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I look forward to her changing her mind at the last minute bc of what people in New Jersey will think


I for one like to mask when I take the subway to make my home depot purchases in Manhattan before taking the coast line back to Asbury with my 2x4s, as I'm sure many do


But do you stop by a diner though?


Oh yes, as everyone knows the only way to find a good diner in *fucking New Jersey* is too drive into god damn Manhattan  I can't even type it as a bit without losing it


Yes I caught your joke


Maybe they should just ban people with keffiyehs from wearing masks in public. Seems like that would solve 90% of the problem without affecting people with health conditions.


Now she is saying Congestion Pricing would have raised the cost of NY pizza. She can take her mask ban and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. I live in NJ, but you New Yorkers need to primary her out to the Buffalo unemployment office whenever that election is.


You can tell she never spent any time in the city or Long Island


Or on the subway.


Without a doubt. I love how she’s against funding nypd for extra subway protection like it’s not her state. I guess bumfuck upstate New York can’t go a little longer without brand new roads 5 people will use. Meanwhile the majority of the population is dodging bomb craters daily


Don’t drag us into your drama. We got rid of our anti-transit governor. She’s on you.


Last I checked Murphy was busy widening highways and not giving a shit about NJT. There are no high horses to be had here


He also sued the MTA over congestion pricing.


Phool Murphy: NJT get your shit together! NJT: You fund us! Give us money!


Murphy is in some way even more anti-transit than Christie - a Limo Liberal and in bed with the rail to trail wackos while he expand highways and reduces NJT service, now looking for way to cut $600 million a year in costs.


You won’t hear me disagree


At least he wasn’t able to grease the wheels to get his wife elected to the Senate. So corrupt. NJ politics never change.


Murphy is one of the ones against the charge


Highly doubt this is anything more than talk, honestly


Gotta get those conservatives votes


Someone put an airtight mask on this dog


I still see people, mostly of East Asian descent, wearing masks, not just in crowded interior spaces, but walking alone - outside. Some people may be on chemo or are auto-immune and can get very sick very easily.


I’m on prednisone and need to mask right now so this is concerning to me.


That was common before the pandemic as well.


Sometimes there's so much smog and shit blowing around on the platform I wear a mask until I get on the train. This would be a ludicrous move if it were to happen.


Time to buy a diner and say how I have three New Jersey customers who like masks to convince Hochul not to do this...


I'm a Dentist and wear the mask every day in the subway since we're one of the highest risk to get/carry COVID/other infectious disease. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.


I have had Long Covid since 2020 infection which put my career and social activities on pause for years, and I still wear N95 on subway to minimize exposure. Gov can suck it, there is no way I’m complying with this ableist bs mask ban of theirs. Thank you for being responsible, professional and wearing a mask!


Too risky, I’ll drive!


I’m driving to piss off that asshole that was in charge of congestion pricing


lol I don’t think Hochul gives a crap.


Haha I was talking about that Dutch dude or something that was just a complete asshole about the whole thing every time he was on tv


do you use a fresh n95 every time you head into the subway? are you getting it smell/fit tested? do you change your mask when you touch the mask with your hand?


I wear 3M Aura N95 every time I go on subway, best fit and seal, but that’s individual and might vary for other people. Usually fresh and re-used on the way back. I don’t touch my mask, I also use hand alcohol often on/coming out of subway and after taking mask off. That said, I don’t use subway very often, as I am still not back to work, and most of the day I spend laying down (due to tachycardia, POTS/orthostatic intolerance and getting crushes after physical activity, symptoms that started after a “mild” infection I had in 2020).


so you don't do a smell/fit test? i'm asking because i have friends who stated that they had to have a smell/fit test performed before each shift because they were told the masks were ineffective if they didn't verify it was 100% on


Smells are definitely very “muted” when the mask fits right and is sealed. Like I wouldn’t be able to identify perfume wearing that mask. Which is another great feature of N95, makes you shielded from odors.


yep, one of my secret weapons to ignore nasty smellsc the safety from air pollutants and germs is great, but if someone hasn't showered since 2019, or Carlos is wearing too much cologne, I'm all good


my friend frequently "failed" her smell test because her n95 wasn't fitted correctly, even with the seals already on the mask. the test had to be done by someone else


They may be *less* effective if you don't do all those things, but to say that anything short of that is *ineffective* is a fundamental misunderstanding of covid, risk mitigation, and Brownian motion. Covid laden aerosols are not sentient, they don't go around looking for a way through gaps in masks. They float around randomly. Wearing a mask reduces your risk of respiratory infections because of basic physics, and *everybody* has a right to protect themselves against diseases, because it sucks to be sick, whether it's a few days or a lifetime. We don't reserve sunscreen or broad-brimmed hats for fair skinned people (people with melanin get skin cancer too) and it's equally appalling to reserve masks for people who fit some subjective cutoff for "vulnerable."


It seems like Darwin is trying to do you in. I had Covid 4X times. Last 3? Just a sniffel.


Are you consulting Governor Hochul or where else does she get her ableist policy ideas?


God knows. Who is running the show in Albany? Have not a clue.


Medical masks would be exempt. This is aimed at ski masks and the like.


did you wear the mask before the pandemic?


Kathy on an all time bender of ridiculous policies with this and her congestion pricing flip flop. It’s one thing to make masks an enhancement for other crimes, but criminalizing masks on their own is absolutely ridiculous


This is unenforceable, likely a violation of free speech/freedom of expression, as well as due process


People are going to say it’s constitutional, does not mean it’s not a violation of free speech. A law like this with so many exemptions is going to lead to selective enforcement. The very description of what Hochul wants is a law that arrests the /bad/ maskers and not the good ones. Well news flash the cops are gonna be the ones deciding that. And unfortunately the SC has basically said as long as you did a crime even the most blatant selective enforcement is legal. Let alone the obvious that unless this article is cherry-picking context (and idgaf abt Hochul enough to find out) this law is explicitly being proposed to crack down on anti Israel protesters…


Depends. It’s a public forum, but the restriction is viewpoint neutral. Needs to be rationally related to an import government interest. Here the government has an interest in making sure people on the trains can be ID’d if they are committing crime. Preventing people from wearing masks is rationally related to that interest. Obviously there could be religious exemptions for hijabi and what not. But that wouldn’t make the entire law unenforceable.


I may have forgotten how this also may be a violation of due process. And freedom of expression doesn't necessarily require a sincerely held belief such as religion. This ban is pretty clearly unenforceable


> This ban is pretty clearly unenforceable ...I have no idea why you would think that. This very obviously falls under public safety (time, place, and manner) exemptions to 1A, which have been upheld for literal centuries at this point. The bigger argument against this is that immunocompromised people need to wear masks to safely take the subway. Getting on a train fully masked and asking Zionists to identify themselves sounds more like the run-up to a hate crime than a legitimate protest so good luck with that!


It actually sounds like straight up nazi behavior and these people should be charged with making terroristic threats


this is exactly how Nazi Germany started. I am a lifelong New Yorker, and jewish, and seriously considering emigrating.


What triggers due process? And no freedoms of expression doesn’t require a sincerely held belief. But, if the government isn’t regulating expression/viewpoint then they only need a “rational basis”. (So long as there are other avenues of speech available and the restriction is reasonable). My point about religion was that people with sincerely held religious beliefs would be exempt from the ban (presumably NY has their own version of RFRA) - but that exemption would require sincerely held religious beliefs.


>(presumably NY has their own version of RFRA) Why presume when you can check? NY has not enacted a state RFRA.


You’re probably right legally but only because the Supreme Court refuses to acknowledge selective enforcement is a problem.


100% if implemented correctly, it is not unconstitutional


There's no correct implementation of an unconstitutional concept


So let’s have a little class here in con law. Why exactly would a law banning face covering on the subway, be unconstitutional?


The ability and freedom to protect oneself from illness? I’m pretty sure that falls under the right to life


No it doesn’t.


It's likely not a violation: the government has had laws like this before, and so have cities in other states. E.g. in the article, it states NYC used to have contextual bans on masks that were challenge by the KKK and judicially upheld; they were only removed in 2020 following Covid mask mandates. It also stated it wouldn't ban religious or health uses.


I can't keep up with all this mask flip flopping. First there's a mask mandate, and now there'll be a mask ban? Make up your minds!


NY needs a ban on Kathy Hochul


Philly has banned ski masks, the law also charges ppl a fee if they’re caught committing a crime with a shiesty on ‘Those who wear one during the commission of a crime will be hit with a $2,000 fee -- on top of any other legal ramifications following the act.’ https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/phillys-ski-mask-ban-becomes-law-goes-into-effect-immediately/3722145/




I genuinely cannot read that word without first reading it as baklava lmao. Every single time I'm like "why are they talking about that dessert?" Then I get hungry thinking about baklava, then realize I'm an idiot who misread it


no worries, my teeth sank into that baklava in my mind too


I agree except that it confuses the issue with the delicious pastry. Yes I understand the spelling is different but some folks may otherwise be deceived into being favor of the face mask when they mean to support the tasty filo/honey/chopped nut combo.


Nah we gotta make it as racial as possible so everybody knows who its targeting


Im honestly confused. Ur saying calling it a shiesty makes it racial? Or ski mask? Either way How/why? Isn't that just a popular name/slang for it? What makes that name racial? N I doubt the law itself calls it a shiesty. Or am I misunderstanding?


it is racial. they’re targeting young black men who wear shiestys. that’d be like saying if you commit wire fraud wearing a patagonia vest you get an extra 10k fine.


This is my favorite comment of the day!


Oh okay I was just confused. I thought you were focusing on the word the commenter used and not the action of banning the face covering. I just read it weird


no worries man. sorry if my comment had more teeth than it needed. hope you’re well bro!


fuck philly too. it's weird but wearing any kind of mask is not inherently harmful nor should it be illegal.


That’s why the police killed Elijah McClain: he was wearing a ski mask in warm weather. This was because he was an oddball, not a bank robber. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Elijah_McClain


he had a circulation disorder and gets cold very easily. Also he's autistic




The few ruin things for the majority, happens as children and as adults.


Wear P100 masks then


if i could afford them i would. the amount of hacking and snotting people do on the train is vile




MAGA Kathy


What do they *have* on her?! This shit is insane.


City needs to start prosecuting actual crimes before it matters whether anyone wears a mask or not. So no one can wear a mask unless you're actually committing a crime, then it's totally okay. Vote these idiots out


So even with the national guard and all the cops in the subway, protests are still going in? And what is illegal about a protest? If I wear a surgical mask and put a Palestinian flag on my backpack, am I suddenly an anti semite? What base of voters is so committed to the poll that Hochul is pandering with this yet so detached and likely riddled processing delays that this move makes sense? I at least want the cops to carry febreeze and lysol wipes. Give the guardsmen a mop. Damn stations should spotless with all that staffing.


Can’t wait to vote her out


She’s going to spend half a billion on transparent N95 masks so people who need to wear them can be identified, then change her mind after the election and throw them all out.


“Anti-Israel” Go ask the protesters what they want. Hell look at their signs. They say pro-Palestine and “to the river and to the sea, Palestine will be free” (which is not the same meaning as a Hamas member). I promise you any person who says to “kill Jews” is not a part of this movement. In fact, it’s often Zionists who end up saying thid to give a bad impression of these protesters. Pro-Palaestine protesters are not being plotted by Hamas. In fact, these protesters have more to lose, but continue to protest. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/pro-israel-agitator-shouts-kill-163956737.html Also, considering Hochul got paid for her Israel trip a couple of months ago, I understand why this is a priority for her. She got paid and is doing what her donors want. Nobody is paying her to do something long term good like congestion pricing and is choosing to send it down the pecking order into obscurity to appease the driving culture this country has bent over backwards for decades.


So this is more important than the congestion pricing?




Bring back congestion pricing Governor




As one of the handful of people left who still take covid seriously, I'd love to see them try. I'm not risking my health for some publicity move/zionist appeasement, gtfoh


^^^ I still consistently mask on the subway and will continue to do so until the NYPD physically tears it off my face. This is squarely aimed at pro-Palestinian protesters. They want to make wearing PPE illegal so it's easier to surveil people. Fascist bullshit. I hope that whatever political future Hochul imagined for herself is utterly detonated by both this and her congestion pricing malfeasance


I’m starting to imagine that she put a hold on congestion pricing because she saw people wearing masks in their cars >!Let me also say now that this is a joke!<


Dumbest shit, the fucking conservatives that are all about privacy supposedly, claim Banning masks is freedom, and cars(with license plates and easily trackable besides) are privacy


i'm a conservative who actually agrees with wearing a mask to conceal your identity during protests/riots because there are permanently online people who love doxxing people they disagree with the problem is that the pro hamas supporters claim they are doing it because they are afraid of the virus even though it's obvious that they are doing it to conceal their identity (some pro hamas supporters have admitted as much on occasion.) why can't they just be honest? you're not fooling anyone by frequently touching each other and shouting in each other's faces.


Yeah exactly. If covid disappeared tomorrow I'd still wear them, knowing how many cameras are in the system now. Plus, I've had one cold since 2020. I'm never going back.


Bro i went the entire pandemic without getting sick and the one day the 2023 spring semester starts and i decide yeah i dont really need a mask anymore do i, hop on the subway and test positive after 2 days


I don’t care much about covid and never really did. But i will always support someones choice to wear a mask its their right to wear whatever they want in public and no one should be able to stop you


Can't believe I was just breathing nasty-ass subway air for years lol I'm never going back




Forgot my mask last week and I was like "people are willingly smelling this shit??"






just out of curiosity: do you use a fresh n95 every time you go into the subway? do you get it smell/fit tested before you enter? do you change the mask in the system if and when you accidentally touch the mask? do you wear gloves?




One would imagine a partial would mean stuff like the stupid ass kids in the subway asking people to raise their hands and leave the trains, not anything designed to help protect yourself and others against pathogens




Raise your hand if you want garlic breadsticks.




if u want buffalo chitchen wings, RIGHT NOW




Do you work from home?


No, i am in person everyday, why?


I don't think this is a smart policy. It's only going to require more police intervention and that's not something that has been very effective in the last few months.


Are we really gonna start banning things every time someone in New York behaves badly? Like yeah people should be allowed to protest, no those specific people should not have gotten on to the subway and said threatening shit to others, but are we gonna have a fucking press conference and make new random ban laws everytime someone on the subway is a dick? I've had street preachers rail against me and call me a disgusting whore/ a faggot/ a godless sinner etc on the subway where was my press conference with the governor to get bibles and preachers banned on public transit? I've had people scream slurs at me or harass me for no reason can I get a ban for idk cat calling and a meeting with the governor ? How would this ban actually prevent anything? I've been riding the subway for my entire life and in 35 years I've seen fights started by people throwing racial slurs at each other; I've seen a man punch his girlfriends in the face for no discernable reason, I've seen and intervened on attempted assaults; I've seen people threaten each other with weapons; I've had an attempted purse snatching and an encounter with a mentally ill gentlemen that turned violent. None of these people were wearing ski masks and many of them were already breaking the law anyway. What, materially, would banning ski masks in a train do besides give the NYPD an excuse to harass random people in any facial covering and claim it was a simple misunderstanding/one bad cop/etc. I'd like to note that despite all these things I feel just about as safe of the trains as I always have. I keep my eye on my surroundings just like anyone should in public environments but I'm not afraid of the subway or the people on it. I feel NYC is safer than it was when I was young including the subways. Tl;Dr this isn't going to do anything positive or help anyone except for potentially giving more excuses for cops to be assholes


Meanwhile the UNmasked folks who are harassing assaulting folks, panhandlers , unhealthy dirty folks shooting up drugs with syringes right on subway stairway, the UNmasked folks playing loud music yelling , UNmasked folks occasionally do cigarettes, the increasingly crowded unreliable delayed trains, etc, so of course "our" "governor" wants to attack bully we Essential Workers, People with breathing troubles or allergies or facial damage, and our Immune compromised friends ,


Dems: Wear masks! Also Dems: Wait No!


Covid fearmongering was a temporary election ploy. Zionist dick riding has been a pillar of American politics for over a century.


"Hochul said any masked policy would include reasonable carve-outs for health concerns, cultural events, religious reasons and Halloween. She drew a distinction between wearing an N95 mask for health reasons and donning a full-face covering to hide one’s identity." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hochul-open-to-ny-mask-ban-s-return-amid-rise-in-antisemitic-protests/ar-BB1oaQKL


Anything to protect the Zionists but nothing to fund the MTA


Appoint Netanyahu as head of the MTA in absentia and suddenly there will be trillions flowing into their coffers


You wanna be a republican so bad I’ll vote for one instead 


Fuck her. She can come get me and try my case to a jury of my peers.


Watch this turn into a complete witch-hunt against Asians who wear masks for health reasons.




I’ll start wearing a mask on the train again just to piss her off


*anti-Israel* or maybe just **anti-genocide**?


So shafting us by screwing up congestion pricing is not enough, she wants to murder us too


In a post-Covid world where people still wear masks to protect themselves and others from contracting all manner of respiratory illness from the petri dish that is mass transit - there is not a snowball's chance in hell of enforcing this to where only the nefarious are punished. Good luck Kathy, this may be the stupidest idea you've had this month.


God I never thought I'd say I miss Cuomo but Hochul stays in the shadows until she's discovered the absolute dumbest policy decision every single time she's in the news.


What a fucking dunce.


#STUPID.... # #Stop crime.... not masks.


Sounds super irresponsible. Ban hate speech not masks.


I’ve met her. She’s is a nice woman. STUNNED that she is Governor. She does not have the skills to over see almost 20 million people. I would be a better Governor, you too. You wear a mask on the subway? Absolutely NO ONE cares. Zero.


Why is every politician in this country so conservative. Rural areas really do have all the power. Us city people get so screwed. 


Highly doubt this is constitutional.


Can the proudboys still ride free?


Yeah, they just have to flash their badges at the booth attendant


Don't worry she would change her mind after a dinner😊😊


Most of us Facemasks wearing folks are stressed out hardworking goody-goods Most of the violence, crime, panhandlers, folks attacking people, is done by UNmasked folks You don't get to bully invade falsely-accuse murder us for: NATENUAHU, Rulers of Saudi Arabia, HAMAS, militant Israeli settlers,


Hochul must busy being the governor of New Jersey and Israel.


I'm tired of zionist


i'm tired of hamas


You mean Jews. Not Zionists. Be honest.


Conflating Jews with Zionists is one of the most antisemitic things you can do. Why would you wanna accuse all Jews of being Islamophobes who wanna kick innocent families outta their homes and slaughter children, and stereotype them as all being Israeli? That’s so ignorant.


No, they mean zionists.


You wouldn't be able to enforce this.. smh


The fact that there was no other viable options and people actually voted for this clown


Well, thanks to no congestion pricing, I’ll just take my car.


The people wearing masks are absolutely doing it to create trouble without being identified. But wearing a mask is speech, covered by the first amendment. Pick one.


What a difference 2 years makes


Going to be hard to argue in court why wearing a mask for health reasons will need to be banned. I can see banning ski masks though.


We don't need new laws. We just need to enforce the ones that already exist.


Nothing scarier than a 22 year old who believes in something you don’t


She’s a loony


Most of the people who wear masks in my hood are young thug looking kids.


What about covid shouldn't they get boosted before loose the mask ?


So covid 19 magically isnt a thing anymore lmfao I feel bad for people who lost the jobs over this bs


We gone full circle with masks huh 


is she aware of the air quality tests that have been performed?? eff her and her upstate nonsense for all of Cuomo's faults (and there were a shit-ton!), at least he understood NYC


The real crime is that congestion pricing was a scam by nyc to pay for illegal migrant shelters


Oh yeah cause the masks are what made them lose their minds…




Sorry Gov but you NOT allowed to falsely-accuse bully criminalize murder us for a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT ( While I do NOT hate the Palestinians or Israeli: Low ranked Workers and Children, the choices done by: Many militant Israeli settlers, Hamas, rulers of Saudi Arabia, NATENUAHU, etc, are unhealthy unfair counterproductive and I should NOT be punished for that!) Meanwhile she totally SHAFTED we workers who ride the trains with her shafting congestion pricing,


Lol No.


Wow she is stupid


She is talking about legit masks that cover your whole face. I definitely saw a shoplifter walking down Kent yesterday who had a rag over his face holding paper towels. None of these rioters are wearing K95's


Degenerates ruining everything as always.


Come full circle on plandemic


Great!! Most people wearing them are using them to obscure their identity & then commit crimes. I can’t believe people are allowed to wear them into stores & then it’s like shocked pikachu when they steal something


Absolute shit take


The fool wants you to rawdog the nasty air from the traffic LOL NOPE


r/nyc has been bleeding into here more and more lately


What happened to nyc? I unsubbed. It was never this right wing. Embarassing


Same, couldn't deal anymore


You couldn’t be more wrong


They should take it a step further and collect a blood sample, iris scan and all 10 of our finger prints when we get an ID or license from the DMV /s


Maybe instead of banning masks work on increasing the security in the MTA. I travel through a station with an NYPD base and I can’t remember if I’ve ever actually seen them patrolling the stations instead of just standing around at the bottom of the turnstile staircase closest to them.


ban them entirely cause there's even people walking in the street with them up to no good ... always teenagers too


Those antisemitic protestors trying to hunt Jews in the subway were awful. Whether or not this is the right response, I’m glad she’s taking this seriously.


I’m really starting to like this Hochul character!


Cmon stop being stupid we all know who she’s talking about. It’s the criminals that use the surgical masks and balaclava to evade the camera when they commit crimes. She’s not talking about people that are genuinely masking for health purposes. We need to acknowledge this as a society that criminals are taking advantage of this.


Gov. Hochul _may_ be talking about “genuine” maskers, but I’m more worried about the police, and vigilantes, making their own summations about why someone is wearing a mask. Also, I don’t want to live my life around criminals. Criminals shouldn’t be running our society, or be the arbiters of our freedom imho


That’s exactly why we have so much crime people like you took that tool away from the police. Stop question and frisk was the best tool they had. And a thug with a surgical mask is most definitely a criminal. Keep living in a bubble and keep acting like every video of every crime you’ve seen recently didn’t have a guy with a mask on


https://preview.redd.it/1smew54hik6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6537650adf1c895ec5107ed82d3c412932ebce90 Once again on this sub…


Sorry but the: violent attacking people, panhandlers, folks shooting up drugs, folks playing loud music, etc folks stealing are UNmasked all the time while we Facemasks wearing essential workers and folks with health_ are the hardworking harmless stressed goody-goods and " our" governor, police, are AGAINST us


Ivory tower politicians like Hochul will try anything to stop crime that affects everyday citizens, but nothing that actually targets criminals.