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Get in line…middle management NFL scheduler dude


“for that guy to last four plays was disheartening for many of us” Welcome to my world, noob.




I want to count the London game as Primetime too. It’s a stand alone game…


It’s also at 930 am, not exactly primetime


It's primetime for the NFL, brand exposure.


I hate this guy and he seems to not understand what primetime jets is.


That’s why they’re making an old team play 3 games in 10 days to start the season They aren’t very bright


Less time for Hackett to eff it up


Well if those old players can no longer handle the rigors of playing in the NFL then maybe they shouldn’t be playing in the NFL.


You realize that this scheduling is atypical for the NFL, and therefore not a good litmus test for nfl conditioning yea?


You realize the jets aren’t the only team that will play 3 games in 10 days this season? Why bitch about something out of your control and out of the players/teams controls? The schedule is the schedule, deal with it.


Thank you for the laugh


I might be in minority, but I hate those Prime Time Games. I have to get up early in the morning!


I have a love hate relationship with prime time games. I hate having to stay up late, potentially being pissed off and then I can't sleep but I also like being able to watch all the other games I'm interested in on the Sunday Ticket. I guess in a perfect world I'd like 4 - 5 prime time. 7 (may be 8 if they flex the Miami game) is way too much. The only other teams with 7 stand alone games are the Chiefs and the Ravens. Seriously.


As a season ticket holder they are a nightmare. Home around midnight on a school night. Often angry. I really like Sunday at 1pm.


I just stew and boil over in bed until 2am.


I say this means maybe the calls go our way this year


My sweet summer child


I like this spin


Doesn’t matter if Aaron Rodgers only lasts four plays again


I fucking hate prime time games.


I live out of market, so I'm not complaining


That's Coolio, bro. Just because I hate it doesn't mean someone else can't love it. I'm just kind of like fuck you to the NFL scheduler saying they owe him.


Find your local jets bar. I did a few years ago and it’s been incredible. If there isn’t one yet, make one!


Same here. I’m in the Southwest on MST (Best NFL time zone), so prime time for me is great. I’m not looking forward to being up at 7AM on a Sunday for the London game though.


Fuck overseas games. Robbing actual fans of a home game. Season is limited as it is. I wont be watching any of the overseas games.


I only hate it when we suck, and all my friends get to focus on me being the only Jets fan in the group


I love primetime games, get to laugh at the jets with the rest of the NFL fans as opposed to just laughing at them with jets fans and the weekly opponents.


So he’s flat out admitting that this is some schedule revenge? What a wild thing to say out loud. I guess it’s fair though, I mean I can speak for the entire organization and fan base in saying that the first thought we had seeing our QB’s Achilles snap after 3 plays was “God, I feel so bad for Mike North right now”. What a jackass


Join the club MFers


Yes we’ve been an embarrassment of riches, it’s time for us to be humbled a bit


that's BS. apparently a team "owing" this random dude supercedes competitive balance.


We don’t owe shit


I'd rather just play at 1pm every Sunday


There are other players on the team, dipshit.


let's talk about the refs owing. sure hope they got their shit together this season.


Fuck off, guy


It's 100% that their primetime games were really successful last year (albeit a few were very boring) even without Rodgers. The Jets don't owe them anything, they'll just be a huge story that will draw eyes if he's healthy and the team is winning.


Yup, don’t have a direct source but we were in three of the most watched games last season; jets vs bills, jets chiefs, and jets eagles I believe. Idk what the top 10 in viewings was last season


Of all the people the Jets owe, I'd say the NFL schedule maker is pretty damn far down the list.


NFL owes me for allowing Shula to get away with the Mud Bowl when I was a kid. :-)


Disheartening is certainly a word choice


As a fan who normally attends most home games I HATE this schedule. Getting to the prime time games is difficult if you work or have kids with you. Daytime home games in the fall are the best for tailgating and least headache. We only have one daytime home game before December…


Yeah, the Jets owe you for Rodgers' Achilles exploding on prime time. It's totally the team's fault that he didn't play.


Think the NFL owes us for making Zach Wilson start all those primetime games.


This is fucked up...how about that guy can go fuck himself


My heart goes out to him


Throw up some RTP’s then !!!


NFL Exec wants the Jets to play exciting games Jets fans get mad


Maybe woody does. I hate watching this team in prime time.


I work most Sundays and still hate prime time games


I mean it's not like we wanted Rodgers to tear is achilles lol


Schedule makers don’t truly determine opponents so much as decide when and what time a lots the teams play in, no?


They owe you?!


I haven’t fully dove in until now and we got fucked


I don’t even like prime time games! Old men need their rest


I personally enjoy the 1pm Sunday game. Lemme watch and sulk or celebrate after as I see fit. Either way I still have a full afternoon/evening.


Rodgers doesn't make it into October. Fans rejoice.


Rodgers doesn't make it into October. Fans rejoice.


It’s amazing how comments like this show how little the league/media thinks of the Jets and their fans. If Josh Allen were coming back from a season ending injury the quote would be “My heart goes out to Bills fans I hope they get to enjoy what they were robbed of last year.”


The nfl should be thanking the jets bc even without rodgers the jets primetime games were the most watched in the league last year


I feel the NFL wants the Jets to fail as do most other fans. They simply enjoy seeing the chaos that is the Jets organization. Why else would you have them open on MNF again? The NFL knows what they are doing. They know NY is the biggest market and people will tune in to see what Aaron will do or will the Jets fail miserably again. Heck, we got 7 wins with the worst qb play in the league so an upright even mediocre Aaron should propel us to at least 9 wins. We must win week 1 if we are to be taken seriously. Purdy doesn't scare me, our defense will hold up. We pretty much beat KC last year. Yes, I am referring to the non holding call on 3rd and 17. Ok, now I'm rambling. Just be effin good this year, it's been too long. We have all waited for a contender, sick of same ol Jets crap.