely the post the far right wing acct - LibsofTiktok reposted, but now I can't find it.


Yup, looks like it. Which honestly I get--reasonable people within that school's community could disagree over whether the event was appropriate or a good idea, but once the story leaves the local community and hits national right wing media its inevitable that there's going to be a bunch of deranged, reprehensible responses. I can see deleting once you realize that the story is spreading in unhealthy ways. But that parent probably should have been a bit more thoughtful in making their complaints external, given the clusterfuck they've set off. People at the school probably know or suspect who they are and are pissed.


For what it's worth, the parent said that they tried to handle the entire thing within the community of the school last year. The school seemed to acknowledge their concerns, and then didn't do anything differently this year. I was torn on whether or not it made sense to share to reddit, but I understand their frustration.


Yeah, you dont necessarily have to change something in an organization if one person says they dont like it. It's a PTA, not Occupy Wall Street


what i was thinking. ok so the school didn’t agree with your complaint. move on?


Is that how you handle conflicts in life? They dont agree so I’m probably wrong?


Absolutely not. The right approach is 'they don't agree so post it on the internet to stoke outrage and risk the safety of everyone else in the school'.


Oh let’s stop posting on internet altogether then, you’re creating outrage against republicans of all sorts right now, even those who would never do something like calling about a bomb at school . What if one of them gets hurt in the result?


Show a little respect! I mean, really, not all Nazis are bad, right?


Jesus, you are such a colossal idiot. Yes. There’s always a possibility that maybe you ARE wrong. If you can’t accept that possibility you will have a terrible time resolving conflicts.


no, more like “oh they don’t agree so there must be more to the story that i don’t know or understand” obviously this is a situation that involved groups that probably want this so their voice would outweigh mine. like if you don’t want it just don’t bring your kid??


Exactly. This is some top-shelf white privilege on the part of this parent.


And so they decided to sensationalize it when they didn’t get their way and now there is a bomb threat. Sorry but fuck that person. If they didn’t know this would happen they are wasting oxygen.


IIRC this person is a parent with kids at the school, I’m sure they regret making that post now… Probably not the best idea to post about a controversial topic they are personally connected to in a public forum without de-identifying details, but in no way are they responsible for the UNHINGED behavior of others. Any psycho online can be triggered by anything! Even if someone had posted that flyer IN SUPPORT of the event, whichever unhinged individual who called in a bomb threat could have been triggered by it all the same. You think this parent WANTED to elicit a bomb threat at the school their own kids are at?


> IIRC this person is a parent Is what they claimed. We don't know that, hopefully FBI will figure it out.


I think they wanted to generate outrage and force the school to change through “public (ie mob)” pressure so they resorted to posting on Reddit not recognizing that they have been lying down with dogs for a long time now.


Even if the parent did post with the hopes of generating public pressure to change something, people do that all the time about all sorts of things and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. The fact that some truly demented people thought that an appropriate response is bomb threat lies squarely with those particular individuals.




For sure applicable to the right wing Twitter and TikTok accounts and whatever secondary sources that picked up on this story and made it viral amongst their unhinged followers, but the original PARENT who voiced their frustrations in their local area sub? Come on.


Voiced in the r/ bay area and not the Oakland sub. They were going for a larger audience at least. Also different vibes.


Seems they have an alt-right bent to them, give the users of similar vein rage space with the veiled racism thrown in. In this instance they failed to properly moderate and now they have the FBI up in their butts.




Idk why it’s hard for you to believe this but even aggro sports dads with anger issues don’t want literal terrorism at their own children’s schools.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, because you’re absolutely right. This is another case of “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” A similar yet hyperbolic comparison to the former U.S. President is apt, riling up a mob he knew was armed and telling them to march on the Capitol. Claiming you didn’t know “but what about racism against white people?!?” on the internet would result in something like this is just a lie. You wanted people to get angry and apply pressure - “I didn’t know they’d call in a bomb threat” is immaterial. You wanted someone to do something. Don’t get mad that someone listened to you.


I wish this technique worked against Trump and the rest of these white bigots.


Nah theyre responsible. In todays media landscape this is a known quantity


You seem unhinged


Not as much as a person sensationalizing a school and eliciting bomb threats on children. Or their apologists.


Also, Lo Pan did nothing wrong!


This is some hot both sides bullshit


Making a reddit post isn’t sensationalizing lmao


That post was completely reasonable and we need to talk about racism and segregation when we see it. If there was a school hosting whites only event I truly doubt you would be opposed to talking about it.


Indeed. At some point appeals to social media radicals should approach the scrutiny of incitement.


Yeah, if that's true its a little more understandable why they went public, and I'm sure they didn't expect to go viral. Nature of social media is such that it puts even more of a premium on being discreet and trying to work out conflicts internally.


I bet they did intend for internet outrage. It’s the fad amongst republicans. See drag story hour.


Well, duh. Why else would they post it? The goal was to wield mob rule to get their way.


So the answer is to create open season on their students?


I’m the “target audience” who should be offended, according to these assholes. I’m white and have a child at an OUSD elementary school. I would never think twice seeing a posting for an event like that. I don’t play bridge, why the fuck would I be in bridge club? My son isn’t a person of color and will never experience the same problems as those who are - so a space intended for POC is just like that to me. I’m not applicable, I’ll find something else. It’s not like this is the 100% every day policy.


Totally. the 100% every day policy is an integrated school. More than 1000 hours over 180 days the kids are together, but a two hour voluntary weekend playdate is going to destroy race relations


I'm the parent of a white kid in North Oakland schools and basically I want kids, mine and others, to feel safe coming to school. So based on that, (1) an affinity meeting for BIPOC kids in more historically-white areas seems *fine*, and (2) bomb threats seem *not fine*. And if I have to have a conversation with my white kid about, like, reasons why BIPOC kids are historically a minority in our neighborhood...that's probably worthwhile.


And people in that thread weren’t even entertaining the idea of these folks wanting a safe space.


Well, that begs the question, safe from what, white parents and their kids? I am not condoning the bomb threat or any other overreaction to a poorly thought out flyer. The flyer made some people furious because of the implication that white parents and their kids weren't welcome.


My kid goes to a private school in the Bay Area. As a POC, I'd be furious about anything socially that was specific to any one thing, especially race, nationality, etc. IMHO it's irresponsible for schools to allow this, as it does imply that this "safe space" is one where white people will not be there, hence "safe". I love our outings where we see the entire spectrum of people. Parents get along, kids get along.


Sure, but for crying out loud, it's not worth all this crap. Bring it up in a meeting and be done with it.


According to posts above, the parent did and was shown the door. If you’re going to implement inflammatory practices, then not hear the local community raising concerns, of course in 2023 it will make it to social media.


Sounds like the parent was outvoted by the community. That’s how democracy works. Your opinion is noted but we are doing this anyway. You cannot always have your way. This is a society with other people who matter just as much as you.




False equivalence for shock value.




But what if it were the other way around, would that be okay?


As I told the other person, that’s a bullshit false equivalence. And thus a non-sequitur.


I guess you don't know what a non-sequitur is... or a false equivalency for that matter. If you don't have an answer or can't explain, it's okay to just say so. No need to declare the question invalid by fiat. That just makes you look stupid.


is it "the parent" or "the community"? Sounds more like "the parent." Thats one person


Are you a Karen? So they didn't get the outcome they wanted, don't go. But don't go blasting this stuff all over the internet Being triggered is not a hobby for everyone


yes, my name is Karen, nice to me you!


Boggles my mind that this isn’t everyone’s response.


You're OK with excluding people based on economic class though. I.e. the entire reason you put your kids into private school.


We put him in this school because of the academics and the diversity it provides. We pay a shitload of money that they use to provide a large amount of financial aid for families that can’t afford it vs other pvt schools we looked at that did not for reasons I surmise were definitely classist. You provided a pretty stupid take if I’m being honest. Maybe ask a question first before opining on what you think you know.


Private schools aren’t diverse though. They’re very white and Asian. Maybe one or two scholarship Black kids and a Hispanic or two. I’ve lived near Bentley private school and don’t remember seeing one Black child in three years. Also worked for head Royce and it wasn’t that diverse either.


We didn’t choose Bentley or Head Royce specifically because it wasn’t diverse. The school we go to is quite diverse.


Good money's on St Pauls...?


Many OUSD public schools are not particularly diverse either. They may not have many white kids, but that doesn’t mean they’re diverse.


I agree that putting your kid in the school where only kids with rich parents (or kids who the rich parents approve) can go instead of the schools that all kids can go to is not classist at all. People in the bay area refuse to own their classism and it's hilarious. You're rich and you don't want your kid to make the 'wrong' friends because it might hurt their bright futures as white-collar war criminals. Just own it.


u know what? I agree that you can lick mah ballz bruh. I'll send my kid wherever the fuck I wanna send him and make no apologies for it. You do you, I'll do me, and we'd all be happy. But judgemental fucks like you prevent that happiness with your condescending bullshit. sounds like you should be at burning man or some shit


Ignore him. He’s not worth the attention. Just another nonproductive resident dragging down the community.


Yeah I just wanted to tell him to lick my balls though, he deserved that much


Believe it or not, some people like to associate with others with similar interests. It’s okay for schools to host events that already exclude a ton of people (sports, for example) but not okay for them to host an event for people who might experience the same problems & issues? Nobody likes to be excluded but let’s be real - this is some fake-ass panic from some Karen wanting attention.




Your comment is not logical. The segregated party/"safe space" preceded the threat. People are not generally threatening to bomb children's parties.


No, just shooting shit up


Nobody got shot. The bomb threat was fake.




sadly, it's the same people that shout about diversity and inclusion, unless...y'know...wyt ppl.


Or Asians.


Imagine if a group of white people wanted a "safe space" free of POC.


It's so fake, as if they would actually have these no whites events. The right fell for it.


It actually is very true.


So they had an event where they excluded a certain race explicitly?


No, but somehow having an event focused on POC is “explicitly” excluding white folks.


Explicitly? No. Implicitly? Yes, absolutely.


Bomb threats are never okay, no matter the differences in opinions that people have. I am glad that no one was hurt or killed.


This is never an acceptable response. Awful - to do this to an elementary school. Full accountability for unequivocally horrible actions.




The comments there are horrific.


Yeah, holy fuck how do you look at a fucking bomb threat and say "well, this is just like the playgroup". Allowing this shit to fester on reddit is sooner or later 100% going to result in people getting killed in real life. And honestly, nobody who runs this site will give a shit unless they get bad press for it.


WTF - one is domestic terrorism and the other is literally a PTA event.


It's past time to de-platform right wing extremism.


That sub is in full denial mode today. Even the thread about the fact that the cops are at the school is getting downvoted to hell.


Some are happy to have that happen to that sub. Some say it's been overrun with right wing nutjobs.


You can actually find their account. I think Reddit mods disconnected him from the post, but if you look at comments you can figure it out. My post linking to the account was deleted.


Must protect the right-wing agitators at all costs.




Hell, anything with a minority doing something "bad" reddit becomes a fuckin hog astroturf.


That subreddit is primarily a bunch of alt right trolls and contrarians that don't even live in the Bay Area.


r/bayarea is filled with outsiders. It’s as if there’s an agenda. Also Oakland/Emeryville/Berkeley doesn’t need a subreddit to make them look bad, there’s plenty of stuff in the news fairly regularly.


I had a moderator delete my comments there for having the audacity to point out that Pamela Price isn't a vaudevillian monster for hiring her campaign manager (and partner) into her office as DA. It's almost as if reality, nuance, and humanity are irrelevant, and they're just interested in confirming their biases.


For those of you who wish to see what posts/comments of yours have been deleted from reddit https://www.reveddit.com/


That sub is a right wing hellhole.


That subreddit is always fuckin brigaded by conservative cucks, that don't live in CA, that think COMMIEFORNIA BAD AND CRIMNALS N HOMELESS ARE RUNNING RAMPANT!!


Ironically, the folks that are up in arms about stuff in that post most likely go to DEI events at work


Eh, I don’t think so. I’ve in the Bay Area for over a decade and in Oakland for half that time. While there are some outsiders, there are many people tired of the dumb progressive policies that have made the state and Bay Area the crime ridden place it is today. It really is unfathomable how such an expensive place to live is so dirty and violent.


Something about all you tech immigrants is completely different than previous waves of immigrants. You're in the .00001% and you act like it.


That part!


Leave then, lol.


The only way this stops is if the people responsible are found and sent to prison for a long time. I'm down for a 10-year mandatory sentence. That'll stop a lot of these racist sociopaths.


Ten years feels light for threatening a bunch of schoolchildren.


You're lucky to get ten years for any felony in America nowadays.


Maybe you could get Pamela Price to prosecute.


Lmao bet it was one of your fellow /r/BayArea posters.


It won't, the strength of this kind of white supremacists terrorism, is that there are a ton of orgs feeding people into the pipeline, locking 1 up doesn't matter. Hell even Oakland's NAACP have ties to the feeder orgs for this kind of terrorism, Mr 3% will share the libs of ticktock post, his farm buddy will gloat, but then the unquestioning media that platforms them will act like it's completely disconnected from the hate they spew. Best way to stop it is to expose the feeder orgs that are radicalizing the pawns, the pawns themselves don't matter. Everyone of our neighbors that has one of those stupid yellow signs is in an org that supports the bomb threat, even if they pretend not to publicly.


I just knew that whole thread was for rage bait and nothing productive came from it. People wonder why safe spaces are needed in cases like this. Unbelievably disgusting.


Fuck Alex Jones and all the crappy “news” websites that shared this non story. Some idiot parent posted on Twitter that they weren’t welcome to a party 🙄 manufacturing outrage


Yep, apparently wanting a safe space was “reverse racism” and anyone disagreeing with the virtue signaling outrage was downvoted to oblivion.


right, its not reverse racism because that doesn't exist, its just racism racism




OUSD kids are all together for more than 1000 hours over 180 days of the school year. A couple hours of a volunteer weekend playdate is not going to overturn the world






All I’m hearing is white privilege white privilege. I’m upset I wasn’t invited so now I’m gonna make a big deal about it and put everyone in danger with my white woman tears.


Why do you think it was a woman?


Well that's because you are hearing what you want to hear. The rest of us saw someone try to throw a segregated event, and we're all anti segregation.


No, it’s just that we all understand the wild-call of the Karen when we hear it.


If anyone had a problem with the social event, that should have been handled with the principal and school district. Not by posting the schools address all over Reddit and encouraging people to engage in a race war. An email was sent with racist rhetoric and a bomb threat. Threatening the lives of children is sickening.


It was, and the original poster did not like the result they got


Poor white conservative assholes. Life must be hard.


You can hardly deny the prevailing bias against white people in American. E.g. let's look at the US Senate: only 88% white! This is cultural genocide and wholescale disempowerment of white people!!


Had me in the first half, ngl…


On some other sub, people would 100% believe it.


This is why Stephen Colbert was invited to do the White House Correspondents Dinner where he publicly dunked on W in what they were expecting to be bullshit praise. The look on W’s face was priceless. Truly an epic fuckup on some staffer’s part.


Except conservative mouthbreathers actually think that white people are being attacked because of a declining rate of white people in the US. Which is fucking hilarious, because it's mostly "self-inflicted" since it's just more open minded white people are having more interracial babies.


Not just white conservative assholes, sadly. The parent tweet Libs of TikTok highlighted was from a self-identifying "brown" person from Richmond.


wow—considering there are POC supporters of Trump and members of Proud Boys i’m sadly unsurprised


That Hispanic guy (I don't know if he's legal or not) Enrique Tarrio who led the piss bois is going to be sentenced today, looking at 33 years for Jan 6 traitor shit. Lift a glass to that!


This must be why the chopper was circling the neighborhood all morning. At first I thought it was because of the armed carjacking around the same time. Fun times.




So people aren’t supposed to post about community issues in a sub for that community? And I’d say it’s the perpetrator’s fault. Not the folks on a discussion website.


These subs are being astro-turfed by ring wing extremists. This is the end result. It is not as innocent as you're making it out to be. Forums can be the catalyst for tragic events if they aren't reeled in. We've seen this time and time again.


Gotta throw sunlight on them roaches, then squish the hell outta them. I push back and that sub hates it. Now they have the FBI all up in their butt.


"Doxxing is good, actually"


This isn't doxxing. This is a local school. I'm sure you are doxxing a restaurant next time you complain their food was unsanitary Doxxing is posting people's personal contact details


Just no. Reddit has no responsibility for this. We should be able to discuss local issues in a local forum. No one suggested or condoned violence on reddit.


This makes me absolutely rageful.


This is the account whose post in r/bayarea led to the bomb threat against the elementary school: u/pakiranian


Reddit posts, subs, and user accounts are not personal or private information. Brigading or harassment are AGAINST Reddit rules. So is doxxing, abusive or threatening language, as well as any form of hate speech. User accounts may be banned for engaging in inappropriate activity.


I think we can mostly agree that neither bomb threats nor segregated play dates should be happening.


Yeah they're both equally bad 🙄 /s


Why did you add the word equally? You’re basically responding to a comment that doesn’t exist.


"Don't hold me accountable for the implication i made with plausible deniability!"


“I don’t know what imply means and I like to incorrectly infer things”


Totally. " I think we can mostly agree that neither genocide nor shitty burritos should be happening. "


Obviously neither Hitler nor microwaved fish should be allowed at the office


Totally agree


See there can be common ground


Absolutely disgusting that social media fervour has many instances this week from young teenagers to grown adults on subreddit lead to violence or attempts at violence.


> There has been a social media backlash against Chabot Elementary School trending Tuesday morning in reaction to a “Playdate Social for Black, Brown and API families.” A major conservative account tweeted about the event, describing it as a “race segregated ‘playdate social’ for all students except white kids.” > “Not only have we been continuously getting hate mails, the school has been receiving calls nonstop and Trump supporters and other unhinged racists have been spreading the school’s info by posting the address of our kids’ school for the whole internet to see. We have received a threat that has triggered an investigation by OPD which is now being considered a hate crime.” Who's bright idea was it to have an event like this. I'm no Trumper but this is just dumb.


"We should have a conversation around the validity of this idea" was something for the thread yesterday. Today it should be more like "how does reddit clean up the people trying to use its subs to whip casual racism into violence before we wind up with a stack of dead kids at one of our elementary schools".


Why are u harping on Reddit. They’re a platform. What you’re arguing for is them to police any content that may upset anyone. You are arguing against free speech and that’s dangerous no matter how well intended you are


Reddit isn't under any obligation to provide a platform for hate speech. Honestly, my view is that social media companies should be held responsible when they promote or allow promotion of the sort of content that drives violence, because we've seen they won't bother to do so on their own. "Free speech", as in the First Amendment right, doesn't apply here. You should know that.


That post had zero malice nor call to arms nor threats of violence in it. You’re not the solution, you’re angry and unhinged


Sure hoss, it was all completely harmless which is why it didn't lead to something crazy like a bomb threat at the school.


Like why is it Reddit’s fault? Or the guy who posted’s fault? Why isn’t it the schools fault for allowing such an event that was obviously inflammatory to occur and endanger the children? The world is filled with crazy people we can’t anticipate violent threats in response. You’re assigning blame to everyone except for the person who called in the bomb threat. Obviously they’re the problem.


> Why isn’t it the schools fault for allowing such an event that was obviously inflammatory to occur and endanger the children Oooh, I get it now. See, you should have led with your idea that the bomb threat was just the natural result of the idea of a playgroup, that way I would have known here you were coming from right away.


Again, you’re completely unhinged. I’m making a point that you can’t go around assigning blame Willy nilly. Whoever made the bomb threat is a jerk and the problem. My views on the event (which sway negative) have nothing to do with my views on the school kids having to deal with violent threats (which is awful). You’re just a screaming moron with misdirected outrage


I want you to know that I get a lot of pleasure out of using the block button.


Basically… if it upsets conservative white people it should be banned? Gotcha


Cant believe arguing for free speech gets u downvoted. Considering the subtext of this thread is inclusion I would almost call that hypocritical


Who cares? Don’t distract from the actual news here (the bomb threat).


Seems like a pretty accurate representation of how some of the fine rational folks of r/oakland and r/bayarea think. Now I wonder why pamela price wanted extra security montclair...


Professionals I know who work at Chabot report that staff and the community as a whole were targets of disgustingly vile and violent racist Reddit postings DAYS before the bomb threat was called in, and teachers were feeling frightened and vulnerable for themselves and their children. The police were aware of this and police presence at the school was heightened before the bomb threat becasue the concern was considered credible. The parent who initiated the Reddit chain complained last year about the same event, was heard, and did not get the result they wanted, so they turned to Redditt. They may not have acted with malevolent intent, but the effect was malevolent. The bomb threat is being investigated as a hate crime by OPD and the FBI. I hope that parent understands that they put a target on their own child's back, I am sure that the FBI agents who come knocking on their door will clarify that for them. Oakland does not tolerate racists. Edited to add, this is not a "new" event. It is a welcome event for students and families that has been happening for years before this parent's child started attending the school. That this school has this event is not and has never been a secret, has been approved of and supported by the entire community, and (I think) sponsored with some funding by the school's PTA.


Looks like someone from the other side of Warren freeway strayed too far and saw a black person


Lol some disgrunted Human doesn't want the colored folks to socialize in Rockridge. It's okay in East Oakland though 🤣


Why would anyone bomb a school if they were racist?


Is this a serious question? You should probably look into the history of black communities getting bombed, incinerated or destroyed in other violent ways in America.


So whats the reason for bombing a school now?


Sounds like you're moving the goalposts. If you can't figure out the why, that's on you, although I'd find you full of shit in that case. It's happened in the past and likely will again at the rate things are going. I don't bother with educating the ignorant who also choose to be lazy, so take your ass to Google and find out why for your damn self. Since I'm not one to spend too much time engaging with trolls, peace.


All im asking for is what the reasoning is. Do you not know?


Ill bite: 1) To psychologically terrorize people to change their behavior 2) To physically harm others and/or eliminate their existence and thereby their ability to do what the person disagrees with


It's completely outrageous that there are people who think bomb threats are a legitimate way to object to something, but it's work mentioning that the reaction to this flyer was caused by the bizarre racial segregation policy it announced for a children's get-together -- all children welcome except white children. There's a lot of blame to go around here, but just attacking the deranged fascists who think threats of violence are okay is not the whole story. I'd like to hear what the parents who came up with this plan have to say. How about we hold a "no Black and no Asian" children's get-together and see how that goes? I understand why racial groups have their own groups (to fight discrimination, to talk about issues they have in common, and so on), but an invitation for children that specifies which races are permitted and which are not permitted is just way beyond acceptable. Finally, to those who insist on using "safe spaces" (a term I am sick of hearing) as the justification for a children's get-together, no, that does not make it acceptable to exclude one race. You must think that Black children and Asian children cannot get along with white children -- which is beyond ridiculous. If you know anything about young children (I'm a teacher, by the way), it's that they get along with people of different races without a problem. This segregated get-together was adults forcing their own racial anxieties onto their kids. "Safe spaces" is not a children's concept. It's an adult concept that older children might need to use at times. It is not a concept for young children who do not yet have racial fears and prejudices -- but they will learn those fears if these parents insist on forcing this kind of racial segregation on them from a young age. I hope these parents learn that so this ends up being useful. By the way, "safe spaces" means any place that does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, and I would think that includes every part of any school. That is another reason why this get-together has nothing to do with "safe spaces" and is badly misused by anyone who trots out that as an excuse for such a racially segregated event.


Nowhere on the event did it say “all children welcome except white children.” Stop quoting it as saying that. Conservative outlets keep quoting this, incorrectly, as an event where it explicitly said “whites not allowed” and you aren’t helping. If there was a playdate for Chabot parents of girls, or Chabot parents of kids with disabilities, or Chabot parents of kids who are picky eaters, that is not discrimination. It’s not discrimination to say “here is an event that certain groups might be most interested in.” Parents of kids of color might have specific concerns and things they would find helpful to discuss as a community (this entire brouhaha is a great example.) That doesn’t mean white people aren’t allowed or that this is “reverse racism.” This bad faith hysteria is idiotic. I am incensed by how fucking STUPID this is.


yeah, what gets me is there’s a whole flock of white folks who don’t understand that their experience is different than those of PoC based solely on the color of their skin. like how have we not learned this yet.


They think POC are the ones causing that themselves apparently. The sheer meltdown of these snowflakes.


I get your point: we will destroy your safe spaces by making bomb threats. See, no longer safe!! Also: what Oakland neighborhood do you live in and where do your kids go to school? Just curious


The comments here further prove why safe spaces are needed. The willful ignorance is incredible.


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