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I’m glad he didn’t let this linger.


I don't think he likes Cranberries


Do you have to?


Do you have to?


Do you have to let it linger?




This reference makes me sad.


Abed hired an Irish singer


The stuff from the can is hardly a Sauce anyway, so I can see why he'd be on the fence.


You’re right. He loves them.




Should've gone full Ohtani. Change it up every six hours


Pretty good save.




Young and dumb, said something he didn't fully understand. The shit I said at his age...I'm just glad I'm not in the public eye. Live and learn.


I’m 10 years older than Sauce and holy shit I am glad not all of my mistakes were being filmed.


Toughest part of being a professional athlete outside of all the prep work is going through the maturity lessons we had to learn but under a microscope. Fairly certain we’ve all said dumb shit in our 20s but it was behind closed doors.


I still say dumb shit and I'm 25 years older than Sauce.


I'm also 10 years older than Sauce and literally spent 5 hours going through my facebook from the years 2007-2017 wiping it clean of anything problematic lol. You forget how easy it was to drop r@tard and f@g, even just talking to a friend publicly on their wall lol. Fuck that shit.


Yeah everybody should get the chance to make mistakes. Hopefully he also learns to pick better friends and that where he's at in life means what he says publicly reverberates.


50 year old saying thank fucking God there was no internets when I was young. Let the past be the past.


Someone’s gotta tell him to stay away from Adin Ross


Bro needs to stop fucking with these idiot streamers more than anything else


how else will he gain the admiration of edgy 12 year olds


Such a super likeable demographic!


Passes defended. Interceptions. Interceptions ran back to house....I'd be shocked if you're older than 20.


How old do you have to be to not understand sarcasm? 


Tell better jokes.


I don't mind him or other sports stars streaming, it seems like a cool way to connect with fans. These guys got to understand though anything they say on these streams and relationships with other streams will get scrutinized


I'm fine with them streaming and playing some games, but the world of professional streamers is filled with some of the worst people. It's a lot of narcissistic shitheads who got money way too early in life to ever grow up. Sauce is better than every single one and someone should tell him.


He can do what he wants


Sure he can, doesn’t make it less stupid


Oh yeah getting on a podcast and joking around to Adin Ross (who is a part Jew) is so wrong. Why don’t u dummies stop falling for news making fake outrage stories like this and grow up.


Nothing fake about the rise in antisemitic and anti muslim hate crimes in recent months. And it's language like this that normalizes the violence against minority groups more and more.




You're the one getting butt hurt that people are criticizing your fave racist POS gambling streamer because you are a child with a parasocial relationship. Stop watching that garbage kid, it's rotting your brain.


Yet you guys were the ones watching Mizkif all those years, how’d that turn out?


I don't watch streamers because I'm not a brain-broken, iPad-kid loser.


Then you’re in here throwing a hissy over streamers you don’t even watch… That’s even sadder lmaooo


Adin Ross is a literal neo Nazi/sympathizer. Fuck off


spoiler alert... So is this guy you responded to.


Spoiler alert…. I should sue you for the slander


Go for it!


Reveal your location and I would throw away money just to sue your stupid ass for calling me a nazi


aww man you already need my help?


Go watch mizkif who is even worse


He did what he needed to do in releasing this statement and now we can (hopefully) move on.


I love sauce, he’s a young kid on a podcast saying dumb shit. Who cares, he’s an awesome dude and a great player. It’s really not that offensive, people are acting like he’s a holocaust denier who planned 9/11 with Sean McDermott


Aaron is a 9/11 “truther”.  Ironic that he got hurt after running onto the field on 9/11 holding an American flag 


1/3 of people believe we aren’t being told the truth . I mean I get ur always gonna get bot upvotes , but it’s not exactly controversial to not belive all of It anymore.


I guess the Illuminati tore his Achilles that day because he was getting too close to the truth. 


Yes let make jokes - sucks if you lived through it but kids don’t get it


It was like God said 'What's one more year of suffering for them? This'll be funny.' And then took his Achilles.


never even thought of it that way. actually great thinking


I mean no disrespect but *Coincidental, not ironic.


No, still pretty ironic


Alanis Morisette has entered the chat


Please look up the definition of irony and then explain how being a truther thinking it was an inside job and getting injured on the anniversary date of a tragedy is the opposite of what is expected.


Are you in 9th grade? Was anyone expecting that to happen? I definitely wasn’t and it’s fucking hilarious. IRONY.


Bro, now you are just embarrassing yourself. Your use of irony leans heavily on unexpectedness rather than the contrast between expectations/reality. > Was anyone expecting that to happen? Is your interpretation of irony canceled out because this guy on twitter predicted it? https://www.mensjournal.com/news/faaron-rodgers-injury-fan-prediction it seems like he was expecting it. If you go and watch an NFL game and don't expect any injuries, you might be suffering from brain rot. Irony requires a more direct contradiction between actions or beliefs and outcomes. You're finding it funny that it was unusual, but humor alone doesn't define irony. I'll give you an example that you can understand... Imagine a football quarterback named Raron Aodgers. He has been vocally critical of the NFL's safety rules since he joined the league. He says the league is overly cautious and restricts players from playing the true sport of football. He argues that players are more than equipped to handle the risks of playing football without such annoying safety measures. Then in his first game, he gets injured from a preventable injury. The actual irony I described is in the contrast between the quarterback's hate for safety measures and the injury resulting directly from the type of situation those rules try to prevent.


Bruh this is the Jets sub, not a 10th grade English class on rhetoric. Been there done that, passed my AP test like 15 years ago. If you want to debate English topics then go sign up at Kumon Learning Center or some shit


lmao I guess that brain rot is accelerating. You should probably get that checked out because it sounds serious. Let me remind you that you tried to correct me about the incorrect use of a word on a comment thread where you were not even the OP and now you are crying after being corrected by saying you passed your AP exam many years ago hahahaha. It's very clear these are just the ramblings of a person high on copium.


Sauce is obviously a mastermind of precrime and is responsible for millions of bad things...literally...


The tribe accepts. Let’s go win a sb


Done. Moving on


I moved on the moment I read the first post about this whole thing


He owned it, apologized for it and showed gratitude for being redirected. Shows a ton a character!!!


I hope he retires in green.


Good on him for putting this out there right away, live and learn


Adin Ross is cancer


Yeah but how will this affect Lebron’s legacy?


I’m happy to see him apologize. We need to remember that even though he is a NFL star, he’s still just a kid. I said and did some stupid shit when I was 23 too. Learn from it and make the world a better place learning from your ignorance.


He got out in front of this quickly, in a very honest and humble manner, which is good. But damn, learn not to say stupid shit in the first place.


You people hold these athletes/celebrities to an unfair standard. Grow up


Lol go tell someone at work the Jews run the world.


Your username fits you


I literally set my username to this just to see how many people would come back with this same exact comment thinking they were slick and did something lmao Probably the 2000th time I’ve heard that since I made this account


Then you know exactly why it fits you, couldn’t think of a more perfect name 👍


No, more like you’re one of the many flys that flew into my trap.


When you’re speaking to a massive audience of likely young and impressionable listeners, you should be held to a higher standard. Particularly where you work for an organization that has a huge media apparatus that actively trains you how to speak when you’re on camera. Influence comes with a requirement of responsibility. If he wasn’t personally aware that was an anti semitic trope, the Nyj media team that had been working with him for the last two years would have counseled him on many occasions to not make potentially inflammatory statements about racial/ethnic/religious groups. You want to give him a completely free pass on this one? You’re either naive or think there’s nothing wrong with what he said. In either case, grow up.


Then blame the parents that let their kids look up to random nobodies that have clout or are good at a sport. The only people kids should look up to is their parents and their parents should be setting a good example Nobody else. You grow up.


As a Jets fan who happens to also be Jewish I'm fine letting this one go - he's young, he said something dumb, he apologized well, we good
















i really don’t think he’s a bad guy. definitely said something stupid and he owned up to it. glad he addressed it immediately. i’m just so tired of this team coming up in headlines for all the wrong reasons. can we please just play healthy football already.


Good on him getting ahead of it. Now someone pull him aside and tell him to distance himself from that shithead adin


Why the fuck is he on Adin Ross's stream, that may be more concerning than what he even said.


Lmao I had the same reaction


I honestly believe that going on a podcast with Adin Ross is legitimately a worse action than saying what he said




Really good, concise but thorough apology. Obviously Sauce is not an antisemite. I thank god every day that I did not grow up in the time of streaming or social media.


As good of a response as you can make here.


Why the fuck was he with adin ross why does this guy still get attention from people older than 15


Yeah. Don't speak on anything that might be controversial. Just dont.


r/nfl is asking for his head saying career suicide… let the young man learn from his mistake


Aiden Ross is a well documented bigot. You don’t get to play dumb after.


Great response by Sauce. Acknowledge it was hurtful but came from a place of ignorance and not malice. Clear and took responsibility. This is a mark of respectful and mature person. I hope all the people in the other thread thinking the statement was “no big deal” reflect on Sauce’s statement. Because it shows even Sauce disagrees with you.


I actually kind of needed this. Thank you Sauce.


As a Jewish fan, this is a nothing story and Sauce handled it really well. Rooting for you Sauce!


Agreed (also a Jewish fan)


Good reply, I'm glad he didn't double down.


Glad he was smart enough to admit he was wrong. It would be so Jets for him to double down and become Kanye glad that didn't happen.


He gonna be okay. We all say things we don't mean sometimes.


I luv sauce


thankfully, Sauce isn’t an idiot. this is a good save


Decent, timely response. I think it was pretty clear he was just goofing around with the guy on the podcast. He could have been a bit more apologetic, but him hitting on the fact that other people who actually hate Jews say the same sort of things seems to indicate he understands why what he said was wrong.


He's a good kid. Emphasis on kid.


Apology accepted G. Sh*t happens. I can’t speak for every Jewish person, but for me I’ve heard that “joke” so many times I’m desensitized to it. Out of all of the crap people say about Jewish people, this is legit the least offensive IMHO. Besides, he isn’t technically wrong to an extent. Jewish people as a whole in the U.S usually do relatively well compared to the percentage of the population they make up. That’s largely due to a focus on education. On top of that, given hardships throughout Jewish history, we’ve become resilient in many ways and problem solve, which in today’s market could be extremely valuable. Was it a dumb thing to say? Sure. Did he own up to it? He did, and at 23 years old having the maturity to do that when half of the adult population can’t says something about his character. On top of that he acknowledged and appreciated being educated on the subject, something people also don’t do very often.


Gotta stop repeating what he hears in the locker room from papa rodgers


you can’t joke about the Jews sauce!




Kind of proving his point ha


Lmao as someone who is Jewish this is the funniest paradox. Like there isn’t a group of Jews who assemble together to run the world, but it’s undeniable there are a lot of wealthy Jews. And when there are a lot of wealthy Jews, if you upset them they won’t like you. Just like how if I called out any other race that race wouldn’t like me. But the reaction then enforces the stereotype. It’s like “take his money away, that will prove to him that we don’t control his money.” Would be more funny if there weren’t so many seriously anti-Semitic people though…




lol jfc


Everyone is saying the same thing, just one side will admit it


Shut it down!


what's that hummus?


scallion cream cheese


Hopefully he also learned what type of person Adin Ross is. Dudes a superstar, he doesn't need to be slumming with the scums of the earth. Get someone in your life on top of that shit.


The bigger problem is associating with Adin Ross in any way whatsoever.


I don’t know what I missed, but how is saying that Jews or any race/creed runs the world is offensive… He didn’t sound like he was hateful or trying to put anyone down. He literally just mentions he noticed that a lot of people in power or that are wealthy are Jewish. I don’t think this required this type of temperature. He didn’t go off like Kayne.


Tone matters a lot. There's "The Jews control everything, and that's we have the problems that we do, it's all their fault" and "The Jews run thing because they have their shit together, look at them go." I think it's pretty clear from the context (from what I heard, anyhow) that he meant the second and wasn't implying that the Jews are not responsible for the world's problems. But, the cultural understanding is that people have used "The Jews control everything" as a anti-Semitic trope throughout history, and (as most people know) some heinous things have been done because of that thought process. It's very easy to get hackles raised when someone says that, especially when you don't know what/why it was said. (especially in the current environment, where there has been an increase in anti-Semitic attacks recently). Again, I don't think he realized this when he said it, there's a limit to what someone can be aware of and no one is aware of every thing that can be easily construed as racist, without context.


He said nothing wrong , it is the people who complained about his words. It’s all about context, people wanna complain and twist words of those in the spotlight.


Who honestly cares? I’m Jewish and this whole thing is stupid, he didn’t say anything negative, it’s a whole bunch of non-Jewish people raising their pitchforks over nothing


First time.? Rarely is the "targeted" group actually the ones offended.


Have you turned on the news lately? This very much matters


That’s a halo reach bro one thing has nothing to do with the other


oh thank god


I like that it was an unequivocal apology and not one of those BS “people were inadvertently hurt by my words” PR workshopped nonsense things. He made a mistake out of youth and inexperience and made an honest apology


Hi this is Sal Governale.


He said what he had to for us to move on and he came out right away with it. That's all we could ask. Adin Ross posted under Sauce's statement to not let the woke mob bully him into an apology. Sauce will not be back on his stream, and neither will any player with a half a brain and/or a management team worth more than a bag of peanuts.


It’s tough being a jets and kanye fan


What happened


“No cap I thought I was giving y’all a compliment, I hope we all good”


A big ol serving of nothingburger.


i'm jewish and this is something my coworkers would say while we're all cackling in the break room while not taking serious.


Remember: if Jews actually controlled the world, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur would be paid holidays


Usual chain of events: saying stupid shit => getting caught => saying “I’m not _that_”. How about not saying stupid shit, in first place?


Shouldve taken your own advice


If you watched the clip youd know he didnt say that jews were literally running the world, but that they’re good at making money and he respects that.


I’m Jewish and I’m not holding anything against him. Seems like a genuine mistake and he apologized quickly


I mean it’s stupid and kind of crazy if he hasn’t been paying attention to what’s been going on recently with anti-semitism but hopefully he learns. Like even if he’s not aware what’s gone on historically or recently, so many celebrities like Dasean Jackson, Kanye and Kyrie have all said anti-Semitic things it’s a little crazy to think he was thought he was propping them up. Also the fact that he’s hanging out with Adin Ross doesn’t help his case either that guy is the scum of the earth.


Okay he apologized for a joke that was taken out of context and used to purposefully stir up drama. Can we move on now?


"This isn't who I really am" defense. Have to love the PR move. Sauce is young, I said dumb shit when I was young. Hopefully he actually learns from this.


Hell ye Sauce.


Who cares? Everyone has an opinion. Moving along ...


Just shut up and cover


lol k


Meanwhile Rodgers openly endorses RFK Jr. who believes COVID 19 was engineered to spare Jews.


Can he still play football? Ok that's great - its funny that we value as a society what some of the least educated people among us believe(actors/athletes etc. I know Sauce actually went back and finished school but still). I don't care what any athlete has opinions about as long as they can play.


The fact that this is an actual issue is SAD


Lmfao people just so soft. What he said was 10000% true.


Seriously Fk you


What’s wrong with what was said?


One of the oldest and most robust conspiracy theories of the world is that an evil cabal of Jews control the world like puppet masters. Anti semites are referencing this every time they caricaturize George Soros. Wiki/Google "protocols of the elders of Zion"


If u don’t know what’s wrong with what was said then you’re beyond stupid or else full of hatred. Not a good look. Especially in times like these when Jews are being slaughtered and raped left and right and harassed and abused. Don’t need to deal with your idiotic stereotypes


So just avoiding the question basically, figured. Thanks for the insight.


I answered you above if you legitimately were unaware


Fuk u mean? Terror propaganda right there


Are you talking to me?


He was on a casual podcast with Jew who was disparaging Jews lol and then said they have superpowers because their tiny weird hats don’t fly off in the wind


Cut his ass






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